Carefree Path of Dreams

Chapter 804: Cangbing House

"Ah... kid, after this time, you have to compensate me, make up the gods for me, collect all the fragments!"

The Gorefiend **** shouted.

It can be described as a big injury this time, quite a bit of an irritating taste.

"do not worry!"

Fang Yuan’s voice is appeased.

The sacrifice of Gorefiend is by no means worthless.

At least, it was enough for him to turn around and face the gods.

"Is there a change in the blood knife?"

The Heavenly Masters naturally do not know the inside story, but only become the special ability of the soldiers.

At this time, it is difficult to ride the tiger, and the claws of the heavens are gone. It is already infused with all the power.


The devil's claws roared, and the magical spirit overflowed, morphing out a ghost of the virtual shadow, the green face and the fangs, the tiger's head and the leopard's eye, also roaring to Fang Yuan to explore the claws.

"The **** of the gods... Your time has passed, and then, it belongs to my rivers and lakes!!"

Fang Yuan’s figure retreats while he sighs.

The **** of the gods has shrunk.

Of course, he will not be moved by Fang Yuan’s words. In fact, when he reaches this point, even if Fang Yuan kills his family in front of him, it may not make the hero’s state of mind a little bit bleak.

What really horrified the Heavenly Taoist is the shape of Fang Yuanfei's retreat. He kept a foot distance from the devil's claws from beginning to end, and he did not help his efforts.

As if this ruler is a sacred divide, it’s a long way to go!

The meaning of this is what makes him fear.

"The devil is seven kills!"

After retreating to the edge of the Panwang Temple, Fang Yuan’s right hand seemed to be a random wave.


Knife flashes!

Among the intriguing cold awns, a knife light descended from the sky, split into seven, and broke into the shadow body.


In the next moment, the whole magic shadow collapsed, and even a knife light has broken through the **** and killed the gods.

"Crazy A!"

The **** of the gods sighed softly, and the skin turned black and blue, just like steel.

Not only that, but the evil spirits are like water, covering his whole body, even his face is not let go, there is no dead corner.

This magic armor is the first defense in the magic, and it has the ability to change!


At the next moment, the seven knives suddenly emerged from the void and directly penetrated into the evil spirits.

A string of sparks emerged, and the gods of the gods glimpsed.

Oh la la!

Immediately, the evil spirits flew away quickly, and his pale face appeared: "Seven killing tigers... It is the first of the magic soldiers!"


The voice just fell, and in his seven places of vitality, suddenly bleed the bleeding arrow, so that the demon Lord slowly closed his eyes.

'Actually... the warrior has reached this level, and the technique is almost indistinguishable. The **** of the gods is also a trivial matter that can be done at will. But the seven devils of the devil seem to have considered this point as well, and they will kill the soul directly. Destroy all the hopes of the opponent! ’

Fang Yuan stood up with a knife and thought silently.

The characteristics of the tiger knives are what reminds him of a legendary smasher and seven arrows!

It’s all so decisive, and there’s no room for a shot.

Moreover, the means are wonderful and difficult to prevent.

" killed the tyrant and the lord of heaven?"

The ghosts of the whole person are soft on the ground and have completely lost their confidence.

Do not! It should be said that the whole person will collapse.

In any case, he could not imagine that the Nangong, who is in charge of the tenth magic soldier, is hopeless, and it will be so strong!

Just a few tricks, the match is less than ten rounds, the two knives of the knives and the celestial lords, and they have sent their lives.

"Seven killing the tiger slashing knife, it is the world's first murderer!" The ghost eye looked at the coming Fang Yuan, who had no hope of surviving, but hoarse voice: "The tiger culprit, the owner of the tiger knives There is no good end, I am waiting for you..."

"You... want to die and live?"

Fang Yuan is condescending, faintly asked.


Ghosts immediately swallowed the curse that they wanted to export: "Are you ready to spare me? Or are you deliberately retiring the old man?"


Fang Yuan smiled and said: "How many pounds do you have, is it worth my pastime? I will finally ask, surrender, or die?"

"As long as you spare me this time, I can recognize you as the main, send a magical oath!" Ghost eyes bite his teeth.

"It doesn't have to be so complicated. It will be fine to hand over the yak eyes." Fang Yuan looked around and couldn't help but sigh.

In the rivers and lakes martial arts, the demon warriors are the swordsmen of the military's dreams. Even ordinary people who spend thousands of dollars may not be able to take a look.

But at this time, in the Panwang Hall, all kinds of magical weapons are rotten streets, and they are randomly discarded on the ground.

"Spring and Autumn Dragon Sword, Devil's Claw, Evil God, plus a yak eye!"

Fang Yuan glanced at the ghost eyes: "If you want to live, you will hand over the yak eyes! I will drive them later!"

"No! Lord!"

Ghost eyes bite his teeth, his right hand lifted up, slightly trembled, and suddenly inserted into the eyelids.

In the blood flower splash, the yak eye was dug out and handed to Fang Yuan respectfully.

"Very good! Let me go out with me now and take the other warriors out... This river and lake, starting from here, is to follow me, and to defeat me!"

