When Xu Chao saw that foglow's research works were fascinated and things were beyond his control, he quickly said, "Mr. White, don't you think this thing is a fake? Can a fake be worth studying for so long? "

Fogleton, who was already a little obsessed, woke up.

The old man was annoyed, not that Xu Chao interrupted his appreciation, but that he had just lost his shrewdness.

He has seen that although the painting is a fake, but look at the paper, look at these seals, it should be from the Tang Dynasty of the Dragon kingdom. Although this is not the real work of Wang Xizhi, the other party is absolutely copied from the real work of Wang Xizhi, and the level of copying is quite high, and it must be a generation of masters!

Although this work is not the true work of Wang Xizhi, it is absolutely valuable!

Fogelow wished he could take things for himself at once!

If he just showed his disdain and said that it was not worth money, maybe he could fool the general and buy it from him with little money.

Unfortunately, I didn't know if I was blinded by lard just now. I was so eager, which aroused Xu Chao's suspicion.

But the old man didn't know that the reason why he just lost his old shrewdness was due to the three day heartbreak powder. Although the amount he inhaled was not enough to poison him on the spot, it could make his reaction a little slow.

When fogro realized his mistakes, he immediately began to remedy them and said with a smile, "no wonder the general will be beaten. It's because he can't settle down. It's not easy to identify the authenticity of a dragon calligraphy and painting. It takes a lot of effort."

Xu Chao's face immediately showed a trace of anxiety, and then quickly disappeared, showing a look of indifference, said: "old man, I have convinced you. I thought I should be an expert. Compared with you, I'm not an expert! If I were you, I would have been dizzy. But, according to Mr. White, I was beaten this time? "

"If you want to make a hole or not, you have to first see how much it costs to get this picture. If it's just a million and eight hundred thousand, it's not eye-catching. " Fugro said with a smile.

"What? what? Eight million? My Lord, I spend this money to get something for you to identify. Isn't that an insult to you? I spent 130 million on this work! One hundred and eighty thousand is not enough! Don't scare me, Mr. White. As you said just now, even a fake is valuable. " Xu Chao said with wide eyes.

With a deep, feigned sigh, foglow said, "general, you may have misunderstood what I said before. I mean, some fakes are valuable, but most of them are not

Xu Chao made a look of regret and chagrin and said, "you can tell me how much this thing is worth."

"To tell you the truth, general, you don't like to hear it, but since you come to me for identification, I can't lie to you with my conscience. This work was not copied by the great calligraphers of the ancient dragon Kingdom at all, but should have been copied by the calligraphers of the Republic of China. Because it was in the Republic of China, and the people who copied it were also very good at writing, so it was still of some value... "

"How much is it worth?" Xu Chao interjected.

"About a million yuan." Foglow thought for a moment.

"I don't like grass! I'm really at a loss this time! Forget it. I paid for a lesson. " He reached out and grabbed the work with a fierce look on his face.

Fuguo was startled and quickly blocked Xu Chao's hand with his hand.

When they touched each other's hands, foglow felt a pain in his hands, but he was glad that if he hadn't seen the opportunity quickly, the priceless treasure would have been destroyed!

He said that it was not worth money, but he wanted to win the painting at the lowest price. If it was destroyed by Xu Chao, his ingenuity would be in vain!

Of course, Xu Chao didn't really want to destroy the painting. He was just acting to express his chagrin and pave the way for his next gift to Fugro.

Both of them are acting, and from the look to the action, and then to the language are all right, advance and retreat properly, just for this performance of both of them, an Oscar winner is more than enough!

But it's a pity that Fugro, the expert who has been touted, is still a little poor, and Xu Chao's copy of this work is also a little high, so he doesn't see any flaws.

So, fogro is doomed to be eaten by Xu Chao!

At present, after blocking Xu Chao's hand, fogro scolds Xu Chao for being a reckless man. He pretends to be a cultural person even though he has no culture. He even wants to collect calligraphy and paintings even if he doesn't collect so many things!

But he immediately asked, "general, what are you doing?"

"I spent 130 million to buy back a one million dollar thing. Why do I keep it? Seeing him, I'm upset. I'll tear it. I can't see it. I'm upset! " Xu Chao said angrily.

Fogelow suddenly laughed and said, "hahaha, although the general has become popular in the killer world, this character is really not suitable for collection. The most taboo in collection is emotional fluctuation and unstable state of mind. In that way, you can't get good things. Forget it, not so much. Just say your word. Although it's a fake, it's not far away, but it still has great research value. Otherwise, I won't value it a million. "

He pondered on purpose for a moment, then continued: "well, if you really don't want it, how about transferring it to me? How about two million for you? "

Xu Chao immediately waved his hand and said, "well, isn't it a shame for me to say that? Two million, is it you or I? If the old man doesn't think it's a worthless fake, I'll give it to you, so that I won't be upset when I see it later. "

Fogleton was overjoyed. What he wanted was this effect!

Poor guy, I don't know. Xu Chao wants the same effect!

Fogro was elated, but he just said faintly: "the general also said, you and I are not bad for the two million, why do I owe the general a big favor for the sake of just two million?"

"What kind of human relationship is that? How about if I use this to make a good relationship with my husband, and then I get something good, and ask my husband to identify me twice? " Xu Chao said with a smile.

"Well, since the general is so happy, I won't be hypocritical. I'll take it. The general will get it later and come to me for identification. " Foglow said happily.

"I'm looking for you to identify your grandmother! Take this picture of mine, and you'll be waiting for the belch! " Xu Chao has a secret way in his heart.

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