Case File Compendium

Chapter 102: Only I know you best (1)

    Li Rouqiu didn't recognize this young man at first, after all, He Yu was too different from the junior high school students she entertained at that time, and after a while, she suddenly recovered: "Ah, is it you? "

    She looked somewhat embarrassed.

    He Yu was not embarrassed and smiled: "Auntie Li, it's me, hello."

    "..." The little bunny's mouth is too poisonous, Li Rouqiu's age can at most be called sister.

    But he called her Auntie, as if he was reminding her of something.

    Li Ruoqiu: "You, you are so old. When I saw you, you were still a child..."

    He Yu still smiled.

    Li Rouqiu: "We haven't seen each other for many years."

    He Yu: "It's been a long time."

    Li Rouqiu and the boy looked at each other for a while, she was a very delicate person, and she immediately noticed that He Yu's eyes were not quite right.

    That to say?

    It may even look familiar.

    She thought about it for a while and thought about it—it was somewhat similar to the young girl who came to make trouble.

    Li Rouqiu was stunned for a moment.

    She didn't know why the boy looked at her like this.

    "You...Aren't you going to celebrate the New Year with your parents tonight?" She hesitated and asked him tentatively.

    He Yu's answer was very simple: "Discord. I'm with Brother Xie."

    "But..." Li Rouqiu wanted to ask more, but Xie Qingcheng interrupted her.

    Xie Qingcheng: "Come with me."

    Li Rouqiu had no choice but to give up, Xie Qingcheng glanced sideways, stared at He Yu for a few seconds, and then walked towards Xie Xue.

    Although Xie Xue hated Li Rouqiu to death, she, like Xie Qingcheng, was not someone who would step on when others were in trouble. Knowing that Li Rouqiu was beaten so badly by that scumbag, the corners of her mouth were swollen and one of her teeth was loose, she still agreed to take Li Rouqiu to a nearby hotel and take care of her for two days.

    After arranging everything, Xie Qingcheng sat alone in the house and smoked.

    No one came in to disturb him again, Aunt Li was very interesting, and He Yu was also called by those aunts and uncles to chat.

    The crowd outside was noisy and gentle, as if they had not seen anything just now, and left him as much peace as possible. In the middle of the night, snow began to fall in the sky again, and gradually the windows were blurred by the mist, only the red window grilles attached to the glass were clear.

    Xie Qingcheng's eyes were as hazy as the mist, his slender fingers pressed out the last cigarette, got up and went to the shower room to wash up.

    The room was very stuffy. He smoked too much and drank some alcohol, and his mental state was really bad. It took him a long time to fall asleep dimly.

    Around the time when the main station started singing "Unforgettable Tonight", the door opened.

    He vaguely thought that Xie Xue was back, until the man walked past the curtain and came to his bedside, he realized that it was He Yu.


    He didn't get angry in front of Li Rouqiu, but he did feel—very shameful.

    Very shameful.

    Li Ruoqiu may not feel much herself, because she betrayed him, and she came back to cry to him in front of so many people, Xie Qingcheng felt that her scars were nakedly opened and given to him All peeping.

    He Yu is also included.

    He felt that he was quite a failure, and he couldn't even keep his wife. This would be very hurt for any big man. After so many years, he thought that the wound would not bleed again.

    But her arrival will undoubtedly make the flesh fester from the inside.

    It hurts.

    In the darkness, the man and the boy looked at each other silently.

    After a long time, Xie Qingcheng said hoarsely: "Go back. The fun is over."

    He Yu said: "Xie Qingcheng, you can completely let her go."

    "She's my ex-wife."

    "Just an ex-wife."

    Xie Qing was annoyed, closed his eyes, he was already in a trance, and the excessive cigarettes and alcohol made his consciousness turn very slow.

    He said, "Don't mind your own business, you can go."

    He Yuming planned to restore the least respect to Xie Qingcheng after the studio incident.

      It's all **** up.

