After knowing Chen Cong's results of training, Jiang Chao felt that Chen Cong had really made a big fuss today.

Of course, Jiang Chao wouldn't let anything lucky happen to him.

Before the three-month internship was over, there were variables.

Around ten in the morning, Jiang Chao and the others, along with Hai Dafu and Liu Yan, went to the Tian Family Villa.

The death of, the chairman of Run Feng Estate, a leading real estate enterprise, had already settled things. However, after the Municipal Public Security Bureau's new case was established, this case had once again sprung up on paper.

However, before the case was cleared, it was unknown if it was because Guo Zhaoyun had spent some money or what was going on, or if it was directed at Tian Xin.

Moreover, the situation was getting more and more intense.

Jiang Chao knew that Tian Xin's case had been reopened, but he did not expect that Section Chief Hai and Liu Yan were personally responsible for it.

Once he re-entered the villa, which he did not even dare to think about, Jiang Chao looked at the staircase.

Jiang Chao then thought back to the audio and pictures he had copied.

Tian Xin's case was the weirdest and most difficult one to solve.

What exactly was the secret behind the scripture Guo Zhaoyun spoke of?

"This is the case you followed up with us. It's very difficult, and even me and Forensic Doctor Liu only found a little clue. Furthermore, the corpse has already been cremated, so it would be even more difficult to obtain evidence." Hai Dafu introduced.

Hai Dafu told the whole story of Tian Xin's case from beginning to end, without missing a single detail.

Hai Dafu and the others had made a breakthrough. The antidepressant that Tian Xin had consumed to treat depression had a hallucinogenic effect on the patients. The patients would fall into a trance if they took the hallucinogenic effect medicine, which would not only be no help to the patients, but would also cause the patients to lose their memories and might even develop schizophrenia.

Furthermore, Hai Dafu and the others were truly worthy of being the veteran forensic experts. They had discovered the details that Jiang Chao did not notice last time.

Hai Dafu and the others got to know more about the shoes and clothes the victim was wearing that day.

The deceased had worn a pair of leather shoes that day, and there was something suspicious about the shoes he wore at home.

Moreover, the heel of the dead man's shoes had a bit of rubber on it. It must have been caused by his sprained ankle when it was pushed down.

There were also traces of blood on the elbow area of the shirt. Because the shirt had hit the head, there was also some blood on the collar.

"Then Section Chief, this staircase should be the first scene, right?" Hai Dafu couldn't help but ask after hearing how detailed his explanation was.

Hearing that, Hai Dafu nodded his head: "It's the first venue, but..."

With a change in topic, Hai Dafu spoke again: "But there's still the second scene, the second scene should be the scene of death."

"Second scene?" Jiang Chao was startled upon hearing this.

"Section Chief, didn't the dead fall down from the stairs and die?" Before Jiang Chao could ask a question, Thaksa interrupted his with a puzzled expression.

Reaching the Tian Family Villa, looking at the low-key, luxurious and upper-class decorations, Thaksa felt that if that green tea bitch Lee En'xi had come over, she would definitely want to take off her clothes and call him her godfather.

"Director Zhu and the others have already checked. According to the speed of fall and the weight of the dead body, as well as the hardness of the adult skull, it is unlikely for them to die by hitting their heads on the stairs. So there should be a second scene." Hai Dafu explained.

"The second crime scene should also be in this villa. Your mission is to find the second crime scene." Hai Dafu arranged the work.

Hai Dafu, Liu Yan and the others would definitely not judge a death.

In every death, they would use the most scientific method to deal with it.

And the test result of the Technical Room meant that that kind of impact force was not enough to kill Tian Wenhui.

Jiang Chao and the others started to move separately.

Tian Xin had drag this case out for a long time already, so Jiang Chao hoped that Tian Xin could return to her original body.

Previously, Jiang Chao was not in charge of this case, he could not exceed his authority and conduct an open investigation. But since he was involved, Jiang Chao also wanted to seek justice for Tian Xin.

After the Municipal Public Security Bureau reopened the case for investigation,'s Tian Family Villa was temporarily managed by a third party, the Merciful Heart Foundation, that was founded by Tian Wenhui when he was still alive.

The manager of the foundation was quite reasonable. As long as Jiang Chao and the others wanted to enter a room, he would open the door.

But after walking through all the rooms in the Tian Family Villa, Jiang Chao and the rest were left empty-handed.

Every room seemed to have been cleaned. Although no one had lived there for some time, and some places were covered with dust, none of these rooms seemed to meet the requirements for a scene of death.

"Excuse me, do you have any other rooms in this villa?" Jiang Chao asked the manager sent by the Foundation.

"This …" The manager thought of something and spoke hesitantly: "I do, but it's an underground storage room. Only the Chairman Tian and President Guo can enter, our foundation does not have the authority to enter."

The most valuable things from Tian Family Villa were not in the villas, but in the underground storage rooms.

The items in the underground storage room were all worth quite a bit.

Run Feng Estate was a business that could only tremble with a stomp of the foot. Many of the buildings in Ha City were covered with Run Feng Estate.

Tian Wenhui also became a rich man with a value of more than 10 billion at the time when real estate was in its best condition.

For people of Tian Wenhui's level, the luxurious carriage villa could not reveal his identity at all. Only things like antique calligraphy and paintings could cause his face to be plastered with gold.

