Case File Compendium

Chapter 193: It seems like an old man

    Xie Qingcheng stayed in the sanatorium in New York according to the arrangement of the Wei family.

    Wei Dongheng seemed to be afraid that he would suddenly run away because he couldn't think of it. Instead of 24-hour guardianship, it was better to send someone to watch him all the time to ensure that he would live well.

    In fact, Wei Dong Hengda doesn't need to be so nervous. Since Xie Qingcheng promised Xie Xue to cooperate with the treatment, he will not break his promise. Although this body is useless to him, as long as a candle is needed in the long dark night, he can continue to burn his body until it becomes ashes.

    Treatment continues day after day, swallowing the pills.

    However, the curative effect is not too ideal, Xie Qingcheng's spirit has collapsed. A person's body is like a container. When the container is broken and cannot be repaired, no matter how much decoction is poured into it, it will be useless.

    The only thing that can bring Xie Qingcheng back to life is to organize information for Qin Ciyan.

    This seems to be his last spiritual support.

    After a person is abroad, domestic affairs are like the past. Xie Qingcheng's life became extremely boring, boring, and even depressing. He woke up at six o'clock every morning, carefully sorted out and repaired Qin Ciyan's notes, and then went to the treatment. After the treatment, he came back with a drip, and continued to face a table data...

      Large tracts of green grass, artificial lakes. There is an unknown tree outside his window with tiny pink flowers that fall when the wind blows, floating on his desk. Apart from books and pens, there is only the broken little one on the desk. Fire dragon.

    "I didn't expect you to like such cute things." A nurse tried to chat with him, "Can I pick it up and take a look?"

    Xie Qingcheng closed the book and looked at her quietly: "Sorry, please don't touch this."

    He is so boring and taciturn, blind eyes and non-blind eyes are all covered with silent snow, which is thousands of miles away.

    It's been a few months since he came to America, and he hasn't shown a single smile.

    It is true that the news he has received during this period of time has not been very good.

    Guangzhou's military and police attack on Mandela Island failed, with heavy casualties. Duan Wen has weapons beyond the normal level of technology, both thermal weapons and chemical weapons are very advanced.

    According to the descriptions of the survivors, Mandela Island has been transformed into a fortress full of traps. It is like a monster floating on the sea, with its stinking mouth open, ready to go at any time engulfs those who dare to approach it.

    Not long after, news came from the Shanghai Detention Center that Wei Rong was insane during the confession, and recklessly revealed important information related to the organization, which triggered the confidential chip implanted in her body , the chip instantly injected toxin into her body, Wei Rong twitched and foamed at the mouth, lost consciousness in just over ten seconds, and died due to ineffective rescue.

    Although her death was painful and ugly, she still got a good deal. After all, she died before she publicly apologized to the society and the people she killed.

     News like this made Xie Qingcheng's eyes deepen with coldness.

    He frowned almost all the time, not even when he fell asleep.

    I came to the United States for three months, walking dead, only the body lives alone, the soul has nowhere to go, and I worry about blows, and my eyes are blind... It is clearly in the world, but it is no different from hell.

    And He Yu, I don't know if he hates him too much, after the first dream under the Ferris wheel, Xie Qingcheng never dreamed of him again.

    At Christmas, the sanatorium finally agreed to let Xie Qingcheng go out for a walk.

    Of course, there must be someone following in the dark, and they dare not let the person who the Wei family explained to have an accident.

    Xie Qingcheng put on a black woolen coat, which seemed to be heavier than his people. He was walking in the downtown area, there was a little snow in the sky, the Christmas tree was lit with lights, and there were groups of people on the road - couples, lovers, parents and children, a family... They were busy shopping before the festival, carrying large and small bags Walking down the street, his face was filled with a bright smile that was very far away for Xie Qingcheng.

    He was alone.

    He came to Brooklyn, which was even more lively—he finally arrived here, where Qin Ciyan had studied when he was young.

