Because there was something to do in the afternoon, Xu Chao added a shift at noon and emptied all the patients in the waiting room!

He was busy until almost two o'clock when he took Zhao Jiawei to the palace imperial dining room. He told Chen Gengnian about Zhao Jiawei, ate something casually, and rode his motorcycle to central China Hospital.

When he walked into Ge Xuejun's office, he was handling a document with a pen. He didn't look up, but said, "you wait a moment, I'll finish this document."

Xu Chao nodded, sat on the sofa beside him, and took a sip of the mineral water from his handbag.

He thought Ge Xuejun would finish soon, but he didn't expect that GE Xuejun didn't pay any attention to him in the past five minutes.

Xu Chao immediately realized that GE Xuejun didn't really have an emergency job. He was just hanging him out, stretching him out, killing his patience and giving him a blow.

"Paralyzed, I really thought I was begging you!"

Xu Chao scolded in his heart and got up and left.

Ge Xuejun immediately stopped pretending to be busy, looked up and said, "what's director Xu doing?"

"Ha ha, Dean Ge manages everything every day. I dare not delay your precious time. I'd better go back." Xu Chao sneered.

"Ha ha, young people just can't calm down. OK, I'll deal with your business first."

Ge Xuejun grabbed the cigarette box on the table, popped out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. He rubbed the lighter and lit it. He took a long breath and then said, "director Xu, our hospital can get your medicine, but I have a condition."

"Tell me." Xu Chao sat back on the sofa.

"There was something wrong with the construction worker's operation. The blood supply of his right index finger was not smooth. Although it is not completely certain that the operation failed, the probability is very high..."

"I didn't make the right index finger, did Dr. Cai Jiaze? What do you mean by saying this to me? " Xu Chao directly interrupted Ge Xuejun.

He didn't understand Ge Xuejun.

"Grandma, if you did it, do you think Lao Tzu would talk to you with this attitude? You've already been blamed! " Ge Xuejun scolded in his heart and said, "it's really Dr. Cai Jiaze who did it. That's why I brought you here."

"Because Cai Jiaze did it, you brought me here? Dean Ge, this causal relationship is very wonderful. " Xu Chao sneered.

"Dr. Cai is a very experienced old doctor and also a chief doctor. If something like this happens to him, he will have a bad reputation. Therefore, we hope you can take the responsibility."

"I'll take it? What do I take on? " Xu Chao feels that he has suddenly become stupid and can't understand what the other party wants to do.

"The hospital will announce that you did the failed operation. Rest assured, we will find a way not to let the patient pursue your responsibility, and will not cause you any economic losses. What you've lost is just a little reputation. " Ge Xuejun said.

Xu Chao understood everything in an instant.

"Ha ha, Cai Jiaze's reputation is important, but my reputation is not?" Xu Chao repressed his anger and said.

"Xiao Xu, you're still young. It won't be too much trouble to lose your reputation. Besides, you don't work in the hospital system, which won't affect your promotion. As long as you promise, as compensation, we will buy a batch of drugs from your pharmaceutical factory, but the price is 20% lower than the market price. "


Xu Chao almost scolded!

Ge Xuejun not only let himself bear the responsibility that does not belong to him, but also put his own medicine 20% lower than the market price?

He has never been afraid to evaluate the morality of some people with the most despicable ideas, but in front of Ge Xuejun, Xu Chao still feels his lack of imagination in shamelessness!

"Ha ha, Dean Ge, listen to what you mean, how do I feel that I have taken advantage of CAI Jiaze's thunder, so I want to take a step in business and take the initiative to reduce the price?" Xu Chao's anger burned in his heart, but a smile appeared on his face, only the cold light flickered in his slightly narrowed eyes.

"That's not what I mean. I should say it's to let you fight thunder. You've suffered a loss, so we'll take your medicine. Up to now, in order to show our sincerity, I can give you some information. The reason why your medicine can't be sold is that someone is blocking you. We are also taking risks when we want to buy your medicine. This is our greatest sincerity. " Ge Xuejun puffed out another smoke ring.

"There are a lot of people participating in the operation. You have blocked my mouth. Can you also block other people's mouths?" Xu Chao gave another sneer.

"You don't care about the others. We'll take care of them." Ge Xuejun said without expression.

Xu Chaogang was about to speak again when his mobile phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was a series of messages sent to him by Qiao Yimin

"There's something wrong with CAI Jiaze's operation. The injured think this is an operation accident and have started to blame the hospital. "

"Cai Jiaze is preparing to open a second-hand surgery. He will be the director. At this juncture, his surgery has an accident, which is very bad for him. So, he asked Ge Xuejun to let you fight against thunder. "

"Now Cai Jiaze is talking to us to stop us. I'll listen to you

"If you are really willing to fight against thunder, you can raise the conditions infinitely."

"I've just learned that, too. I hope you will consider it. "

Every piece of information Qiao Yimin gave Xu Chao was very important. He revealed Ge Xuejun's card to himself!

It seems that CAI Jiaze is facing a rather bad situation.

Moreover, Xu Chaoneng can see from Qiao Yimin's wording that Qiao Yimin does not want to compromise with Ge Xuejun. But he also knows the plight of jiuzhuanhu pharmaceutical company, so he respects his own opinions and will cooperate with him.

This is a very friendly person.

Xu Chao quickly clicks on the screen and sends out a message: "thank you, director Qiao. I'm in Ge Xuejun's office and I'm going to beat this dog day."

Qiao Yimin sent an expression of shock, and then another expression of a bad smile, which clearly understood Xu Chao's meaning.

Xu Chao put away his mobile phone and left without saying a word.

Now he hates Ge Xuejun. He feels insulted when he says a word to ge Xuejun!

He also can't guarantee that if he talks with Ge Xuejun any more, he will not do it.

When GE Xuejun saw that Xu Chao didn't give a bird to him, he suddenly changed his face. He felt that he had been greatly insulted, and all the tendons on his head jumped up, but he still didn't get angry. He rushed to Xu Chao's back and said, "the original price! As long as you promise to do this, we'll buy your medicine at the original price! "

Xu Chao still did not stop, his hand has been put on the door handle.

Ge Xuejun finally can't help his anger. As the vice president in charge of pharmacy, he always walks horizontally in the hospital. Anyone who sees him has to give a smile. When those medical representatives see him, they seem to see their ancestors, please eat and drink, and maybe sleep with them!

In front of him, this young man in his twenties ignored him so much. He had lowered his condition to such a low level, and he even dragged about 250000 to 80000. How unreasonable!

If you don't give him some power, he doesn't know that Lord Ma has three eyes!

Ge Xuejun suddenly slapped his hand on the table and yelled, "stop!"

Xu Chao stopped and looked back at GE Xuejun, his face full of sarcasm.

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