Room 1 is a small private room. Although Fang Wei brings many people, they can't do it. They can only rush to Xu Chao and Gu Xinyan in twos and threes.

The first one who rushed in front of Xu Chao was a 30-year-old man. The knife in his hand cleaved off Xu Chao's head and ran to his death!

Xu Chao leaned back slightly, and his hand was like electricity. With his right hand, he grasped the man's wrist and pressed it down in a moment. The man's hand "slapped" on the table. The severe pain made him release his hand subconsciously, and the knife flew to one side.

Xu Chao grabs the chopsticks with his left hand and plunges them into the big man's hand!

A pair of ordinary bamboo chopsticks is as hard as steel bars under Xu Chao's internal air, which not only easily penetrates the hand of the big man, but also penetrates the solid wood dining table, and nails the hand of the big man on the dining table!


The big man uttered a scream in his mouth and trembled with pain.

Xu Chao reached for the blade and delivered the handle to Gu Xinyan. He said, "stay by my side and don't run around. Anyone who dares to fight against you will be killed. We have unlimited right of self-defense."

Although Gu Xinyan is fierce and bold, she is the first time to experience this kind of scene. Last time I caught tie Ninghai in the cinema, there was only one villain, tie Ninghai, and the police had guns in their hands. But today, she and Xu Chao are the only good people, but there are a lot of villains, and they all have knives in their hands!

Therefore, Gu Xinyan has been very nervous just now, but seeing that Xu Chao has already started and snatched a knife for her, she suddenly calms down and starts to fight back!

Gu Xinyan has practiced Bajiquan systematically, but she hasn't practiced Dao technique. However, when she comes across a narrow road, the brave win. At this time, what she compares is courage and reaction speed. Dao technique routine is secondary!

Gu Xinyan, a female man, has the strength to eat steel and chew iron. When she gets mad, she is fiercer than men. In addition, Xu Chao takes care of her, and in less than a minute, she knocks down three big men with knives.

Xu Chao also grabbed a knife.

His moves are more measured than Gu Xinyan's. most of them are hitting people with the back of the knife and patting people with the face of the knife. It seems that there is no trauma. However, if he is hit by him, he immediately sprays blood in his mouth, looks pale and loses his fighting ability!

Because the place is narrow, Fang Wei's people can't do it. Xu Chao is very good at it. While smashing the gangsters to the ground, he yells at Qi Shouyi and Ji Ruyan: "it's none of your business here. Stay away!"

The fighting capacity of these two men is basically zero, especially Ji Ruyan, who is 70 years old. Once they take part in the war, they will only help. As long as they did not take part in the war, because of their special status, Zheng Tianxing did not dare to let people fight against them.

Less than five minutes later, all the more than 20 people brought by Fang Wei lost their fighting power and lay on the ground in all directions, leaving Zheng Tianxing, Jin Laiyuan, Li Longhe and Fang Wei standing intact.

Qi Shouyi and Ji Ruyan are silly!

I know Xu Chao is good at medicine and catching ghosts, but I didn't expect that Xu Chao could fight like this. It's better than the great Xia in martial arts movies!

Qi Shouyi was excited but also embarrassed. He was not satisfied with his performance just now.

Zheng Tianxing's four people are more stupid, they feel fear.

Zheng Tianxing, in particular, thought he was crazy enough, but now he feels that this couple is crazy than himself!

This NIMA is a complete lunatic!

The flower growing up in the greenhouse finally knows what a fierce man is!

The goods were frightened. When they saw Xu Chaochong waving to him, they shouted coldly, "come here!"

Zheng Tianxing was so scared that he shivered all over and said, "what do you want to do? Don't mess around! I'm... but the Zheng family is big... Young master, if you dare to move me, the Zheng family will never let you go! "

In the past, every time he said he was a young master of the Zheng family, he was full of pride. No matter how powerful a person he met, no matter how much trouble he caused, he just said that he was a young master of the Zheng family, and everything was solved immediately!

But this time, Zheng had no confidence.

"I told you to come here!" Xu Chao a burst drink!

Zheng Tianxing is scared to shiver again, and even subconsciously moves towards Xu Chao's direction.

Qi Shouyi could not help sighing in his heart and said in secret: "is this the Zheng family who runs across the city of 69? It's really him

But when he thought about his performance just now, he was a little depressed. If he replaced Zheng Tianxing with himself, he would not be much better.

Xu Chao's aura is so strong that he can't breathe! Standing on Xu Chao's side, they all feel great pressure!

"Yes, just come here and see the knife under your feet? Pick it up, come and chop me, chop my head

Xu Chao pointed to his head and continued to sneer: "you're looking for so many people to kill me, aren't you? I'll just stand here and not move. Who moves is a son of a bitch. I'll wait for you to cut me down. I'm not a coward. I don't even have the courage to make a sword, do I? "

Xu Chao pointed to Fang Wei and two bangbangguo coaches, and said, "and you, come here, too. With so many people under you, you should be a big brother in the world, right? Take out the courage of your elder brother, OK

Zheng Tianxing and Fang Wei, as well as two bangbangguo coaches, all have blue and red faces. They feel that Xu Chao's words are poking their hearts like knives, pressing their faces on the ground, constantly rubbing!

The huge sense of shame and anger overwhelmed the fear in their hearts. They actually started with Xu Chao!

Xu Chao and so on is they start, in the hand knife quickly brandishes, the knife face mercilessly pats in their chest, will four people all pats inverted flies out, lies prone on the ground to vomit blood!

Xu Chao turned to Qi Shouyi and Ji Ruyan and said, "as you can see, the four of them also attacked me first, and I was the one who did it. I didn't want their lives, so it's not too defensive, is it?"

Qi Shouyi looked at Zheng Dashao, who was constantly vomiting blood. His face was crying, not crying, not laughing. His heart said, "my cheap master, this time it's a big deal! The Zheng family will never give up

Gu Xinyan put the knife on the table and asked Xu Chao, "husband, what's next?"

The woman used to think that Xu Chao was a waste, and she could figure out how to deal with the aftermath when something happened. But since she found out that her husband was very good at getting the bottom of the story, she just took the moves and didn't care about the aftermath.

"To the police! We had a good meal and almost lost our lives. How did they do their work? How did you do it? " Xu Chao felt out his cell phone and called the police.

The gangsters under Fang Wei scolded: "paralyzed, who almost lost his life..."

"Master, things may not be so simple. I'll call home. I can't fight. I can still help with the aftermath."

Qi Shouyi some sorry to Xu Chao said, and then called home.

Xu Chao didn't stop him.

He's not a child. There are two possible consequences, one is that the family is in charge and the other is that the family is not in charge.

The law is fair, but the people's heart is not sure.

Xu Chao should be on guard against a just in case.

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