As for the white family's election, this is what Ding Gelang envisioned in his mind.

Both Jesse and Kurt told the public that they were old enough to give up their opportunities to young people.

Naturally, the young man they like is him, and then they call on the white family to vote for him!

With the call of both of them and their previous canvassing, I'm sure that I'm the sure owner.

But what is happening is totally different from what he expected!

The damned old Jesse didn't call on all the people to choose him as the head of the family. Instead, he began to boast about how he would increase the cost of education for the family members, how to raise the price of the stock of the family business, how to make everyone earn more, and so on!

Yes, damn old Jesse didn't choose him, he chose himself!

Dinggelang's slightly tender face became extremely gloomy, and he could not help asking the mummy around him in a low voice: "mummy, what's the matter? Have you ever told uncle Jesse what I mean? "

Xu Chao also showed an angry expression on his face and whispered, "your uncle Jesse is so mean! The night before yesterday, he told me more than once that he would call on all the white family members to be the head of the family. Unexpectedly, now he suddenly changed his mind! How mean! He stood us up

"He didn't change his mind suddenly, he was cheating you from the beginning! It's cheating us! He said that just to get you into his bed! " Dingerlang's vicious little voice.

"Don't worry. Although your uncle Jesse is shameless enough, there is your uncle Kurt behind him. He will definitely choose you, and your cousin Tong Gran, he will also choose you. At that time, you will still be the owner of the family! But anyway, you have to avenge mommy and never let Jesse go! " Xu Chao said in a low voice, as if he was comforting Ding Gelang, but in fact he was Gonghuo.

He wants to make the scene chaotic, it is necessary to constantly give dinggelang arch fire, let dinggelang this thunder thorough explosion!

As long as Ding Gelang's thunder explodes completely, he can save a lot of strength.

Ding Gelang subconsciously clenched his fist, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "Jesse, this old bastard, I'll give him the account first, and I'll settle it with him when I become the head of the family! At the beginning, my father was too kind. He just sent him abroad. He could still live a free life abroad. When I became the head of my family, I would send him to prison to see how he was still free! I will not let go of any of his people! Falk

"Yes, son, I can't let him go. I want to throw up when I think about his disgusting appearance that night! It's cheap for him to go to jail. Now I want to stab him to death! " Xu ultra cold voice way, but on the face is to expose the color of pain, seem to recall what is particularly difficult to say.

Ding Ge Lang reached out and patted Xu Chao on the back of his hand twice, comforting him: "Mommy, I won't let you be bullied by him for nothing!"

Xu Chao nodded without expression and didn't speak, but he scolded: "I'll go to your mother! No one in the white family can be called a real person! It's all animals! Damn it

When Xu Chao and Ding Gelang "mother and son" whispered, Jesse also completed his campaign speech.

The old man's speech was very wonderful. He drew a big pie for all the members of the white family, which attracted a burst of warm applause.

Jesse was followed by Kurt.

As Kurt passed by, Ding glang gave Kurt a thumbs up with a smile and said, "Uncle Kurt, come on

"Thank you, thank you."

Kurt is six or seven years younger than Jesse. He looks more energetic and explosive than Jesse. He almost trots to the stage.

Ding glang also showed a smile on his face. Jesse stood up his mommy. He thought Kurt would not. Kurt would certainly fulfill his promise to Mommy and call on everyone to choose him.

However, Kurt did not say three or five words, the smile on Ding Gran's face gradually disappeared, and then turned into hatred, even gnashing teeth!

Kurt is as shameless as Jesse, and the person he chooses is himself!

His speech is actually for his own vote!

This time, without waiting for Ding Gelang to speak, Xu Chao deliberately pretended to be angry, but he was extremely aggrieved. In his mouth, he just kept repeating: "mean, mean, mean..."

Although it's just a repetition of two words, with Xu Chao's action and expression, he will be extremely disappointed, extremely wronged and extremely angry!

Xu Chao's acting talent is not built!

"This son of a bitch, I will never let him go! I will make him pay for it Ding Gelang also murmured.

This time, because of his anger, his voice was a little loud, as if he had been heard by the people around him. Several people immediately turned their heads to look at him with disgusting expressions on their faces.

Ding glang was alert. This is definitely not the time to get angry. Although Jesse and Kurt did not choose themselves, they did not have the chance.

Perhaps the members of the white family who participated in the election did not listen to them at all. They did not look up to them at all. They just looked up to themselves and chose themselves?

So at this time, he must not offend any "voters"!

He immediately shut up and showed his most sincere smile to those cousins who threw disgusting expressions.

Xu Chao, regardless of that, continued to light a fire for Ding Gelang, only to hear him say: "Ding Gelang, I have said for a long time that Jesse and Kurt are unreliable. You will not get anything except to make your mother suffer the biggest humiliation in the world. But you go your own way, don't believe anything, and threaten me with murder. Now you can see it, Is everything right... "

"Mommy..." Ding Gelang felt that Xu Chao's words were too harsh. For fear of being heard, he wanted to stop Xu Chao from nagging.

However, as soon as he spoke, Xu Chao immediately said, "don't call me Mommy! From now on, you are not my son, and I am not your mommy! I'm just a tool you can use! I just hope you can be like a real man, don't just bully your closest person, but face others like a mouse meets a cat

Dinggelang's face was green and red, and he gritted his teeth and said, "don't worry! I will never allow others to possess my things without giving me anything in return! "

"So what? If you can't be the head of your family, how can you take revenge? At that time, you will become the meat of the chopping board. You will be dealt with as others want! Can you really fight with them and kill them? " Xu Chao deliberately and wrongly said.

But Ding glang sneered and said, "hum, do you think I dare not kill them? Just wait and see. Today I'll show you what I do! "

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