Trauma ointment, Xugu ointment, scald ointment and other common drugs are all the regular drugs for Xu Chao's home travel.

What's more, these medicines he keeps are not mass-produced products of jiuzhuanhu group, but hand-made by himself. Although the formula is the same, the technology is different, so the curative effect is different.

The effect of the ointment made by Xu Chao is much better than that produced by jiuzhuanhu factory!

He wanted Blake to send it to him, but he thought it was wrong, so he went to the hotel himself. Fortunately, the hotel he stayed in was not far from the clinic, so he came back soon.

When Xu Chao left, he naturally heard the roar of the doctor in the clinic. He was still thinking about how to explain to the doctor. Unexpectedly, when he came back, the doctor was not only not stopping Xu Chao, but also very interested in the ointment in Xu Chao's hand.

Xu Chao's mind is smart. After a moment's thinking, he knows that Clarissa has convinced the doctor.

He didn't explain any more. He was about to start to apply medicine to little Henry, but just as he was about to open the jar of ointment, he suddenly felt something wrong.

The technique of applying ointment is very professional and skilled, but now I am a "general" and a killer of all evils!

How can a killer have such skillful medication?

In front of a few people naturally don't know the identity of his killer, but who knows if there are white family people staring at themselves secretly now?

Although he had not received a reply from the young lady until now, he was sure that she had already told the white family.

I didn't wait for a reply because the white family might be investigating myself!

Fogelow is the head of the white family. If he offers to see him now, the other party will naturally doubt his purpose. They will definitely find out their identity, otherwise they will never agree to meet fogelow.

Although Xu Chao now has Tianwei to protect him wherever he goes, even Tianwei may not be able to find anything unusual if the other person is dressing up as an ordinary person to watch him.

It's better to be careful if you don't overdo it.

These thoughts flashed through Xu Chao's mind. He handed Clarissa the ointment box and said, "I'm not a doctor. I'm a heavy handed man. I don't work very carefully. I can't do this kind of work well. You'd better do it."

Clarissa also didn't refuse, reached for the ointment, but said gratefully: "thank you, sir. Thank you, sir. I know it's expensive. I'll give you as much as you want when I finish the medicine for my child."

Clarissa took the ointment, opened it, smelled it, felt it was the smell, and then began to apply the medicine to her son,

Although Xu Chao gave Clarissa the job of applying the medicine, he was still a little worried for fear that something might go wrong, so he didn't leave immediately. He waited for Clarissa to put a can of ointment on little Henry, spread the burn evenly, and then wrapped it with gauze. After all, he got up and left.

Clarissa's mood finally stabilized. She personally sent Xu Chao out of the clinic to the side of the road and insisted on paying Xu Chao for the medicine. Xu Chao didn't want to cause other people's ideas because of this medicine fee and her concession, so she was not polite and charged three times the market price of Longguo.

Seeing that Xu Chao was about to leave, Clarissa hesitated for a moment and asked, "Sir, I know this medicine is also very important to you, but you have also seen little Henry's situation. It must be impossible to take this medicine only once. Do you have any medicine in your hand? As I said, the price is not a problem. You can ask for more. "

With a smile, Xu Chao said, "I'm not a retailer. I used to take my spare with me. Where can I have so many? But my friend still has them. I'll contact him and write back to you in the evening. "

"Thank you very much, sir. I'll wait for your message."

Clarissa thanks again before turning back to the clinic.

Xu Chao walked towards the road, ready to return to the hotel.

At this time, a young man in a gray white sweater with a hood on his head suddenly passed by Xu Chao.

Xu Chao's heart suddenly moved: "murderous!"

He felt a strong sense of killing from the young man!

Xu Chao's right hand swayed. A steel needle had slipped out of his wrist sleeve and reached him. He pretended to be indifferent and twisted his head slightly. However, he found that the young man had gone away from him. Obviously, he didn't come for him.

He immediately breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and continued to walk forward. A self mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and said in secret: "grass, it's a little nervous. If the other party came to me, Blake should have informed me... "

As soon as he thought of it, a person's shadow crossed his mind - Clarissa!

Just now that figure was towards Clarissa's back!

He's probably going to be bad for Clarissa!

Think of here, Xu Chao has suddenly turned around, his pupil suddenly shrunk!

He saw that the young man had come to Clarissa's back, with a small dagger in his right hand. He stabbed Clarissa's back heart fiercely, ruthlessly and accurately. It was obvious that the other side had undergone professional training!

Xu Chao didn't have time to remind Clarissa to dodge. Just a moment later, a steel needle flew out like lightning!

At the moment when the young man's dagger just touched Clarissa's back, he suddenly felt that his right arm became numb and weak, and the dagger stabbed two points through inertia. As long as he stabbed three or four more points, Clarissa's life would be killed, and his action would be successful.

But on the three or four points, he can no longer push forward!

Clarissa ate the pain, immediately turned around, eyes Leighton shot scared eyes!

"Murder Clarissa suddenly a sharp roar, suddenly ran towards the clinic, instantly get rid of the young man's dagger threat.

The young man wanted to catch up with Clarissa again, but found that someone had come out of the clinic. Knowing that he had lost his chance, he immediately turned around, ran to a black Volvo parked on the side of the road, jumped up and jumped in through the window.

Volvo has not been off, at this moment rushed out, in the blink of an eye will merge into the rolling traffic on the road.

Xu Chao turned over the neckline of his white casual clothes. A miniature microphone was hidden behind the neckline. He pressed the switch and said in a low voice, "catch that man!"

"Yes! Boss Xu Chao's built-in headset rings Black's voice.

A white Ford, which was originally parked on the side of the road, suddenly started and chased the black Volvo!

Xu Chao turned to see a messy small clinic, hesitated for a while, and finally did not return to the clinic.

Just now he saw it clearly. When his steel needle hit the killer, the killer didn't use all his strength. The short dagger in his hand didn't penetrate completely. Clarissa's life should not be in danger.

But now Clarissa is in the field of right and wrong. I don't know how many people are staring at her. I still have a heavy responsibility. At this time, I'd better take care of her as far as possible!

That's why he didn't go after the killer himself just now, just let Blake catch up.

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