Landlady's home was in the neighboring small courtyard beside the house where Jiang Chao and the rest were staying.

The farmhouse only had two and a half floors, but these two and a half floors looked rather stylish.

Jiang Chao entered the Landlady's home.

Landlady looked at the registration book on utilities.

"The electricity bill is not in arrears. The water bill has not been paid for this month. There is a total of $2 a ton of water that is in arrears." Landlady said with a smile.

"Then we'll just deduct it from the deposit." Jiang Chao said.

"Never mind, it's only 20 yuan. Let's not forget it." Landlady's attitude today was completely different from before.

In the past, when Jiang Chao came to pay for the electricity and water, she couldn't wait to be precise to the point.

"Jiang Chao, this is your deposit. A total of 300. " Landlady gave three bills to Jiang Chao.

Jiang Chao took it.

"Jiang Chao, when you move out, just let me know and bring the key back." The Landlady laughed.

Jiang Chao was now working at the Public Security Bureau, and the Landlady only welcomed him with a smile because he thought he was useful.

Jiang Chao nodded his head, "Okay."

Returning back to the rented house, Jiang Chao went through the key points of the class again, the time for tomorrow's exam was already set.

The exam was completed in 120 minutes in the morning, and you were free to rest after the exam.

Because of the incident with Yao Jiaoloong, Jiang Chao had been remembered for a long time. Although being the leader and investigating the case had increased the points by 20, Jiang Chao did not dare to be careless.

If one didn't get outstanding results, remembering matters of great importance would probably have a great impact on one's grade.

Jiang Chao recited it until around 10 PM.

Jiang Chao took off his clothes and sat down cross legged.

Even if it was tomorrow's exam, he still couldn't delay his training.

Furthermore, Jiang Chao was injured on his head and could not take a bath during this period of time. Jiang Chao hoped that he could use the absorption of spirit energy to recover from his injuries as soon as possible.

The night passed just like that, and on the second day, in order to not be late, Jiang Chao drove to school.

Jiang Chao still stopped his Bmw x5 at a place rather far from the Public Security University.

When he entered the lecture theater, he found the counselor standing in the doorway.

A few tables were placed outside the lecture theater. The students' bags and belongings were placed on the tables.

"Precious items like wallets can be taken by yourself. Leave the phone with me when you enter the examination hall later." The counselor instructed.

And when Jiang Chao entered the exam grounds, the lecture theater had already been arranged.

Furthermore, the seats were disrupted, and there was a row of seats between each of the students.

Jiang Chao and the others arranged the seats according to the order in which they entered the lecture theater.

Jiang Chao was arranged to sit at seat number 12.

Jiang Chao took out a pencil and a eraser as he waited for the exam to start.

Thaksa arrived a little late today, and when Jiang Chao saw her, he had already started distributing papers.

When he received the exam papers, Jiang Chao took a glance at Chen Cong.

Chen Cong was extremely serious, the moment he received the exam papers, he wrote his name on the paper.

Seeing that, Jiang Chao took a deep breath.

The exam grounds were like a battlefield. The time limit was three months. The one who won would be able to stay behind, while the person who won would be qualified to become an official medical examiner. Only then would they be able to leave the exam grounds in the most difficult employment environment.

Jiang Chao used a black ink pen to fill in his name on the answer card.

He began to daub the code with a pencil.

After checking that there were no mistakes, he started to flip through the papers.

Jiang Chao was very serious about this, he had to check every question three times.

When half the time had passed, Jiang Chao glanced at Chen Cong, only to realize that Chen Cong had actually packed his answer card and stood up.

"Teacher, I've finished writing my test." Chen Cong said to the counselor.

"Finished writing?" Other people were still scratching their ears and cheeks as they thought, Chen Cong finished writing?

The instructor frowned, whoever who submitted the paper first was either a genius or someone who did not know how to do anything, the instructor took the answer card and looked at it, but Chen Cong was indeed filled to the brim.

"Alright, you can leave." The counselor said.

There was still a portion of people to be eliminated in this training. Since Chen Cong wanted to hand in his paper, the instructor could not do anything about it.

It was almost the end of the exam when Jiang Chao finally gave his answer card to the instructor.

Jiang Chao was not as fast as Chen Cong, but Jiang Chao could guarantee that the accuracy of the questions he made would be more than 95%.

"Jiang Chao, how did you feel about the test?" Thaksa walked over and asked.

"Not bad." Jiang Chao laughed.

"What about you, Thaksa?"

"My performance this time wasn't bad. If I get a perfect score of 100, I should be able to get 80 points." Thaksa said with confidence.

After Jiang Chao and Thaksa handed in their answer cards, they packed up their things and left the lecture hall.

And after today's exam, they didn't need to come to the Public Security University, they were going to report back to the city police station tomorrow.

"What's this afternoon?" When Thaksa sat on Jiang Chao's Bmw X5, she asked excitedly.

The training had finally ended. Thaksa really wanted to enjoy the afternoon.

"I have to move in the afternoon. I'm afraid I won't be able to get out. Jiang Chao laughed awkwardly.

He had to go to the city police station to report tomorrow. Jiang Chao planned to move to the rented apartment in the city police station in the afternoon.

