The atmosphere in the operating room was a little weird.

These surgeons usually have a lot of words when they operate, otherwise they can suffocate people even if the operation lasts for several hours!

But today, there was no one talking. Only the chief surgeon issued a short order from time to time. First aid and second aid peeked at Xu Chao who was cooperating with the operation from time to time. His eyes were full of shock.

When sun manhe was just removed from the ambulance, they all thought that Xu Chao was alarmist. Sun manhe could not have been punctured in his heart, and the wound could not have been nearly a minute!

If so, sun manhe can't hold on until now. Even if there is a miracle, he must be in danger. His vital signs can't be so stable!

But when they entered the operating room and opened their chest, they found that Xu Chao's words were not exaggerated. Sun manhe's injury was really serious. Fortunately, Xu Chao blocked the wound perfectly with his bare hands, which not only avoided more serious blood loss, but also directly interfered with sun manhe's heartbeat and eliminated cardiac arrest at any time, Or unstable heart rate.

These doctors and nurses admire Xu Chao!

Not to mention Xu Chao's technique of hemostasis with bare hands is so wonderful that ordinary doctors can't have the courage to open the abdomen on the spot, put his hand into the injured person's chest and detect the bleeding point only by feeling!

This mother is the legendary master of Arts, bold?

At this moment, the president and the director of surgery Qiao Yimin are also watching the live broadcast of the operation in the observation room, and their faces are also full of shock.

"What is sacred about Xu Chao? This skill of hemostasis with bare hands can be superior to the whole country! " The dean said sincerely.

"This is an all-round talent. The technique of replantation of severed hands can throw me three blocks away. They are still masters of traditional Chinese medicine, not to mention the diseases on the roadside. There is no pressure to treat difficult and miscellaneous diseases. The president may not believe it. It is said that there are no less than 20 malignant tumor cases cured by Xu Chao. "

"No way? It's over hype, isn't it? Until now, cancer is still a world problem! "

Qiao Yimin said with a bitter smile: "all the cases cured by Xu Chao are well-known and can be investigated. If the dean is interested, he can go and investigate them! There used to be a saying in the field of traditional Chinese medicine that there is no incurable disease in the world. I have always been a joke. Now look at Xu Chao, I really believe it. "

"Such excellent talents should be attracted to our hospital!" The president had a look of emotion.

Qiao Yimin shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "I've tried it for a long time. It's useless."

"Yes, now Xu Chao has his own career." The dean said helplessly.

It's hard to mix the world. It's just for people who have no skills. For people who have skills, no matter how difficult the world is, they can always be at ease.

"There are not many problems with the operation. It depends on whether the injured can survive the 24 hours after the operation. As long as the rescue is successful, we can make a lot of money." The president was suddenly happy again.

In the operating room.

It was the chief of cardiothoracic surgery who sewed up sun manhe. The technique was excellent. Xu Chao's hand was stuck on the wound. The chief of cardiothoracic surgery put a needle and wire under Xu Chao's finger belly. In less than ten minutes, he sewed up the punctured myocardium. When Xu Chao's hand was taken away, one of sun manhe's hearts finally stopped bleeding.

After the myocardium was sutured, there were still many complicated tasks to be done, such as suturing the pericardium, cleaning the chest, and so on. Xu Chao was not good at that, so he did not participate any more and left the operating room directly.

If there is no accident, sun manhe's life is saved, but Li Anqing is still in the clutches, he must save Li Anqing in the shortest time!

The longer Li Anqing is in the hands of those bastards, the more dangerous it is!

Xu Chao out of the operating room, surprised to find that in addition to Liu Qiang, there is Zhai Xiaohu!

When they saw Xu Chao coming out, they immediately welcomed him, and their faces were full of worry.

Xu Chao squeezed out a smiling face and said, "don't worry. The chief surgeon is the chief director of the surgery department of Huazhong center. The technique is very good. The operation is very successful. Xiaosun's life should be saved."

Finally, I heard the good news, and the worries on their faces just dissipated.

Xu Chao looked at Liu Qiang's head covered with gauze and asked, "is it OK to hurt him?"

"Nothing. It's just a small wound caused by caterpillars. I used to fight with people at home when I was attacked. Compared with that time, this wound is really drizzle. " Liu Qiang said with an indifferent face.

This guy has been fighting with people all day in Mopan village. It's a family business to get hurt. Now I really don't care about this injury.

Xu Chao nodded and said, "be careful. Don't be careless. "

Then he asked Zhai Xiaohu, "why is tiger here?"

"I got a call from Chao Sao." Zhai Xiaohu said.

Xu Chao's heart immediately warm, not only because Zhai Xiaohu will come in the middle of the night, but also for his wife's concern for himself.

Gu Xinyan didn't call her because she didn't know her situation and was afraid of being distracted. But she didn't feel at ease, so she called Zhai Xiaohu, hoping that Zhai Xiaohu would come and help her.

"I came from the medical school. I'm afraid the patients in the observation room have problems. I've called Xiaodie and Xiaoyi over. " Here comes Zhai Xiaohu.

Xu Chao frowned slightly and said, "it won't be dangerous for them to go, will it?"

Shen bingdie and Shen Anyi live close to jiuzhuantang, and the space of the hospital is limited, so they don't live in the hospital like Li Anqing and sun manhe.

Zhai Xiaohu shook his head and said, "don't worry, I have 15 brothers over there. The police are also here. Xiaodie and Xiaoyi won't have an accident. If they don't go, if there's something wrong with those patients, my rough guys won't deal with it. "

"Neither of them is a professional nurse." Xu Chao said with a bitter smile.

"It's not nurses who are better than those under me. Let those guys under me take care of them, and good people also take care of them." Zhai Xiaohu said.

Xu Chao did not entangle this matter, Zhai Xiaohu let Shen bingdie and Shen An remember the past, is also no way.

Although those patients are nothing serious, they are not afraid of 10000, just in case, once there is a problem, if there is no nursing staff, there may be a major event.

We can arrange it, but we can't help it!

Although Shen Anyi and Shen bingdie are not professional nursing students, they can understand better when they are together with sun manhe and Li Anqing. At least they are better than Zhai Xiaohu's rough men!

Besides, there are women among the patients, and it is not convenient for the men to take care of them.

Xu Chao clapped Zhai Xiaohu on the shoulder and said, "brother tiger, thank you."

"Curse, don't you? Don't take me for a brother? " Zhai Xiaohu said impolitely.

Xu Chao grinned in response to Zhai Xiaohu's words and said, "brother tiger, I have something to say to you. Let's go downstairs and say

They walked to the elevator not far away.

When Xu Chao saw that Liu Qiang was following him, he turned around and said, "what are you doing with me“

"Master, I know what you want to discuss. Didn't you go to save nurse Li? I'll go with you! " Liu Qiang said decisively.

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