    He turned a layer of molten tar-like lava in his heart, squinting: "Xie Qingcheng, I ask you, why did you talk to her so politely just now? You don't really intend to forgive She, reunite with her, okay? Then you have no lower limit, anyone can give up on you, you—"

    "When the **** am I going to reconcile with her?" Xie Qing got angry and sat up abruptly from the bed. Staring at him with humiliated eyes, "When am I going to forgive her? But she's a woman! She used to be my wife! What do you want me to do to her? You asked me to drive her to the road on New Year's Eve in winter. I'm a big man, you understand? I can't **** like that with a woman! I can't!"

    "This matter is not a man or a man at all, everything has to be right or wrong, and those who have betrayed him are already benevolent and righteous without cramping and drinking blood. —”

    Xie Qingcheng couldn't bear it anymore.

    He knew that He Yu had heard the whole story clearly when he was at the door.

    For so many years, he has never been willing to mention in front of people why he divorced Li Rouqiu, only that his relationship has faded, and no man is willing to admit that his wife is getting on with another person, this is not right Wrong question, how much shame is this?

    Xie Qingcheng's eyes were red as if they were about to drip blood, he said with hatred: "Do you think it's interesting to know this?"


    "Shut up He Yu. What do you know?"

    "I thought I wasn't that bad, right? Huh? I was good enough for her at that time, and I supported her in whatever she wanted to do, whatever she wanted, is it mine Wrong?!"

    He Yu's face was also ugly: "I didn't mean that."

    But Xie Qingcheng didn't seem to be so calm. The consumption of tobacco and alcohol, mental stimulation, and He Yu's questioning made him suddenly unable to control himself and became very irritable.

    Now He Yu knew that he also had mental Ebola, but he suppressed it very well. It was even more unpleasant to see him get out of control because of Li Rouqiu.

    He felt that the hatred and discomfort in his heart were even more intense, and his eyes were a little red: "But Xie Qingcheng, then a **** can stimulate you into this, you just shouldn't of."

    "Don't say such ugly words in front of me, you don't understand everything about her, and she is my ex-wife after all, do you understand?"

    He Yuding looked at him: "If you say that, it means you still care about her."

    "I **** care about a ghost!" Xie Qingcheng began to tremble with anger, he also realized that he couldn't go on like this anymore, but the extreme shame still made him unable to end his relationship with He Yu quarrel.

    Yes, he never quarreled with Li Rouqiu.

    But now that He Yu was standing in front of him, he just wanted to scold, just wanted to vent, he even wanted to pick up the lampstand next to him and smash it over to make He Yu get out.

    Maybe at this moment, he is also a wounded dragon. He is curled up in his cave to heal his wounds, and he does not want any kind to invade his territory at this time.

    Because they are both males, who knows if He Yu will wear his fangs on his neck and kill him?

    He thought so, so he did.

     With a "Bang!" sound, the lamp smashed past, making a terrifying loud noise.


    "..." The boy was silent for a long time, raised his hand, touched his wound lightly, rubbed a little blood in the darkness, and rubbed it between his fingers, he stared at his fingertips silently.

    Xie Qingcheng: "Go away."

    "Get out."


    "Xie Qingcheng..." He sighed, "Why don't you want me to treat you better?"

    "It's only been a few days, you treat me like this."

    He approached Xie Qingcheng's bed step by step, and then looked at him condescendingly.

    He Yu felt that he was about to get sick. His heart was indescribably irritable, suffocated, and painful. The combination of these feelings made him numb, violent, and bloodthirsty.

    "Are you going to get along with me like this in the future, Xie Qingcheng?"


    "That woman, she is nothing but a shameful betrayal, a thief, and a corpse is not a pity, but I am your kind. How could you hurt me like this for her. "

    "I didn't do it for her—"

    But lunatic and lunatic just can't communicate at the moment.

    They seem to be venting their emotions on their own channels, and the two waves can never hit the rocks.

    He Yu did not appear to be overly emotional, but he was actually less rational than Xie Qing at this time. Xie Qingcheng knew when to release it, and where the boundaries of venting were. As long as it was touched, it should be controlled and suppressed in time.

