Case File Compendium

Chapter 153: wantonly

    Xie Qingcheng and He Yu finished eating, but He Yu was still reluctant to leave Xie Qingcheng.

    After thinking about it, he pestered him again: "Brother Xie, you have been with me for so long, go to the bar with me for a while. Anyway, today is also a weekend, you don't need to work or study."

    Xie Qingcheng: "It's too late, I still have books to read when I go back."

    He Yu: "Reading books on weekends is not as good as pigs."

    “…You scold again.”

    He Yu: ...will you accompany me one more time?"


    "It's my twentieth birthday today."

    "I spent last night with you.

    He Yu thought about it, and suddenly thought of something.

    "Then do you remember your bet with me?"

    Xie Qing frowned: "What?"

    "It was the time I helped you with the ppt, you didn't mean to let me persuade the students who were absent from your class to persuade me to persuade me to persuade me to persuade me to persuade me to persuade me to persuade me to persuade me to persuade me to persuade me to persuade me to persuade me to persuade me to persuade me to persuade me to persuade me to persuade them to return. Just agree to my request..."

    Xie Qingcheng can't remember exactly, but listening to him say it, it seems that there is such a thing.

    "Didn't I promise anything else?"

    "No, I owe it all the time.

    Xie Qing frowned: "Really?"

    "Really, you are a big man, you have to keep your word.

    He Yuna pinched the point that Xie Qingcheng cared about most, "Big men can't default on their debts.

    Xie Qingcheng: "...Your request is to let me accompany you to the bar, right?"

    He Yu nodded.

    Xie Qingcheng had no choice, and finally said: "Which one, I'll call a car."


    He Yu tilted his face for a while and said, "It's not too far away, let's walk over together, just in time for digestion."

    There are many people on the Bund on weekends, foreign tourists looking around, couples walking hand in hand, uncles and aunts playing with mobile phones to take pictures, blond and blue-eyed foreigners running at night...

    Two men walking side by side in it will not make people think too much.

    Or maybe this city is very tolerant and magical, even the old lady who sells flowers doesn't mind whether the couple is of the same **** or the opposite sex, or even whether they are just colleagues or friends, just Happy to come forward to sell roses.

    "Handsome guy, buy a flower for your girlfriend..."

    "Uncle, buy a flower for your wife."

    "Little girl, buy a flower, it doesn't matter if you don't buy it, it's just a gift from grandma. Come, take it, take it."

    The flower-sellers are well versed in this, and understand that in addition to men who like to show face in front of their girlfriends, the best sales targets are little girls. Little girls tend to be soft-hearted, and aunts put flowers in it and say it's free, but in fact, a web of human favors has already been woven. Which girl who doesn't know the world will have the heart to take advantage of an old woman with gray temples? In the end, it will always be Sorry to pay. Aunt Huahua avoided the city management, went around, and finally came to Xie Qingcheng and He Yu.

    The business opportunity should not be missed, two men can also sell, and aunts have long understood that there is a kind of man these days, called that, called calcium!

    "Handsome guy, let's buy a flower and give it to you—" When the aunt saw He Yu and Xie Qingcheng, she decided that a handsome, tall, mature and stable man like Xie Qingcheng was the gold owner. The words were all directed at Xie Qingcheng, "For you...that, your friend. As he spoke, he handed a delicate red rose. Although Xie Qingcheng felt pitiful for the old woman, he was unwilling to give it to He Yu. I bought flowers, thought about it, and said sorry, and left with my pockets in. As a result, He Yu was entangled by the old lady.

    "Young man, buy a flower for your brother, look how handsome he is."

    He Yu was very happy when he heard it: "Do you think he is handsome too?"

    The old lady chased after her victory: "This street is his most handsome."

    He Yu opened Alipay with a smile, scanned the QR code of the old lady, transferred enough money to buy all her roses, and then said: "I will take one, the other You can give it away."

