The church is far away from the garden villa. Dingerlang returned to his villa more than an hour later. As soon as he entered the door, he cried out, "Mommy! Mommy! I'm back. Where are you? Mommy

Xu Chao's room is on the second floor. When he heard Ding Gelang's voice, he immediately arranged his clothes and looked at his make-up in the mirror. He found that there was no flaw. Then he went out and walked quickly towards the stairs. In his mouth, he also cried out eagerly: "Oh, my little Ding Gelang, you are finally back! Let me see if my little dingalon is growing up again

Xu Chao ran down the stairs with his feet in his hands. He saw Ding Gelang, who was planning to go upstairs. He found that this guy's real face was more handsome than the photos in the materials. But after all, he was young and gave people a childish feeling.

When Ding Gelang saw Xu Chao, he immediately ran to Xu Chao with his arms open. Xu Chao also ran to Ding Gelang with his arms open with a smile. They hugged each other warmly.

Xu Chao squeezed out two tears and endured the nausea in his heart. He held Ding Gelang's head and gave him two kisses on his face. His voice was choking and some of them said, "little Ding Gelang, oh, my little Ding Gelang, my little Ding Gelang has grown so big. Mommy is so happy, Mommy is so happy..."

"Mommy, why haven't you come to see me for such a long time? Do you know how little dinglang misses you? I miss you every night. I can't sleep. I want to call you, but I'm afraid to disturb your rest. " Dinggelang also said with hazy eyes.

Xu Chao couldn't help but feel more disgusted and said in secret: "you can really act on dog days. You're afraid to disturb your mother's rest. Won't you fight again at another time?"

Although he thought so in his heart, he said in the most kind and kind voice, "my son, Mommy misses you even more, but Mommy doesn't dare to call you. Every time Mommy calls you, you talk to mommy in that bad tone."

"Mommy, it's all my son's fault. My son will never talk to Mommy like that again." Ding said.

It's a moving picture, but no one knows. Just under the love of mother and son, there are different people.

They had a little bit of fun. Then Ding Gelang helped Xu Chao to the sofa in the living room and brought him a drink. Then he sat down next to Xu Chao and asked, "Mommy, you said you had something important to tell me about the next successor of the white family. What is it?"

Xu Chao was thinking about how to introduce the topic. Seeing that the other party raised it first, he immediately said, "son, what I want to tell you is a big thing. Now your father suddenly passed away, leaving no last words and wills. Your white family is about to elect a new leader. This matter should not be delayed. The longer it is delayed, the more unfavorable it will be for you. Therefore, I want to hold a family meeting immediately after your father's funeral, while the main members of the white family are present, and choose a new family leader. What do you think? "

"Mommy, how did your voice get stiff?" Ding Gelang asked suddenly.

"Damn English! It seems that I have to continue to practice my oral English! " Xu Chao make complaints about it, but he laughs in his mouth. "I have been learning dragon language in these days, but I have not learned Mandarin well, but my mother tongue has been biased. If we don't talk about that, what do you think of what I just mentioned? "

There are some problems with Xu Chao's spoken English tone, but his appearance and performance are too similar. Ding Gelang just doubts why his mother's speaking tone has changed, but he doesn't doubt her identity at all.

He did not carefully consider whether the reason given by Xu Chao was a joint effort or not. He just took a sip of coke and pondered slightly. His face was not consistent with that of the young man. He said: "it's very easy to call a family meeting. Now, every core member of the white family must want to quickly elect the next head of the family. Therefore, as long as I propose, there will be no resistance. The question is, who should be the next head of the family! "

"Son, in your opinion, we should choose the next householder." Xu Chao also tastefully took a sip of the drink and asked gently.

"Mommy, what do you think of me?" Ding Ge Lang raised his thumb, pointed to himself and said without thinking.

"You?" There was a trace of surprise on Xu Chao's face.

He didn't pretend this time, but he was really surprised. He didn't expect that this half of the children in front of him really wanted to be the head of the white family!

The white family is one of the top ten families in the big sheep country. It's just that there are tens of thousands of people near the branch! The business of the white family is a world-class multinational enterprise. Ding Gelang is only a child and a half years old. How can he shoulder such a burden?

Xu Chao suddenly realized that although this guy seems mature, his restless young heart is not mature at all. Maybe he can use this to make his plan more perfect!

Ding Gelang saw Xu Chao's suspicious eyes, but he was not happy. He said, "why, Mommy, don't you believe in your son?"

"Of course, I believe in my son, and if you can get the position of head of the family, you will still be the lineage of the white family, but I'm afraid your three uncles will never agree with you to be the next head of the family." Xu Chaodao.

"Of course they won't agree, so if we want to find a way to get them to agree, we must also get them to agree! I have to be the head of the family, or I will have no way to live! " Dingerlang said, gritting his teeth, with a trace of gloom on his face.

"Son, are you going too far? Even if you can't be the owner, you are also your father's son. No one can take your share of the assets. " Xu Chao frowned slightly. He felt that there was a story behind Ding Gelang's words.

"Hum," said Ding Gelang coldly, "Mommy, it's not as simple as you think. What I said just now is not exaggerated at all. Although my uncles are good to me, it's because my father is the head of the family. In fact, they hate to kill me in their heart... "

Xu Chao deliberately pretended to be very scared. His body trembled slightly and said, "how is this possible?"

"Why not? Mommy, do you know how my father became a housekeeper? " Asked Ding.

Xu Chao shook his head and said, "I was not with your father at that time. How can I know these things? Is there any secret in it?"

Xu Chao's current identity is Kathy, and Kathy is just fogro's second wife. When fogro was fighting for the home ownership, she was accompanied by segran's mother, who was also fogro's first wife. At that time, Kathy and fogro did not know each other.

These things are not confidential. Tianwei has investigated them clearly for a long time, and Xu Chao remembers them firmly. Otherwise, in a few words, it may be revealed.

"Of course there is a secret!" Dinggelang said with a more gloomy face.

At the moment, he explained in detail what happened when fogelow used his intrigue to stab his own brother and finally snatched the position of home owner from Jesse.

Rao is Xu Chao, who has seen a lot of classics. He is also a little stunned, and he mutters in his heart: "I grass, doggy fogelow, it's not white to study the feudal dynasty replacement history of the Dragon kingdom! The drama directed by him is comparable to that of palace history

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