    But He Yu is different.


    He suddenly raised his blood-stained hand, stroked the broken hair in front of Xie Qingcheng's forehead, and twisted the broken hair up with his thumb.

    I said softly to myself: "But what's the use of you being so nice to her?"

    "She still treats you as a spare tire and a recycling bin."

    "She doesn't respect you, Xie Qingcheng."

    "She doesn't love you."

    "I **** want you to tell me!" Xie Qingcheng was furious, this time he got up and got out of bed to chase people, "I tell you He Yu, you are just a child, you I don't understand anything! Yes, I'm not respected by her, I'm not doing well, right? I deserve a divorce, I deserve to be laughed at by you, I deserve-"

    He didn't finish the sentence.

      The New Year's bell rang suddenly outside and kissed the man's lips that smelled of tobacco.

    "Yes, Xie Qingcheng. You really deserve it." He Yu whispered to him as he panted from this vague and fierce kiss, "You deserve to mess with me."

    "You let fucking...let me go!" Between the kisses, Xie Qingcheng whispered angrily, "What are you going to do! Don't you **** say you won't do this in the future? !"

    He Yu put a big hand around his neck and the other around him. After hearing Xie Qingcheng's words, he opened a little distance, his eyes narrowed between his eyebrows Massage carefully.


    "You said you wouldn't do it again." Xie Qingcheng finally panted and said softly.

    The sound insulation of the old house is not good, and there are people outside. He is already very embarrassed today.

    They are so ugly now, and the sound just now was enough to attract the attention and peeping of others, Xie Qingcheng didn't want to lose more face.

    "He Yu, I hope you can keep your word."

    He Yu looked at him silently, his eyelashes dropped, his eyes moved from Xie Qingcheng's eyes to Xie Qingcheng's lips: "I did say, don't worry, I won't Break your word."

    The eyes were faint, and the eyes on the lips turned back to the other's eyes.

    When He Yu looked at Xie Qingcheng's lips, his eyes were very eager, but when he looked at Xie Qingcheng's eyes, it became very deep.


    His fingers stroked Xie Qingcheng's forehead little by little.

    Closing his eyes, the tip of his nose gently rubbed against Xie Qingcheng's ear temples.

    When it was opened again, a cold and chaotic fire was burning.

    "Some things can be different. Would you like to try?"

    Xie Qingcheng didn't understand what he meant by this sentence, and what could be different, He Yu suddenly pulled the belt on his bathrobe.

    Xie Qingcheng was really red-eyed with anger: "Do you want to do this again? You can swallow everything you say. You can treat all mental illnesses with respect, but you can't treat me the fuck, right? ?!"

    He Yu did not say a word, almost arrogantly suppressed, and pressed the belt between Xie Qingcheng's teeth, making him unable to speak clearly.

    When things got to this point, Xie Qingcheng couldn't bear it anymore. He didn't want to choose violence, but only violence could drive him. He picked up the cup next to him and first splashed the water on the boy's face. He Yu still didn't leave after the water splashed on him. Instead, he wanted to hold him tighter. Xie Qing angrily smashed the empty cup over!


    Red hot blood ran down his face.

    Through the dark eyebrows, it quickly penetrated into the eyes of the young man.

    Blood filled her eyes.

    And then—fallen down.

    Like a tear of blood, it fell silently from the end of the devil's eyes.

    "..." Maybe He Yu's eyes were too terrifying, or maybe it was the blood and tears streaming down the boy's wet face, which made Xie Qingcheng realize that this was really out of control, and it was impossible for him Really kill people in their thirties.

    Xie Qing's blue-veined hand trembled a little, and was finally held tightly by He Yu's hand. The boy's fingers sank between his fingers, wrapped around his fingers, instead of the cup he was holding tightly...

    When He Yu's blood-stained finger voluntarily fell into Xie Qingcheng's palm, Xie Qingcheng was clasped by his **** fingers, and when the palm was full, there was no room for the murder weapon , the cup fell, rolled off the edge of the bed, and smashed into pieces on the ground.