    "Hey..." The old lady was stunned. Even in the most prosperous part of Shanghai, it is not so easy to sell flowers. The old lady looked at the amount of money in the old machine, and she couldn't believe it. When she reacted, He Yu had already picked a half-blooming red rose and followed Xie Qingcheng's back. The avant-garde old lady from Shanghai murmured her flower-selling congratulations that she had repeated countless times: "I wish you health and happiness... Oh, no, I wish you a hundred years of happiness?"

    He Yu took a rose and returned to Xie Qingcheng.

    Xie Qingcheng glanced at him: "What are you buying this for?"

    "Be kind."


    Xie Qingcheng stopped talking.

    The two walked side by side for a while, because He Yu was holding a flower in his hand, and Xie Qingcheng and he were both handsome guys, so they gained the attention of many little girls along the way. Xie Qingcheng gradually felt a little uncomfortable.

    "He Yu, can you stop taking this flower?"

    "I bought it myself, why can't I take it?

    Makes sense.

    Even Xie Qingcheng couldn't refute it.

    The handsome guy finally had to ask: "How long?"

    "It's almost there."

    Xie Qingcheng originally thought that He Yu was going to take him to the Pansi Cave where the demons danced, and he had already made the psychological construction of willingness to lose and die, but he did not expect that He Yu finally took him to the It is a century-old hotel with a long history. The hotel was established during the British Concession period in Shanghai. It has been renamed several times in the past 100 years and has hosted countless celebrities and dignitaries. Or the charming and colorful past legends of the foreign field.

    Into the hotel, there are historical creases everywhere. The oldest fresh air system is still in operation, the greyhound totem on the towering lintel keeps the hotel safe, the piano in the center of the restaurant is a hundred years old, and the comedy master Chaplin's fingers danced happily on the keys. In the corner of the first floor of the hotel, there is a jazz bar that seems to be low-key and unobtrusive, but in fact has a lot of heritage.

      There are reflections of the years, and that charm is difficult for other bands to imitate. Foreign presidents who came to Shanghai also became curious and came to listen to their performances.


    He Yu's momentary desire, but he forgot that there are so many audiences for the elderly jazz band on weekends that the tavern often cannot accommodate it and needs to make a reservation.

    Can only say: "No."

    But not reconciled, and she showed her charm.

    "Girl, we are from the northeast, over the Mohe border. We came here because of the fame and wanted to hear your band play. We have to go back tomorrow morning, see if you can help us Think of a way to add another table? Or we can wait and see if any guests leave early, that's fine."

    Xie Qingcheng: "…"

    This person is really unprofessional if he doesn't major in acting. The northeastern accent is all pretended. The welcoming beauty saw what He Yu said was sincere, handsome and looked at her with almond eyes, she was actually a little embarrassed, so although it was not in line with the rules, she still shook her waist for a while, then twisted her waist: "Then let me help You go in and have a look."

    He Yu: "Thank you so much. By the way...this is for you."

    As he spoke, he put the roses that he took all the way into the vase in front of the reception desk. The beauty blushed, and stepped on the high heels and went to work gracefully.

    Xie Qingcheng: " are too serious."

    He Yu leaned on the reception desk and smiled at him: "The first day you knew I was not serious?"

    A few minutes later, the beauty went back and forth, and said softly: "There is a place in the corner, please come in." The building complex of all countries is like a time travel, so walking into the jazz bar from the hotel lobby is like overlapping space in time travel. Although Xie Qingcheng is from Shanghai, he has never been to this place before. It looks like a fragment cut out of an old American movie, very much like a European and American tavern during World War II.

    "The floor, fans, and brick walls here are all original equipment when the hotel was first built a hundred years ago." He Yu saw Xie Qingcheng looking at the kind of wooden fan blades that are now extinct outside , said with a smile, "Well, I didn't embarrass you, I didn't take you to Pansi Cave."

    “…” Xie Qingcheng raised his eyebrows.

    I didn't expect that his previous thoughts would be seen by He Yu.

    "What would you like to drink?" The bartender in a neat little suit held a leather wine list and walked to their small round table with a smile.

    "You can order whatever you want." Xie Qingcheng pushed the list to He Yu.

    He Yu said: "Are you planning to take care of me?

    Xie Qingcheng: "It should be your birthday."

