"My wife is pregnant, and her mood should not fluctuate too much, otherwise it is very easy to cause miscarriage. Therefore, I would rather others find out that my wife has problems than let her mood fluctuate too much. Do you understand Xu Chao said with a smile.

"Cut! It seems like a great thing to say, but in fact, it's about valuing color over friends. " Zhai Xiaohu said!

"Seconded." Gu Shengfeng Old God said.

"Grass, you two know a fart. Valuing color over friends is the ladder of human reproduction! Do you know where that woman is now Xu Chao brings the topic back.

"Yes, this woman is bold. She hasn't left. She lives in Fuxing Hotel and is waiting for the court to go to court with me! I'm not afraid of going to court. What I'm worried about is that it will have a bad impact on our group. " Gu Shengfeng some dejected said.

"Alas, it has already had an impact. Now there are countless black fans of our jiuzhuanhu group on the Internet. They say that we are a criminal concentration camp. Apart from the usurer, we are also criminals. Son of a bitch, why don't these bastards say that when they use our products to treat diseases? Damn it! I Pooh

Because of the past life experience, the goods almost export into dirty, in front of Xu Chao and Gu Shengfeng never hide themselves, at this time a word scold out, just suddenly think of Gu Xinyan is still behind, so quickly said: "ha ha, sorry, sorry, sister-in-law, I didn't mean to, completely not on purpose."

"Come on, come on, dogs can't spit out ivory. I'm used to it. " Gu Xinyan confessed Zhai Xiaohu, then turned to Xu Chao and said, "how do you plan to solve the lawsuit between chaozi, tiger brother and Lao Gu?"

"It's up to the person who tied the bell to solve the problem. We'll go to the person who started it. Go to Gong Jialun for tiger brother's business, and go to that woman for Lao Gu's business. As long as they are willing to withdraw the lawsuit, there will be nothing wrong. " Xu Chaodao.

"Want them to drop the case? I'm afraid it's not that easy, is it? " Gu Xinyan said.

"Not necessarily. After dinner, a little later, we went to find these two people to see if we could handle them. But now there is an important matter that must be done at once! " Xu Chaodao.

"What's the matter?" Zhai Xiaohu asked, Gu Shengfeng's face also showed the color of doubt.

"Tiger brother, you immediately let people stare at Gong Jialun and Sakai Fangzi, don't let them run away. There is no doubt that these two people are entrusted by others to do this to you suddenly. If I expect it to be true, the people who just went to the headquarters to make trouble have told Feng Guoan that I am not dead. Maybe they will fight against Gong Jialun and Sakai Fangzi, and we will be ahead of them! " Xu Chao thought and said.

Gu Shengfeng was startled and lost his voice. "Do you mean Feng Guoan will kill them?"

"It may not kill them, but it may send them away." Xu Chao said.

"I'll arrange it now." Zhai Xiaohu made a few calls and said to Xu Chao, "it's done."

Xu Chao nodded and said, "well, I'll let Sorea send a few more Tianwei to help them."

When Xu Chao went to Yangda country, for his own safety, he took away 30 Tianwei. There were only seven people left in China. He was mainly responsible for the personal safety of several important people, and had no energy to do other things. Therefore, he investigated Gong Jialun and Sakai Fangzi, and the guards of jiuzhuanhu group were also Zhai Xiaohu's former younger brother.

Don't underestimate these guys. Although their combat ability is far less than Tianwei's, when it comes to surreptitious investigation of these gossip like things, their ability may not be inferior to Tianwei's members at all.

However, the situation has changed since then. There may be a fight between the two sides, and the security guards may have to stop their food. Now that part of Tianwei has returned, they can help.

Xu Chao immediately informed Sorea to help the security guards deal with the matter. If the security guards can handle it, they don't have to deal with it. If they encounter uncertain people or things, they will deal with it again.

Gu Shengfeng turned to see Xu Chao after the arrangement, and then some chagrin said: "it's a pity that my mobile phone can't be found, otherwise the woman's lie will not be solved. The police searched the hotel room very carefully that day. The cupboard and the head of the bed were moved away. They searched everywhere, but they couldn't find it! I feel that the mobile phone must have been taken out by the previous security guard! The security guards and the women are the same family

"Don't worry, as long as the woman is still there, we can turn everything around! Now I hope the Feng family can kill Gong Jialun and Sakai Fangzi, and then our people will save them. They hate the Feng family and appreciate us, so they will naturally withdraw the lawsuit. " Xu Chao said with a smile.

Zhai Xiaohu was moved in his heart and said, "brother Chao, if the Feng family doesn't do this, can we help him?"

Gu Shengfeng is also a smart man. He immediately understood Zhai Xiaohu's meaning and said, "brother Hu's meaning is to let our people act as killers to assassinate Gong Jialun and Sakai Fangzi, and then let our people save people and cheat them out of favor?"

"It's such an idea. Does Chao Ge feel that it can work?" Zhai Xiaohu said with a smile.

As soon as his voice fell, without waiting for Xu Chao to speak, Gu Xinyan had already said, "bah, I'll do a fart! You're playing a trick. It's not fair enough. "

"Oh, my sister-in-law. Haven't you heard that the wicked need to be grinded by the wicked? They can be unkind to us. Why can't we be unkind to them? Even if it's a trick, it's their first trick. Only the state officials are allowed to set fire and the people are not allowed to light the lights? Brother Chao, do you think so? " Zhai Xiaohu said unconvinced.

Xu Chao said with a smile, "I feel my wife's words are reasonable. It's not fair enough for us to do that."

"Why? This... Brother Chao, you were not such a person before! " Zhai Xiaohu said with a bitter smile.

"Just two little characters! After dinner, let's go to greet Gong Jialun first. If he dares not to tell the truth, he will knock out his teeth! Didn't he say we were underworld? Let's show him. We can't be framed for nothing. The most important thing in life is to live up to the name. " Xu Chao said with a smile.

Gu Xinyan turns her eyes to hear this. It's obvious that her man has some misunderstanding about fairness!

Zhai Xiaohu, on the other hand, gave Xu Chao a big thumbs up while driving. He said with a smile, "super brother is awesome, super brother is grand, super brother is really aboveboard! Compared with brother Chao, we are really young! "

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