Case File Compendium

Chapter 231: don't accept his invitation

    "Relax, I will be watching the final operation tomorrow. This time we used an adult who is very similar in size to him, and the chip implanted in the brain is also very advanced..."

    In Duan Wen's comfortable office, a man in a white research suit was sitting. The man had peach eyes and thin lips. Who else was it if it wasn't Anthony?

    Anthony just came back from Shanghai, and he was full of dust. As soon as he went to the island, he was called by Duan Wen to talk about the progress of some things, and he has not rested until now.

    Duan Wen took a sip of tea: "I'm looking forward to it, please don't disappoint me."

    "I believe he will be very good." Anthony said, "The only fly in the ointment is that the body is older, after all, the human brain you provided me is only twenty years old, you It is really unnecessary for me to use more than 40 human bodies."

    Duan Wen smiled, but his eyes were cold: "Is it necessary, can I understand without you?"


     By the way, there is also the device for the blood gu, you should watch the end as soon as possible. Our blood gu seems to be restless recently."

    Anthony heard this, and his expression revealed a sarcasm: "If he is restless, then he is not far from death. You also know that I saved him first, he As long as he lives, he can never be satisfied with what he wants."

    After saying these meaningful words, Anthony got up, bowed his body, retired and walked to the door.

     Before he could lift his hand to push the door, there was a knock on the door.

    Duan Wen: "Come in."

    "Mr. Duan, someone has invited you."

    Anthony and the man standing behind the servant looked at each other, and their bodies froze.

    Anthony narrowed his eyes: "Xie Qingcheng..."

    "He is my guest." Duan Wen's voice came from behind the desk coldly, "Please let him in, by the way, remember to bring the door when you go out."

    Although Anthony hated Xie Qingcheng very much, but because of Duan Wen's face, he snorted coldly, said nothing, and walked out of the office with his head held high.

    This is the first official meeting between Duan Wen and Xie Qingcheng.

    Xie Qingcheng looked at the legendary President Duan - about forty years old, with high eyes and deep nose, and a handsome face... But I don't know why, Xie Qingcheng looked at him, but faintly felt A nerve in his brain was beating suddenly, as if to remind him of something.

    "Professor Xie." Duan Wen folded his hands on the desk and smiled politely at him, "It's been a long time, please sit down."

      send it up.

    "I heard Mr. He say that Professor Xie likes to drink the cold fragrance of snow, and I happen to have it here, so I bring it to entertain guests. How about it, are everyone still used to living here?"

    Xie Qingcheng did not touch the teacup.

    After a while, she said indifferently, "You think I'm used to living here with the enemy who killed my father and mother."

    "I'm sorry about Officer Xie and Officer Zhou." Duan Wen saw that Xie Qingcheng didn't touch the teacup, so he poured one by himself, and raised it to Xie Qingcheng, "It's really hard to kill them. It's not the original intention of our organization. In fact, we admire their spirit and talent very much. In my eyes, they are the real police. Those high-ranking officials of the Dreambreaker..."

    He smiled: "It's just a beautiful skin."


    "I think everyone has the right and freedom to talk about their own ideas." Duan Wen smiled.

    Xie Qingcheng became even colder, his lips hardly moved: "Freedom and power should not be maliciously used and abused."

    Duan Wen looked at him with interest: "You are so clever, do you want to be a negotiator when you were young?"

    Xie Qingcheng: "Are you looking for me to talk about childhood?"

    Duan Wen laughed loudly: "If Professor Xie wants to, it's not impossible. I originally wanted to chat with you at will today, nothing else. You don't have to be so resistant."

    "I have nothing to chat with you."

    "Not necessarily." Duan Wen looked at him leisurely, "Have you seen your parents' transformation."


    "Feel friendly?"


    Duan Wen took another sip of tea and said slowly: "If I tell you, we can use medical and virtual reality technology to resurrect your parents in the long as you serve Mandela Effectiveness, I don't know Professor Xie, would you like it?"

    Xie Qingcheng knew what Duan Wen came to find him for today.

    It's almost done, so come to counter.

    Using family affection and the thoughts of the living for the dead to attract people to his command.

    At the beginning, Duan Wence turned against He Yu and used this trick. If He Yu had not told him in advance, it would have been very easy to have an impact on his psychology.

    Xie Qingcheng said: "My relatives died in the spontaneous combustion and explosion of the truck you planned 20 years ago, with no bones left. Would I consider a transformed person made from the life of an innocent person as a parent?"

    Duan Wen looked at him through the tea cup, and smiled: "It seems that He Yu explained to you the situation of transforming people. What else did he explain to you?"

    Xie Qingcheng and Duan Wen looked in the wrong direction, and did not evade: "I'm disgusted by him, just like I disgust you, there's not much to say."

