Tiezhu didn't think much about it. He quickly calculated the meal money and rushed into the street with his eyes looking back and forth.

the street was sparse and full of people. At this time, he couldn't tell which direction the aroma was coming from.

"Pomegranate - is that you?" he cried? Where are you? Where are you? You come out -- "

but no matter how Tiezhu shouts, no one pays attention to him.

his eyes pass over everyone's face, hoping to see pomegranate's familiar face, but none of them is.

Zhao Tiezhu that wonder ah, is there something wrong with his nose, smell wrong? Can't, see a girl's figure very much like pomegranate.

Pomegranate and oneself respectively a year, certainly did not leave Z City, just the girl hides to refuse to see him.

Iron pillar urgent, put his hand on his mouth, forming a trumpet shaped, began to shout more loudly: "pomegranate, I love you, where are you? Come out! Don't hide and seek with brother Tiezhu any more - it's on fire - put out the fire - kill people - "

Zhao Tiezhu couldn't restrain himself, he yelled and screamed in order to attract pomegranate's attention. He felt that pomegranate must be watching him from a distance.

Zhao Tiezhu's shouts are very big, shakes nearby several buildings to tremble three. Many people stop walking and look at him, thinking that he is a psychopath.

Yelled for a long time, or did not see pomegranate figure, but called two police.

The shouts of the iron pillar startled the two patrolmen. The two policemen really thought they were on fire and ran to him: "don't go - there's a fire?"

Zhao Tiezhu felt bad and was afraid that two police uncles would drag him to the Public Security Bureau for tea. The head a low SA Ya son to run, the twinkling of an eye time ran to have no shadow.

At this time, at the corner not far from the iron pillar, a figure flashed out. It was a woman. She sighed at the direction of the iron pillar's escape. The girl fell two drops of sad tears She is a pomegranate.

Zhao Tiezhu didn't get it wrong. The girl he saw was pomegranate which had been separated from him for more than a year. Pomegranate has not left Z city.

Pomegranate left without saying goodbye at the beginning is deliberately hiding from the iron pillar, she wants to complete the iron pillar and qiao'er.

One day ago, she left with Tiezhu without saying goodbye. She walked out of headmaster Wang's house with her luggage. The afterglow of the setting sun pulled her lonely shadow out.

She didn't know where to go, but there was no place for her.

Qingshishan can't go back. She throws the fool away, and then gets into a bed with Zhao Tiezhu. According to the village's saying, she just doesn't follow women's principles and steals people to raise men.

She had no face to go back. The root of Qingshi mountain could not bear her. Sooner or later, she was pointed out and drowned with spitting stars.

She can only drag luggage aimlessly to find their own foothold.

She had no place to live, so she went back to the bridge where she had lived with him. I spent half a month there.

She wanted to find a job to support herself. Although Zhao Tiezhu had part of his savings in pomegranate when she left, she could eat and drink for at least three or four years, but she couldn't be so idle, otherwise she would have nothing to eat.

At the beginning, pomegranate went to the talent market and wanted to find a job as a tutor or a nanny. But people found that she is a country girl, no culture, no one uses her.

After wandering around the labor market for several days, she was bored and finally found vanilla.

At that time, Zhao Tiezhu had already pulled qiao'er back to Qingshi mountain. Tiezhu's residence was empty.

Pomegranate felt very aggrieved, so she hugged vanilla and cried and said, "vanilla, iron pillar is gone, I'm unemployed. Are rural women unable to survive without men?"

Vanilla advised her, "bullshit! If a woman leaves a man, she still lives well. If you have hands and feet, and your limbs are sound, you can still support yourself. Otherwise, I will introduce you to work in a poker factory

Pomegranate shook her head and said, "I won't go. The factory director bullied me and was cut by the iron pillar with a knife. There is no good fruit to eat when I go back. I can't lift my head in front of the workers. Vanilla, please find me some work to do. I can do anything, as long as I can support myself. "

Vanilla or enough sisters, helping pomegranate around, and finally found her a kindergarten teacher's job.

Although not much money, but pomegranate like children, with children in a very happy. In this way, she became a kindergarten teacher in Z city.

Vanilla also helped her find a place nearby and rent a small house. Since then, her life has settled down.

Pomegranate is learned, she went to junior high school, teach a child or more than enough, pull the children all day to sing children's songs, play games, life is also happy.

With the children, she found the original innocence, feel like she is back in her youth, the smile on her face is also brilliant.

