Tong Gelang is the cousin of Shi Gelang. He used to help Shi Gelang with his work. When Shi Gelang left Saudi Arabia, he stayed, but he got away with it!

After his death, he personally came back under the pressure of his coffin. Up to now, he has not returned to Saudi Arabia.

When he heard fogelow's words, he immediately said, "not yet. The killer failed again this time."

Fogro was stunned for a moment, then picked up the knife and fork, calmly cut the steak, discontented and said: "just an ordinary woman, and a teenager, it's still so troublesome."

"Dad, I don't think we have to kill Clarissa and her son. Why don't we force them to transfer the use right of Carman villa to us?" A young man, 15 or 16, with a white face, said as he ate caviar.

He's foglow's youngest son, dingram.

"If we only get the right to use that piece of land, we can't exploit the underground diamond mines. We have to buy out that piece of land to have this right," fogro said with a smile

Fogelow chewed the roast steak slowly. After swallowing the food and drinking a mouthful of red wine, he continued: "before Nasser was alive, we had to cooperate with him, because we didn't cooperate with him. Even if we got the mining right, he would not allow us to mine on his land. I think we have to take Prince Rahman with us, because only he can approve us to mine that diamond mine! It is equivalent to a diamond mine's three-way profit sharing.

"But now Nasser is dead, Rahman is dead, and we are the only ones who know there is a diamond mine in the ground! As long as Clarissa's mother and son die, half a year later, Kaman villa will return to the hands of the Saudi government. At that time, as long as we use less time and spend more money, we should be able to buy out that piece of land for 80 years.

"When we buy out that piece of land and have the right to exploit underground minerals, even if the Saudi government wakes up, they will have nothing to do with us! In 30 years, we can completely empty the underground diamond mine!

"But if we just force Lisa to give us the right to use Kaman villa, we still don't have the right to mine the diamond underground. If we go to apply with the Saudi government, we must truthfully tell the Saudi government about the underground diamond. If we want to win the mining right, even if we have the right to use the land, we will have to pay a huge price. "

Foglow soft eyes to the little son Ding Gran, kindly said: "son, do you understand what I mean?"

Dante green nodded seriously, pointed his knife to the steak on the plate, and said in a voice that had not yet opened his voice, "I see, that diamond mine is like this steak. If we kill that woman and her child, this cow's stool is ours, But if we just sign a transfer agreement with them... "

He used a knife to divide the steak into two parts and continued: "in the best case, we will share the steak with the Saudi government. If the situation is worse..."

"The bad thing is that we don't know how many people will share this steak with us, or even we will lose it completely," he continued

With a look of approval on his face, fogro asked, "do you think the woman named Clarissa and her children should be killed?"

"It's time!" The 15-year-old said decidedly!

It seems that the mother and son he sentenced to death are not human at all, just a pair of mole ants!

Fogelow said faintly as he ate: "yes! The mother and son should be killed! Always remember our white family's family motto: first, never give up maximizing benefits at any time! Second, if anyone dares to stand in front of the white family, kick him away! "

Fogro's voice is not dignified, and the people do not respond. They are still eating their own food. However, this subtle penetration can affect a person's soul more than the blunt preaching!

Poor foglow, poor white family, they don't reflect at all. When they wave the butcher's knife to others, others will wave the butcher's knife to them!

A Sloane has died, but they do not reflect on their way of doing things, doomed to tragedy sooner or later!

"Uncle, we need to upgrade Clarissa's mother and son. Only in this way can a higher level killer take on this task. Let those weak little killers not be qualified for this task. "

"Is that necessary? It's just an ordinary woman. She's lucky to escape the previous assassinations, but I don't think luck will always accompany her. " A middle-aged man in his fifties said that he was fogro's younger brother, migro.

"It's necessary! Because of the previous assassination failure, Clarissa has been highly defensive. She has found three bodyguards for herself. She looks very powerful. " Tong Gelang said solemnly.

Fogro nodded and said, "then upgrade the level, copper gran. You can make your own decisions in the future. I only want the result. Tell me about the general. "

Foglow looks to Robert on the other side.

Robert is also fogro's younger brother. He controls the dark power of the white family. He does dirty and dark work for the white family. The guard of the white family, King Kong, is under his control.

Robert heard that forgery asked himself, and did not lay down his knife and fork. He just continued to eat. He said, "what's so unusual about the general is that he has stayed in the hotel for a few days, and seldom goes out. Oh, by the way, just this noon, the general and Clarissa met. "

"General and Clarissa? What's their relationship? " Foglow asked, alert at once.

"They didn't know each other before. The general came out for a walk at noon and happened to meet Clarissa. He took his burned son to the clinic. The general felt compassion and gave Clarissa a a can of jiuzhuanhu scalding cream." Robert said.

With a smile on his face, fogro said, "I can't believe that the famous general is still warm-hearted."

"It's not warm-hearted. When Clarissa was assassinated and injured, the general was only six or seven meters away from the scene, but the general just looked back and left without paying any attention." Milgro said.

"Since the general has nothing to do with that woman, and there are no other problems, let's arrange a time to meet him."

Fogelow said this, but everyone was stunned, and then began to persuade.

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