Fang Yuan issued a declaration: "I will form a Tibetan army building. You are my first law-protection! The Lord of the Demon Warriors outside, if you are willing to surrender to me, you can surrender the magical soldiers. Otherwise let them die!"

Even the tyrants and the lord of the heavens are killed. He naturally does not care about a few more.

The ghost eyes are bleeding and feel the deep chill.

This man has the strength of Nie madness, but there is no such crazy meaning.

At this point, the formation of forces has begun, I am afraid that the next step is to fight the rivers and lakes and dominate the world.


"Old ghost, what happened?"

Outside the Panwang Palace.

As the dragon died, the original beasts of the beasts gathered in a flash.

The beasts have their own thoughts and wills. Seeing that even the demon dragons are falling, how many dare to die?

The singer's magical maiden and Tang Shushu are about to enter the Panwang Temple, and they will see Fang Yuan Shi Shiran out, followed by the ghost eyes of blood.

The face of the magical lady is changed, and the pipa is taken out.

Tang Shushu also opened the folding fan, and the other three **** soldiers stood together vigilantly, forming a small triangular battle.

"Nothing, that is, I want to form a force that shrouds the rivers and lakes and makes the whole world surrender. It is called the Tibetan army building!"

Fang Yuan waved the seven killing tiger knives in his hand: "I built a Tibetan army building to collect the magic soldiers of the world. Can you generously give up the sword, send me the sword in the hand, and sell it as a loft protection? I treat But it is very generous..."


The magical maiden snorted, but a pair of wonderful eyes were staring at the seven killing tiger knives in Fang Yuan’s hands: "The magic soldier is the first? Is this your emboldened? No wonder the tyrants and the celestial gods must die before opening the Panwang Temple. It turns out that there is such a big secret hidden in it!"

Tang Shushu also suddenly realized: "But collecting the magic soldiers of the world, your tone is not small, just rely on the tiger knife in your hand?"

"The devil and the tyrant?" The magical maiden suddenly asked.

"Nature is dead!"

Fang Yuan shrugged his shoulders: "Ghost eyes, tell them!"


There is a hint of helplessness on the face of the ghost eye: "The tyrant and the celestial lord besieged my master, and have been killed on the spot! The Spring and Autumn Dragon knives, the devil's claws, etc. are all owned by the Lord!"


This news is too stone-shattered, even the raging Tang Shushu, as well as the magical ecstasy of the world, is unbelievable for a while.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The next moment, but the most peripheral three of the gods of the soldiers took the lead in reacting, and without saying a word, they rushed to the exit.

Originally, they still wanted to get some benefits in the Panwang Temple. But at this time, they saw that the tyrant was dead, and the biggest backing was gone. Naturally, it was necessary to go to the top of the 36th!

As for why I believe in Fang Yuan’s words?

The tying knife has not yet appeared, it is the best proof. Otherwise, with his character, if he encounters such a big and unyielding person, I am afraid I will rush out and give it a knife.

"Want to go? I have to ask me!"

Fang Yuan stepped out and plunged a dozen feet, directly in front of the three warriors: "Speak up... You have also cooperated to kill me before! I am still very big, as long as you choose to surrender, I am this time. Just forgive you, how?"

“The daring is bold!”

The Lord of the Three Gods was furious, and the White Tiger Daddy and the Xuanwu Shield Lord looked at each other and suddenly left and right, and attacked Fang Yuan.

The white tiger stick and the basaltic shield are heavy and the wind is blowing.

Although the Dragon Bow Lord was injured before, he did not hesitate at this time, and the three bows and arrows were placed on the strings.


At the next moment, the heart-wrenching sound of the knife sounded.

The main body of the dragon-shaped bow is a stagnation, even if he is strikingly powerful, and seeing the scene of two companions falling on the ground, it is not to be seen, but it is deep despair.

"A last chance, surrender, or die?"

Fang Yuan’s voice is cold and cold, like a thousand ice.


Longma plain.

"Very good. From today, you are the guardian of my Tibetan army building. The original identity can also be reserved! Go!"

Fang Yuan waved his hand and watched these people leave, laughing very brightly.

This trip to the mystery was completely beyond his imagination.

"Next, should I go looking for fragments for me? With these guys helping each other, I think the progress can be accelerated a lot..."

The Gorefiend **** quickly jumped out.

"You can rest assured!"

Fang Yuan did not like to nod.

These masters are placed outside, absolutely one level is the level of one party.

Of course, when encountering Fang Yuan, it was planted thoroughly, not only the weapons were lost, but also the body was planted with Yin and Yang!

The secret technique of this yin and yang symbol is naturally inspired by his previous life. Together with the gaze of the sky, it is enough to leave a few real forces in these warriors and entangle the acupoints.

Usually nothing, but when you encounter Fang Yuan, you will be immediately returned to the original shape.

"Speak up... What is your kid collecting so many gods?"

Gorefiend asked inexplicably.

One weapon is enough, plus both auxiliary and protective.

Fang Yuan has such a collection of cockroaches, it is nothing.

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