    Xie Qingcheng listened to the sound of the broken porcelain, closed his eyes suddenly, his expression was extremely painful, as if he was going crazy by what happened today...

    "Xie Qingcheng..."

    He Yu raised his hand slowly, his eyes seemed crazy but calm, sad and sullen.

    He touched Xie Qing's cold face.

    "I said it. Some things can be different."

    Then he lowered his head—

     did something he had never done before.

    Xie Qingcheng had already despaired of him at first, but what he did not expect was that after He Yu ripped open his shirt, he lowered his head and bent down, actually... He actually...


    Xie Qingcheng's eyes widened suddenly, his mind went blank, what happened now is beyond his imagination.

    What is He Yu doing?

    Unexpectedly, after He Yu tore off his clothes, he lowered his head and leaned down, actually... He actually... took Xie Qingcheng's **** in one bite.


    Xie Qing opened his eyes openly, and made a slight sound from his mouth tied by the cloth. His mind was blank for a while, and what happened now was beyond his imagination.

    He Yu is giving him a mouth.

    The young man is lustful, anxious, and has a little bit of a natural habit of violence in bed. He used to only go in by himself, he was always a little rough, and he would not spend too much effort to take care of Xie Qingcheng in front - He can't take care of him either, after all, Xie Qingcheng is quite cold. He didn't have that much patience to melt that ice statue.

    But now He Yu is holding him in his mouth.

    He Yu's oral **** skills are not good, very jerky, but this is normal, he has never done such a thing before, and he does not think he will do such a thing.

    He saw that Xie Qingcheng kept saying that he deserved to be divorced, to be laughed at, and to be abandoned.

    He didn't know how to relieve his pain, and he didn't know how to make Xie Qingcheng stop this self-torture, he seemed to say anything that would stab Xie Qingcheng's inverse scales , and he couldn't control his emotions, so he would quarrel with Xie Qingcheng again after a few words.

    So he did.

    In order to prevent Xie Qingcheng from talking nonsense with him in the process and making him more angry, he simply put a cloth on the man's mouth, but at this moment Xie Qingcheng said nothing When he came out, his pupils contracted violently, and everything that happened on the bed made his mind, which had been dulled by tobacco and alcohol, become more and more confused.

    He never thought such a thing would happen.

    To be honest, Xie Qingcheng has never been humanized until now.

    He is a very traditional and rigid man. When he was with Li Rouqiu before, he would not ask Li Rouqiu to do anything to please him. He feels that women are weak and should be respected and protected, and oral sex, from a medical point of view, he is well aware of its rationality, but he cannot accept it.

    He thought it was embarrassing for women and even humiliating his wife.

    He didn't even think to do it. But now He Yu was swallowing and licking his **** without any scruples, and a terrifying stimulation that was completely different from simple sexual **** instantly burned.

    It's not exactly a physical pleasure, it's more of a mental stimulation.

    That kind of stimulation is born out of male instinct, full of desire to conquer, Xie Qingcheng, who has never experienced such a feeling, put his hand into He Yu's black hair, his fingers slightly Yan, want to push him away.

    He Yu ignored it, but sucked more and more lingering.

    Xie Qingcheng was pulling his hair unbearably, his chest heaving and his eyes burning red - he was not keen on sex, after Li Rouqiu betrayed him, he suffered even more humiliation, he was tired of love, The more tired of desire, the more cold I feel when it comes to sex.

    Afterwards, He Yu had same-sex **** with him. He suffered from stressful psychological trauma. He felt nauseated and wanted to vomit at the first thought, and then he relied on his inhuman willpowerオ Finally got rid of this fragile feeling from my body. He Yu was young and energetic and wanted a lot, and Xie Qingcheng was slowly numb to him.

    until now.


    He Yu licked and sucked extremely eagerly and eagerly, it was strange, he obviously hated the same sex, but at this time he felt that it was no big deal to swallow Xie Qingcheng's baby, and he actually liked it .

