Case File Compendium

Chapter 240: Death of a lark

    He slowly recalled some things related to Li Yun—

    When Duan Wen was in the police academy, because he was too upright, he offended many people. Among his roommates, the only one who got closer to him was Li Yun, who was also not very popular.

    It's just that Duan Wen looks too righteous, and he is too clean.

    Li Yun was jealous because she looked too evil and arrogant.

    Both of them are a little out of tune with the collective, so they make do with being food friends in college, and often go to the garbage street to eat together.

    The street was chaotic, and the fire control has not been in place. The day before Labor Day, Duan Wen and Li Yun went to a barbecue restaurant for supper together after class. Not long after the two sat down, an accident happened there. The gas in the kitchen of a small frying shop a dozen meters away suddenly occurred. exploded.

    Li Yun and him were sitting at the small outdoor table outside. When the explosion happened, Li Yun stood up and took two bottles of soda from the refrigerator next to her. The violent explosion affected all the surrounding shops, and the air wave rushed to them, overturning the huge neon sign outside the shop, and Duan Wen happened to be standing under the sign.

    Li Yun looked at a very lazy and selfish person. At that time, she suddenly rushed over and dragged Duan Wen to protect her. As a result, the neon sign crashed, and the iron frame was smashed. On his back, the sharpest horn pierced into Li Yun's leg.

    In that position, if Li Yun hadn't pushed him away, the sharp corners of the iron frame would have hit the back of Duan Wen's head.

    Duan Wen, who was still Chen Lisheng at the time, was stunned, seeing Li Yun lying on top of him with a pale face in pain, the blood kept pouring out, he said: "You... why are you... ?"

    "Nonsense...isn't that **** instinct?"

    He remembered what Li Yun told him at that time.


    But his instinct is to avoid himself, and he won't care about anyone's life or death. Duan Wen knew that if he was in that position, he would never protect Li Yun, and he would definitely leave Li Yun and hide by himself.

    The so-called sense of justice, it is enough to pretend, you don't have to really take your life to protect another person, that is too stupid.

    "It hurts..." Li Yun breathed softly on him, and before passing out, she said angrily, "Chen Lisheng, you said...will I just be lame...? "

    In the end, of course he was not lame, fortunately he never hurt the vital part, but Li Yun was in a plaster cast for a long time for a hundred days. He went behind his back, and Duan Wen personally helped to change the dressing in the dormitory.

    The appearance of a distressed roommate always pretends to be.

    Duan Wen thought so.

    At that time, he also thought, how could Li Yun, who usually looks quite arrogant and arrogant, be so afraid of pain, when the dressing gets heavier, she will frown on the bed and hum softly , that voice is like a cat, very soft.

    "Chen Lisheng... You **** light it, it hurts."


    Why is his voice so soft and lazy, yet he can curse so fiercely?

    Duan Wen thought about it again, but still had no answer.

    But after this incident, they gradually got closer and closer. Although the two of them have a bit of a weak personality, and in the eyes of outsiders, it is just an ordinary relationship, but for them, it is indeed rare for each other.

    They studied together, practiced together, and later worked in a police station together, and worked with the same teacher...

    They've been together.

    Until the teacher Xie Ping died.

    Until, Duan Wen could no longer continue to live under the identity of Chen Lisheng, and left with suspended animation.

    After Chen Lisheng and Xie Ping were both dead, the young police officer Li Yun never gave up looking for the truth. He exhausted all means inside and outside the framework to pursue the murderer all the way, and the more he investigated, the more he wanted Surprised, he refused to look back, with such a little fire in his heart, he had to go down a dark road to the end. In the end, in a nightclub box, he intercepted the mastermind who had just met Huang Zhilong alone.

    Duan Wen at that time was no longer Chen Lisheng.

    He had already done facial plastic surgery, and he could not see the shadow of Chen Lisheng in the past at all, only some details of biological verification have not been completed, such as fingerprints.

