"Xu, I already know what happened. Thank you very much for saving my life." Ferdinand said, lying on his bed.

"You're welcome, Mr. Ferdinand. I save you more for myself. Let me give you a pulse first. " Xu Chao said lightly.

When Xu Chao finished his pulse diagnosis, his face became serious and said, "Mr. Ferdinand, did you get this heart disease in the summer three years ago? Before that, there was nothing wrong with your heart, right? "

Everyone in the room was stunned.

In the eyes of Orlando and Lucia, however, there was a flash of ruthlessness!

Andre was the most shocked. He immediately took out the previous medical records from the medical record shelf next to him, looked at them for a while, and said with a shocked face: "my God! Dr. Xu, how do you know when Ferdinand first got sick? "

But Xu Chao sighed slightly and said, "naturally, we know it through pulse diagnosis."

Suddenly his eyes swept over the crowd and he said, "I have something to say to Mr. Ferdinand alone. Can you go out for a moment? Andre, you can stay. "

As soon as his voice dropped, Lucia said sharply, "are you kidding? I'm Ferdinand's wife. I have the most right to know about his illness. Why should I go out? "

"I'm my uncle's only nephew! I'm most concerned about my uncle's illness. How can I not know my uncle's illness? " Orlando also said with an angry face.

"Ferdinand, do you want us here?" Lucia turned to ask Ferdinand, which meant to be forced.

"Dr. Xu, they are indeed my closest friends. There is no need to avoid them, is there?" Ferdinand also said weakly.

Xu Chao hesitated a little and said, "let them go out. Some words can only be known by doctors and patients, not by others, even the closest people. Of course, I don't care if you tell them in the future. "

"You are really strange, doctor long. Do you want to get involved in our family? What if we just don't go out? " Orlando said coldly.

"I don't have to say anything. If you don't go out, I won't say anything. What else can I do? " Xu Chao shrugged, spread out his hands, some lonely face said.

He thought of Gu Xinyan again and thought silently: "Xinyan, I'm coming soon! You must hold on! You'll be fine! "


Seeing Xu Chao's indifference, the middle-aged man with blonde hair couldn't help feeling angry.

If not impossible, he really wants to throw Xu Chao off the plane!

"Lucia, Orlando, you'd better go out first." Said Ferdinando.



They still wanted to persuade Ferdinand, but Ferdinand waved his hand to them and said, "go out, I promise you that I will tell you what doctor Xu told me in the future. Is that ok?"

Two people this just not reconciled left, and heavily took the cabin door.

"What does Dr. Xu have to say now?" Ferdinand said.

Andre and Ferdinand are equally puzzled that Xu Chao has something to hide from Ferdinand's closest people.

Xu Chao didn't speak. He just went to the cabin door and opened it!

Two figures stumbled into the room and almost fell to the ground!

It's not Lucia and Orlando. Who are they?

Xu Chao didn't speak, just looked at them with a smile. Ferdinand and Andre also cast their eyes on them. Their eyes were cold.

Lucia and Orlando didn't feel embarrassed either. They just glared at Xu Chao and left.

Xu Chao stood at the door and saw them go to a cabin nearby. Then he closed the cabin door again and said, "Mr. Ferdinand, in fact, you are not sick, you are poisoned!"

Ferdinand and Andre were all stunned.

"It's impossible! Mr. Ferdinand can't be poisoned! He showed no signs of poisoning Andre said at once.

"Yes, I've never felt poisoned." Ferdinand said with disbelief.

"What you have is not a common poison, but a poisonous poison!" Xu Chao has a solemn face.

"Gu Du? What is Gu Du? " Ferdinand and Andre were dazed. It was the first time they heard the name.

"Yes, it's Gu Du! It's not only a kind of witchcraft, but also a kind of poison. It's a kind of sorcery poison. As far as I know, only Oriental people can understand this kind of secret skill. They don't know who you've been poisoned by... "

Xu Chao told them in detail about the cultivation and cultivation of Gu in Miao area of the Dragon Kingdom, and the various behaviors of people after being poisoned by Gu. They were stunned.

"Then... What kind of poison is in me?" Ferdinand asked, pale.

"Heart biting poison!" Xu Chaodao.

"Heart biting?"

"That's right, heart biting! The adult of this insect is only about two millimeters, about the size of a flea, but its larva is as small as a virus. Although it's small, it's quite poisonous! They can grow together with the human heart and become a part of the heart, but once the heart is symbiotic with the heart eating insects, it will gradually lose its function and cause serious heart failure! " Xu Chaodao.

"How do you know that? It's also the conclusion of pulse diagnosis? Is there a more intuitive way to prove your conclusion? " Andre asked suspiciously.

He is a standard western medicine. He only believes in various intuitive modern diagnostic methods. Although he admires Xu Chao's medical skills, his conclusion is still hard to accept at the moment. After all, it's too far away.

"It's very simple to test my conclusion. Heart biting poison is contagious. As long as other animals or people drink your blood, they will be infected soon! If Mr. Ferdinand wants, we can do this experiment with your pet dog. " Xu Chao looked at a Chihuahua squatting in the corner.

"Yes, I will!" Ferdinand said immediately.

Although he likes his pet dog very much, he wants his life even more.

Xu Chao finds a porcelain bowl and asks Andre to help Ferdinand up and sit on the bed. Then he asks Andre to put the white porcelain bowl to Ferdinand's mouth.

"Mr. Ferdinand, I'm going to take half of your blood. Please bear with me."

During the conversation, Xu Chao clapped Ferdinand in the back of his heart!

"Wow! Whoa, whoa

Ferdinand's mouth suddenly spurted a few mouthfuls of blood, all of which were opened into the white porcelain bowl by Andre.

Ferdinand's face changed when he saw the blood in the bowl.

Under normal circumstances, people's heart is injured, the blood is rich in oxygen ions of arterial blood, showing bright red, but at the moment, Ferdinand's blood is dark purple, more purple than ordinary people's venous blood!

This is obviously abnormal!

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