"Director Cai, I'm not afraid you're angry. Your colleagues and I haven't seen one of your cases with an operation effect comparable to that of Dr. Xu for so many years! A blind cat has never killed a mouse Qiao Yimin said with a smile.

Cai Jiaze's face was immediately choked into a pig liver color, and he scolded Qiao Yimin for being a dog.

He belittled himself so much because of his own technology and his position in Bozhong!

He didn't bite Qiao Yimin any more, but said to Xu Chao: "boy, you'd better understand that this is an operation, not a joke! Although the probability of death is very small, but it is related to the patient's future quality of life

"You'd better take care of yourself and pray for a dead mouse this time." Xu said coldly.

He can accept Cai Jiaze's questioning of his surgical skills. After all, neither side knows who before. It's normal for CAI Jiaze to question him, but he can't accept Cai Jiaze's contempt for his personality!

Cai Jiaze was almost carried away by Xu Chaoyi!

He just wanted to speak, but listen to Qiao Yimin seriously said: "don't discuss, time is pressing, prepare for surgery. There is something wrong with doctor Xu's operation. I'll take the responsibility! "

Qiao Yimin left the office with a black face

A few minutes later, Huazhong hospital hand surgery room.

The eight surgeons were divided into four groups and stood on both sides of the operating table, head to head and hand to hand. Everyone was very careful in their movements, for fear of touching the people around them.

Most surgeons are talkers. If they don't speak for such a long time, they can suffocate people.

But Xu Chao, an outsider, has made the atmosphere of the operating room a little strange. People not only don't speak, but also operate more carefully.

After all, no one wants to be compared by Xu Chao.

Xu Chao is just a young man in his twenties. At first glance, he looks like a fresh graduate. The youngest of them is almost forty years old. Besides, they are still traditional Chinese medicine, and the main job of others is to diagnose the pulse and prescribe prescriptions. Now they challenge their eating skills with their sidelines!

If they are compared by Xu Chao, they will lose face.

Of course, this is only their own view. In fact, Xu Chao never took surgery as a sideline. This is one of his main subjects. He was taken out by his father with a cane when he was young!

"I'm done." Cai Jiaze, standing on the right side, suddenly said in a slightly louder voice, with some pride in his tone.

Xu Chao's vision did not leave the eyepiece, still careful operation, but in the heart make complaints about: "grass, you finish the debridement?"

As soon as this idea came into his mind, he heard Qiao Yimin say, "have you finished the QingChuang?"

"Yes." Cai Jiaze said, still proud.

Although QingChuang is only a small step, he feels that he has finished very well, and the speed should undoubtedly be the first.

Unfortunately, his vision has been on the eyepiece, did not look up at other people, otherwise he will find that his speed is not the first.

Qiao Yimin didn't look up either. He just praised Cai Jiaze in his heart. Although Cai Jiaze is not very obedient, he still has no skill to say, and he really passes the test.

Qiao Yimin, who was in charge of the operation, had to know everyone's progress, so he said, "I still need three minutes to finish debridement, and the third and fourth groups will also report the progress."

"I have five minutes to finish the debridement." The deputy chief physician of the three groups said steadily:

Xu Chao's vision also did not leave the eyepiece, said: "the phalanx has been anastomosed, and internal fixation will be completed immediately."

Cai Jiaze, who is in the process of bone grafting, is stunned for a moment. He looks up slightly and glances at Xu Chao on his left side. In his heart, he feels that there are 10000 grass mud horses galloping on the spicy Gobi!

Xu Chao actually finished the gentle treatment of finger bone and began to do internal fixation. Moreover, Xu Chao's internal fixation technique is very special, which he has never seen before!

Cai Jiaze didn't look up just now. He always thought that his speed was the fastest. He didn't expect that Xu Chao had already surpassed him by a large margin!

The old man's state of mind was a little unsteady, and his hands shaking slightly!

Qiao Yimin, who was right next to CAI Jiaze, didn't look up, but he seemed to feel the change of CAI Jiaze. He said in a low voice and dignified, "have a good operation! Don't make mistakes

The face behind Cai Jiaze's mask turned red.

Although he is not the director of the Department, but he is also the chief physician. At the moment, he was reminded impolitely by Qiao Yimin, which made him feel very uncomfortable! He even felt that Qiao Yimin was scorning him!

But he is a doctor after all. He knows that he can't be confused at this time.

He took a deep breath and said in his heart: "when you are fat, you are not fat. When you are fat, you are not fat. When you are fat, you are not fat. When you are fat, you are not fat. Maybe you just do a good job in debridement and bone grafting, and then you are blind in the suturing of nerves, blood vessels and tendons. For a severed finger replantation operation, those operations are the most important! QingChuang Jiegu is just a foreplay... "

His Ah Q style self consolation was very effective. He soon regained the confidence of the surgeon, and his slightly trembling hand stabilized again.

After an hour in silence, Xu Chao's voice began to ring again: "I'm finished. I'm going to make my ring finger."

Xu Chao's assistant is general surgery, and this kind of microsurgery can't be done at all. Therefore, no one in Xu Chao's group is destined to relay with Xu Chao.

This is enough to see Qiao Yimin's trust in him.

"If you're too tired, take ten minutes off. You still have time." Qiao Yimin said.

Xu Chao bought time for his first finger and had time to have a rest to ensure that the next operation would not go wrong.

Qiaoyimin heart is also feeling, xuchao this speed God! Nearly an hour faster than others!

If we can ensure the effect of surgery, it's really the master of surgery - at least the master of hand surgery!

However, how could he be willing to be a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine?

A waste of a unique skill!

Cai Jiaze's state of mind was somewhat unstable, and he could not help saying: "I'm afraid that replantation of severed fingers only pursues speed and gives up precision! At this time, one more blood vessel, one more nerve, and one less blood vessel, one less nerve are all very different in the recovery of hand function in the future! "

"Well, thank you, director Cai, for reminding me that I have sewed everything that should be sewed up. I believe there should be no problem." Xu Chao didn't stimulate Cai Jiaze. Instead, he replied in a calm and orderly manner.

Now it's an operation. The mentality of the chief surgeon has a great influence on the quality of the operation. Although Xu Chao is not happy with CAI Jiaze, he doesn't want to stimulate him.

On the side of them do assistant doctors, no one said, but the heart has already set off a storm!

Looking at Xu Chao's skillful, subtle and accurate operation, they feel that they have practiced the operation skills for so many years, and they are all trained to the dog!

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