    That summer night, Li Yun succeeded in ambush, he captured Duan Wen and locked him in the box, his chest heaving and staring at Duan Wen's face.

    Duan Wen had a very subtle feeling at the time. He felt that looking at Li Yun's expression, it seemed that the policeman had a vague suspicion in his heart that he did not want to face.

    At that time, Li Yun had a fingerprint database verification machine in her hand, which could compare the extracted fingerprint patterns with all the police officers in the public security database. Li Yun stared into his eyes, and the first thing she did was forcibly press his thumb on the verification machine.

    At the same time when the verification machine jumped out the green light to indicate that the search was successful, Duan Wen's men also came. Pressed on the ground, his head was bleeding.

    Duan Wen smashed the fingerprint matching machine, raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corners of his lips during the fight, lowered his dark eyes, and looked at the policeman who fell at his feet.

    Li Yun looked very numb at that moment.

    That is the numbness that a normal person will definitely show when facing the betrayal of an intimate relationship.

    Duan Wen is all too familiar with this expression, he has seen it countless times on his mother's face since he was a child...

    The light and shadow in the box cut Li Yun's face in half. Half in the light, half in the dark.

    Duan Wen saw the half of his face in the light lifted up and looked at himself from the interlaced legs and feet of his subordinates.

    Then he heard Li Yun calling him:

    "Chen Lisheng."

    The voice is naturally soft, like an injured milk cat.


    That was the last time he heard Li Yun call his name like that.

    "I took him away later." Duan Wen finished describing these things, then continued, "I took him back to this island and detained him in a room."

    "I didn't want his life, I asked him if he would like to be recruited, after all he is a very capable man, and Mandela can open the door to any kind of talent. He In the police, the moral bottom line is actually very low, do you understand? He can break the rules in order to achieve the purpose of handling cases, he can violate morals, and he even dares to hang out with prostitutes. , he can stand on my side. But after I captured him, I did everything I could think of with him - I promised him the benefits of worldly money, power, fame and fortune, and gave him the benefits that those people were eager to get. , but he was unmoved. I tried coercion, torture and torture, and even injected him with obedient water, but the policeman still didn't want to bow his head to me."

    Duan Wen looked at Xie Qingcheng indifferently: "He never even called me Chen Lisheng so softly again."

    "I asked him why he was so persistent, justice in this world is not absolute, there is no major change without sacrifice and bloodshed, not to mention that he does not always walk between black and white. He even told me that many gangsters have ideas? How can he be so stubborn."

    "Then what did he say."

    "He said..." Duan Wen was quiet and sneered, "What he said is what your dad told him - heroes are not heroes all the time, they are evil, good and evil, sometimes It's only between one thought. The key is to keep the thought well. He said that he has no bottom line. He is a person who guards the dead line. This thought is his final boundary. After crossing this line, He is no longer a police officer, so he doesn't do this."

    "I imprisoned him for more than 40 days... He didn't eat or drink for more than 40 days. I said, this person must not be kept. Why don't you give him to her and make a violent murder. With such a complete body, it is still alive, and it must be a perfect replica. I don't have it. Promise her immediately, I am still hesitating, I haven't completely given up on recruiting security, what I don't know is that at that time I was talking with Zoya outside the door, and he was overheard."

    Conversation paused again.

    After a while, Duan Wen said, "He chose death."

    "..." Although Xie Qingcheng heard this, his heart sank severely.

    "I went to see him that night as usual, I pushed into the room...I don't know where he got the sharp object, when I saw him, he had nothing to save I thought he was very afraid of pain. He used to feel pain when he changed medicines on his thigh in the dormitory. It would not be a big deal for me to keep it like this. But that day he cut his own neck with his own hands, and he bleeds all over the place..."

    Duan Wen did not describe in detail.

    He picked up the last cigarette that was meant to be given to Xie Qingcheng, lit it, and a faint flame lit up in the cell in the tower.

