Xiangyang shipping company is a family business, originally headquartered in Shangjing City, but after Xu Chao injected capital, because the main business was concentrated in Jinhai City, Gu Xinyan moved the headquarters to Jinhai city!

Xiang Hongjiao is the daughter of Xiang Wenfeng, the fourth elder of Xiang's family. After Xu Chao was killed, Xiang Wenfeng, because he was abroad and couldn't escape, took his place in the funeral of Xu Chao.

During Xu Chao's funeral, Xiang Hongjiao also stayed at Gu Ren's house, but she didn't carry the same airs as the rest of Xiang's family. She didn't do any work. She just followed other guests to dinner.

Xiang Hongjiao, like Gu Shengfeng and Zhai Xiaohu, has been busy all the time. She hasn't had a good rest for several nights.

Moreover, after the funeral of "Xu Chao", she didn't stay at Sangu's home with Xiang's family for dinner. Instead, she went back to her home and went to work as usual this morning.

Not long after she arrived at the company, Xiang Hongbin broke into her office directly.

Xiang Hongjiao doesn't like this cousin very much.

At the beginning, Xiang family planned to marry her into the Zheng family, in exchange for a higher level of Xiang family. However, Xiang Hongjiao fell in love with the poor boy Yu Qianjin, but Xiang Hongbin did not stop her from getting along with Yu Qianjin.

Even so, when Xiang Hongjiao sees her cousin coming, she still gets up to pour water for her cousin. However, when she finishes receiving the water, she turns around and finds that Xiang Hongbin has already sat on her seat. She shakes her buttocks comfortably and turns the boss's chair under her buttocks. She looks complacent.

Xiang Hongjiao frowned slightly, but she put down her unhappiness. She put the cup in front of her cousin and said, "brother, drink water. You didn't go back to Beijing? Why do you have time to come to the company today? "

He took a sip of the water cup from Hongbin, shook his head and said, "ha ha, this chair is really comfortable and delicate. You can enjoy it."

Xiang Hongjiao is even more unhappy. She feels that her cousin is not good at finding fault today.

As soon as she was about to speak, Xiang Hongbin stood up and said, "well, you don't have to explain. That's what I said. I don't blame you for your extravagance. I've come to inform you to attend the board meeting in the small meeting room. Come on, let's go together. "

Xiang Hongjiao is stunned.

It is the general manager of Xiangyang shipping company and a member of the board of directors. Gu Xinyan, the former chairman of the board of directors, first informed her and then informed other family directors when she wanted to hold a board meeting.

This time I didn't know.

"Board of directors? Who called it? Why don't I know? " To Hong Jiao strange ask a way.

"Don't you know now? My dad called the board. Are you ok? " Xiang Hongbin said triumphantly.

Xiang Hongjiao frowned again and said, "uncle? What about the chairman? Why didn't she call the board? "

"My cousin is not in a good mood. She is not in the mood to call the board of directors. Naturally, my father called it. Let's go, let's go. The meeting will start soon. If you don't go, we won't wait for you. " Xiang Hongbin gets up and leaves.

Xiang Hongbin's father is Xiang Wenrui.

Xiang Wenqing didn't return to Xiangjia. Before Xu Chao injected capital into Xiangyang shipping company, Xiang Wenrui was the general manager of Xiangyang shipping company. Because the company was small at that time, there was no board of directors. Xiang Wenrui was the actual controller of the company.

After Xiang Wenqing returned to Xiangjia and Xu Chao invested in Xiangyang shipping company, the company made a drastic transformation and set up a board of directors. Gu Xinyan served as the chairman of the board of directors. Several major members of Xiangjia were members of the board of directors. Xiang Wenrui served as the vice chairman, Xiang Hongjiao as the general manager, and Yu Qianjin as the deputy general manager.

Now that Gu Xinyan has just lost her husband, the situation is special. It is also reasonable and legal for the vice chairman to call the board of directors to Wenrui.

But Xiang Hongjiao was still a little confused. He followed Xiang Hongbin out of his office and asked, "what is the purpose of calling the board of directors for no reason? Is there anything on the agenda? "

"You'll know when you get there." To Hong bin head also don't return of say.

When Xiang Hongjiao arrives at the small meeting room, she is surprised to find that in addition to Gu Xinyan, all the other members of the board of directors have arrived. Her uncle sits in the position of the chairman of the board of directors to Wen Rui. All the people's faces are gloomy, and some of them seem to have swollen cheeks.

Xiang Hongjiao doesn't know that she was beaten last night. She just feels that the atmosphere is not right.

Xiang Wenrui took a look at Xiang Hongjiao and said faintly: "Jiao Jiao is coming. Sit down. Here we are. Let's have a formal meeting. First of all, let's talk about the first topic. Xu Chao passed away, and Xinyan was too sad. I don't think she is suitable to be the chairman of the board of directors. Now let's start the impeachment process for the chairman of the board of Directors... "

Xiang Hongjiao immediately felt his head buzzing!

No wonder I feel that the atmosphere is not right. It turns out that my uncles, aunts and brothers are not well intentioned at all!

They want to take advantage of their cousin's death, who has no time to deal with the affairs of the company, to seize the power of the class!

They must not be allowed to succeed!

"I object! My cousin is gone, but who said that if my cousin is gone, my cousin is not suitable to be the chairman of the board of Directors... "

Xiang Hongjiao talks at once, but without waiting for her to finish speaking, Xiang Wenrui's fierce eyes have swept towards her and said: "Jiaojiao! Don't talk, when you talk! "

"That is, Jiaojiao, are you still not from Xiangjia? Don't forget, you are Xiang! Not Gu, not Xu! Xiangyang shipping company is an enterprise founded by Xiangjia. It should be named Xiangjia Xiang Hongbin also said impolitely.

Other people also reproached Xiang Hongjiao.

Xiang Hongjiao suddenly understood that today this meeting has no right to speak!

I only have the right to be obedient!

Xiang Hongjiao's heart suddenly gets angry, "miso" gets up and says with a gloomy face: "this board of directors, how do you like to open it? I have something to do. I'm sorry I won't accompany you!"

She plans to leave, immediately inform Gu Xinyan of the matter.

There was a cold light in Xiang Wenrui's eyes. He suddenly patted the table and said, "you sit down for me! How ridiculous! In terms of seniority, I am your uncle. In terms of my position in the company, I am the vice chairman. Now I call the board of directors to comply with the legal procedures. Why should you leave? "

Xiang Hongjiao and Yu Qianjin almost committed suicide at the beginning. It was Xu Chao and Gu Xinyan who saved them and made them the chief and deputy general managers of Xiangyang shipping company. Therefore, Xiang Hongjiao is very grateful to Gu Xinyan and Xu Chao.

Now that "Xu Chao" is gone, she can't do anything wrong to Gu Xinyan.

In the face of Xiang Wenrui's aggressive eyes, she didn't flinch. She bravely looked at Xiang Wenrui and said, "why should I leave? Just let your cousin step down for no reason! Ha ha, I said cousin's funeral, we came home so many people, before I thought that everyone really wanted to come to see off cousin's last leg, it turned out to be a fight for class power! I can't care about you. What do you like? I have only one sentence to give you. There are gods, people are doing, and heaven is watching! There is always retribution! I'm sorry not to be with you! "

Xiang Hongjiao gets up and goes. She reaches out to open the door, only to find that two security guards reach out to stop her!

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