    Duan Wen smiled and lowered his head to fill himself a cup of tea: " don't have to be so resistant, Professor Xie. Mr. He is like this, he likes you very much, although his mouth is always He said he hated you, but he didn't seem to have hurt you too much. Did he? I think he's been nice to you these days."

    Xie Qingcheng did not reveal the slightest flaw, and said: "Do you think it is good for me to imprison me and insult me?

    "You are the enemy after all." Duan Wen said, "If you are willing to join Mandela, he has no reason or qualification to treat you like this. ... You really don't Would you like some tea?"

    Tomorrow is the decisive battle, Duan Wen didn't know the Dream Breaker's plan, but Xie Qingcheng knew very well. In any case, it is impossible for him to touch the water and food that Duan Wen gave him at this time.

    He said coldly: "I have no interest."

    "That's such a pity." Duan Wen stared at his face, "I think you'd better drink a little."

    Xie Qingcheng turned his face away.

    After a moment of silence, Duan Wen put down the teacup, and it seemed that he did not intend to force Xie Qingcheng to drink the cold fragrance of the snow. He crossed his fingers and said in a slow tone: "I don't force you to do anything. But I suggest you think about it. I admire your parents as much as you. Making thought chips is a high-consumption thing, so on the island Although there are many reformers, there are only a handful of 'brutal murder' reformers implanted with ideas. They are all the fine products we have made on the road to the future, so we usually only choose admirable people to do this experiment, okay Let their minds be 'reborn'."


    "We had to kill them out of position and conflict of interest, but we hope that such people are on our side." Duan Wen said indifferently, "That's why we Implant the data of your parents' life into other people's brains and make a violent murder."

    Xie Qingcheng's eyes lit up with fire, and his gaze was like a knife stabbing at Duan Wen: "So, should I thank you?"

    Duan Wen spread his hands: "I can understand your mood. But I'm telling the truth, there are too few people worthy of respect in this world. Pigs and dogs, these people simply occupy natural resources to live, they are extremely mediocre but extremely confident. Just like those dream breakers, they say they are the police, but in my opinion, the police should be like your parents and Zheng Jingfeng. "

    "They may not have high-ranking officials, but they have a courageous heart that is always fair, yearns for justice, willing to pay the price of life to find a truth, dare to believe, and dare to persevere. You can also protect your professional ethics in front of you. After all, the word police is not the title on the shoulders of the clothes, not the power and power, but the heavy responsibility and shackles.”

    Xie Qingcheng's face stiffened when he heard this. He didn't know if he was angry or for some other reason, but his hand on the chair turned pale.

    Duan Wen said: "I respect every real police officer, even if I have to kill them, I hope that one day our technology can bring them back - the same, I do the same to doctors view."


    "I respect Qin Ciyan, and I respect you as well. You are rare talents, you should receive the best protection and the highest respect. What this society can't give you, I can give you."

     "How? You have already taken their lives. Do you think the things you created with virtual reality organ transplants can replace them?"

    "Anyone can be replaced and recreated, as long as their minds remain."

    Xie Qingcheng had uncontrollable anger in his eyes: "In this world, is there no one who you think can't be replaced by any means?"

     Duan Wen was silent for a moment and said: "Why is it called a replacement? Look at it from another angle, whether it is virtual reality or organ transplantation, isn't it a continuation of life? ."


    "Consider what I said." Duan Wen said, "History is written by the victors. Maybe it will be hundreds of years before we represent true justice?"

    Xie Qingcheng stared at Duan Wen, but did not respond to anything.

    After a long time, Xie Qingcheng suddenly said: "My parents and Zheng team were close friends when they were interns in the police academy. You may have taken these words to say that you have surrendered Zheng team. Well. Has he yielded to you?"

    Duan Wen played with the spikes on the teapot, and said indifferently: "It's not too late, but after talking with you, I will go to him. What, if he wants, Would you like to?"

    "..." Xie Qingcheng clenched his fingers on the armrest and said word by word, "He won't promise you, just like I won't either."

    "You don't need to say it so dead." Duan Wen smiled slightly, "Mr. He was also very stubborn at first. We locked him up for a long time, using both soft and hard, and finally he agreed. I believe in time It can change everything. When you go back, you can think about it again.”

    This is the end of the conversation.

    Duan Wen got up to see off the guest, with a very gentlemanly attitude: "Professor Xie, you can mention any living needs you have here. When you want, the door of Mandela's highest laboratory, will be open to you immediately.—please."

    Xie Qingcheng also stood up, he and Duan Wen finally looked at each other for a moment, their eyes were astonishingly cold.

    Finally, he turned around, pushed away the chair, and left without a word, accompanied by the servant.

    After Xie Qingcheng left, Duan Wen sat down at the desk again, he drank the last bit of tea, and then extinguished the incense on the table.

    He asked another servant standing beside him.

    "How's He Yu going?"