    He Yu stared at the drink list for a while, and his mind began to be wrong.

    Xie Qingcheng is not bad at drinking, but his physique is special, and he will lose his strength when he drinks, and his body will become hot and red.


    The wine was quickly prepared and served, and the color was indeed magnificent and translucent. Even Xie Qingcheng, who is not very sentimental, thinks it is very good-looking.

    "You taste it, it tastes very good, with the aroma of grapefruit."

    Xie Qingcheng took a sip, and it was really refreshing. The atmosphere of the bar is very good. Most of the people who come here to listen to songs are for the music and the ancient and distant taste. The old man on the stage is playing some classic songs indulgently and casually, and the girls in retro clothes are singing. Writing: "I love you and hate you, I ask you if you know, it seems that the big river is unstoppable, turning a thousand turns, turning a thousand beaches, and the battle has not been settled..."

    He Yu listened to the lyrics, listened to the love you hate you, asked you if you knew, he silently looked at Xie Qingcheng, and Xie Qingcheng listened intently to the stage and the performance on the stage, Until the end of the song, there was applause.

    Xie Qingcheng noticed that He Yu was looking at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

    "No, I like it very much to see that you are happy."

    When He Yu hits a straight ball, Xie Qingcheng can also catch it.

    The word shy will not appear in Xie Qingcheng's dictionary. But he still felt the throbbing in his heart from the straight ball, vaguely disturbing and tingling.

    Xie Qingcheng used his ability to overcome Ebola, stabilized his mind, and said, "They play well, you should listen carefully."

    He Yu said, "I used to come here often on weekends."


    "Oh, when I was in the second and third year of junior high."

    Xie Qingcheng: "Can minors enter?

    "I'm tall, I can fool people by dressing more maturely, and I even got a fake ID card."


    "Music is innocent." He Yu said, "I don't want to do bad things. I don't want to do bad things. I don't come to bars like this."

    "What wine did you order?"

    "I order alcohol-free, I'm good."

    Xie Qing looked at him incredulously.

    He Yuxiao: "Really. You did a physical examination for me at that time, and you never found out that I was drinking a bar. Xie Qingcheng had a very subtle feeling. He Yu, at that time, pretended to be a grandson in front of him at that time, so he almost had the three words "excellent student" tattooed on his face.

    How do you know that He Yu would pretend to be a dog then and get a fake ID card to listen to jazz? If he knew then, he could break the legs of this little beast He Yu.

    It is too late. Xie Qingcheng took another sip of wine and declined to comment on He Yu's reckless behavior at the time. There are many repertoires played in the bistro, the first classics. Unconsciously, almost two hours later, the bartender's wine continued for several rounds. He Yu looked at the dim warm yellow light and saw that Xie Qingcheng was already a little drunk. The man was a little drunk. His appearance is always very beautiful, like peach blossoms falling on the ice, so gorgeous and moving, no matter how many times you look at it, it is not enough.

      It was a couple who proposed to marry.

      Like snowflakes, they fell down one after another and fell on everyone's shoulders.


    "Congratulations! A Hundred Years of Harmony!"

      I've got all the wine! Everyone, order whatever you want!"

    The atmosphere is even more lively. Originally, in this kind of bar, the guests mainly enjoyed music, and every night was like a small concert. But tonight was the exception, the old jazz band played cheerful dance songs, and the excited groom dragged his fiancée to dance on the old red floor tiles. Such a warm and happy atmosphere is contagious. People in the tavern got up from their seats in twos and threes, and whether they could jump or not, they all laughed and twisted and rotated with their companions.

    "Rose rose, the most delicate, rose rose, the most beautiful, blooming on the branches in spring and summer, rose rose, I love..." Although the song is old-fashioned, it is just right in this atmosphere . Even Xie Qingcheng looked at the scene in front of him, with a faint smile in his eyes, he leaned lazily on the back of the chair, supported Yi with one hand, and looked at the lively crowd in front of him. "Spring and summer bloom on the branches, roses, roses, I love you!"

    Drinking too much wine makes my heart relax.