    Men are not very resistant to being flattered by others in sexual matters, especially the kind of flattery that is filled with hot **** desire, rather than the kind of fulfillment of obligations make love.


    But he immediately felt it was inappropriate.

    Except for the first time he drank 59 degrees of plum, later he never had too much pleasure doing this kind of thing with He Yu, always humiliated and disgusted. He's a man, and he can't stand being held down.

    But now, he felt a long-lost numbness, and slowly woke up from his body under the boy's hard blowing, sucking, and licking.

    His heart beat faster and faster, and in the depths of his clear consciousness, he felt that all this was wrong.

    It shouldn't happen.

    His fingers were inserted into He Yu's black hair, rubbing He Yu's hair, trying to push him away again.

    But the boy's head was stubbornly buried under his arm, he didn't feel dirty or ashamed at all, he licked him and made him, even more when he felt Xie Qingcheng gasp and push back Fine, a pair of almond eyes lifted up, sucking at him and looking at him wetly.


    After a while, He Yu slowly spit out Xie Qingcheng's genitals, and then gently kissed the beautiful, Yan Ran's stem. There were some crystal water marks on the boy's lips and the man's desire. In the dark night, their breathing was a little heavy, and they looked at each other silently.

    The thing that Xie Qing presented was made to stand up by his licking.

    Although Xie Qingcheng is still not suitable for men, although Xie Qingcheng's sexual desire has never been strong, he just doesn't like doing it, he is very indifferent, not without desire at all, let alone not holding up, He Yu uses his mouth To please him like this, Xie Qingcheng is also a flesh and blood, and he also has feelings.

    This is the first time he has desire in front of He Yu.

    "Brother, I said it." He Yu seemed to be encouraged, his voice was low, and his throat was hoarse after carrying some suffocation.

    "Some things can be different."

    He said, holding Xie Qingcheng's erect **** in his hand, and slapped it wetly a few times, then he still looked at Xie Qingcheng, but turned his face to the side, and kissed it again A shivering baby. I closed my eyes, the eyelashes were soft, and the tip of my nose stepped lightly, I really liked it.

    "Brother, you deserve to mess with me."

    "And the woman who came back deserved it without you."

    "You should have ignored her."

    "Your house is so small, take in one person, of course take in me..."

    "Only I can enter your lair."

    The boy whispered these words as he kissed his baby. He Yu's expression was actually very morbid and mad, but apart from those madness, there seemed to be some very fragile and very confused emotions in his apricot eyes.

    He kissed him, fondled him, and after lying on his stomach to kiss Xie Qingcheng's genitals, he straightened up, loosened the cloth that bound Xie Qingcheng, and went to kiss him .


      The back of the neck was turned, changing the angle, kissing him and making him want him.

    After hearing the conversation between Li Rouqiu and Xie Qingcheng, He Yu wanted Xie Qingcheng more than ever. You especially want to **** Xie Qingcheng on this bed where Xie Qingcheng turned Li Rouqiu from a girl into a woman for the first time.

    He wanted Xie Qingcheng to have desire because of him, because he stood up, because he came out. He wanted Xie Qingcheng to turn into a man who really longed for him, trembling **** under him.

    It was the appearance of the sister-in-law that made He Yu feel irritable in his heart. He felt very uncomfortable and sour. This kind of emotion was driving him crazy, so he was forced to do it without thinking. In order to please Xie Qingcheng with his mouth.

    He can't help, he's not a woman, he doesn't know how to win.

    He could only clumsily and enthusiastically submit to Xie Qing.

    He hopes that the fire on his body can also burn on Xie Qingcheng tonight, and burn away the scars that Li Rouqiu left on him.

    "The woman said, it would be great if she could have a child with you." He Yu put his forehead against Xie Qingcheng's forehead and whispered between the kisses.

    "But she doesn't deserve it."

    "She doesn't deserve it, Xie Qingcheng."

    "She doesn't understand you in this world, I understand you best...I can feel you best..."

    The feeling of grief and grief is getting deeper and deeper, and it slowly fills the bottom of my heart.

    "You make me angry when you talk to her. How can she be so shameless about wanting your child."

