Case File Compendium

Chapter 116: see dead body

    After eight o'clock in the evening, two guests appeared at the door of Awen's hair salon.

    The guest's eyes are raw, but looking at the clothes and appearance, it should be a villager from a nearby village. One of them is still leaning on a blind cane, and a pair of gray-white eyes are open blankly.

    They knocked on the glass door of the salon.

    It’s different from the long wait in the daytime. At night, Awen’s hair salon opened the door all of a sudden, and Lulu stood at the door. Lulu looked at them and said: "Are you two washing your hair?"

    Although He Yu has never been to such a place, he is smart after all, and tentatively replied: "Massage."

    "Oh...sit first."

    Lulu led He Yu to sit on a cheap hairdressing stool, He Yu glanced at the ground, there was not a single hair on the ground...

    Out of the corner of his eye, he began to take a closer look at the salon. The hair salon is divided into inner and outer halves, with stairs, and it seems that there are compartments upstairs. The outer room where they are now looks like a very normal barber shop, but the scissors look rusted, and they are obviously decorations.

    On the sofa not far away, there is a row of women sitting lazily, not very good-looking, but their clothes are very provocative and revealing. While brushing their phones, they looked up at them from time to time.

    "Does this one want a massage too?" Lulu began to look at Xie Qingcheng, her eyes wandering over his eyes wearing gray contact lenses.

    He Yu said: "Yeah, it's his first time here. Don't scare him. What are the prices of your 'shoulder neck' and 'full set'?"


    Lulu was silent for a moment, during this silent time, He Yu's heart gradually became tense.

    In the end, Lulu smiled: "80 for the shoulder and neck, 200 for the full set. Which sister do you want to make for you?"


    Lulu: "Then add fifty each."

    He Yu: "It's so expensive, my sister doesn't make sense. I won't give you back the room?"

    Lulu: "It's exciting, no one wants to play like this. If you don't believe me, ask someone else."

    He Yu is really a poor ghost: "That's 20 cheaper. New guests, give me some face, and come back next time."

    "Ten dollars."


    "..." Xie Qingcheng didn't expect He Yu, the bastard, to be so good at pretending, of course, he didn't give up too much, wearing the blind contact lenses in "The Tuner", when he walked Be cautious, first touch the blind stick on the ground, and then move forward slowly.

    He Yu asked two girls who looked the weakest, and one of them stepped forward to help him: "Brother, be careful, the stairs are narrow, I'll take you."

    The four went upstairs together.

    On the second floor are some small rooms separated by wooden boards. Those wooden boards are not much thicker than paper, and the sound insulation can be imagined.

    At this point, there are not many entertainment activities in the county. Although the decompression of 80 yuan is not cheap for the villagers, it is exciting after all, and it can comfort those bachelors very well. So there were already a few customers in the store, and the voices of male and female love came out unabashedly.

    The girls who took them upstairs were very young, but they seemed to be numb to this kind of life, and there was no more shyness or embarrassment.

    Go in the door, drop the bolt, and in the compartment are two beds and two faux fleece red sofas.

    Girl: "Please take off your clothes."

    He Yu smiled and said: "Oh, my friend has never been to such a place, you slow down, don't scare him, press your shoulder first."

    This line has been around for a long time, and all kinds of people can meet.

    Girls are used to seeing this kind of men who come here for the first time and are a little restrained, so they don't care.

    In the service industry, the customer always comes first.

    The two girls therefore let them sit on the scarlet armchair, which was facing the dressing mirror and had a view of the whole house.

    The girls started to massage the guests.

    It is said to be massage, but the people who come here are all drunkards and not drinking, so naturally you don't need to expect the little girl to have any professional skills, just chat, have some physical contact, and then one by one Tap to melt the cramps of the male guests.

    A sentence "Big brother, where did you come from?" to open up the situation, and a sentence "Big brother, want to talk to me comfortably" throws a hint.

    Every line has a flow, and they are no exception.


    He Yu's learning ability is really great. After living in this place for a few days, he can already communicate with each other in a little dialect.

    In his witty and humorous words, the girls quickly fell in love with this new customer, and while massaging, began to leak some information unconsciously.

    The two of them actually studied at Yanlord Middle School, but it was not long.

    But when He Yu asked why they dropped out, one girl did not speak, and the other smiled faintly after a moment of silence.

    "My family wants me to get married, so I won't read it."

    "Then you..."

      Holding He Yu's shoulder, "My husband will let me come out to make money."

    Although this may sound bizarre, He Yu has read a lot and is well-informed.

    He knows that in some places, especially in remote rural areas, such sad things happen from time to time. Husbands are idle, so they let their wives do unreliable activities, and some even the husbands go to pimp themselves. As for the money, naturally it belongs to the men. Women are just a tool to nourish the family with flesh and blood. That's it.

     But when I really face such a victim, my heart tremor is still very big.

    A woman lowered her eyes, paused for a while, and said, "Brother..."

    No matter how old they are, they call their guests big brother.

