Under Xu Chao's activities, the hamster had already been released on bail. Under his own treatment, it took only one week for the hamster to recover from his chest injury.

Hamster successfully contacted the general and told him about his plan to assassinate Xu Chao, but it took a little time to convince him.

To Xu Chao's surprise, while he was waiting for the news of the rat, Clarissa met another murder!

At that time, Clarissa drove home after work as usual. When she passed a section of lakeside road, she suddenly caught up with an SUV from behind. When she overtaken Clarissa, she suddenly hit the direction and bumped Clarissa's car into the artificial lake under the roadbed!

Fortunately, Clarissa knew how to save herself after the car fell into the water, and she could swim, so she was only slightly injured and saved her life again.

The driver who caused the accident was caught, but he was a drunk. The reason why he collided with Clarissa's car was that he was not angry that Clarissa had overtaken his car in the front section of the road. He wanted to take revenge, and then he bumped Clarissa into an artificial lake.

The driver was drunk, hit and run, and finally got the punishment, so the police closed the case.

However, Xu Chao has a keen sense that the matter is not so simple. He feels that this is not a drunken accident, but a deliberate murder. However, Xu Chao's only evidence is that this incident is too close to the previous assassination of Clarissa in the restaurant.

In addition, Xu Chao has no evidence to prove his point of view, and even Clarissa herself does not believe Xu Chao's inference. But Clarissa finally follows Xu Chao's advice and leaves the Dragon kingdom with her son, little Henry, and returns to the sheep kingdom.

Five days later.

At Jinhai International Airport, a young man in the West who is not good-looking but with a very symmetrical figure walked out of the gate.

He is a famous "general" in the world of killers!

"General" is the title given to him by the world's killer community. Because this title is so famous, few people know his real name.

"General" is one of the highest level killers in the world, ranking third in the list of dark net killers all the year round, with only one dragon and one tiger on it.

For many years, the top three of the killer list have been occupied by these three people, and no rising star can replace them. The ranking of the three of them is also very stable, basically unchanged.

In the top three killer list, although the strength of the general ranked third, but the wealth may be ranked first!

It is said that his personal wealth has reached more than two billion US dollars!

He can have the scale of assets today, not because he does the most tasks and transfers the most money, but because he can save money.

It is said that the general's childhood was very miserable. His father drank too much and died of alcoholism. His mother was broken by his father and became disabled. She washed other people's clothes and brought him up. The mother and son often ate one meal before the next. When the general was ten years old, he even got three teeth knocked off because he stole a baked cake from others, so that he could not die, These three teeth are the adult teeth he just changed!

His childhood experience affected his whole life. From then on, he got the phobia of poverty and became a miser. He liked to see the number representing his wealth increasing. Every little increase would make him feel more secure, but he seldom spent money.

White family in the dark net cast flowers, the general immediately heart, he immediately began to prepare, but did not wait for him to start, red wolf took action, the result of the total annihilation!

Then the poisonous spider took action against Xu Chao, and the whole army was destroyed!

When the general saw the long red death list released by Sorea on the dark net, he began to hesitate. He realized that Xu Chao was too strong to kill. The white family's one billion dollar dark flower was not so easy to get!

Later, he saw Cui Chaoxian's name appear on the death list, and he hesitated even more. Although he liked money, he cherished life more!

It was at this time that he received a message from the rat.

A friend of hamster once went to see Xu Chao. He had a good relationship with Xu Chao. He had a way to get close to Xu Chao and use his hands on Xu Chao. So he invited the general to kill Xu Chao and divide up a billion dollars of hidden flowers.

Because Xu Chao blocked the news that the rat assassinated him, and the incident happened in China, the general knew nothing about the fact that the rat once attacked Xu Chao and failed.

The general had cooperated with the hamster many times and had been very happy. Later, the hamster wanted to get more reward, but the stingy general didn't agree. The two people separated, so they could be regarded as good friends.

However, after receiving the news of the rat, the general still hesitated for a while, but finally he didn't resist the rat's deception and the temptation of one billion dollars. He agreed to cooperate with the rat and proposed that the rat take three and seven after the event.

In order to avoid arousing the general's suspicion, he argued with the general and even quarreled over the phone. In the end, the two sides agreed to divide them into four or six parts.

After everything was settled on the phone, the general came to Jinhai city from abroad.

As soon as he walked out of the gate with the crowd, a familiar voice rang out not far away: "ha ha, I knew you, the miser, would be economy class and would come out from here. As expected! If someone knows that a rich man with a value of two billion dollars will be economy class, I'm afraid he'll have to laugh off his teeth! "

The general looked for fame and found a man who was not tall or fat, but he was very tough. He was smiling at him not far away. Who was it?

The general looked around the rat and found that there was no suspicious person. Then he walked over and looked at him up and down. He said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for several years. It seems that your little mouse hasn't changed much. It's just a little fat."

"Hahaha, that's the advantage of keeping a low profile. Few people in the world know me. I don't know my name on the bullshit Internet. I can live as I used to. Unlike you, you are famous. Almost every country's security department has your picture. You can't do plastic surgery eight times a year! "

As he said, he carefully looked at the general in front of him and said, "if I hadn't videotaped with you in advance, I wouldn't recognize you now. Do you say you suffer or not? " Taking a small suitcase in the general's hand, he went out and said with a smile.

"A thousand faces, a thousand lives, though a little guilty, but also do not have fun, ha ha." The general said with a smile.

"This is not a place to talk. Let's go. I've ordered a hotel for you. I've found a woman. We'll play for one day before we move."

As he said, he led the general out of the terminal, got on his business car and went straight to the hotel.

"Step on it these days. The day after tomorrow is Saturday. My friend will invite Xu Chao and his wife to have dinner together. Thank him for curing my friend's illness. I will be there to accompany him.

"I'll get Xu Chao drunk and his wife will drive him home. You're on the way to kill him. Although Xu Chao is powerful, his combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced after he gets drunk. Should you kill him? "

He asked as he drove.

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