    Xie Qingcheng was very satisfied, and at this time, He Yu suddenly stood in front of him, bowed his body, smiled and held his hand: "Sir, can I Do you dance?"

    Xie Qingcheng said that he was drunk, but he was sober. He only likes to watch others dance, and he doesn't want to move lazily: "I won't."

    He Yu thought about it and changed his lines: "Sir, can I teach you a dance?"


    Seeing that Xie Qingcheng didn't respond, He Yu took his speechlessness and took him to the dance floor. Xie Qingcheng is naturally not good at throwing him away, there are many people around, so others will pay attention to them. And to be honest, dancing is not a big deal. This kind of communicative entertainment is not about seeing who dances better, but it is just a lively atmosphere. It often appears in European and American movies. He has never killed a pig. Haven't he seen a pig run?

    "Come on, take a step forward with your left foot, then your right foot... don't worry about your hands, I will hold you, no... ouch!"

    He Yu was stepped on by Xie Qingcheng.

    Xie Qingcheng raised his eyebrows: "Does it hurt?"

    Nonsense, can a 1.8-meter man go down without pain? But He Yu was embarrassed to say anything, shook his head, took a step back, and continued to teach him seriously:

    "Brother, you step on your left foot first, then I turn around, and then you walk with your right foot."

    He put one hand on Xie Qingcheng's waist intentionally or unintentionally. Xie Qingcheng also drank too much, and he was so used to being with He Yu that he didn't respond.

    He Yu's heart throbbed, and he held it tighter. He felt that Xie Qingcheng's waist was really thin, and it seemed to have some kind of magnetism, so he had to exercise a lot of restraint Only with strength, can Xie Qingcheng not be pulled over and hugged into his arms.

    "Very good, left foot, then right foot, then left, then again"

    Another kick.

    He Yu: "...Nothing, come again."

    Xie Qing frowned, he didn't expect pigs to run so hard. He was just playing around, but because he couldn't learn it, he became more serious. Not only did he listen carefully to what He Yu said, but he also watched intently for a while how the good dancer walked next to him. Then Professor Xie Da probably felt that he had realized it.

    Confidently: "Please."

    He Yu thought it was very interesting that he was half-drunk and refused to admit defeat, but he couldn't show it, so he pretended to be calm and extended his hand to Xie Qingcheng again, and the other He wrapped his arms around each other's waist.

    "Left foot, yes, very good, come over a little, right foot, then... well, then..."

    Another kick.

    He Yu:…

    Xie Qingcheng:…

    Seeing Xie Qingcheng frowning and looking at the ground not very pleasantly, he seemed a little puzzled. He's so **** disbelieving.

    He Yu endured for a while, and finally couldn't help it. He lowered his head with a puff of laughter, and at the same time took advantage of the Huzhou bar that he didn't care much about this, and took Xie Qingcheng into his arms , pressed his chin against his head, then lowered his eyelashes, and kissed his lips imperceptibly at the top of Xie Qingcheng's hair.

    "It's okay, it's okay. Brother, you're all drunk."

    Xie Qingcheng heard the words and accepted it slightly.

    Okay, it doesn't seem that I am not savvy enough, but drinking too much, which does affect my performance. He Yu's grandson had ulterior motives. He drank the fruit wine he ordered sweetly, but had a lot of stamina. Xie Qingcheng gradually became dizzy. He subconsciously felt that he should not be holding He Yu on the dance floor to do these things. He wanted to push him away.

    But He Yu's strength was very strong, he hugged him softly and rudely, swaying gently with the rhythm of the music, a low voice coaxed in his ear: "Dance a little longer ,


    "Jump your mother..."

    Xie Qing did not speak, so He Yu took him to a corner where the light was darker and farther away from the crowd, no one would pay attention, so he hugged him there Xie Qing swayed ambiguous and lingering for a while, only to feel that his heart was getting more and more hot, and his love was getting more and more unstoppable.

    Then he changed to a safer angle, forced Xie Qingcheng to raise his face in the dark, put him against the corner where no one noticed, and stared into Xie Qingcheng's eyes at close range , Xie Qingcheng's pupils were very dark, with some wine-colored stamina that gradually appeared. He Yu seemed to be sucked in by his eyes, and said in a low voice, "So beautiful."