Pomegranate, like other girls who came out of Qingshi mountain, felt very happy and satisfied with the simplicity, kindness and industriousness of Dashan women, who supported themselves with their own hands.She lost interest in marriage and felt that she would never find a good man like iron pillar.

Unfortunately, iron pillar does not belong to her, but belongs to qiao'er. She can't take a man from her cousin's arms.

When she is free, she is always silent and looks at the direction of Qingshi mountain in a daze.

There is her hometown, where she was born and raised. There are her parents, her childhood and youth, and even more her first love.

She missed Tiezhu very much. Sometimes she wanted to tear her heart, but she couldn't see him.

She was afraid that the iron pillar could not control herself, and once again mingled with her, wouldn't it be a living pit qiao'er?

For more than a year, she always buried that missing in her heart. At night, she would hold up a pillow and imagine it as an iron pillar.

In order to forget the missing of Tiezhu, recently pomegranate bit her teeth and found a part-time job as a nanny. She usually works as a teacher in kindergarten. On Sundays or holidays, she helps people take care of patients.

I'm so tired during the day that I don't think about it at night.

Time passed in a flash. More than a year passed quickly. Vanilla was still her only friend and told her everything.

Sometimes vanilla asked her, "do you regret leaving Tiezhu?"

Pomegranate on a bitter smile said: "regret, also very sad."

Vanilla asked: "then why don't you take brother Tiezhu back from qiao'er's hand? Love is selfish. It's not a treat, it's not embroidery. It's occupation, it's destruction, it's hurt, it's destruction. It's not afraid to make the other party sad. When necessary, it's burning jade and stone, and it's a pat and two pieces... "

Pomegranate said: "that can't do, I don't want to be so selfish, I want to see brother tie Zhu happy, he is happy, I am happy. Now it's me who's sad. It will only make three people sad

Vanilla laughed at her stupidity and said, "you are too honest. It's me to catch up with you. Let's put Zhao Tiezhu on the bed first. Since you don't want it, I'm not welcome. Next time the iron pillar comes, I'll go directly to the Kang with him. Do you have any problem? "

Pomegranate pursed a smile, said: "no opinion, have ability you go up, I don't care."

Vanilla giggled and hugged each other, just like a sister.

Tiezhu went to the city this time. Pomegranate knew it the next morning. Vanilla called her.

When pomegranate heard the iron pillar came, her heart was on the rise for a while, also trembled for a while, so she rushed out of the house.

She has been secretly following the iron pillar, watching him enter the county government, watching him walk into the noodle stand to eat.

The man is still the same as he was at the beginning. His fur and hat make him look strong and strong. His face is more mature than before.

Pomegranate heart in rabbit jump, very want to plunge into iron pillar elder brother's arms to wail.

But she tolerated it again and again. Pray silently in my heart, brother Tiezhu, don't find me, you'd better forget me.

I hope he and qiao'er live a good life. Mandarin ducks play in the water, drown qiao'er and fly with each other. It's better to throw qiao'er to death. So I can be with brother Tiezhu, Amie tofu.

She never thought iron pillar would find her, so far away, Zhao Tiezhu still smelled her smell.

The man rushed to the street, howled and called her name. Pomegranate had to hide in an alley, his back against the wall, shaking all over, tears filled his eyes.

Watching the iron pillar leave, pomegranate wiped tears. On the way home. Since we can't get a man, it's enough to look at his appearance.


In the evening, Zhao Tiezhu returned to headmaster Wang's home. Wang's mother and principal Wang have not come back.

Zhao Tiezhu that wonder ah, clearly saw pomegranate figure, how a twinkling of an eye disappeared? Where can she go?

For a year, Tiezhu asked people to look for pomegranate all over the place. He wanted to find pomegranate again. If he couldn't, he married her, and the two girls served together.

Those rich people who do not have a second wife, who does not raise a second room? What's wrong with two wives? as unalterable principles.

Zhao Tiezhu's virtue is to eat in the bowl and look at the pot. Since he has been sleeping, he must be responsible and take care of the girl all his life.

Zhao Tiezhu couldn't do the kind of things that he didn't admit and gave birth to a son.

Tiezhu knows that pomegranate has no friends in Z city. If only one person knows the whereabouts of pomegranate, that person must be vanilla.

Vanilla and pomegranate are girlfriends. They are good friends. They are similar to lilies. Tiezhu feels jealous.

No, I'm going to ask vanilla to see where the pomegranate is?

After entering the door, the iron pillar rushed to vanilla's room, where she was cutting her nails with scissors.

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