    Old Qin once described a flower shop to him, saying that besides going to the aquarium, his favorite was that flower shop. When Lao Qin said these words to him, he was smiling, with some mischief of an old man. He said that when he was studying, he admired the girl in the flower shop the most, with gorgeous red hair in two braids and a little longer on his face. Cute little freckles, always wearing a royal blue dress, with a linen white apron embroidered with the flower shop's logo on the outside, the girl is busy outside the shop painted in peacock green, and she always shouts when she sees him passing by Greet him to buy a bunch of lilies.

    This store is a family-owned store that has been open for more than 60 years.

    Xie Qingcheng easily found the shop, the owner was busy with the Christmas bouquets ordered by customers - she was among the thousands of flowers, as if she came out of the story told by Lao Qin The fairy tale character still has two thick braids, a sapphire blue skirt, freckles, and bright eyes.

    Just getting old.

    The little girl back then is now a wrinkled mother-in-law, only the light in her eyes is not old, still full of vitality and fragrance.

    Xie Qingcheng suddenly envied her at that moment.

    "Sir, do you want to buy flowers?"

    "Yes." Xie Qingcheng walked into the warmly decorated flower room, looked around, and finally said, "I want a bunch of lilies."

    Mother-in-law carefully wrapped the flower with golden red paper and handed it to Xie Qingcheng. He took the flowers and got on the taxi again, and reported the address on his mobile phone.

    An hour later, he came to a small white house on the outskirts of the city, looked at the nameplate on the newspaper box, passed through the garden surrounded by small hedges in front of the house, and knocked on the door.

    The door opened, and a beautiful mixed-race girl stood inside, staring at him with big blue eyes. Then Qin Rongbei's husband came out of the house—he and his daughter came to the sanatorium to see Xie Qingcheng, and they knew who he was—he hugged Xie Qingcheng and took the bunch of pale pink and white lilies.

    "She hasn't had too much pain in these years." In the warm living room with the fireplace, Qin Rongbei's husband brought tea and snacks, and he looked at Xie Qingcheng's thinner and thinner face, and said, "But her pain seems to have been added to you. Xie Sheng, would you like some **** biscuits? We baked them ourselves."

    Xie Qing thanked him, took a piece from the cookie box with the bear printed on it, and ate it slowly.

    "When she was alive, she made more biscuits than me." When the man mentioned his wife, his expression was very gentle, "In fact, she is excellent at everything. Although many people hated her in the past, when she was doing scientific research, some people joked about her saying that the laboratory is not a place for women to enter, and girls should get married earlier. She exposed the dark side of a charitable foundation in our place, and some people It is said that she has ulterior motives and other plans. She speaks for women and children, and some people question her as a show - even she and I got married because of love, and came here because of love, and there are lunatics who say that she has forgotten her ancestors, how can she be successful in her studies and marry I am a foreigner. But I am her family, I understand what she has done in her life, no matter what others say, she insists on what she wants to do right. So Xie Sheng-"

    The man refills his cup with hot tea.

    "She was kidnapped, but she still chose to protect your secrets. I think she must have thought carefully. If she can talk to you soberly later, she will definitely tell you, She has no regrets. She has not regretted any of her decisions."

    "If I had known you were doing such an experiment for her, those medicines were obtained by torturing your own body..." The man shook his head, "We would not agree."

    "Mom said that she is a scientist, she is not afraid of death, she is afraid of mistakes." Qin Rongbei's daughter, who was decorating the Christmas tree, suddenly turned around and said this to Xie Qing.

    The man smiled gently: "You heard, we all think so."


    "Xie Sheng, we didn't do anything to make us regret, so you don't have to blame yourself. You have to treat your illness well, and then organize all the notes for your father-in-law during his lifetime. "

    When Xie Qingcheng was about to leave, the father and daughter gave him a Christmas present.

      It's just that the blank face in the picture that belongs to Xie Qingcheng's own face has now been filled in.

    "I drew it." Qin Rongbei's daughter said, "Mom didn't see you when she was awake, she can't draw your face, but I can."

    Xie Qingcheng carefully collected the gift, said goodbye to the two, and got into the rental car.

