Xu Chao's head was taken out of the cold storage and put in front of Robert and the girl!

Robert and the girl each hold a high-definition photo. The person in the photo is Xu Chao. Their eyes move back and forth between the photo and the head. They carefully compare the difference between the photo and the head, even the most subtle place.

Xu Chao spent a lot of effort in changing the face of the general's head. He was able to confuse the fake with the real. However, no matter what the fake is, the fake is the fake. Before, the girl and Robert didn't have such a detailed identification as they do now. Naturally, they didn't see any problems. But now, comparing the past bit by bit, they are checking with a skeptical attitude, We found some problems.

"It seems that the cheek is a little higher." Robert knocked on the cheek of the head and said that the head was frozen hard and had no elasticity at all.

"High? I don't think it's high. I look at my forehead as if it's a little low. " Said the girl.

"The forehead is really a little low." Robert said.

"But just by virtue of these subtle differences, we can't conclude that the head is not Xu Chao's. I feel the problem is still in the data. " The girl said.

Robert glared at the girl again, but he didn't yell at her this time. He just asked someone to take a thermostatic container and pour warm water into it. Then Robert put his head in.

"What are you doing?" The girl was surprised.

"Thaw the head, and then deal with it with water." Robert said.

Ten minutes later, the head thawed. Robert took the head out and put it into the test tray. After careful observation, he found that the head did not change much. However, when he touched the cheek of the head with his hand, he was slightly stunned.

Now the head has been completely thawed. Under normal circumstances, the cheeks are soft. Even if it's a corpse, the muscles have already died, there is no elasticity at all, and the handle will not be too hard.

But at the moment, he felt that the cheek of the head was as hard as before. It seemed that there was no dead muscle under the skin, but a hard stone, and it seemed that it had not been completely thawed.

"There seems to be something wrong with the gills."

While Robert was talking, he took out a sharp dagger from his body and gently scratched the cheek of his head. He was surprised to find that after cutting the skin, it was not a muscle, but a white thing!

"Shit! There's a problem! "

Robert scolded, the dagger in his hand picked out a piece of white plaster from under his skin!

He grabbed the skin on his face and pulled it carefully. Unexpectedly, he pulled off the whole face, revealing another face below. The face below has been treated. Some places are pasted with gypsum layers of different thickness, and some places are cut off to reduce the height

The girl was stunned by the fact that the head was fake! This is not Xu Chao's head at all!

Robert takes a look at the girl and turns pale. He throws the head in the tray back into the heat preservation container. He uses a brush like a pig's head to clean all the bits and pieces on the head and face.

When he took the head out of the water, another face was completely exposed on the head. Although the face was damaged, it could still be clearly identified.

"This is the general! This is the general's head Suddenly the girl shrieked!

Rao Shi had seen many heads before, and now she was covered with cold hair and her scalp was exploding. She had a quick question in her mind: since the head in front of her is the general's, who is the "general" that she once contacted with these days?! What the hell is going on? What happened? How could this happen?

The girl felt that her brain was not enough!

"Lady, dark net needs to give us an account!" Robert stares at the girl and says fiercely.

The girl, however, stares at Robert without showing any weakness and says impolitely, "what are you saying? The dark net is just a trading platform for gold owners and killers. Now your money is still in the dark net and has not been taken away by killers. Even if Xu Chao is not killed, it is just that the task is not over. What do you want from the dark net? What did the dark net do wrong? "

Robertton, who used to be aggressive, was speechless.

Just now, he also lost his mind and found the wrong target. What the white family should pursue is not the responsibility of the dark net, but the responsibility of the fake "general" jointly with the dark net!

They must seize the fake general, not only to find out each other's real identity, but also to find out each other's real purpose!

Robert intuitively felt that the other party did this not just for the $1 billion hidden flower!

When he found out that he had found the wrong person to vent, he could put on airs and immediately said, "I'm sorry, I was careless just now. Now I have to go to see the owner and tell him about it. I hope you can come with me

"What am I going to do with you? You know what I know. I have to see our boss now. It's a great event. It's more than 200 years since the establishment of dark net. There has never been such a thing. We will catch the fake general and let him pay the price! " The girl said solemnly.

Robert hesitated for a moment and said, "well, you can go back now, but you won't have to worry about the arrest. Let's do it ourselves! I think that bastard is crazy! How can I get a fake head to claim money from the white family! Do you really think my white family is so easily fooled? "

They don't talk any more, and then they go their separate ways. The girl goes back to the dark net's nest, and Robert immediately goes to see the home owner Fugro. At the same time, he gives an order to the King Kong guard by phone: go to the hotel where the general is staying, and catch him!

He also emphasized that we should live, not die!

King Kong guards move immediately. It's tu'en who leads the team.

Xu Chao stabbed the goods in the shoulder and had long wanted to kill Xu Chao for revenge. However, when he learned that Xu Chao and foglow not only had a good meeting, but also had lunch together, he knew that his knife was in vain. It was impossible for him to revenge.

I didn't expect things to turn 180 degrees!

The "general" who stabbed him was a fake!

The real general has been killed!

The head of a fake general is the head of a real general!

Tu'en immediately felt that his chance of revenge had come, so regardless of his shoulder injury, he volunteered to go and took ten people to the hotel where Xu Chao stayed!

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