The people from the Foundation could not do anything, so Jiang Chao and the others could only look for Hai Dafu and the others.

Jiang Chao explained the situation to Hai Dafu.

Hai Dafu asked the manager to contact Guo Zhaoyun.

The manager had called Guo Zhaoyun several times, but Guo Zhaoyun's phone calls were all in a state where the customers you dialed were temporarily unable to connect.

"Still can't get through?" Hai Dafu frowned, he had already asked the management to contact Guo Zhaoyun.

"Yes, President Guo should still be in Holland." The manager said in embarrassment.

"Then let's wait for her to come back before we do this. But if she comes to this villa, you have to inform the police immediately." Hai Dafu said.

"Don't worry about that." We are a third party who would absolutely stand on the side of justice. " the manager promised.

It was a wasted effort to make a trip.

When Jiang Chao, Thaksa and the others came out, Jiang Chao's phone suddenly rang.

Jiang Chao opened his phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hey, who are you?" Jiang Chao was preparing to return to the city center with Section Chief Hai and the others.

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang is me, Luo Xiaofeng." Luo Xiaofeng parked the car close to the Tian Family Villa.

Ever since the city police began setting up a case investigation, Luo Xiaofeng practically came over to the Tian Family Villa area every day to wait for news.

And every time, she was very cautious, trying to avoid people called Guo Zhaoyun finding out.

"Sis Feng, what's wrong?" At this critical juncture, Jiang Chao surveyed his surroundings, trying his best to avoid the others.

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang, did you also start following up on the Tian Xin case?" Luo Xiaofeng contacted Jiang Chao because she saw him.

Luo Xiaofeng and Tian Xin were the same, looking at Jiang Chao and Criminal Investigation Technology Section's medical examiner as hope.

Luo Xiaofeng didn't want to let Tian Xin get caught in a mental hospital again, it was not a place for him to stay.

"Yes, but I just joined the investigation team today. Sis Feng, it's not convenient for me to talk right now, I'll contact you when it's convenient." In order to avoid suspicion, Jiang Chao said.

"How about this, I'll call you back in the afternoon." Luo Xiaofeng had changed her cell phone card, but even so, she still set her phone to flight mode. Only when she needed a contact person to change it.

"Alright." Jiang Chao promised.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chao climbed onto Criminal Investigation Technology Section's investigation car as if he was fine.

The department had its own rules and regulations. Forensic doctors were strictly prohibited from interacting with their clients in addition to working relations.

Although Jiang Chao could not be considered to be overstepped, the current Section Chief Hai and the others still did not know of the relationship between Jiang Chao and Tian Xin.

Returning to the city police station, in the afternoon, Jiang Chao received a call from Luo Xiaofeng.

"Sis Feng, it's like this. If you can get the key to the underground storage room, then it's going to be difficult for us, the forensic experts, to investigate." Jiang Chao explained the matter that had been obstructed to his investigation to Luo Xiaofeng in a concise manner.

"An underground storage room in the villa? I know that, but it seems only Chairman Tian and President Guo can enter, and that underground storage room requires a fingerprint and iris scan to enter. " Tian Family Villa's underground storage room was the same as the bank's insurance room. The security facilities were considerably advanced and perfect, making it very difficult to enter.

"Fingerprint identification and iris scanning …" Jiang Chao originally had a few hopes of finding help from Luo Xiaofeng and the others, but now it seemed like that hope wasn't much.

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang, how about this? I'll think of something." Luo Xiaofeng did not want Jiang Chao to obstruct their progress, so she spoke out.

"Then Sis Feng will be troubling you." Jiang Chao could only wait for news from Luo Xiaofeng.

"It's no trouble, it's hard work for you guys in the Forensic Pathologist Jiang. After I find a way, I will communicate with you." Luo Xiaofeng said.

After putting down the phone, Luo Xiaofeng started to ponder.

In Tian Family Villa's underground storage room, there were many valuable items, but the Chairman Tian had basically entrusted all the truly important items to the bank for management.

The things in the underground storage room were just for show, and most of them were for gifts and red wine. When Chairman Tian was alive, he would often take the things in the underground storage room to give to others.

But when Jiang Chao said that it was possible that it was the scene of Chairman Tian's death, the concept was different. Luo Xiaofeng had to think of a way to help Jiang Chao open the underground storage room.

After work, Jiang Chao went to a sports equipment store that was not far from the city police station.

Jiang Chao had always thought that sandbags could only be used if they were hung, but after going to the sports equipment shop, Jiang Chao finally understood that sandbags had many different types.

For example, there was the 'never falling' sandbags that were fixed to the ground, there was the hanging bags that were commonly seen in the gymnasium, and there was also a type of sandbag that was shoulder bag that was specially used to carry weight while running and training.

Jiang Chao spent a total of 600 yuan and bought a higher quality, load-bearing sandbag. He also bought a few more load-bearing sandbags.

The owner of the shop was not bad and personally delivered the goods to his doorstep. After Jiang Chao installed the omniscient sand bag, he went downstairs to eat.

On the way back, Jiang Chao also brought Hu Xueying a share.

Hu Xueying seemed to have not eaten properly for a few days. He knew that she was able to eat well, but he was afraid that she might be hungry.

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