The ointment Xu Chao carries with him is different from that produced by jiuzhuanhu group!

The ointment of jiuzhuanhu group is mass-produced in factory, but Xu Chao's ointment is made by himself. He not only selected the medicinal materials himself, but also controlled the fire more accurately.

For the same prescription, the effects of cultivated and wild herbs are not the same. Even if they are all wild, the effects are not the same with different places of origin.

Jiuzhuanhu group's ointments are mass-produced, and there are not so many wild medicinal materials for them at all. Therefore, their medicinal materials are all cultured. Even if the temperature can be controlled by modern high-tech equipment, it is almost the same as Xu Chao's, and the efficacy is much worse than Xu Chao's self-made ointments.

However, the packaging of the two kinds of ointment is the same. They are small cylindrical iron boxes, only the ointment made by Xu Chao himself. There is no inkjet code of production date on it, and there is no unique anti-counterfeiting mark of jiuzhuanhu group.

If the two kinds of ointment are put together, Xu Chao's own ointment seems to be a three no product.

When Xu Chao first gave Clarissa jiuzhuanhu scald cream, he was still a "general" and his pseudonym was Jack, waiting for fogro's "summon".

At that time, little Henry was seriously injured, and Clarissa was also in a daze. She just gave the child medicine just like the packing box. Under normal circumstances, she would definitely take Xu Chao's medicine as a three no product and refuse to use it!

It wasn't until the second time that she gave little Henry medicine that she found these small details. However, at that time, she had already found that the ointment was better than the genuine ointment of jiuzhuanhu group. Naturally, she would no longer suspect that it was a fake.

She just kept wondering how the young man in white named Jack got the ointment.

She used two boxes of this kind of ointment. One was given by Jack, and the other was given by the security personnel Jack found for her. After the two boxes were used up, she couldn't contact Jack and could only use the scald ointment of jiuzhuanhu group.

She always regretted that she could never get the jiuzhuanhu ointment without spray code. Now she suddenly saw it again. Of course, she was very hot, so she never closed the door.

At the moment, she heard Xu Chao's words, but she was stunned again and asked, "how do you know that the person who gave me the ointment for the first time was Jack, and that he was dressed in white?"

"Ha ha, it's very simple, because that young Jack in white is also me." Xu Chao said with a smile.

"Do you mean that Jack, Xu Chao and you standing in front of me are all alone?" Clarissa sneered.

"Yes, it sounds incredible, but that's what it is." Xu Chaodao.

"You think I'll believe it?" Clarissa road.

"At the beginning, in Longguo, I offended Koizumi 92 in order to save little Henry. Besides, if I didn't move fast enough, you might have been hurt by a killer. Don't you forget all these things? I know all these things. Can't I prove my identity? " Xu Chao said with a smile.

Clarissa was stunned. After returning to the sheep Kingdom, he seldom talked about what happened in the Dragon kingdom. How did the bearded man know?

"Are you really Xu Chao?" Clarissa said.

"Of course, it's Xu Chao. What you see now, and Jack before, are all disguised by me. I said that you may not know much about Yi Rong. You can think of it as a very high-tech cosplay. The reason why I do this is because I have an important task in Yangda this time, and I also have enemies. I have to change my original appearance." Xu Chaodao.

Clarissa looked left and right at Xu Chao, and finally shook her head and said, "no, you're not Xu Chao! No matter how powerful Cosplay is, one person can not completely become another person. "

Xu Chao thought about it, weighed the scald cream in his hand, and suddenly asked, "do you know why the jiuzhuanhu scald cream you bought from Longguo is different from the scald cream I gave you before?"

"I don't think you gave me the burn cream I used before." Clarissa said at once.

"Well, if not, do you know why these two kinds of scald ointment are not the same?" Xu Chao asked again.

Clarissa shook her head.

Xu Chao explained the reasons in detail.

"The prescription of jiuzhuanhu scald ointment is protected. The medicinal materials disclosed in the product manual are only a part of it. Only Xu Chao knows the real prescription, and I can make a ointment with better curative effect than the genuine jiuzhuanhu scald ointment. Do you know the prescription? Do you think I'm Xu Chao? " Xu Chao finally said.

Clarissa finally believed that Xu Chao was the bearded man in front of her, but she still said, "I still don't believe it."

"Well, it's not easy for me to make myself like this, otherwise I really want to get rid of the things on my face and let you see my true face." Xu Chao was a little annoyed. He didn't expect Clarissa to be so careful now.

"Since you decided to come to see me, why don't you take a video of your makeup? Wouldn't that save you an explanation? " Clarissa said.

Xu Chao was stunned and couldn't help patting his forehead. He said with chagrin: "a hundred secrets and a few secrets! flaw in the plan! Why didn't I think of that before? But I have a picture of my wife and I on my mobile phone, which is extremely rare. It should also prove my identity, right

In fact, as like as two peas talk to the two people, Clarissa already believes that the person in front of him is Xu Chao, whether Xu Chao's voice or tone or even some movements are exactly the same as Xu Chao, who is impressed by his impression.

But when she heard that Xu Chao wanted to use photos to prove her identity, she immediately said, "it depends on how much love you have in this photo. If it's a rolling sheet photo, it can definitely prove your identity! I don't believe that Ms. Gu will send the picture of rolling sheets with her husband to others. "

As soon as Xu Chao saw the woman's face, she knew that she had believed her identity. She couldn't help laughing and said, "beautiful you, I can't show you even if I have that kind of picture."

During the conversation, Xu Chao took out his mobile phone and pulled out several photos. Although they were not bed sheets, they were dog abusing, either hugging or kissing. What's more, there was a photo of them both wearing pajamas. Xu Chao was sticking it on Gu Xinyan's stomach to listen to the news!

This kind of photo is very private. It's impossible for others to get it if it's not the client.

Clarissa blushed and quickly returned her mobile phone to Xu Chao, saying, "well, I won't look. You are really abusing dogs. Come in

Clarissa takes the door chain, opens the door, and Xu Chao steps in.

"You do it first. What would you like to drink? Coffee or iced green tea? " Clarissa gives Xu Chao over to the sofa.

"Green tea."

Xu Chao did not sit down. He put the medicine can on the coffee table in the living room and asked, "where's little Henry? What's going on now? "

"I'm asleep. I'm much better."

Clarissa handed Xu Chao a bottle of iced green tea and pointed to the bedroom next to her.

It's a small suite with a small living room and a separate bedroom.

"Originally, I wanted to see him. Now that I'm asleep, I'll wait for a while. In fact, I come here not only to give you medicine, but also to cooperate with you in a business." Xu Chao just sat on the sofa in the living room and said.

Clarissa was slightly stunned and said, "I suddenly began to doubt your identity again. The real Xu Chao should know that I am just a doctor, not a businessman. I really have no business to cooperate with you. "

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