    He looked at the sketches in the frame all the way until he returned to the streets near the sanatorium.

    "Let's get off here." Xie Qingcheng said, "There is still a little way to go, I want to go back by myself."

    So check out and get off.

    He went to a nearby jewelry store to buy some sticky tape that could fix the picture frame to the wall, and back in the hospital, he fixed the picture frame to the wall beside the bed.

    My Family

    My family, by my side.

    My family, after tonight, after night, are always with me.

    We meet through life and death, but he is missing.

    Because he didn't do anything wrong, he only loved me.

    Because I didn't lose everyone, only him.

    The moon is shining brightly outside the window.

    The snow melts, the flowers bloom, and in the blink of an eye, the world has reached a gentle spring.

    Xie Qingcheng's condition has been repeated, it can't be said that it has improved too much, but it has not deteriorated any more. waves.

    Days repeat day by day.

    On a lightly raining evening, Xie Qingcheng came back from a flower shop in Brooklyn and bought a bunch of lilies. When he was about to raise his hand to take a taxi, he suddenly received a call.

    The call was from Wei Dongheng. After the connection was made, Wei Dongheng couldn't hold back his excited voice from the loudspeaker: "Brother, it's a little early...not at all prepared... Born this morning..."

    Xie Qingcheng stopped abruptly.

    Because Xie Xue gave birth suddenly, much earlier than the expected date, Xie Qingcheng did not expect it to be now, this seemingly ordinary night.

    Someone was celebrating a birthday in the garden restaurant in the distance, and the birthday song drifted from the drizzle.

    The lights on the roadside reflected in his pupils, Xie Qingcheng's eyes finally had some bright light for the first time in the past few months.

    There seemed to be a lot of people celebrating and cheering on the other end of the phone, and in the commotion, the phone was handed to one person. Xie Xue's gentle and weak voice crossed the ocean and reached Xie Qingcheng's ear.

    "Brother, it's a little're an uncle."


    Somehow the phone call ended, and it was the best news he had heard in these days. He almost wanted to smile, but the corners of his mouth seemed to be rusted and could not be moved.

    The rain fell on his umbrella, and the sound of ticking was tapping.

    When the wind blew, suddenly, the veil covering his bouquet was blown away, the veil was lifted into the air, and landed on the opposite side of the road. The boy with the umbrella picked it up.

    The boy was about seven or eight years old. He crossed the road looking left and right, and came to Xie Qingcheng with his short legs.

    He raised his head, held the veil, looked at him under the umbrella, and then he said to him like He Yu when he first met: "Sir, your things Lost."

    This is the moment.


      Looking at the bewildered little guy in front of me, I don't know why I can't hold it anymore, I bent down in the drizzle of the spring twilight, and finally burst into tears...

    "Sir, sir? What's the matter with you?" Seeing this, the boy stepped forward and grabbed his hand, "Have you encountered something, can I help you?"

    Xie Qingcheng has never cried like this since he could remember.

    On the streets of New York, in this place where no one will know him, and no one will remember him after all, after he has been lost for a full year, he can't stand it anymore, Tears streamed down his face incessantly. Those hot, fiery tears were like blood flowing from his heart.

    He looked at the child in front of him with his invisible eyes and his still-seeing eyes.

    The child's figure was blurred, he seemed to see his little ghost standing in front of him again, and said to him: "Xie Qingcheng, look, new life will come, and I, go It's been a year..."

    It has been a year, Xie Qingcheng.

    The dead are ashes.

    New life finally came to my side.

    It's time to let go...

    It's time for anyone to let go.

    But Xie Qingcheng knew that he could not do it.


    Xie Qingcheng choked up, he knew that he could never let it go. He may rejoice in the new birth, but he is destined to live forever among the dead.

    He will not forget He Yu's past because of anything.

    Like at this moment, he took over the soaked veil and said thank you-but he was still facing the little ghost who would never come back in his memory.

    The boy who called him for the first time on the lawn more than ten years ago.

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