Ge Xuejun is worthy of being the leader of the Institute. He has the ability to deceive people. When he said that, people around him immediately muttered again!

Xu Chao also frowned slightly. He knew clearly that if Ge Xuejun's words just spread out, they would continue to disturb the audience and greatly reduce the effect of his trip to a big country!

"Well, it's true that if you spread a rumor, you'll break your leg! Once a rumor is generated, every word behind the rumor will make people suspect. Even if they get the evidence, people may not believe that your evidence is true. "

Xu Chao sighed in the dark, and then walked to ge Xuejun with a gloomy face.

Ge Xuejun felt that the situation was not good. He was a little panicked and said: "Xu... Xu Chao, you... Don't mess around. In front of so many people, do you still want to hit people? It's against the law to hit people! If you touch my finger, I will sue you... "

"Ha ha, Dean Ge, what are you talking about? I'm a civilized man. How can I hit people at will..."

Xu Chao chuckled. His right hand had already shaken slightly. A steel needle in the wrist needle sleeve slipped into his hand. Then he covered it with his body and stabbed the steel needle into futu acupoint in the middle of Ge Xuejun's thigh. A cold breath was instantly brought into Ge Xuejun's meridians by the steel needle.

Then Xu Chao immediately pulled out the needle and took it back.

Now Xu Chao's "nine turn Sutra" has reached the third level of practice. One mouthful of internal Qi can be cold or hot, which has infinite magical effect.

At this moment, he uses a steel needle to send a cold internal air into Ge Xuejun's body. Ge Xuejun suddenly feels that his limbs and bones start to get cold, and he feels uncomfortable, as if there is a cold air flowing in his body!

Ge Xuejun was shocked and looked at Xu Chao and asked: "Xu... Xu Chao, what have you... Done to me? Why do I feel chilly all over? "

Xu Chao stepped back two steps, a little further away from GE Xuejun, but sneered: "what did I do to you? Everybody can see clearly. I didn't do anything just now. Did you see what I did to him? "

"No, brother Chao didn't do anything just now." Zhai Xiaohu said immediately.

Then Gu Shengfeng and other members of the jiuzhuanhu group also agreed. These people have long wanted to beat Ge Xuejun. How can they help him now?

The people who came with Ge Xuejun looked at each other and said nothing.

Because Xu Chao used his body to block their sight when he was doing the action just now, and his action was very hidden, so no one around him saw Xu Chao's action. Some of them even thought Ge Xuejun said it on purpose to blackmail Xu Chao.

However, as soon as this idea came to their mind, they saw that GE Xuejun was shaking all over as if he had malaria.

"Cold... Cold... Pain, pain!" Ge Xuejun's teeth kept ringing.

Now he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and he was not simply cold, but felt that countless ants were gnawing at his bones!

He saw his finger joints start to grow red and swollen, as if he had severe arthritis!

At the beginning, he was still able to insist, but as the cold air continued to spread on him, he could not hold on, and even could not stand, "poop Tong" fell to the ground, legs tightly curled up, arms hugging shoulders, his whole body was shrunk into a ball, and he just cried: "cold! It's cold! they hurt! It hurts! Xu Chao, you are not human, you are a devil! What did you do to me? "

He doubted that Xu Chao's previous saying that he was feigning death was bullshit. Xu Chao was not feigning death, but was really dead. What he saw now was that Xu Chao was a devil! Not a real person at all!

Xu Chao didn't speak, just looked at GE Xuejun and sneered.

It was the first time that he used this method to deal with people. He didn't know how powerful it was. Now he was curious and carefully observed the changes of Ge Xuejun.

Only after Ge Xuejun rolled on the ground a few times, blood came out of his eyes, nose, mouth and ears!

The real seven orifices bleeding, ferocious terror, with Ge Xuejun's already pale face, at this time Ge Xuejun and the life of the devil is almost the same!

"Xu Chao, you devil, you are not human, you are not human..." Ge Xuejun is still screaming!

Listening to ge Xuejun's words, the people around suddenly felt cool wind coming out of their spine, a heart beating suddenly, almost out of their throat, and their eyes were full of fear!

Just now, they still suspected that GE Xuejun was deliberately saying that he was in a daze and that he was in pain and wanted to trap Xu Chao. But now they understand that what he just thought was quite wrong!

Even the Oscar winner can't play the effect of Ge Xuejun at the moment.

And all cold, all pain can play, his pale face, there are seven orifices in the outflow of blood, but real, absolutely not ge Xuejun props prepared in advance!

These people are almost sure that GE Xuejun really won Xu Chao's move!

Otherwise Ge Xuejun could not suddenly become what he is now!

They had never heard of Ge Xuejun's acute disease before!

But they couldn't figure out what Xu Chao did to ge Xuejun.

Originally, they basically believed that Xu Chao was not dead, but now they have doubts about their own judgment. They begin to believe that GE Xuejun is shouting that Xu Chao was really dead before. At this moment, they see Xu Chao is not a human being, or a devil!

The more unknown the fear, the more intense the feeling. At this moment, these people feel that their breathing becomes very difficult.

They did not dare to see Xu Chao at all, for fear of attracting Xu Chao's attention, so they did it for themselves.

These guys don't know. At this time, Xu Chao also felt a little flustered. He didn't expect that his attack would be so powerful.

Others don't know why Ge Xuejun's orifices bleed, but he is clear. That's because the cold air he just sent into Ge Xuejun's body was a little excessive. The cold air swam in Ge Xuejun's body, making the capillaries of Ge Xuejun's brain brittle and ruptured!

Ge Xuejun is going to die!

Although Xu Chao is not ashamed of Ge Xuejun, and even if Ge Xuejun is dead now, it's hard to find Xu Chao's head, but Xu Chao can't pass the inner barrier.

Although Ge Xuejun is bad, he is different from the white family. At least he doesn't want to hurt his own life or threaten his family. He just wants to teach himself a lesson and let himself suffer a heavy loss!

If Xu Chao wanted his life, it would be too much, and Xu Chao would feel uneasy.

So he immediately bent down and put his hand on Ge Xuejun's Tanzhong acupoint. A warm air stream entered Ge Xuejun's body. Ge Xuejun immediately felt that he was no longer as miserable as he had just felt. Although the bleeding of Qi Qiao caused by capillary rupture had not stopped, his body was no longer shaking and he no longer felt pain.

Everyone around can't help but be frightened. Xu Chao can easily make life worse than death, and free people from suffering. What is NIMA?

Ge Xuejun was even more scared. He didn't dare to fart!

"Director GE has acute cerebral hemorrhage. Come on! Get to the hospital! If it's too late, it's too late! " Xu Chao said aloud.

Immediately a staff member carried Ge Xuejun out.

The people who came with Ge Xuejun wanted to leave with them, but they took a sneak look at Xu Chao, but no one dared to leave first. Just look at me and I'll look at you.

A group of guys want others to take the lead to leave, the result is that no one dares to take the lead.

No one is a fool. Why did Ge Xuejun come to such an end? It's because he has been taking the lead just now!

They don't want to be the next Ge Xuejun!

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