When Xu Chaogang checked Xia Yiwen, her face was very ugly!

Of course, it's not because of Xu Baozhi's insistence on transferring to another hospital, but because of another thing.

After last night's live broadcast, the sales volume was basically calculated, which was not very good. A total of more than 1 million goods were sold. Among them, 20 percent, a total of 200000, is the anchor's Commission, while jiuzhuanhu pharmaceutical factory has 800000.

However, jiuzhuanhu pharmaceutical factory also paid 400000 pit fees. In this way, they actually only recovered 400000 yuan. The profit point of jiuzhuanhu ointment is 30%. If they sell one million goods, they have to return 700000 funds to keep the principal.

Therefore, last night's live broadcast with goods, nine turn tiger pharmaceutical factory is a big loss!

Zhai Xiaohu told Xu Chao the news at six o'clock this morning.

Xu Chao didn't care much.

According to their agreement with the anchor, there will be another live broadcast tomorrow evening, which will show Liu Yunshan's recovery on the spot.

Xu Chao believes that when fans see the real curative effect of jiuzhuanhu trauma cream, their enthusiasm for buying will be greatly improved. It is possible to sell millions of products, and they will be able to fight a turnaround.

Unexpectedly, just now, he received a call from Zhai Xiaohu.

Zhai Xiaohu angrily told him that the anchor broke his contract and would not let jiuzhuanhu ointment into his live studio tomorrow night! Liu Yunshan can't enter!

The reason given by the anchor is that someone gave the platform 5 million yuan, and the jiuzhuanhu ointment is not allowed to appear in any anchor's live room! He can't help it!

In other words, jiuzhuanhu ointment has also been banned in the e-commerce circle!

Xu Chao can think of who did it with his butt!

It must be the Feng family!

Even if others have motivation, they don't have the strength!

Xu Chao originally thought that the Feng family's business was mainly in the pharmaceutical industry, and its impact on the e-commerce industry should be relatively small. Unexpectedly, he underestimated the power of capital.

Five million, for the wealthy Feng family, it may not even be a drizzle. It's estimated that it's just a lucky money for a child of the Feng family, but it can already leverage a live broadcast platform!

What can Xu Chao do?

Spend money on the live broadcast platform to compete with the Feng family?

Even if they have the heart, they don't have the strength.

They are poor now. Even a child in the Feng family can't match their lucky money, and the platform doesn't dare to stand on their side!

Therefore, after Xu Chao learned about this, he was very angry, and naturally he was not in a good mood. When he checked Xia Yiwen just now, his mood was somewhat revealed.

Just now, when sun manhe went to inform Xu Chao that Xia Yiwen had woken up, he happened to meet Xu Chao and Zhai Xiaohu.

Although sun manhe has only been employed in jiuzhuantang hospital for less than two days, she still knows a lot about Shen bingdie's little gossip about the closure of jiuzhuanhu ointment. In addition to Xu Chao's conversation with Zhai Xiaohu, she has pieced together a general truth in her mind. At this moment, she gives a brief talk to Xia Yiwen.

Sun manhe introduced the situation and finished the dressing change. He got up and said, "if you want to transfer, go to the cashier next door to find Shen bingdie. After you pay, you can leave."

"We will not transfer to another hospital. Thank Dr. Xu for us and say sorry for me. " Xu Baozhi immediately said with a smile.

Xu Baozhi has seen Xia Yiwen's recovery from injury, and can be sure that Xu Chao forced Xia Yiwen to stay last night. It's really meaningless. It's not for Xia Yiwen's star effect at all, but for a gentleman's heart.

She can also be sure that if Xia Yiwen is transferred to a large hospital, although she can have better wards and get better care, Xia Yiwen's recovery speed is probably not as fast as staying here.

What's amazing is that this woman just now was so disgusted that she vowed to leave, but now she decided not to leave. She didn't feel any embarrassment at this 180 degree turn.

Sun manhe also showed a smile on his face and said, "congratulations on your decision. Sister Wenwen, I'm your fan. Although our conditions here are poor, we guarantee you the best service. "

Sun manhe looks a little ferocious, but when he smiles, he is still sincere.

After sun manhe left, Xia Yiwen asked Xu Baozhi to sit in front of her and said weakly, "sister Xu, I'll help doctor Xu."

"Oh, my good man, I knew you would say that. If it's normal, I won't stop you. But now you mud Bodhisattva cross the river, you can't protect yourself. How can you help others? You'd better take good care of yourself. Don't worry about your leisure Xu Baozhi said immediately.

Although she no longer misunderstood Xu Chao, she still remembered that Xu Chao's wife slapped her. Psychologically, she was not willing to help Xu Chao.

"But doctor Xu saved my life after all. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be able to see today's sun and the beautiful world. I can't be ungrateful. " Xia Yiwen whispered.

"Yes, I can't repay you! If you put it in ancient times, you would have to agree with each other by example! " Xu Baozhi joked.

Xia Yiwen's face can't help reddening slightly. Xu Chaogang's eyebrows are slightly wrinkled and cool in her mind.

Seems pretty handsome? It's very manly!

As soon as Xu Baozhi saw Xia Yiwen's face, she couldn't help laughing and said in a low voice, "Yo, do you really want to make a personal commitment? Let me tell you, doctor Xu is married. Is the woman who carried you on the stage last night beautiful? It's just a little bit of a jerk. "

Xu Baozhi touched his face, as if still uncomfortable, Xu Chao's wife is really not a thing, I don't know how Doctor Xu can stand it?

"Ah?! Married? He is still so young, how to... "Xia Yiwen subconsciously out of a sentence, finish just feel some improper, he married not to marry and his relationship? What kind of ghost do you regret? If doctor Xu didn't get married, did he really intend to make an agreement?

So she immediately said: "I was a timid person since I was a child, otherwise I would not be too scared to walk yesterday, but I can no longer make myself an ungrateful person. I have made up my mind. I will do it. With my influence, I should be able to help Dr. Xu break through the blockade. And such a good ointment should not be banned! Everyone should be able to use it! "

"Well, well, now that you've made up your mind, I can't change it. But in this way, you must offend an enemy. We don't know the number of people's ways. We have to investigate first. "

As Xu Baozhi spoke, he took out a smart walkie talkie and said, "Lv Bin, come here for a while."

Lu Bin, one of Xia Yiwen's bodyguards, has been observing the situation outside the observation room.

The news that Xia Yiwen was seriously injured and was admitted to jiuzhuantang hospital has been spread. From last night to now, the streets outside jiuzhuantang are full of fans and reporters. If it were not for the police to maintain order and direct traffic, the traffic would have been paralyzed.

Xia Yiwen's two bodyguards have also been on guard outside the door to prevent someone from rushing in to hurt Xia Yiwen.

It is their dereliction of duty that Xia Yiwen was attacked last night!

Lu Bin quickly came in, stood in front of Xu Baozhi and whispered, "sister Xu, what's the matter?"

Xu Baozhi pulls up the curtain for the isolation bed, and Xia Yiwen's bed becomes a small single room. Although the sound insulation effect is not good, people can not see what they are doing.

She will be prohibit the Xu Chao pharmaceutical factory, Xia Yiwen intends to help things introduced, and finally said: "Lv Bin, you first go secretly to investigate who is working on Dr. Xu, and then we will develop action plans."

Lu Bin frowned slightly and said, "boss, sister Xu, I suggest that we should not interfere in this matter. Doctor Xu's identity is not as simple as we think! This man has a deep background! "

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