"Then shall I move with you?" Thaksa had nothing to do, so she said that out of good intentions.

"No need, I'm fine by myself." How could Jiang Chao be so embarrassed to let Thaksa help him move the house? After all, Thaksa was a woman.

"I'll go with you. I have nothing to do in the afternoon." Thaksa insisted.

Jiang Chao felt bad letting Thaksa go, but Thaksa had to stay with him.

There was nothing Jiang Chao could do but to bite the bullet and bring Thaksa to the Medical School.

Fast to the Medical School, Jiang Chao called Hu Xueying in advance.

Hu Xueying normally trained himself so he was not wearing anything at all. If he were to be caught red-handed by Thaksa, Thaksa would probably think wrongly.

When Jiang Chao and Thaksa arrived at the bottom floor of the rented apartment, they saw two police cars parked below the building.

"It's the Captain Shi's car, did something happen to Jiang Chao's family?" Thaksa said in shock.

Jiang Chao realized that other than the two police cars, many people were also standing downstairs discussing.

"That woman was pretty good. How did she die?"

"Ai, good people don't live long. With her death, the men and children of her family would be in trouble. The family of three are dependent on her to live off trash lives."

While the people discussed, Jiang Chao and Thaksa curiously walked up the stairs.

When he arrived at the second floor, Jiang Chao saw Shi Shubing making a call from the stairs.

When Shi Shubing saw Jiang Chao, she was overjoyed.

"Forget about Section Chief Hai, there's no need to call for other forensic doctors. I saw Jiang Chao. Let Jiang Chao follow up on this case, I'll hang up first. " Shi Shubing hung up the phone.

"Captain Shi, what happened?" Jiang Chao asked curiously.

"A house here died, Jiang Chao, do you also live here?" Shi Shubing asked.

"Yes, I'll stay there." Jiang Chao pointed upstairs.

Jiang Chao, come over here and help me appraise the magic medicine. I just happened to call Section Chief Hai. Shi Shubing had also seen Thaksa before, she knew that he was a forensic doctor like her.

"Sure." Since Shi Shubing had spoken, Jiang Chao was also duty-bound.

, on the other hand, was very excited. She came to Jiang Chao's house but did not expect that a blind cat would meet a dead end.

Jiang Chao and the rest arrived at his house.

Just like the single room that Jiang Chao rented, this house seemed very crowded.

Moreover, the range of this family's activities was obviously smaller than Jiang Chao's.

There were woven bags everywhere in the house, and they were filled with garbage.

A man was sitting dejectedly in front of the bed, while a seven-year-old boy was crying.

A police officer was coaxing the little boy.

"Dongdong, don't cry, go outside with aunty first." Seeing that the police officer was unable to persuade his, Shi Shubing had no choice but to help.

"Jiang Chao, you can begin appraising." Shi Shubing said.

When Jiang Chao stepped forward and lifted up the blanket, a faint stench was coming out from it. The weather was already warm, and the rate at which the corpses rotted was much faster than during winter.

"Thaksa, please help me turn the corpse over." Seeing that the relatives of the deceased were present, Jiang Chao felt too embarrassed to directly touch the corpse of the deceased.

After Thaksa turned the corpse over, she raised her eyebrows.

"The back of his neck has already become a corpse spot. However, the corpse spot is relatively light. It should have been formed less than eight hours after his death." Thaksa said.

Jiang Chao looked at the victim, she was a woman who looked to be in her thirties, with a coarse appearance but didn't look too dressed up.

Jiang Chao also noticed the hands of this dead person. This dead person should have done manual labor before death, not only were the joints of his fingers thick but they also had cocoons.

Jiang Chao then looked at the hand of the dejected man. This man looked very thin, his face was somewhat pale, and his hand looked as though it had never done heavy work before. It was very clean.

"Are you a relative of the deceased?" Jiang Chao asked.

"Yes, I'm her husband." The man said with an unsightly expression.

"When did you discover her death?" Jiang Chao asked again.

"When I woke up this morning, I found out my wife wasn't breathing." The man looked like he was about to collapse.

Jiang Chao did not continue asking, but the man had already muttered: "Why do you want to leave, if you leave, what should we do …"

The man's mental state did not seem to be too good, while the Criminal Police Zhao beside him added: "Forensic Pathologist Jiang, we just investigated this area, they are considered a good couple, although their family is difficult, but their relationship is quite good, and this woman's snoring at night was very strong, so she probably died suddenly."

After Zhao finished speaking, Thaksa also nodded with slight disappointment: "It should be due to sudden death, the corpse spot's color is very normal and it did not turn cherry red, and its mouth opened, its lips were slightly white, probably blocking your breath."

Like gas poisoning or burning to death, the spots tend to be cherry-red.

The corpse spots were dark red patches on the lower parts of the skin after death.

It is possible to determine the time of death from the spots, which usually occur within 2 to 4 hours of death and are fixed after 24 to 36 hours.

The average number of abnormal deaths in Heiloongjiang Province was more than ten thousand. Moreover, if cases were to be classified as cases, then sufficient evidence was needed to establish the case.

"Was this victim really just a sudden death?" frowned. Zhao and Thaksa were a little hasty in defining the cause of death as sudden death, Jiang Chao still wanted to confirm it a little more.

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