    Maybe because of the atmosphere, Xie Qingcheng's voice also lowered, he knew that He Yu was talking about himself, but he didn't like being called beautiful, so he reached out and hooked He Yu's candy color Casual tie, staring at him: "Who is it. Give you a chance."

    He Yu said with a low smile, "Tell me about my wife." He touched his hand down and put it on his waist. Xie Qingcheng put his slender fingers in his bow tie, hooked him over, and slapped him either lightly or hard: "...I don't think you're **** awake."

    "If I didn't wake up, we should be in bed now."

    He Yu's voice became softer and quieter, and it almost stuck to Xie Qingcheng's ear. His waist and hips swayed gently with the music, getting closer and closer to Xie Qingcheng, almost touching him in the slow dance. During the slow dance, his firm and full chest muscles rubbed against each other's clothes from time to time.

    "Are you tired of living?"

    Xie Qing's thin lips moved slightly.

    "I was tired of living, but after having you, my life is not long enough."

    He Yu smiled, and his lips moved closer to him, touching one after another, teasing the increasingly hot atmosphere between the two, and then suddenly lowered his head one by one and kissed him heavily he. Xie Qingcheng was kissed deeply by him in the cold, and couldn't help groaning. He wanted to push him, but he held his wrist tightly.

    "Brother... um..."

    While kissing, he couldn't help touching and hugging him passionately. The kiss is soulful, but deeper is the taste of lust.

    He Yu hadn't lingered with Xie Qingcheng for a long time. Two days ago, he had been entangled with Xie Qingcheng to the fullest. Now he is holding Xie Qingcheng, who has been drinking and his body is drenched and hot, It is inevitable to have some ideas that lay people should have. His breathing was a little short, and his black eyes met Xie Qingcheng's eyes in the dim light.

    After a few seconds, He Yu's Adam's apple rolled up and down. Xie Qingcheng vaguely felt the danger, and he asked in a low voice, "He Yu, what are you doing?"

    He Yu pressed against him, shaking slightly in the sound of music, constantly rubbing against him.

    The air between them became extremely hot, and their breathing became heavier.


    He Yu rubbed against him and said softly.

    "I'm so thirsty"


    "Then drink water."

    "It's hot again."


    "Then undress."

    He Yu: "After taking it off?"

    "Stay where it's cool.

    He Yu ignored his nonsense, still rubbed against him, his Adam's apple rolled. He called Xie Qingcheng's wife for the first time in the depths of last night's stand, which was quite exciting. Now the atmosphere is just right, and Xie Qingcheng is still a little drunk, so he doesn't care too much about him, so he couldn't help but take the opportunity to yell After two times, he said in a low voice, "Wife, I want you to take it off with your own hands."

    "I'm your **** dad."

    "Daddy, I want you again."


    "Want it now."


    'I haven't touched you for so long, it's been months, and yesterday wasn't enough. I still want you. Brother, you are so beautiful when you are drunk, and you are hot...I can't bear it anymore, I don't want to bear it anymore. I want you now. Xie Qing was drowsy and had a cold taste:

    "You dare."

    He Yu paused, his eyes seemed to darken a lot because of this. Then he didn't say anything, suddenly took a deep breath, and answered Xie Qingcheng with his actions, whether he "dare" or not - a young man's head was full of enthusiasm, and he would not hesitate to say and do it. He grabbed Xie Qingcheng's wrist, pulled him out of the bar without saying a word, went straight to the front desk of the hotel, and snapped out a card.

    "Open House."

    Xie Qingcheng, who had drunk alcohol, always had a high body temperature, and it was very comfortable when he was inserted into it.

    The man was lying on the big bed of the hotel, his clothes were messed up, his peach eyes were half closed, and the drink with enough stamina was already on his head, he raised his hand to cover his forehead and eyes slightly, and his body followed the The boy on him swayed rhythmically, and even his fingertips were slightly red.

