Case File Compendium

Chapter 188: the truth left

    "Recently, when the Guangzhou police were chasing and detecting a major criminal case, they exchanged fire with lawbreakers on the high seas, causing a large number of casualties. The number of dead has now reached 43 people, and 4 others Missing, the case..."

    This is playing on the radio.

    It is the third day after the naval battle.

    Xie Qingcheng fulfilled that dream related to the amusement park for three consecutive days.

    In the dream, he was trapped in the rag doll bear as before, standing blankly, holding a colorful ball that no one cares about, watching the people walking down the Ferris wheel an individual.

    His parents, Lao Qin, Xie Xue…


    He Yu came to him, with a look similar to sadness, stopped and looked at Xie Qingcheng without saying a word.

    Then he said, "Brother, why are you deceiving me."


    Xie Qingcheng wanted to talk to him, but there was no sound coming out of his throat.

    The boy looked at him like that: "I really like you. Such a clumsy lie, only I will be fooled because I care too much about you... But you lied to me."

    " lied to me."


    "Thank you, I'm leaving now."


    "I'm going far away and never come back."



    "Xie Qingcheng...I'm leaving, before I leave, can you..."

    He stopped suddenly. He didn't say any more, there was blood in his eyes, and he looked very sad and hated.

    The boy did not make any more demands on the man, nor did he come forward to hug the tattered bear puppet. He just stared at him silently, the neon lights of the playground flickering strangely behind him.

    —Can you hug me?

    This sentence he has said many times, this time, he did not say it again.

    He kept silent, he used all his life and energy to love someone, to win someone's love, but still could not get any response.

    The flame on the tail of the little fire dragon finally ignited to the point where the light died, and he could no longer piece together some strength from his body to ask for the last hug of the same kind.

    He finally gave him a deep look, turned around, and walked alone on the road where Xie Qingcheng's parents and Qin Ciyan left, the figure gradually drifted away...until it disappeared not see…

    Xie Qingcheng wanted to call his name and asked him to stop, but he couldn't make a sound... he couldn't say anything...

    He Yu…

    He Yu! !


    Xie Qingcheng woke up suddenly!

    He sat up from the bed, his chest heaving rapidly.

    What comes into view is a pale.

    At this moment, he is not in his own home. Xie Qingcheng has not come home these days. He is at the police station, where there is a place for temporary cooperators to rest.

    The radio on the table was still ringing, detailing the naval battle three days ago—

    It was the first confrontation between the police and Duan Wen's men, and no one thought that Duan Wen's weapons would be so advanced. When the police landed on the He's ship and were about to arrest the suspect He Yu, the Mandela completed its deployment in the warehouse and suddenly turned back. The military and police on the ship launched a suicide attack.

    In an instant, the already clear battle situation was completely reversed, blood rain, gunpowder smoke, corpses...

    The whole sea area lost its calm, and the sea water was stained bright red with blood.

    Chen slow is not dead, but seriously injured.

    The marine police reinforcement team found him in the rubble of the warehouse during the search and rescue. The warehouse should have been directly attacked by some kind of weapon, and it had completely collapsed. It was charred and black everywhere. It was a **** corpse, some of which had been decapitated, and some were still burning when the rescue arrived, almost to the point of being burned, and even the corpse was unrecognizable.

    Such a tragic incident has aroused nationwide attention, and it has risen directly to a major criminal case. The He Group has been thoroughly investigated, and all relevant personnel have been interrogated according to law. All the companies, real estate, and real estate in the He's name were banned overnight by the heavy police, and the He's old house was dug three feet into the ground to search for evidence.

    The matter is so big that many things can no longer be kept secret. Xie Qingcheng does not know how many secrets the police already know, and he has no time to manage it. These days he has been cooperating with the investigation and watching The identities of the deceased have been confirmed one after another, and his heart has become very numb. Perhaps it is because of this that he has the nightmare just now.

    Xie Qingcheng stretched out his hand tremblingly, trying his best to calm himself down.

    "Dong Dong." There was a knock on the door.

    Xie Qingcheng: "...Please come in."

