"Brother in law, don't worry too much. My sister Ji has her own way. She will be fine."

"Yes, yes, maybe Prince raddell didn't investigate the situation. After a while, maybe we'll get some good news. "

"My cousin also has Kung Fu. Her reaction ability and self-help ability are first-class. Even if she is really buried under the ruins, she will certainly be able to find a way to save herself. "

Zhao Jiawei and Xue Lin, a word of comfort to Xu Chao!

"I'm going to Saudi Arabia! You have to go now! Xue Lin, can you contact a plane to Saudi Arabia immediately for me Xu Chao suddenly said anxiously.

"I'll get in touch with someone I know now and see if I can charter a plane from the airline," he said

Between the words, Xue Lin has already started dialing.

After a phone call, Xue Lin said to Xu Chao, "brother Chao, the airlines say they don't have a plane now. Shall we contact the Embassy? It's just that I don't know anyone in the embassy, so things may not be easy. "

Xu Chao telegraphed and said, "forget it, I'll call you."

"Does Chao Ge have any acquaintances in the Embassy?" Xue Lin asked in surprise.

"No, but I have acquaintances in China." Xu Chao started dialing and said.

He directly called song Xinzhong, the father of the Song family, and asked him to contact the embassy for him.

Song Xinzhong's body has become stronger and stronger under Xu Chao's care. He not only regards Xu Chao as a life-saving benefactor, but also as a person who forgets his old age. After hearing the story, he immediately helps Xu Chao contact the Chinese Embassy in Mexico!

Although Mr. Song has already retired, his influence is there, and there is no shortage of senior officials in his family. He personally manipulated the matter. Within ten minutes, the Chinese Embassy in Mexico called Xu Chao's mobile phone.

Embassy liaison told Xu Chao that they contacted a plane and took off to Saudi Arabia two hours later.

The plane is the private jet of Mexican mining magnate Ferdinand.

Ferdinand had heart failure and needed to change his heart. However, because Ferdinand's blood type was very special, it was difficult to find a donor. There was a sudden earthquake in Saudi Arabia, resulting in a large number of casualties. Many people were willing to donate their organs to benefit others when they were dying.

As a result, the earthquake in Saudi Arabia has become the gospel of Ferdinand!

He found the donor!

The problem is that after the earthquake in the port city of Saudi Arabia, the airport was basically paralyzed, and several nearby cities were also controlled. They were mainly used to transport materials and wounded people. It was impossible to send a special plane to Ferdinand to send the donor to Mexico!

If this happens, it is estimated that the Saudi government will be sprayed to death by the common people!

After the heart is removed from the donor, of course, the shorter the time it takes to transplant it to the patient, the higher the survival rate will be. Therefore, Ferdinand decided to leave immediately for Saudi Arabia for surgery!

Andre, his doctor in charge, will go with his team and the operation will be done by Andre.

Andre is the world's heart surgery experts, known as the world's first heart surgery knife! We have performed heart transplantation for 150 patients with a success rate of 90%!

Xu Chao doesn't care much about Ferdinand's affairs. He only cares that Ferdinand's private plane will take off in two hours!

The Embassy's outreach staff also told Xu Chao that the embassy had informed Ferdinand that Ferdinand had sent someone to pick up Xu Chao and let Xu Chao be ready.

Xu Chao repeatedly thanks, and then hang up the phone.

Neither Zhao Jiawei nor Xue Linwei spoke, but they were all filled with emotion.

One is that Xu Chao has a strong network. He found the plane temporarily, but he found it! And take off in two hours!

The other is the feeling of the strength of the state of dragon. The Embassy can find the latest plane to Saudi Arabia in the shortest time, and it can also persuade the other party to take Xu Chao. This is the embodiment of the strength of the country.

If the Dragon kingdom is not strong enough, who will be the people of the bird Embassy?

Until the plane was settled, Xu Chao's messy heart gradually settled down and began to think about how to deal with the next things.

The first thing he thought of was his father-in-law and his mother-in-law.

Such a serious earthquake happened in Saudi Arabia, and now the news of the earthquake has been flashed on the Internet!

Gu Renhe and Xiang Wenqing are sure to get the news soon.

Especially Xiang Wenqing, her career is information exchange! Maybe I know now.

They knew that after the Shaguo earthquake, they would contact Gu Xinyan for the first time. When they found that Gu Xinyan lost contact, they must be very worried.

I must immediately think of a reason to prevaricate them, and try to delay the news so that they don't know the truth.

Xiang Wenqing's mother-in-law has been pregnant for more than seven months, and has reached the most important stage. Once she is excessively sad, it is likely to cause miscarriage.

If so, it can only make things worse!

Xu Chao rubs his hair hard. He is perfecting his lies in his heart. His father-in-law Gu Ren calls.

"Chaozi, have you seen the news of the Shaguo earthquake?" Gu Ren asked in a very serious voice.

Xu Chao can hear his father-in-law's worry from his tone.

"Yes, it's too tragic. I estimate that the number of casualties may reach 100000!" Xu Chao replied carefully.

"I don't care about others, I only care about Xinyan! We can't get in touch with Xinyan any more. Can you get in touch with her? If you can't get in touch, please contact Prince radle quickly and ask him what happened to Xinyan! " This time it's Xiang Wenqing.

Obviously, the old couple are now guarding a mobile phone and turning on the handsfree.

"Dad, mom, you don't have to worry about Xinyan. I just contacted Prince radle. When the earthquake happened, Xinyan was at radle's mansion to attend a reception."

"You know, the rich in these capitalist countries are afraid of death. Their houses are much stronger than those of ordinary people. "

"Of course, the earthquake still caused chaos at the reception. While saving people, Xinyan was broken by the palace lantern falling from the ceiling, and her mobile phone was lost in the chaos. That's why we can't reach her. "

"I found a private plane to take off for Saudi Arabia in two hours. I'll take care of Xinyan. You can rest assured. Next, I'm in a hurry. I may have no time to answer your phone call, even worse on the plane. Don't worry, especially mom, when I'm pregnant... "

What Xu Chao said had eyes and nose, and finally let them believe what he said.

After finishing the call with his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Xu Chao picked up his things, got up and left. Zhao Jiawei and Xue Lin immediately followed.

As soon as Xu Chao arrived at the lobby on the first floor, he saw the female fake foreign devil Ruth!

He didn't like this woman. He didn't look at her. He didn't even stop the company's security guard beating Ruth's security guard.

He went straight out of the gate of the company headquarters.

As soon as the four were standing at the gate, a black Mercedes Benz stopped in front of them. The window came down, revealing a cold face with black super sunglasses.

"Who is Xu Chao?" he said

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