    Two days of lustful **** had made his body very sensitive. The high adaptability of his physique to the outside world made him remember the thrill of being invaded by this young man. He Yu didn't use the cover in the drawer, he just poured some oil to lubricate it, and didn't even take off his own pants. He pulled the zipper down and impatiently pressed against the wet **** that he had stretched with his fingers. Inserted, pushed the inner wall to the maximum, and then started to **** him hungrily, pressing on him and constantly ramming the hot man.



    Xie Qingcheng is really beautiful, only the dim night light is turned on in the room, his skin is like the moonlight on the screen, exuding a faint light.



      Possessing this man on the bed tarnishes this man who should be very abstinent and will never open a room with others for the night.

     Yu couldn't listen enough, so he kept kissing him, kissing his neck, his **** Adam's apple exposed when he was leaning up, kissing his earlobe again, and coaxing him in a low voice: "Brother, shout a little louder, I love to hear it. ."

    Xie Qingcheng was panting unconsciously after drinking too much, how could he listen to He Yu's coaxing? Seeing that he was disobedient, He Yu increased the speed and strength of manipulating him, separated his legs, pressed him with a side entry position, and erotically tossed him forward, stimulating him in a small but extremely heavy and fast manner. Xie Qing presented the climax inside.

    "Slow down... ah... He Yu... slow down... ah ah ah...!"

    Sober He Yu holding a half-drunk man, how can he pity him? He penetrated deeply and violently, and quickly made the place where the two of them **** become wet. In his flower cave, his hands kept stroking Xie Qingcheng's abdomen.

    "It's so you feel it?"

    Xie Qingcheng was forced too hard, shook his head, and almost collapsed. He was raped by this young man in a half-drunk state over and over again, and he was trained to become more and more sensitive His body couldn't help trembling slightly because of He Yu's aggressive thrusts.

    This night, he was continuously **** by He Yu, bukkake, and his forehead was completely wet with sweat at the end, hanging in front of his blurred eyes, and his face was still stained with bits of white turbidity, His eyes were red as wet as peach blossoms in the world in April.

    "Brother, you are so hot... I really want to do nothing, just have **** with you for the rest of my life... I'm not going anywhere, I want to be with you..."

    Xie Qingcheng couldn't hear any love words. He was completely **** so that his eyes were lost and his mind was blurred. He could only feel that he was lying on the bed, He Yu was pressing against him from behind, He hugged him, put him on the bed, and slammed him violently with the bestiality.

    The elastic Simmons swayed with the movements, and the very deep sensitive point in his body was stimulated by the constant congratulations of the penis, which made him unbearable The pleasure surged violently. .

    He tried to regain some sanity several times, but was trapped between the soft bed and the man with the hot chest, unable to escape. The bed became a cobweb of lust, shaking violently, engulfing him and him. The boy behind him pushed him deep into the quilt every time, and Xie Qingcheng almost felt unable to breathe due to the hot sex.

    "Slow down..." He couldn't help but hoarse, "He Yu...ah...slow...uh..."

     He was being **** more and more broken down, the place where the two were **** constantly overflowed with **** water, dripping down his thighs and legs, soaking the quilt cover a lot...

    The sound of the water was extremely lewd, Xie Qingcheng felt that all this was too absurd, but it cannot be ignored that every insertion of He Yu was superimposed on his sexual stimulation, his The rear acupuncture point was involuntarily contracting to please the boy's **** inserted in his body. The sensitive points were numb and numb, and it was almost painful to the point of irritation. What was even more terrifying was that without the psychological disgust, the body became more and more numb. After adapting to He Yu's invasion, he could actually enjoy unprecedentedly strong enjoyment in this same-sex sexual intercourse, and his waist and buttocks began to sway involuntarily with He Yu's passionate thrusts.

    And this time... he was just fucked, penetrated with high frequency, cummed by a boy, and his **** was hard...

    Xie Qingcheng is a person who rarely feels ashamed in sex, but this feeling made his eyes red in shame. He wanted to try his best to keep He Yu from discovering his reaction, but this illusion was immediately shattered, He Yu's hand suddenly stretched out from behind, as if he had expected it, and held his erect penis!


    "Are you comfortable? Brother?"