    "...she didn't mean that either."

    "You speak for her!"

    The madman is really crazy, he seems to want to strangle Xie Qingcheng, but he can't wait to let Xie Qingcheng praise him and coax him. The strength is getting stronger and stronger, but the voice is getting softer and softer.

    "Brother, you are not allowed to speak for her... She is not as good to you as I am."

    "Did she do this for you?"


    "But what I can do for you, I can give you a mouth." He said, kissing Xie Qingcheng's lips over and over again, not deep, and lightly touching on.

    "She made you so cold, I can cure you."


    "I didn't lie to you this time."

    "You don't want to be frigid."

    "Don't be cold to me. Don't be the same to me as you were to her."

    He seemed mad, threatening, and pleading.

    Maybe at this moment He Yu, even he himself does not know what kind of emotions he is, his emotions are too much, and his heart is full of notes, Repulsing himself, he was deeply immersed in it, madly trying to find a way out, he looked at Xie Qingcheng's eyes that were close to the limit, and he thought that maybe it was the light source that could lead him to leave the wasteland.

    Xie Qingcheng closed his eyes and turned his head to the side. He Yu's emotional pressure was so great that it all fell on him.

    He Yu kept kissing and kissing him on the bed, seeing him turn his face away, as if anxious, angry and hurt, he silently beat Xie Qingcheng's resolute, cold , ruthless face for a long time.

    Like revenge, like asking for help, but also bowing her head and confessing to Xie Qing.

    Xie Qingcheng wiped his hair and stopped him.

    "Don't do it again." His voice was so deep that no emotion could be heard.

    He Yu's eyes were red, half mad and half hurt: "I said it all, only I am your kind."

    “…He Yu, do you have some self-esteem?”

    "Then you..." He Yu's voice trembled, "Then can you give me some self-esteem."

    "..." Xie Qingcheng was stung by his words.

    His brain has been muddled to the limit by tobacco, alcohol and a bunch of shit, and this time it made him even more confused. Xie Qingcheng turned the glass beads and looked at He Yu silently in the dark night.

    "Why the **** are you doing this. What good is it. Yes, I'm your kind, but it's just a disease similarities, and you and I have anything in common anywhere else Yes. I know you're lonely, He Yu, but you..." He couldn't go on.

    He Yu raised his hand to cover his mouth again.

    He held down Xie Qingcheng, hunched over, and pressed Xie Qingcheng on the bed, looking at him extremely viciously.

    Xie Qingcheng closed his eyes.

    He Yu was going crazy again, and he should have ripped apart him violently. The dragon claws shattered his stomach... The result was caught off guard.

    A tear fell on Xie Qingcheng's face.

    Xie Qingcheng opened his eyes and was stunned to see that the boy had been crying on his body, the tears silently disappeared and fell warmly on his cheeks.

    The boy who was smashed by him, scolded by him, and rejected by him had blood on his forehead and tears on his face.

    “…He Yu, you…”

    He Yu stopped talking, he seemed to hate him too much, and he seemed to be too persistent in begging.

    The young, always calm face was a little embarrassed at the moment.

    He held down Xie Qingcheng, his expression became very Han, but his eyes were still very red, and his tears were still not dry. He just looked at him condescendingly.

    Then he bent down.

    Whether Xie Qingcheng rejected him or not, or said he had no dignity, said he didn't understand him, he was so stubborn and clumsy to embrace him.



    The ears were buzzing, and there were bursts of white light in front of me.

    Xie Qingcheng couldn't take it anymore, he pushed him and struggled, trying to get rid of this strange and terrifying pleasure.

    "That's it, He Yu...enough..."

    The teenager just sucked him, making a wet water sound as he sucked.

    “…He Yu!”


    Xie Qingcheng: "…"

    In silence, Xie Qingcheng turned his eyes away again.

    It still means rejection.

    He Yu also gritted his teeth and was not reconciled. He was going to spend so much time with Xie Qingcheng tonight, and he said softly, "You must not."


