Prince radle doesn't know the language of dragon, but he has a lot of contacts with Xu Chao and has learned two sentences. Moreover, he is too familiar with the name of Xu Chao. He understands Xiang Hongbin's words!

He was slightly stunned for a moment, and asked in broken longguoyu, "relationship, you and Xu Chao."

Xiang Hongbin was slightly stunned for a moment before he understood what radle meant. He said busily: "Xu Chao is my brother-in-law, my brother-in-law! Your highness, my brother-in-law is your business partner. In his face, you can bypass me this time. I didn't mean to. I really ran to the wrong room! Xu Chaozhen is my brother-in-law. If you don't believe me, you can call him and ask him... "

The goods are incoherent!

He knows that Xu Chao has a good relationship with Lader. In order to prove that he has a good relationship with Xu Chao, he would like to say that he is Xu Chao's son!

Radle was confused again.

Xiang Hongbin knew that rader didn't understand, so he said to the hotel manager: "you translate for him, translate for him!"

The hotel manager quickly translated it.

Radle looks up and down at Xiang Hongbin, dials Xu Chao's phone directly, and tells Xu Chao if he knows Xiang Hongbin.

At that time, Xu Chao was still in the state of mo. when he learned about it, he was also funny. Although Xiang Hongbin was a jerk, he was Gu Xinyan's cousin after all, so he said a word of love to Xiang Hongbin.

Lader has never forgotten Xu Chao's help. He has long regarded Xu Chao as one of his best friends. Moreover, the student's younger sister is not a serious woman. She is also a sister, but she is a little more advanced and doesn't take over work easily.

Raddell can't talk about any feelings with each other. He just plays on the occasion and gets what he wants.

Besides, Xiang Hongbin didn't succeed.

Radle did not hesitate to give Xu Chao a face, and let it go.

After Xiang Hongbin came back, he didn't dare to tell his father about it, so Xiang Wenrui didn't know anything about it.

After lawyer Hu left the detention center, he immediately found Xiang Wenrui and reported the matter in detail.

Xiang Wenrui was speechless for a long time.

This guy's business is a piece of cake, but it's an old fox who studies the relationship between characters. His brain immediately starts to sort out all the characters involved in his son's business, and then extends from these characters.

The first one is the woman who sued her son. She is Prince radle's woman. Radle and Xu Chao have a good relationship. Xu Chao is Gu Xinyan's husband. She just kicked Gu Xinyan out of Xiangyang shipping company, which makes Gu Xinyan suffer a big loss.

So the case of her son had been finished, and now the woman suddenly began to sue her son again. Did Gu Xinyan instigate Prince radle behind her back? Then Prince raddell found the woman again and let the woman's old case come up again?

Xiang Wenrui felt a flash of lightning in his mind!

In this world, there is no unexplained hate, there is no unexplained love, he felt his analysis is very reliable!

Thinking of this, Xiang Wenrui can't help fighting a cold war. He says in his heart, "good Gu Xinyan, you've been quiet these days, and you haven't even gone to the company. I thought you'd recognize it. I didn't expect that you're really holding up a big move! You're too cruel, aren't you? I'm your uncle at least, and Hongbin is your cousin at least. You're going to kill him like this. Didn't you destroy him? "

The old man didn't think about how he treated his niece!

It's a common fault of despicable people to allow the state officials to set fire and not allow the people to light lamps.

Xiang Wenrui thought for a while, but he was depressed again.

No matter how upset Gu Xinyan is, if you want to solve this problem and save your son from this prison, you have to ask Gu Xinyan!

But is Gu Xinyan so talkative?

She estimated that she had already prepared a lot of conditions. If there was a train, she was waiting to accept it!

Lawyer Hu saw Xiang Wenrui's face was uncertain, and he didn't know what he was thinking. He just said, "Mr. Xiang, it's not easy to fight this lawsuit."

"Hongbin just went to the wrong room!" Xiang Wenrui said absently.

"But who can prove that Xiang Shao is in the wrong room? The scene of the incident was in the island country. It has been a long time since then. Even if there was evidence at that time, I'm afraid we can't find it by this time. We don't have any evidence, but they have a video of that woman in their hands. " Lawyer Hu said melancholy.

"Radle and the woman are not good people either, otherwise why install cameras in the room? The lader, damn it, he's the prince of Saudi Arabia. When he goes out to stay in a hotel, he'll stay in an ordinary suite? Isn't the presidential suite standard? " Xiang Wenrui said angrily.

Lawyer Hu didn't take the blame on Wen Rui at all. It's someone else's business how they like to play. This can't be a reason for your son to fight other people's women.

After complaining to Wen Rui, he took a cup of water and poured a mouthful of tea. He was in a better mood and said, "lawyer Hu, I already know what the problem is. This is someone trying to fix me. Now I'm going to find someone. If things go well, Hongbin may come out. But there are always accidents, so you can't relax. You continue to collect evidence according to your ideas. "

Lawyer Hu couldn't figure it out, but he didn't ask much, just agreed to leave.

Xiang Wenrui thinks twice and decides to go to Xiang Wenqing's home again.

He went in the evening. When he arrived at Gu's home, Gu Zheng was already asleep. Gu Ren, Xiang Wenqing and Gu Xinyan were eating while the child was asleep and no one was making noise.

It's Gu Xinyan who opens the door to Xiang Wenrui. Since she called Lader, she has been paying attention to it. The day after Xiang Hongbin was arrested, Xiang Hongjiao told her the news.

She's been waiting to come to Wenrui.

Xiang Wenrui was afraid that the girl would close the door and shut the door. He raised his leg and stepped forward with one foot. He said with a smile, "ha ha, Xinyan, are you still sad? My uncle came to see you today. He also came to see Xiaozheng. Last time I came, the child's black grape eyes were fixed on me. It was obviously predestined with me. I haven't seen you these days, so I'm in a panic. "

This fake makes people feel sick. Last time he came, he didn't take a look at Xiaozheng at all!

Gu Xinyan snorted coldly and turned to walk inside. She said in a low voice, "Xiao Zheng is asleep. Keep your voice down."

"I know, I know."

Xiang Wenrui agreed and put the big and small gift bags inside the door into the entrance.

Xiang Wenqing, who was eating, just glanced at him and didn't speak.

Gu Ren was polite, and said with a smile, "if you don't have enough food, and you don't have much preparation, it's not empty for you."

"You eat, you eat, I have already eaten." Xiang Wenrui said with a quick smile.

He wanted to come in first to tease the child, ease the awkward atmosphere, and then slowly lead the topic to his own business, but now that the child is asleep, his plan fails, and he can't help wondering where to start.

Xiang Wenrui suddenly feels great pressure!

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