The old lady takes medicine all the year round. She has upset her intestines and stomach. A month ago, she began to be anorexic. Later, she vomited when she ate. It became more and more serious. From the day before yesterday, she vomited as much as she ate!

Ji Ruyan is a great power hand. Just now he found the old lady's gastrointestinal problems, but he never expected that it would be so serious!

He couldn't help but look at Li Tenghu. His face was not good.

Qi Shouyi immediately said to Li Tenghu, "Mr. Li, you have never talked to my master about this before."

Li Tenghu was also embarrassed and said, "I've been working in Beijing. I haven't called home these two days, and I don't understand the situation."

He said to Li Tenglong, "brother, when did this happen? Why didn't you tell me earlier? "

"It's like this since the day before yesterday. I've gone to see the doctor again. I've just had maintenance injections every day. You're not a doctor. What can I tell you? " Li Teng long is not angry to say.

"You..." Li Tenghu wanted to refute his brother, but he couldn't find any reason, and some of them were tongue tied.

"Now, the most important thing is not the old lady's convulsion, but the old lady's water and rice can not enter the disease." Ji ruyansi cableway.

"Then ask the old doctor to take more trouble and think about something. My mother really can't drink the medicine now. " Li Tenglong said.

"What you said is simple. The doctor has to prescribe medicine to treat the disease. The old lady can't drink it. How can she treat the disease? You didn't explain the situation at the beginning. You are trapped in a doctor's dilemma! " Qi Shouyi said.

The so-called "trapped doctor" is that the patient deliberately does not tell the doctor the symptoms, and let the doctor diagnose by himself. Because the doctor can not get more information about the disease, it is easy to misdiagnose.

This also made the doctor very unhappy, so Qi Shouyi spoke in a very blunt tone.

Li Tenglong has long been dissatisfied with Ji Ruyan, a proud apprentice, and immediately wants to take him back. However, without waiting for him to speak, Liu Qiang has already sneered: "if the patient can't drink the medicine, he can't cure the disease? Isn't that a joke? I'm not a doctor, and I know a lot of treatment methods, such as western medicine can be infused, traditional Chinese medicine can be massaged, scrapped, acupuncture, massage and so on, without taking medicine! If you don't have the ability, you can say you don't have the ability. What's the excuse? "


Qi Shouyi wished he could give Liu Qiang a blow.

At present, this little rascal like Taoist dares to look down on his master!?

Even if the national leaders meet their masters, they will give them three parts of face!

"Hum, I didn't say that I couldn't cure the disease. It's just a little tricky. It may take longer. I really don't know what qualifications you have to laugh at me here. Can you really catch a ghost from the patient? " Ji Ruyan suddenly calm face impolite said.

He is not against Buddhism and Taoism, but he really detests the behavior of cheating under the brand of Buddhism and Taoism, so he is not polite to Xu Chao and others at all.

"The old doctor is right. Today, I can catch a ghost from the old lady! The old lady has really fallen in love Xu Chao said with a smile.

"Well, that's ridiculous! What kind of ghost is attached to the old lady Qi Shouyi sneered.

"Coward! The little devil attached to the old lady is a coward Xu Chao said with a smile.

Gu Xinyan, Liu Qiang and the Li brothers were all stunned, but Qi Shouyi couldn't help laughing and said, "ha ha ha, Taoist priest, even if you want to cheat people, please be professional, OK? I've heard of hanging ghosts, drowning ghosts, ghouls, vampires. I've never heard of cowards! I just heard that some people are cowards. "

"That's your ignorance. I'll open your eyes today." Xu Chao turned to Li Tenglong and said, "Mr. Li, I'm sure the old lady is possessed by a coward. As long as I can catch the coward, the old lady's convulsion will be cured immediately!"

Without waiting for Li Tenglong to speak, Li Tenghu suddenly became angry and pointed to Xu Chao and said, "boy, shut your mouth for me! My elder brother believes in you, but I don't believe in you. Now I want you to go away immediately! Or don't blame me for being rude

Ji Ruyan was invited by Li Tenghu, and he knows best how many contacts Ji Ruyan has in the capital. He is a genuine imperial doctor and a person who can listen to heaven.

In order to invite Ji Ruyan, he spent a lot of energy and resources. If Xu Chao offends Ji Ruyan, Ji Ruyan will certainly have an opinion on him.

And just now Ji Ruyan also understood that his mother's illness could be cured, but it took him a little time, so he didn't care about his identity and face, so he drove Xu Chao out directly.

However, Li Tenglong believed in this, so he was really worried that his younger brother would offend Xu Chao.

In order to save Xu Chao's face, he immediately whispered to his younger brother, "Tenghu, what are you talking about? Taoist Zhengyang doesn't charge us a cent for coming here! Pure obligation to help! What you said just now is too much! This is my house, not yours. You have no right to drive my guests out! "

"You..." Li Tenghu will be angry and spit blood by his stubborn brother.

At this time, but listen to the old lady weak said: "you all don't quarrel, quarrel again I want to faint.". Even if the Taoist priest fails to cure my illness, it will do me no harm, will it? Why don't you give the Taoist a try? "

The older people get, the more they believe in these mysterious things. Besides, the old lady lives with her eldest son all day and is deeply influenced by his eldest son, so she also believes in these things.

"Ma..." Li Tenghu also wanted to stop his mother, but seeing her mother's resolute face, he had to say to Ji Ruyan: "old doctor, look at this..."

Li Tenghu was worried that Ji Ruyan left immediately.

Ji Ruyan frowned, waved her hand and said, "since old sister-in-law wants to have a try, let her have a try. It's good to just get some psychological comfort. "

Seeing that Ji Ruyan finally stopped him from doing things for the old lady, Li Tenglong immediately said to Xu Chao, "Taoist priest, what props do you need? I'm going to have people prepare. "

Xu Chao waved his hand and said with a smile, "it's just a coward. There's no magic power. As long as I pin it with a silver needle and put it in my magic gourd, the old lady's convulsion will be cured immediately!"

"That's it?" Li Tenglong asked in surprise.

"My master has great powers. How many evil spirits are included in this gourd by him. A little coward, isn't it easy to catch?" Liu Qiang patted his chest and said carelessly.

Before Gu Xinyan also wondered why Xu Chao had to let Liu Qiang play his apprentice. Now she understands that this product is born to be a laughing stock!

"How ridiculous! Master, since they believe in ghosts more, I think we'd better go back at once? " Qi Shouyi said disappointed.

"Ha ha, what are you going to do? Forget what you just said? If my master can successfully catch ghosts and make the old lady better, you will kneel down and kowtow to my master and call him master! I'll be your elder martial brother then, and everything will be up to me! " Liu Qiang said with a smile.

Ji Ruyan is too lazy to listen to Liu Qiang's nonsense and is ready to leave. However, at this moment, he suddenly sees the young Taoist priest suddenly shaking his wrist. In his hand, he magically appears five disposable acupuncture needles, and then quickly stabs the old lady's head and neck.

At the moment when the young Taoist priest dropped the needle, there was a cry in the big living room!

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