    Xie Qingcheng did not speak.

    He put his face down again.

    Xie Qingcheng pushed him.

    He is going again.

    Tweet again.


    Tweet again.

    And again…

    "..." In the end, it turned out to be a very childish saw. The sawing went back and forth, and Xie Qingcheng's troubles were continuously superimposed in the process.

    Xie Qingcheng pushed him away again and again, and He Yu stubbornly stepped forward again and again. Just like in their lives, He Yu also ran to this very lonely man again and again.

    over and over again... over and over again,

    To tap his heart.

    Xie Qingcheng looked at this paranoid boy who was hateful and pitiful, and even a little ridiculous, and finally - maybe it was because of cigarettes and alcohol, maybe it was really annoying, maybe it was a mess, Maybe too much pain.



    Xie Qingcheng pushed him away again and slapped him, panting low, and looked at He Yu.

    The two looked at each other in silence.

    And then maybe, because of those "maybes".

    After the slap was thrown out, Xie Qingcheng was quiet for a moment, then suddenly grabbed He Yu's hair and dragged the relentless beast over, searching for him with a cold face in front of yourself.

    He Yu opened his eyes wide: "Xie Qingcheng, you—"

    Xie Qingcheng stared at him: "Do you have to do this?"


    "Does it have to be?"

    "Okay, He Yu, okay..." Xie Qingcheng's eyes turned red, both angry and hurt, "Damn it, I'll do it for you today...!"

    It's almost a self-destructive catering, a self-sacrificing vent.

    Xie Qingcheng greeted He Yu's naked and complete thirst for him, pushed He Yu heavily on the bed, and pressed him against the young man who had not recovered yet, with a pair of eyes Wolf room, confused, confused.

    He Yu was stunned and surprised: "Xie Qingcheng..."

      After a moment, as if finally giving up on himself, he grabbed He Yu's collar, leaned over and kissed fiercely.




    He Yu suddenly realized what happened to him at this moment after his brain was down for more than ten seconds.

    He was crushed on the bed by Xie Qingcheng, and for the first time he got Xie Qingcheng's active response!

    Although this initiative is completely out of the other party's upset and self-deprecating. But He Yu was still greatly stimulated.

    After he came back to his senses, he began to kiss Xie Qingcheng frantically, stroking Xie Qingcheng back and forth with his big hands.

    "Xie Qingcheng..."

    He kissed and touched him fiercely, while muttering his name between breaths. Xiaolong is calling the same kind.

    "Xie Qingcheng..."

    Xie Qingcheng: "Shut up."

    The sexual release of a man is not the same as the sexual release of two men together. The heat wave that followed was unprecedented, and the heat in the air was almost terrifyingly high.

    He Yu was rode below by Xie Qingcheng, holding him tightly, stroking him, Xie Qingcheng's little feedback can give him great excitement.

      He Yu's status was wrong, as if he was going to put He Yu to sleep.

    This kind of domineering initiative makes He Yu feel very exciting. Because it means that the person he likes, no matter how many times he is slept in, no matter what he has suffered, as long as he thinks about it, he will always be the toughest and toughest man.

    He responded to him excitedly, hugged Xie Qingcheng's neck, and deepened the fiery kiss.

    Xie Qingcheng looked very irritable, and it could even be said that he was making out with He Yu as if he was hurting himself. Maybe he was really hurt, Li Rouqiu's words seemed to be a kind of recognition for him, but in fact, he stabbed a sharp knife in his heart unintentionally.

    What is he? A spare tire? A haven to return to when she is not needed by others?

    He kissed He Yu frantically. For the first time, he felt that sexual contact with He Yu could stop the bleeding of his heart. It seems that when he is with He Yu, he will be truly needed, not replaceable and dispensable.

    He Yu got such an active and almost domineering response from him, he couldn't help gasping, his tongue stuck in his mouth, and he was entangled with him enthusiastically.

    Their clothes were soon torn by each other, and He Yu's hand kept going back and forth on Xie Qingcheng, stroking eagerly.

    The room has poor sound insulation.

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