Cartoonist Code

Chapter 296:

Can't sleep, it would be great if Akwa was a boy, and he had to be a handsome boy, so she could date Akwa, make Akwa her boyfriend, and show affection with Akwa and send dog food, but in In the middle of the night, I was fed dog food by others.

Ah ah ah ah ah! Mea without an object can only be incompetent and furious in her heart.

If the apartment is full of single dogs, and everyone around her is single, she can accept it, endure the days without a partner, and even feel that she doesn't need a partner.

But after having the "dog man and woman", White Cat and Fubuki, mea really wanted to fall in love.

Otherwise, Aqua can make do with it?

"Even if it's a girl, it's okay to have a relationship on the premise of marriage."


Gee, what are you thinking, sleep!

The little fox who was talking nonsense and teasing tofu's brain didn't know that Mea was not asleep. If she knew that she would never speak, she would obediently sleep with Dongfang Ming.

"Ming sauce, can you hold back?"

There was a lot of flirting in Baishuichuxue's tone, she knew she was playing with fire

"You underestimate me too much." Dongfang Ming hugged the fox with his eyes closed and remained unmoved. He was no longer the innocent boy who couldn't help but look up at the slightest temptation.

Just a little more temptation.

"Hoho, so that's it."



"And so."

What's going on over there! Mea opened her eyes, pricked her ears and listened to the voices from Dongfang Ming and Baishang Fuxue, the two of them must be ghs.

Mea can say things like "Rosemary Rosemary" in the live broadcast room, but in reality she is still very innocent, and she can say it coquettishly. People are pure, after all, they are cute.

Listening to the lines of the little fox, mea fantasized about something incredible, and for a while, he blushed because of his fantasies.

What mea didn't know was that Dongfang Ming had already hugged the restless little fox tightly, holding her restless and telling her not to do anything. Finally, the restless little fox returned to peace.

Tonight, nothing happened to Dongfang Ming and Baishang Chuixue, and the imaginary mea was already asleep and dreaming, and what she was dreaming was a spring dream, but this dream was not about her spring dream, it was about someone else, she was vague in the dream Looking at a pile of mosaics, the mosaics are the Oriental Tea and the snow blowing on the white that she dreamed of.

Chapter 260 The Speed ​​of Cherry Blossoms Falling

Kagura mea didn't sleep well last night, she was forcibly pulled up from the bed by Minato Aqua to eat breakfast.

"No, I don't want to eat it, you eat my share."

"No, get up, we will go to see the cherry blossoms later. There will be a barbecue grill, we can still barbecue, get up, mea!"

Minato Aqua pulled mea hard, trying to pull her up from the bed.

"No, I'm so sleepy."

Mea closed her eyes and said weakly, she was tortured for insomnia last night, and her dreams were also strange things and she was tortured again. She doesn't want to do anything now, she just wants to get a good night's sleep.

On the other hand, Pecora, who had just woken up, heard mea's statement that she didn't want to eat. She wanted to say, "If you don't want to eat, give it to me."

At last she held back, saying it was impolite and lost her angelic status.

Although she can't be regarded as an angel without an angel ring.

Dongfang Ming and Baishang Chuixue got up early. These two were a little guilty. They knew that it was okay for couples to hug each other and sleep together at night, but they still got up early so that everyone would not know that they slept together last night.

The two of them, who are obviously high defense, occasionally become shy, and their shyness is surprisingly consistent.

Since the third grade of middle school, Dongfang Ming and Baishang Fuxue have different hobbies and dislikes. Now that they are about to enter the second year of high school, their hobbies and dislikes have almost synchronized, except for a few. There are differences.

For example, the little fox likes rot and lily, and Dongfang Ming only likes lily, and rot can't accept it in this life.

For breakfast, those who get up early eat first, those who get up late also eat late, and when mea gets up to eat, the food is almost cold.

"It's really good. Traveling, you can temporarily not need to paint or work."

Dongfang Ming opened the window and stretched while looking at the scenery outside the window. The cherry blossoms that were tired of seeing yesterday felt fresh again today.

"Fukiyuki, do you know how fast the cherry blossoms are falling?"

"Five centimeters per second, you told me this stalk, you told me this story, so don't tell me."

Bai Shang Chuixue's words were a bit ruthless, and he sharply complained about Dongfang Ming.

Why is it so ruthless? That's because Dongfang Ming asked this, and she suddenly remembered that when she asked Ming Jiang "why is the snow white", this guy deliberately teased her, and seriously said why the snow was white, not "Rebel Lu" There is a "standard answer" in "Road Repair".

Because of the popularity of animation, the issue of snowflakes is already a famous line in "Rebel Lelouch".

"So you know." Dongfang Ming felt a little regretful, he forgot when he told Chuixue the story of "Five Centimeters Per Second".

"Yeah, after all, I know the ending very well. You even drew the last point as a cartoon for me to see. I still want to blow up the tram. If you weren't the author, I wanted to blow you up too."

Bai Shang Chuixue's eyes sharpened, and he looked straight at Dongfang Ming.

The terrifying eyes made Dongfang Ming involuntarily put his hands behind him to prevent being bitten by the little fox with iron teeth and copper teeth.

"Ahahaha, thank you for not killing." Dongfang Minggan smiled, he knew how much he was hated.

BadEnd of "CLAND" abused a large number of people, and the hotly played "Magic Girl Madoka" was also abused, plus his relationship with the little fox.

There is really no shortage of extreme-minded people who want to get rid of him.

The leisurely countryside has beautiful scenery and large sakura trees.

In the hot spring hotel, Ms. Akiko prepared a barbecue grill, allowing everyone to enjoy the sakura while eating skewers while upside down.

Dongfang Ming always feels that admiring the beautiful scenery and eating do not match, so drinking is okay.

Like that kind of poet, seeing beautiful scenery and reciting poems, meeting neat couples, drinking wine and chatting and laughing with everyone.

But in Japan, it should be Mogamikawa.

Unfortunately, none of the people present had any cultural literacy, and Dongfang Ming felt that it was inappropriate, but everyone felt that it was good to enjoy the beautiful scenery while eating.

In this case, Dongfang Ming will not object to it boringly, he just thinks it is not suitable, and it is very troublesome to roast the meat and clean up the garbage at the end.

This village seems to be surrounded by cherry trees, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and the whole village is very beautiful. The place where everyone went to enjoy the flowers is on the mountain, where there is a small lake, where you can enjoy the flowers, the water and the little foxes.

Dongfangqing, who volunteered to lead the way, walked at the forefront. She didn't know the way. Miss Qiuzi did not act as a tour guide for them, but showed Dongfangqing a way to follow the iconic places.

For example, an old tree, the temple of the earth god, etc.

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