    The person who came in is the second moon.

    There are many policemen behind Wei Er, the light in the room is very dim, and Xie Qingcheng is not wearing glasses, so he can't see what kind of expressions they are at the moment.

    But he could feel an unusual aura, extremely depressed and weird, as if all the people who came were worried that he would go crazy and lose his mind.

    Xie Qingcheng had a vague premonition of something, his heart palpitated, and he was sweating.

    “…what’s the matter,” he asked.

     Wei Er came in and sat down beside his bed with a portfolio in his hand.

    "I have two news, one that you don't want to hear, and the other that someone doesn't want to tell you. But I think you must know." Wei Er said, "This case is too big to accommodate any personal emotions. Everything must be based on the overall situation, and before this overall situation, there is no longer whether you want to hear it or not. You can understand me. Do you mean?"

    He seemed to try his best to make some psychological preparations for Xie Qingcheng, and wanted to explain the truth to him first.

    Xie Qingcheng: "You tell me what I don't want to hear first."

    Wei Er was silent for a few seconds, and said: "A new batch of naval battle deaths have been confirmed today."


    "He's in there."


    Who is he? Who is on the list?

    Wei Er didn't say it, it seems that Xie Qingcheng must know.

    "He died."


    Weer stared at Xie Qingcheng's face.


    "He Yu is dead."


    Still silent. Quiet enough to hear the needle drop.


    He didn't gaffe.

    No shock. reaction at all, terribly calm.

    No one could see his heart.

    "..." Wei Er was slightly startled, so he tentatively continued, "The ship is completely in ruins, the forensic doctor has detected a severed limb, and after DNA comparison, it is his. Rescue today. Among the survivors who came over, there were also people who confirmed this, saying that he saw He Yu being directly hit by explosives at that time. It is certain that he was dead."

    Xie Qingcheng's eyelashes remained motionless, hanging there.

    Wei Er: "...Xie Qingcheng, are you all right?" this result unexpected?

    It is not surprising that the survivors were almost rescued on the first day, and there were only one or two survivors in the next two days.

    Xie Qingcheng seemed to have the neon lights of the amusement park flashing in front of him.

    He wasn't… no surprise.

    No surprise at all…

    The young man in the dream had a sad look as if in front of him, the young man said to him:


    "Xie Qingcheng...I'm leaving, before I leave, can you..."

    Is it a dream?

    Or is there really a soul in this world?

    He blamed him for lying to him, and was not willing to leave without a good word, so he came to his dream? tonight? Before Wei Er came to find him?


    Wei Er: "Xie Qingcheng?"

    "'s fine. I'm fine."

    After a long time, Xie Qingcheng was almost cold and dumb: "The second thing, what is it. You can say it."

     Wei Er's expression became more difficult to understand, he hesitated for a moment, and handed the file to Xie Qingcheng: "This is what the police found when they searched the old house of the He family. In this book, the content is hard to describe, you should read it for yourself.”

    Xie Qingcheng opened the file bag, which contained some materials, and a—

     suicide note.

    He Yu's suicide note.

    But it is very strange that the suicide note was not written to any individual. The beginning of the suicide note turned out to be: Comrade police officers...

    Xie Qingcheng's hand trembled slightly, he tried his best to stabilize himself.

     His face was pale, his fingers were sunken and his nails were pierced into flesh.

    The suicide note is very long, but it hardly explains any personal funeral. It is more like a note to help the police investigate the case and explain the whole story.

    He Yu wrote in the letter: "Actually, I don't want this suicide note to really come in handy, because I'm only twenty years old, I have someone I like, and I don't want to die yet. But there are some things I have to do, some people have waited too long for a truth, and I finally have this opportunity to approach, so I can only take risks."

    He Yu's handwriting is very delicate, not as rigid as Xie Qingcheng, but he has his own style in it.

    "As we all know, my father, He Jiwei, died of illness not long ago. He suffered from depression, took paraquat, his lungs gradually became fibrotic, endured extreme pain, and then passed away. Almost everyone thinks that he suffers from this mental illness because the pressure of the company is too great, and he can't support it, even Lu Zhishu, who has slept with him for 20 years, thinks so."

