Gu Xinyan, who has been unable to get in the conversation, finally seizes the chance to speak and says with a smile: "it's not strange to put it bluntly. It's abdominal language."

In fact, Gu Xinyan didn't know what happened when she was at Li Tenglong's house during the day. On the way back, she pulled Xu Chao's ear and let Xu Chao tell the truth.

"Belly language?"

Ji Ruyan and Qi Shouyi all suddenly realized!

Of course, they know what abdominal language is, but few people in their life have mastered this technique. They have never met anyone who can speak abdominal language before, so they have never considered this aspect. As a result, they were cheated by Xu Chao during the day.

Qi Shouyi patted his head hard and said, "Hey, why didn't I think of that at that time?"

"Fortunately, you didn't think of it. Otherwise, according to your attitude towards me at that time, you have to expose me." Xu Chao said with a smile.

Ji Ruyan also laughed and said: "I said that during the day, why do you only have ghosts in the gourd when you are holding the gourd? I thought the gourd has a switch. It turns out that you are afraid of being heard by others!"

When we watch a movie, the speaker is on one side, but we feel that the sound is coming from the movie.

Xu Chao holds the gourd. Although the sound doesn't come from the gourd, everyone feels that the sound comes from the gourd under Xu Chao's psychological hint.

But there is a limit to the position error of the sound. If the gourd is too far away from Xu Chao, people will find that the sound comes from Xu Chao, not from the gourd,

Therefore, only when the gourd is in Xu Chao's hands, Xu Chao will use the technique of abdominal language to learn to cry.

Ji Ruyan and Qi Shouyi have been puzzled for a day, and they finally get the solution. Although they no longer feel mysterious about Xu Chao's Ghost hunting, they admire Xu Chao even more.

Ji Ruyan admires Xu Chao's flexible and unpredictable treatment methods, while Qi Shouyi admires Xu Chao's versatility. He can not only pretend to be a Taoist to see a doctor, but also have a ventriloquism!

"Brother Ji, please don't tell the truth to the Li family. It may not work. In fact, it's no harm for them to believe all the time. Many Western scientists believe in theology, such as Newton, but it doesn't prevent him from becoming the greatest physicist... "Xu Chao laughs.

When Xu Chaozheng said this, the people in the private room were suddenly kicked open. More than 20 young people rushed in from the outside, with fierce eyes and fierce faces. As soon as they entered the room, they showed up the guy. The water knife reflected the cold cold light.

After these young people came in, they didn't start right away. Instead, they pointed to both sides and exposed Zheng Tianxing.

In order to cover his swollen cheeks, he wore a large mask and a pair of sunglasses,

Jin Laiyuan and Li Longhe also followed Zheng Tianxing, one wearing sunglasses and the other wearing a mask. In addition, there was a middle-aged man in his forties.

The middle-aged man combed a gambler's hairstyle. The back of his hair was glossy and meticulous. He was dressed in a black windbreaker, but he had a yin-yang face. The left face was black, and the right face was white. It was like the paint mixing master didn't adjust the color well when he was scratched.

This person is no other than Fang Wei, the top six elder brother in Jinhai city.

It's said that when Fang Wei was young, he was in the hands of another elder brother. He was tied to a pillar and used a soldering iron to make his right half face barbecue. Later, he underwent skin grafting and stuck a large piece of skin on his buttock to his face, so he became today's Yin-Yang face.

Over the years, he has tried many ways to complete the unification of a face, but his butt is too strong, his face is too stubborn, and his color has never been coordinated.

Fang Wei has always regarded the Zheng family as his benefactor. When he heard that Zheng Tianxing had been beaten in his own territory, he was furious and rushed over with a group of younger brothers.

Ji Ruyan and Qi Shouyi were stunned.

While eating hot pot and chatting, a group of people suddenly came. Am I in Mexico?

When Qi Shouyi saw Zheng Tianxing, he was even more confused.

Both of them come from powerful families in the capital, but their routes are totally different. Zheng Tianxing is a standard dandy. He eats, drinks and fights all day long, and has many bad deeds. He is taught by his family!

For some reasons, Qi Shouyi is far away not only from the whirlpool of power, but also from the circle of young masters in the capital. He worships Ji Ruyan as a teacher and devotes himself to the study of traditional Chinese medicine. He is a little deaf to things outside the window and devotes himself to the study of sages and sages.

However, the capital's top young master circle is so big, so although they don't have much intersection, they still know each other.

Qi Shouyi thinks that he is the one who can offend Zheng Tianxing, so he subconsciously thinks that the other party is aiming at him, but he can't figure out how he offended the fourth ancestor!

He was confused, but Zheng Tianxing suddenly pointed to Xu Chao and roared: "it's him! That's him! Hit me! Beat to death! Beat me to death, Zheng Tianxing

Qi Shouyi realized that it was not himself who got into trouble with the young master of the Zheng family, but his new master!

He couldn't help taking a breath.

This new master is really capable of making things. How can he get into trouble with the young master of the Zheng family? Now it's a bit of a problem.

Qi Shouyi couldn't bear to think about it any more. Those young people with swords have rushed to Xu Chao!

"Stop it Qi Shouyi suddenly slaps on the table!

Qi Shouyi's voice is very powerful. Several swordsmen who rush to Xu Chao stop for a while, and they all turn their eyes to Qi Shouyi.

Zheng Tianxing sees Xu Chao as soon as he enters the door. His attention is focused on him. He doesn't notice Zheng Tianxing and Ji Ruyan at all. At this time, he hears Qi Shouyi's loud drink and turns his eyes to Qi Shouyi.

He suddenly also a Leng, secretly way: "business leather, Xu Chao this dog day how to eat with Qi Shouyi?"? What is his relationship with the Qi family? If Xu Chao is related to the Qi family, today's affairs are really troublesome! "

Qijia in the capital is also a red family. After the generals, they are no less powerful and influential than the Zheng family.

Zheng Tianxing dares to kill Xu Chao and take Gu Xinyan away, but he dares not do anything to Qi Shouyi.

Zheng Tianxing knew Qi Shouyi, but Fang Wei didn't. in his eyes, Zheng Tianxing was the only one. No one else looked at him. He reached out to Qi Shouyi and said, "which onion are you special? Don't make any noise. Today I'm going to chop you together. "

Zheng Tianxing interrupted him and said, "brother Wei! Don't be so impolite. It's master Qi of the Qijia family in the capital. I can't even provoke him. "

Fang Wei felt a thump in his heart and almost bit his tongue. The goods are not afraid of heaven and earth, but when I hear the four words "big and small in the capital", I feel scared.

A few years ago, he nearly died because he provoked a young man in Beijing. Then he begged the Zheng family around the Bush and spent a lot of money to regain his freedom.

If you eat people yourself, you'll leave bones. Those people in Beijing don't even vomit bones. They not only kill you, but also stand on the height of righteousness!

Zheng Tianxing stares at Qi Shouyi, suddenly takes off his mask and sunglasses, points to his face, and says coldly: "Qi Shao, see, Xu Chao. I don't know the relationship between Xu Chao and you, but I need an explanation! "

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