Fang Wei is dead.

Die on a woman's belly!

The cause of death was taking a lot of methamphetamine and Viagra, excessive indulgence, causing cardiac arrest. When the ambulance arrived, it was a little warm in the heart and cool in the limbs.

Fang Wei is not only a big brother in the Jianghu, but also one of the top ten young entrepreneurs in Jinhai city. His death has caused a lot of repercussions and has become the talk of people in their spare time.

On the day the news spread, the local police stations were so busy that all the police forces went out to stop people from setting off fireworks. Let the police uncles speechless is that people recognize the fight and punishment, but also to celebrate!

Some people go to the cemetery with wine, fruits and vegetables and food to visit their families. They say to their relatives that Fang Wei died because of a woman

Even the police uncle sighed that Fang Wei had been floating in the lake for 20 years. What a sin he had done!

After Xu Chao got the news, he was also surprised.

In fact, Fang Wei's death was quite accidental, because Zhentong oral liquid is a pure natural preparation, which does not contain any chemical components and has no toxic and side effects.

Although Xu Chao secretly let Fang Wei drink oral liquid last night, as long as Fang Wei didn't take a large dose of Viagra within five hours, there was nothing wrong.

Therefore, Xu Chao didn't expect his action last night to be successful. He planned to let Fang Wei win the contest sooner or later if he couldn't do it this time. He didn't expect that Fang Wei would win the prize once!

Fang Wei not only took an overdose of Viagra, but also slipped ice. Who will die if he doesn't?

Another thing that surprised Xu Chao was that when Fang Wei died, the woman under his body was Zheng Xinxin, his classmate.

After learning about this, Xu Chao also sincerely admired her as a female classmate. Her public relations ability was really extraordinary. First, she colluded with the factory director in the original Shangrao pharmaceutical factory and became the director of the quality department with a high school degree!

Later, after being kicked out of the factory, Zheng Xinxin got close to Feng Shaoyuan, the young master of the Feng family. Originally, he wanted to make use of Feng's Yin to make Xu Chao. In the end, Feng Shaoyuan beat him as a pig and threw him away completely.

I didn't expect to hook up with Fang Wei again!

Finally Fang Wei's real "play" died!

This woman, really he... Life offends white tiger!

Fang Wei is dead.

Xu Chao is innocent, and few people doubt him.

Very little means there is more.

After learning about Fang Wei's death, Qiao Songling called her son Qiao Dongfeng and said, "Dongfeng, let doctor Xu have a villa in Fujin garden. In fact, I have been holding a breath about the incident between us and Fang Wei. Today, the tone is finally smooth! It's a good thing that the people who should go are gone

Qiao Dongfeng on the other end of the phone remembers one thing. Yesterday afternoon, his father said Fang Wei would be thirty-one years old. Unexpectedly, Fang Wei would be thirty-one years old!

He could not help whispering: "Dad, you say this is really doctor Xu..."

Qiao Songling immediately interrupted her son and said, "what are you talking about? Dr. Xu can't do any serious work! Fang Wei's family and his brothers have no doubts. What are you talking about? I asked you to send me the villa because I heard that Dr. Xu's mother-in-law was pregnant, and their house was too small. By the way, is Xinmei not as old as Xu Chao's mother-in-law? "

Xinmei, whose full name is Shu Xinmei, is Qiao Dongfeng's wife. So far, she has not had a baby. Qiao Songling is so old that she has not had a grandson, which has become his biggest regret.

"Xinmei is fifty-one today. I don't know how old Xu Chao's mother-in-law is. Dad, I know what you mean, but the doctor said that Xinmei is not suitable for pregnancy, otherwise it will be life-threatening. "

"Well, I know. I'll just say that. That's it."

After Qiao Dongfeng finished his conversation with the old man, he stood in front of the window of the spacious office and looked at the tall buildings in the distance, with a smile on his lips.

At that time, they had a conflict with Fang Wei because of the supply of building materials. Although Qiao Songling finally asked a senior to make peace, Qiao Songling was so old that he not only apologized to Fang Wei jingcha in person, but also gave up a lot of benefits.

Just now, the old man said that he had not followed this tone. In fact, Qiao Dongfeng has been blocked for so many years.

Now, the tone is finally smooth!

Although the old man didn't let him talk, he knew that Fang Wei's death was probably related to Xu Chao!

Xu Chao asked a lot about Fang Wei yesterday. He was evaluating and making choices.

Up to now, although Qiao Dongfeng can't say whether Xu Chao's practice is right or wrong, he has to admit that Xu Chao's work is really beautiful!

Wang Shijun's team learned that Fang Wei died suddenly, and immediately realized that this was the best chance to break through the psychological defense line of black laogua, so they told the news to black laogua.

As soon as Fang Wei died, none of his previous promises to black laogua were fulfilled. No one would take care of black laogua's family, and no one would give black laogua compensation.

Under the psychological attack of the police, black laogua finally couldn't hold on, said a lot of things, and spewed out many old cases that Fang Wei had done before.

Of course, these cases involve Fang Wei's four King Kong. On the day of Fang Wei's funeral, the police arrested all three leopards.

Jinhai high speed railway station.

A young man walked out of the high-speed railway station and got into a taxi. The driver was a talker. In a few words, he led the topic to Fang Wei's sudden death.

After hearing the story, the young man made several calls, but no one answered.

This man is the shooter that leopard contacted from the south. Originally, he wanted to shoot Xu Chao to the head, but now Fang Wei died suddenly, and the leopard who contacted him also fell into the hands of the police. Naturally, he couldn't contact anyone.

No one is more alert than killers, even the slightest wind and grass, they can smell different breath.

The young man immediately asked the driver to turn around, return to the high-speed railway station, buy the fastest ticket and leave Jinhai city

In a nightclub in Shangjing.

Zheng Tianxing, a young and rich man, is embracing each other. He is talking with a group of friends. His mobile phone suddenly vibrates. He takes a look at it. It's Jin Laiyuan, the bangbangguo coach of Jinhai Taekwondo Hall.

"What's the matter?" he asked

"Zheng Shao, Fang Wei is dead." Jin Laiyuan said.

Zheng dasheo suddenly thought of his ghost. Could it be Xu Chao?

He suddenly had a cold war, and then his mood became very bad. He reached out to push away the woman around him, scolded casually, and then walked out, leaving a look of astonishment.

"Give up all your plans! Challenge? Challenge your paralysis! Give up all your plans for Xu Chao... "Zheng Tianxing swears on the phone as he walks outside the nightclub.

The goods ran to the door, was outside the cold wind, and then hit a shiver, look at the dark corner under the neon lights, always feel there will be a grinning mouth, mouth bleeding, teeth like a sword, glittering things floating out from there, told him that he is under the Hades enchanting messenger!

"Dad, I'm drunk outside. Please ask Uncle he to pick me up..." Tang Tang Zheng began to call his parents.

One hit, ten thousand hits!

But the Feng family, which has a fundamental interest dispute with Xu Chao, still has no plan to let Xu Chao go.

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