    "When you do it later, can you lighten up." The woman was about to see He Yuhao talking, and finally couldn't help revealing some weakness, "I've actually been pregnant for more than three months. ."

    He Yu was even more surprised: "Then you still come to this kind of place?"


    He Yu was suddenly speechless.

    At this moment, he suddenly thought of Lu Yuzhu.

    Lu Yuzhu also fell into the dust, day after day, until she was numb.

    In such a desperate situation, it was the mastermind who asked her "Why do you come to such a place".

    In fact, those words were not too gentle or too concerned, maybe that man was just like himself now, just asking casually.

    But Lu Yuzhu has been treated as a livestock for too long. Such a sentence reminded her that she was still alive.

    He Yu said: "...forget it, then -"


     Her move shocked everyone except Xie Qingcheng.

    Xie Qingcheng remembered that he was blind, so he sat silently and didn't move.

    The woman took He Yu's shirt: "Brother, don't change people, okay? You, you didn't say anything before you acted as me, you can do what you want, I just came back these days. At work, I'm not that good-looking, I don't have anything to ask for, if you change people again, the lady boss will definitely be very disappointed in me, I, I..."

    In the end, she was speechless.

    He Yu: "...I mean, it's fine if you don't, just press my shoulder for me today and chat with me."

    The woman was stunned: "Ah..."

    "I just wanted to relax with my friends. You know, people like us have no money, no daughter-in-law, and no women want to talk to us. So don't do anything this time. It doesn't matter, it's not easy for everyone, it's considered a friend, and when it's convenient next time, you can give me something cheaper in private."

    The woman's eyes were red, and she was moved, but also disturbed: "Then, why are you embarrassed? I...Will I give you my hand..."

    He Yu: "It's okay, let's talk. Brother, do you think so?"

    Xie Qingcheng sat on the red velvet sofa and responded lightly.

    He Yu pointed at Xie Qingcheng with a smile, and said to the woman, "Look, this eldest brother doesn't really want him at all, so he was dragged by me to see it."

    Xie Qingcheng: "…"

    Having such a conversation, the distance between them and the two girls was invisibly narrowed a little.

    He Yu asked some more things, and they answered in more detail.

    After several rounds of conversations, they had a general grasp of the situation in this county and even this store.

    Under Qingli County, there are three large villages, Yijia Village, Zhuangjia Village, and Duanjia Village. The bureaucracy in the entire county is also very corrupt, and the schools and main roads in the village were all funded and built by Lu Yuzhu when he was the secretary of the county party committee.

      Earn a little money to support your family.

    In this county, there are several hair salons like "Awen's Barbershop", all of which are very deformed.

    Take Awen Barbershop as an example, the owner is Lu Yuzhu's ex-husband Yi Qiang.

    When Lu Yuzhu was framed and imprisoned, Yi Qiang married Lu Yuzhu before going through the divorce formalities, and lived with a young woman.

    After Lu Yuzhu was released from prison, her biological daughter no longer knew her, and the young woman entered the room and faced this "prisoner" as a mistress. Sad, Lu Yuzhu left Qingli County, and she never returned to this home for so many years after that.

    Yi Qiang and his new wife have spent a few years, and the two gave birth to a daughter, who is now Lulu. However, Jiangshan Yichang's nature is difficult to change. Yi Qiang is not a diligent person. When he was with Lu Yuzhu back then, it was Lu Yuzhu's strong and strict management, so Yi Qiang did not dare to be lazy.

    How can the little wife have Lu Yuzhu's half aura?

    Slowly, the shortcomings of Yi Qiang that were suppressed by Lu Yuzhu began to resurface. He was idle, addicted to gambling, beat his wife and scolded daughters when he lost, and flirted with prostitutes when he won.

    The savings at home soon ran out.

      People boarded the train to the big city. She wanted to live a good life, but she was incapable of hooking up with men with her baby, so she decided to write off the past and pretended to be a rural working girl who had never married. The city is not worried about not having a reliable and honest man to take the bait.

    Mom ran away, leaving only a mad father.

    Yi Qiang is angry and hateful, and uses alcohol to relieve his worries all day long, beating or scolding his two daughters. The eldest daughter, Lu Yuzhu's daughter, has grown up at this time, and she also wants to get out of this bitter sea, so like her stepmother, she also bought a ticket and went to the nearest city to find a job.

    But I don't know if it's because of her limited knowledge or because she's not used to living like that. After a while, she came back.

    After returning, Awen's temperament changed a lot, she found her father and said to him: "You want to make money while lying down? I have an idea, but I need your help, you After buying the ancestral property, let's change to a commercial-residential building. I'm optimistic about the place, you listen to me, and the money will come quickly. "

    Just like that, Awen's barber shop opened.

    Yi Qiang is the big boss, taking most of the income in the store. Awen and her sister Lulu are in charge of managing the girls in the store.

    The more money, the more money, Yi Qiang bought a car, bought the most fashionable mobile phone, spent the dirty money with peace of mind, kicked the gas to the town, to the village, to a higher end The night market, more luxurious underground bank consumption.