    "But the truth of the matter is not so."

    "After my father was rescued, he lived for another seven days. During those seven days, we had a chance to be alone. He was rarely very sober and determined to tell me a story he had investigated. He's been aware of that incident for months, and he's been tormented by it to the point of being ashamed to face it."

    "And this incident that tortured him to death has something to do with my mother."

    "My mother, Lu Zhishu, studied in my father's laboratory more than 20 years ago. At that time, the two of them were very young, but they had already determined that each other was the love of their life, and soon There was me, and they weren't even officially married at the time. Later, when my mother was staring at the lab, there was an accident..."

    Xie Qingcheng turned down a page, He Yu briefly explained his experience of suffering from mental Ebola disease in his suicide note, and talked about how his mother protected herself from a gentle personality How can a woman of good quality become unrecognizable due to the side effects of drugs.


    "My father thought at the time that she had been stimulated too much, the gradual distortion of her appearance made her feel regretful and afraid, she had been treated too much differently from before, and the postpartum Anxiety, depression, such a big change... So he forgives all her weirdness. He even persuaded me to try to accept her well."

    "But he was not without doubts in his heart. Those doubts piled up year after year, and he noticed her strangeness in the details of his life. Finally, he began to decide to investigate her secrets."

      The one who fell in love! She's not the woman who endured the pain to protect their child and gave birth to me. She's not."

    "This 'Book of Lu Zhi' is fake. Her real name is 'Weirong'."

    "!" Xie Qingcheng's pupils suddenly closed, and the hand holding the letter was trembling slightly.

    The appalling truth still unfolds silently on the paper:

     "More than 20 years ago, Wei Rong loved my father very much. She believed that she was from a wealthy family and believed that a young and promising entrepreneur like my father would definitely choose to accompany her. For life. She confessed to him confidently, but she didn't expect to be rejected by my father."

     "My father told Wei Rong that he was already dating Vivian (my mother, the English name of the real Lu Zhishu) at the same research institute, and that Vivian already had his child. Although he was still too young , I can't get the certificate, but he has already discussed with her that they want to keep the child and get married when the father is of legal age."

    "My father didn't know at the time, Wei Rong would hate my mother so much because of this - she looked down on her, she thought my mother was just an ordinary student, and she confused many people with her beauty. I used to hate her kindness and innocence, but after learning that my father and her were actually married, Wei Rong's heart was completely swallowed up by jealousy."

      , and even invited my parents to her wedding, and my parents had absolutely no concerns about her at the time. Maybe this marriage was an attempt by her to find her own life, or maybe it was just a disguise, who Not sure."


     "Not long after, my mother was accidentally infected when she went to her laboratory. It seems that this incident was designed by Wei Rong."

    "Because of this virus, my mother suffered a lot, but she refused to give up my life. She had a female intuition at that time and realized that Wei Rong wanted to harm She, unfortunately, she didn't have any evidence, she told people about this, and people thought she was too anxious, even her father was just trying to appease her and didn't believe that someone really dared to break the law in broad daylight."

    "The mother was very anxious, fled Shanghai, and wanted to go to a place where no one could easily find her and give birth to the child. She really had some psychological problems at that time, and she In such a reckless way, I ran to Yanzhou alone. As a result, I didn’t know the place where I lived. I didn’t even bring enough money. I tried my best to avoid those who tried to find her and hurt the child in her womb, making myself tired and tired. Hungry, dirty, and had a fever... When she had nowhere to go, she met two policemen working in Yan Gong."

    Xie Qing suddenly saw two familiar names—

    "Xie Ping, Zhou Muying."

    He Yu wrote these words stroke by stroke, and the handwriting is more correct than before.

      Ushering in justice. I hope that the living people can correct their names. Yes, I hereby identify Xie Ping, Zhou Muying, and my biological mother Vivian, who designed to frame them to their death are the vice-presidents of the He Group. President - Lu Zhishu. That's the year, Wei Rong!"

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