Fogelow walked to the safe in the corner of the wall, entered his fingerprint, and then verified the red film around his eyes, and the safe opened automatically.

He took out a scroll from it, which was the calligraphy that Xu Chao had given him.

"There may be something strange in this picture. I may have lost sight. " Foglow said a little lonely.

"Why do you say that?" Robert asked in surprise.

"When Xu Chao asked me to identify this painting, he just saw what I liked and increased the chips I promised to see him. He could make a fool of it with something worthless, just like his painting of Zhang Daqian, which was almost worthless. All he has to do is to make such a stunt to lift my appetite! " Foglow said.

But Robert shook his head and said, "maybe Xu Chao doesn't know calligraphy and painting either. Did he really take the calligraphy he gave you as a fake?"

Fogro was stunned and said, "you mean he thought it was fake, but it was real?"

Robert nodded.

"It's possible. If that's the case, I'll find a big leak. I deserve to be unlucky, but I'll have to identify what's going on."

As foglow spoke, he opened the scroll, picked up the magnifying glass, bent over and lowered his head. His face was almost pasted on the poster and carefully identified it.

For a person who likes calligraphy and painting, if you are not sure whether the work you just got is true or false, it is really a pain in the heart, making people unable to sleep!

Robert didn't leave. He was sitting in the chair next to him.

The more he thought about Xu Chao's meeting with Fugro, the more scared he was. He secretly decided that from now on, he must protect the owner of the house and never give Xu Chao a chance to do it!

Fogelow was fascinated by it. Half an hour later, he felt that he couldn't stand it, so he straightened his waist and straightened his chest. He just wanted to talk to Robert, and suddenly he felt like a knife in his heart!

He let out a dull hum, and his right hand seized his heart and bent down.

As soon as Robert saw that the situation was not right, he got up from his chair and came to fogelow with an arrow step. He reached out to help fogelow's tottering body and exclaimed, "master, what's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? "

For a while, the sweat on fogro's face came out, and he couldn't speak easily, but he said: "heart... Angina..."

"Come on, come on! Let's have a living man. Where's Dutchman Robert yelled at the door in panic.

Two guards in charge of the security work of the villa rush in quickly. When they see that fogro is lying in Robert's arms, his face is as white as white paper. For a moment, they don't know what to do.

Robert was so angry that he couldn't go up and slap the two idiots. Unfortunately, he just yelled at them: "what are you doing now? Call Dr. green quickly, call Dr. green quickly

Two security guards suddenly realized that a security guard immediately went to call for a doctor.

"You have people prepare the car. If Dr. green can't handle it at the scene, send it to the hospital immediately!" Robert yells at another security guard.

The security guard also quickly left.

Fugro is a super rich man. Naturally, he has his own personal doctor, who is in charge of his health at any time. His name is green, and he also lives in the garden villa. After receiving the notice from the security guard, he rushed over quickly.

When he saw the appearance of fogro, his already ugly face became even more ugly. He immediately injected him with epinephrine, hoping to hang fogro's life, and then further examined him.

Unfortunately, all he did was in vain!

When sanrixiaochang powder doesn't break out, there is no difference between poisoned people and ordinary people. They can eat, sleep and snore. However, once the accumulated amount of medicine in the body is enough, the complete outbreak of toxicity can cause multiple organ failure in the human body in a few minutes. Finally, the heart stops beating, and the breathing stops, completely losing the life indication!

Since he got this painting, fogelow couldn't put it down and took it out every day to appreciate it. Today is his fourth time to appreciate it.

The toxin accumulated in his body had already reached a critical value. Just now, after some identification, he inhaled a large amount of it again. So the toxicity of sanrixiaochang powder suddenly broke out in his body!

Fogro's dead!

Fogro is the current owner of the white family. The white family is one of the oldest and most powerful families in sheep country. His death is really strange. Therefore, the news of his death spread all over the Internet and media in almost one day.

There's everything you can say about the cause of fogro's death.

Some people say that he died of family infighting. Some people covet the position of his master, so they killed him;

Some people say that the white family offended too many people and was assassinated by their enemies;

Some people say that Fugro is in poor health, taking medicine all the year round, and drug poisoning;

There are also people who say that fogelow worries too much and overwork to death;

What's more, it's said that Fugro was overindulgent and was drained of the last drop of blood essence by his lover

The members of the white family have ignored these messy public opinions. They are also confused and can not find the cause of foglow's death. They can only call the police.

However, the police understand the course of the matter, and after the autopsy of fogro, they also found no doubt, ruled out the possibility of homicide, and finally adopted the doctor's conclusion, fogro died of sudden cardiac death!

Blake has been with Tianwei staring at every move of the white family. After foglow's death, Blake immediately got the news. He immediately found Xu Chao and said excitedly, "dead, dead, boss, fogro is dead at last!"

Xu Chao was sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed and meditated. When he heard Black's voice, he immediately jumped up and said, "is the news reliable?"

"Reliable! Absolutely reliable Said black.

"Good!" Xu Chao clenched his fist and said, "if you do more injustice, you will die. Doggy Fugro is finally rewarded!"

Xu Chao said in his mouth and said in his heart: "grandfather, Dad, you are alive in the sky. Xiao Chao has recovered the interest for you! Don't worry. Next, I'm going to let the white family take on the old capital as well! "

It's impossible for Chao to be excited. Although his plan is likely to succeed, it also has the possibility of failure. If Fugro and he are separated, he will not appreciate the word, Fugro will not be poisoned, and his plan will be a failure.

Although Xu Chao has other records, those records are not as mature as this plan. Those records may be able to kill fogro smoothly, but after committing the crime, it is very difficult for him to leave without knowing it.

So, these two days, Xu Chao is also a little worried, and now a stone in his heart has finally landed!

"Boss, what are we going to do next? Is it time to attack the garden villa at foglow? " Blake said with his eyes shining.

Tianwei these guys are all violent maniacs. When they hear where there is a war, they are just as excited as wolves when they see blood.

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