    He also gradually got better with his two daughters. He used to say "a daughter is not as good as a man". Now that he knows that a daughter can earn money to support him, when he mentions his daughter, he smiles all over his face and praises his daughter as a Two treasures - As for the girls who worked their lives in his shop, of course he knew that they were also some man's daughters, or even wives.

    But so what?

      Yi Qiang spent less and less time in Qingli County, and most of his friends in the village had faded away. He put on a fashion brand and a famous watch, and suddenly felt that his worth had skyrocketed, and the small village could not accommodate him. This golden phoenix. He spent a lot of time wandering around the city, flirting with women in the city, almost forgetting where he came from.

    —as long as the daughters remember to call him regularly.

    He Yu felt disgusted after hearing this.

    Because of his unfortunate family, he hates such parents who raise children rather than dogs.

    He asked: "Is Yi Qiang living outside now?"

    "Yeah, he hasn't come back for a long time."

    He Yu asked again: "Where is Awen?"

    "Sister Wen comes to the store every day, but she usually arrives very late. Does my brother want to see her?"

    He Yu wants to see Yi Awen. Only by seeing her can he know if the mysterious woman from last night is her, and if it is her, why would he give it to them like this? Quietly send the file, and where did that file come from.

    But after listening to their descriptions, he suddenly felt that Yi Awen was not simple, and in the description of the shampoo girl, Yi Awen's life had a very strange fault, that is her first An experience of escaping the city.

    Before she fled to the city, she sounded relatively helpless and did not dare to be tough in front of her father.

    But after she came back, she was able to issue orders to Yi Qiang and induce Yi Qiang to sell her ancestral property to do such a business - what did she experience in those years outside?

    He Yu wanted to know more about Yi Awen, but unfortunately the shampoo girls know only that.

    He glanced at Xie Qingcheng, although Xie Qingcheng was wearing gray fog contact lenses at the moment, others could not see any bright light in his eyes, but He Yu was too familiar with Xie Qingcheng, he From Xie Qingcheng's every move, even his sitting posture and aura, he could interpret some of the other party's thoughts.

    He realized that Xie Qingchen was thinking the same as him.

    As expected, after a few minutes, Xie Qingcheng, who was listening quietly, didn't say much, and suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Borrow the bathroom. How to get there?"


    He Yu got up and said with a smile: "His... maybe I'm still embarrassed, let me accompany him."

    The girl rarely sees such prudent guests. She laughed, opened the door for them, repeated the route to them again, and let the two masters go out.

    "Even if we meet Yi Awen, she may not tell us the truth." Xie Qingcheng calmly and whispered to congratulations after confirming that the two hair salon girls did not follow Yu instructed, "So while now, let's see if there are any clues in this room. Yanlord's portfolio is a very important thing to the mastermind behind the scenes. If this file is true, then the mysterious woman yesterday is also true. It's Yi Awen, then there is absolutely no relationship between them. You go to the left, I go to the right. There is not much time, so we will check separately. "

    He Yu looked at his gray eyes: "Why are you wearing invisibility, so sharp?"


    He Yu smiled: "No, it's very similar. I just said that your aura hasn't changed. You're still like a note."

    "..." Xie Qingcheng didn't have time to chat with him, and said, "Come on."

    The two split up.

      There is a narrow staircase.

    This house has an attic.

    The attic is not big, there is a desk, several rows of bookshelves, some sundries are piled up in a mess, and nothing else.

    But I don't know why, Xie Qingcheng always felt that this place was weird, and it also exuded a stench that came and went from time to time. Based on his experience as a medical student, he immediately judged It smells like something rotten.

    Xie Qingcheng looked around the house carefully and realized that something was weird—

    Despite the rancid smell, there was nothing in the attic except paper, metal, or wood. None of these things can breed such a stench.

    Where did this smell come from?

    Xie Qingcheng slowly stepped back, backed to the entrance of the attic, and looked at the whole room from the door. After a while, he discovered the more strange part of the attic...


    Although there are bookshelves blocking it, but if you look closely at the door, you can see that the color of the innermost wall is obviously different from the other two. The paint is chalk white and looks fresh.

    Xie Qingcheng walked towards the wall, moved the bookshelf in half, and then—like a dark theater slowly opening the curtain, he saw that the wall was clearly painted just now. Much of it was damp and peeling, like some kind of creepy moss. When he removed the entire bookcase and went back to the door to look, Xie Qingcheng was shocked.

    That wet streak…

    It was a humanoid!

    Some kind of terrifying thought came out of his mind, Xie Qingcheng looked at his watch, it had been nearly ten minutes since he left the private room, but if he didn't collect evidence and investigate now, he would have to pay There is almost no chance of coming back. So he made a quick decision, stepped forward and tapped along the vague human figure, and sure enough he found an empty drum at the bottom.

      The wooden board that was sealed, he cut it open without much effort, and took a look inside with the light of his mobile phone—

    At the same time, the thick stench greeted him, a pair of tan men's leather shoes, with a section of highly rotten ankle above the shoes...

    There is a corpse in that wall!

     However, at this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

    “…what are you looking at.”

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