    He Yu fondled him with the frequency of thrusting and asked him.

    "Comfortable isn't it..."

      His **** quickly swelled so hard that transparent silver threads ooze out from the front.

    "Brother...ejaculate..." He Yu's palms were wet and covered with cum, and he vigorously manipulated Xie Qingcheng's genitals, like a devil who tempted people to eat the forbidden fruit, constantly tempting Xie Qingcheng said, "Cum out... You like me to **** you, don't you?... I'm so **** you, I want you to come out for me... Brother, will you come out for me..."

    Xie Qingcheng's eyes opened, red and wet, and there was no focus in the peach blossom pupils.

      The rhythm was well grasped, but Xie Qingcheng couldn't bear it for a long time and twitched in his palm and ejaculated.

    "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh feeling like being occupied by another male and fiddling with it made Xie Qingcheng collapse very much, his sweaty forehead pressed against the bed sheet, unwilling to let He Yu saw his confused look when he vented. But He Yu lowered his head sharply, licked Xie Qingcheng's auricle with his tongue, pierced it sharply, and licked in the other's sensitive ears.

      The constant tightening and contraction of the acupoints made He Yushuang scolded in a low voice.


    When he came out, the boy inserted it more violently and at a high speed, and slammed it hard, he rammed frantically, and fiercely rubbed Xie Qing's upturned buttocks, from the man's throat A low, lustful, promiscuous cry was forced out of the tube.

    "It's so cool Xie know what? You are only suitable for being **** by's too tight...ah..." He Yu's hands were covered with his semen, and he squinted to enjoy Xie Qing Cheng contracted spasmodically, his waist and buttocks colliding more and more fiercely, more and more animalistic.


      Why are you so hot in bed... Those women who like you, do you know that you will be **** like this by me... You have more water inside than them..."

    "Stop fucking...don't say it...!"

    In response to him, the boy pushed harder, like some kind of mark, like a beast swearing its sovereignty.

    When I don't know the number of times when He Yu was **** by He Yu's body, his fingers scratched the quilt, and there was even a weak cry in his voice: "Ah... He Yu... He Yu ...too more more plugging...ah!?ahhh..."

    What responded to him were the darker eyes of the boy and the violent, rhythmic vibration of the mattress.

    And the hand that wrapped tightly around his waist—it wouldn't let him escape.

    For a moment, Xie Qingcheng really felt that as a husband, he was not good enough for Li Rouqiu. Even when he was newly married, he never had **** with a woman so intensely. But He Yu seemed to be trying to get him pregnant. He was **** his body like a madman, making his **** **** his **** tightly, causing the **** to continue to drain from his body, again and again. Over and over again... just like that obsessively intercourse.

      , the most primitive instinct.

    Even if he knew it was impossible, He Zi still treated him stubbornly, as if he would leave his mark on this body no matter what.

    "Brother, you can only be mine..." The boy kept pushing Xie Qingcheng, the two were entangled together, completely crazy, and for the last time he violently pushed into Xie Qingcheng's body Once again, when he was **** in his soft **** and ejaculated, Xie Qingcheng was so stimulated that he shuddered and trembled, and his **** was sucking and biting the deep sensitive point that was pressing against him. The fine **** are also unreasonably hard in the front, "You can only be **** by me!"

    "Ah... He Yu... ah ah!" When He Yu pressed against him and injected a large amount of hot fluid, Xie Qingcheng shouted hoarsely, and tears were forced out of the corners of his eyes , his mind went blank, when he reacted, he sucked He Yu's **** tightly in the back, and the front also spurted out of control. He couldn't believe it at all, his body was shaking so much...

    He actually relied on He Yu's penetration to reach another orgasm... This time He Yu didn't even touch his front, he came... He was lying on the messy mattress In between, he gasped for breath, trying to hide his loss of control and embarrassment.

    But He Yu had already seen this scene, and He Yu was greatly stimulated. In his feverish passion, he hugged Xie Qingcheng, who was hot and red, with satisfaction. I kissed him, but I didn't know why I burst into tears: "Xie tell you like you like me too..."

    You look so beautiful for me...Xie forever

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