    The servant bowed and replied, "He was invited by his wife just now. He seemed very reluctant, but he went to the laboratory in the end."

    "Okay." Duan Wen asked again, "Then, has his afternoon video been transferred and sorted?"

    "It's sorted, please take a look."

    In the tablet presented by the servant, there are simplified things that He Yu did on this day, and behaviors worthy of attention are included. Duan Wen took some time to read it all, and finally dragged the progress bar back to the scene where He Yu went to the laboratory.

    He zoomed in and zoomed in.

    In the screen, He Yu was busy sitting on the test bench. The camera was dragged to the maximum, Duan Wen saw clearly what he was doing in the afternoon, and what was placed on his test bench was something he did not expect at all...

    Duan Wen put a hand to his lips, frowned and scrutinized, thinking.

    Servant: "Do you want to keep watching?"

    Duan Wen said slowly: "Stare. But..."

    His gaze stopped for a moment on the object in the surveillance video.

    Continue: "Don't be too tight. Don't be disturbed."

    He said, his brows were still not loose, although he was very suspicious of He Yu, but it seems that even if He Yu has done something, it should not be recently.

    However, even recently, he kept a hand, so don't worry too much. However, the operation that Anthony will be responsible for tomorrow is a matter of immediate concern, and he has to temporarily turn his attention to that operation.

    When Xie Qingcheng returned to the room, he found that He Yu was no longer in the room.

    He was surprised, because He Yu would not miss the appointment for no reason.

    Duan Wen's servant was thoughtful, bowed and explained to him: "Mr. He has a temporary job, so he should be back later. Professor Xie, take a good rest."


    It was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and He Yu was suddenly called to work overtime. Is it a coincidence? still…

    Xie Qingcheng was very anxious.

    He subconsciously wanted to touch the cigarette, but he didn't touch anything. He Yu didn't let him smoke. Ever since he coughed up blood, He Yu refused to let him even the smell of smoke. smell.

    The Fengbo system cannot be connected at any time, because in many cases, it is inconvenient for He Yu to contact him like this, and it is easy to be discovered.

    He walked back and forth in the room, the dishes on the table hadn't moved yet, He Yu should have wanted to eat together after he came back. There is no note, no message, Feng Bo is closed... He Yu should be in a hurry, and there is no chance to leave any clues for him.

    He can only wait in this room.

    In the last time they could be alone, restless, but waiting helplessly.

    At this moment, in Duan Cuizhen's incense burning room, He Yu wiped the blood from his fingertips and finished the control of the last living sample.

    The "little boy" in a red dress was sitting on the chair, she looked like a flower that was about to rot before it bloomed, her complexion was as pale as a dead body, and there was a hanging hanging on the back of her hand. Bottle drip. Duan Cuizhen's physical condition is already very bad, and the allergic rejection after the brain transplant has made her every second like a year.

    Duan Cuizhen nodded after seeing He Yu's ability to control living people: "If there is another large-scale attack, you can be of great use. You must protect the organization well. , but also to protect your own mother."

    He Yu lowered her eyebrows and bowed quietly: "That's natural, resurrecting her is the only meaning of my life."


    However, Duan Cuizhen instructed to push her wheelchair left and right, and came to He Yu under the protection.

    "Come with me to the basement. Over the years, we have used Obedient Water to simulate blood worms, and we have mastered the response data of many people. Through these data, we have made a set of biological weapons for you. It is specially used to expand the influence of blood gu." Her eyes flashed with terrifying excitement, and this expression on a little boy's face was extremely terrifying.

    Duan Cuizhen said: "It's almost finished, come and see it with me. It still needs a little gene value from you, young man. We need to collect it right away."

    "..." He Yu didn't expect the old woman to end, but he couldn't get out of it.

    Duan Cuizhen: "What's the matter? Are you busy tonight?"

    Her eyes stared at him, with a bit of judgment, very vigilant.

    "...No." He Yu pursed his lips, smiled, his eyes gloomy, and followed Duan Cuizhen to the special elevator leading to the basement.

    At this time, the clock on the wall has pointed to eleven fifteen.

    There are only six or seven hours left until dawn.

    He Yu took a deep breath, controlled his emotions and expressions, and stepped into the elevator behind Duan Cuizhen's wheelchair.

    "Click to show the number." Duan Cuizhen said quietly, "You are the closest."

    He Yu clicked.

    Duan Cuizhen still stared at him thoughtfully: "What are you thinking about? Absentminded."

    "I was wondering what equipment that was." He Yu replied calmly.

    The elevator descends, and after a few seconds, it reaches the corresponding floor.

    Duan Cuizhen finally turned her eyes away when the warehouse door opened: "You will soon realize it."

    She went out in a wheelchair.

    He Yu breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

    —Be sure to go back for an appointment before dawn.

    This is what he really thinks.

    This is his only concern.

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