Xu Chao seems to be at leisure these two days when he is hiding. In fact, he plans the whole revenge plan all the time. He deduces it in his mind over and over again. He must not let go of any loopholes in details.

This is a real battle of life and death. Although it's not like those grand war dramas, it's still very dangerous when it comes to his head. If there is a problem in any link, what he loses is his own life!

He is now in a state of death in China, and it is not convenient to contact Gu Xinyan frequently, so as not to reveal his true feelings. Therefore, he has not paid much attention to domestic news these two days, and he does not know what happened to jiuzhuanhu group!

But he didn't panic when he heard his wife's words.

When he decided to feign death at the beginning, he guessed that after he "died", there might be a lot of people fighting against the nine turn Tiger Group. After all, he offended too many people. The rapid rise of the nine turn Tiger Group also moved too many people's cheese!

When he was there, he was able to overwhelm all parties, so that although they were ready to move, they did not dare to act rashly. Now that he is "dead", those who have been eyeing the nine turn Tiger Group may be ready to move.

However, jiuzhuanhu group is a modern group. Although Xu Chao is the chairman of the board of directors, in terms of specific business management, Xu Chao's power is even inferior to Gu Shengfeng's.

Besides Gu Shengfeng, the group also has Zhai Xiaohu.

The two men, one from a professional background, one from a rash background, one good at management, and the other good at drilling camp, are not afraid to cooperate with each other. With Gu Xinyan's care, even if something goes wrong, they will be able to solve it quickly.

However, when he heard Gu Xinyan's words, his brow wrinkled.

Gu Shengfeng and Zhai Xiaohu, the other two giants of jiuzhuanhu group, were suddenly arrested!

Gu Xinyan is mainly responsible for Xiangyang shipping company. She doesn't even have a proper management position in jiuzhuanhu group. Besides, she is still pregnant and can't be too tired.

In this way, the nine turn Tiger Group almost fell into a leaderless state!

Gu Xinyan is also a bit worried. After a detailed description of the arrest of Gu Shengfeng and Zhai Xiaohu, she also said something that made Xu Chao more worried.

Jiuzhuanhu group's medicine has gone wrong again, the effect has become worse, even toxic side effects. Some patients have even sued jiuzhuanhu group, and countless we media numbers have begun to attack jiuzhuanhu group, and even some big official media have publicly criticized jiuzhuanhu group!

What's worse, many overseas offices of jiuzhuanhu group also sent back news that there was something wrong with the drugs exported by jiuzhuanhu group to foreign countries!

The whole nine turn Tiger Group is besieged in all directions, and even has come to the situation where everyone is shouting and fighting. It has the posture that the wall is falling down and everyone is pushing!

"Chaozi, since the matter over there is over, come back quickly! I can't support myself Gu Xinyan said with a heavy tone.

Xu Chao's heart is also extremely heavy. He suddenly realizes that his previous estimation of the situation is too optimistic. From the current situation, his enemies are likely to unite, and even his business rivals are involved.

The other side's attack is also very methodical. First of all, it is to defeat the top management of jiuzhuanhu group and make jiuzhuanhu group leaderless and in chaos. Second, it is to start with jiuzhuanhu's products and make jiuzhuanhu group stinky and rotten. Then their own products can quickly fight back against jiuzhuanhu and take back the market they were robbed by jiuzhuanhu.

This is a complete set of plans. Of course, someone is manipulating it!

Although Xu Chao's force value is very high, he is definitely not a man with developed limbs and simple mind. On the contrary, this guy is absolutely a man with seven tricks and exquisite heart. He has empty hair at all!

He counted his enemies and business competitors, and then he had a general idea of who was attacking him.

If Xu Chao is in China at this time, Xu Chao will not be afraid of these people. Even if they all unite, Xu Chao will have a way to break the situation. But the problem is that although he has killed Fugro, he does not want to stop at this time. The plan has been made, everything has been spread out, and only one step is needed. If he gives up at this time, all his previous achievements will be wasted!

It's not that Xu Chao is addicted to killing, but he knows very well in his heart that the white family is a huge family, and there is not only one fogro who has the ability. When fogro dies, other people will go to the top and still hunt him endlessly. No matter he or his family or friends, he still has no comfortable life!

However, if you continue to carry out the plan, everything will go well, and you won't delay too much time. When you go back, you can clean up the mountains and rivers, and it's not too late.

But once the plan goes wrong, he may stay in sheep country and dare not show up for a long time like a woodchuck!

When I think of a way to return home, maybe the nine turn Tiger Group has been eaten for a long time!

Are you going?

Are you staying?

Xu Chao hesitated.

However, he didn't hesitate for a long time. He quickly said to Gu Xinyan on the other end of the phone: "wife, I can't go back now. I still have an important thing to do. If it's not done well, our life safety can't be guaranteed. So I'll be back in a few days. "

"What about the situation here?" Gu Xinyan asks anxiously.

"The key to the problem is Gu Shengfeng and Zhai Xiaohu. As long as they come out, the situation of jiuzhuanhu will not be too bad. These two people were obviously framed, so the most important thing now is to find a way to get them out immediately! " Xu Chao said calmly.

"Our lawyers have bailed them out, but they have not succeeded. I wanted to call song Kai and ask him for help. I think it's better for you to make this call. Anyway, he knows you're feigning death. " Gu Xinyan said.

"OK, I'll call song Kai now. I'll hang up first if there's nothing else. Goodbye, MEDA

After Xu Chao hangs up Gu Xinyan, he immediately dials song Kai.

Song Kai also knew Xu Chao's action. He had been worried about Xu Chao these days. He knew it the first time after the news of Fugro's death came out.

Yangdaguo police announced that the cause of fogro's death was sudden cardiac death, which is believed by others. However, song Kai, as an insider, knows very well that it must be Xu Chao's masterpiece!

When song Kaicha heard the news, he was stunned for a long time.

He once thought that Xu Chao would succeed, but his imagination is definitely not like this.

In his imagination, after Xu Chao killed Fugro, he would set off an uproar in Yangda. The police of Yangda would certainly search for him nationwide, and even put pressure on Longguo!

Song Kai has even considered more than once whether to use the relationship between the Embassy of the state of dragon in Yangda to help Xu Chao escape.

I didn't expect that Fugro would die without wind and fire!

Xu Chao didn't make many waves at all!

According to the report, when fogro was ill, only his brother Robert was around, and there was no other outsider. So how did Xu Chao do it?

Song Kai can't figure out how Xu Chao did it.

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