    Duan Wen said: "He... is still too naive, thinking that he can be spared by death, but he doesn't know that as long as he has such a complete and undamaged brain, we can still Experiment with his corpse."

    "When he was about to die, he only asked me for one thing - let me not do anything to Master's son. He said he knew it was useless to ask me too much, just this, and asked me if I could do it."

    "I looked at his dying eyes but they were shining so intensely, and I thought maybe I was getting something wrong. Maybe that all-encompassing technology isn't the most powerful thing, the concept of immortality All our collaborators were convinced, but Li Yun was unmoved. There must be something in his heart that allowed him to overcome the technological power that my wife once and I described as the pinnacle of power. I was curious to know, so I asked Why is he?"

    "He said to me, if I can agree to his request and keep this promise, maybe one day I will be able to experience that power." Duan Wen said, "So you are After Qin Ciyan was rescued, although I really wanted to cut off future troubles, because of Li Yun's dying request, I never took the initiative to take your life again. A big threat, I still keep you in this world. Twenty years later, I still remember that oath."

    After listening to his narration, Xie Qingcheng was silent for a while, and asked, "So now do you think you have realized what the unyielding power is?"

    After a while, he replied, "It's love."

    "Do you know what love is?"

    "I think I know." Duan Wen said, "at least better than many people on the island."

    "You don't know." Xie Qing said, "All your knowledge is superficial, you have never experienced what true love is. You don't need to compare with the people on the island, In a class that failed all the exams, getting a score of 59 doesn't mean you passed. Duan Wen, you didn't look back to show that you still don't know anything about what he said to you."

    "..." Duan Wen took a deep breath and said, "Actually, it's not necessarily me who is ignorant, maybe it's you, Xie Qingcheng."

    "Li Yun and I used to be good companions, but he was too rigid in this worldly justice and stood opposite me. After so many years of trying, I analyzed his brain thinking , I finally succeeded in making an exact replica. I retained all his ideas, except for the belief, and covered his beliefs with mine. So he became my closest partner again."

    Duan Wendao: "It turns out that he can be less persistent at all, and he doesn't have to die if he changes his mind. Sometimes people are harmed by their own inherent concepts - so do you. "

    Xie Qingcheng raised his eyes: "...what do you mean."

    Duan Wendao: "Do you remember that night, when I invited you to talk, I repeatedly invited you to drink a cup of tea? But you are going to do things for the dream breaker the next day. Now, you were afraid that the tea was poisonous, so you insisted on rejecting it."


    "The tea is actually an antidote." Duan Wen said, "The incense on my table is the latest generation of obedient water - or obedient incense."


    "After being inhaled at close range, the effect of the drug can last up to 24 hours. During these 24 hours, as long as the person with the controller in his hand gives you an order, you will not be able to resist But this incense also has its flaws, the effect is too great, the human body will be immune after only one use."

    Duan Wen paused for a while and continued: "Actually, if you didn't feel guilty and drank the tea, Li Yun would not be able to control you. But you rejected my tea, and He Yu was at the grandmother's place. When I was on the side, there was the same situation, and he also refused the tea from the great lady. This is the result of you being harmed by your stereotypes. "


    "Li Yun was willing to stop the steel plate that fell down for me and stop the explosion, but in the end it ended in that ending because of his inherent concept. I don't want to see the same thing happen to you and He Repeat it on me."

    "You really don't have to be as stubborn as Li Yun, Xie Qingcheng. Justice is never absolute."

    Xie Qing was quiet for a moment and said: "Do you know that if it wasn't for his justice, he wouldn't protect you when the steel plate fell. You wouldn't stand Said these words in front of me."

    "I know." Duan Wen said, "That should be the one thing he regrets the most. Going back in time, if the same explosion happened and the steel plate fell, he would definitely not will help me again."

    He lowered his eyelashes and said lightly, "He hated me in the end."

    Just after saying this, a voice suddenly came from the headset that he had been wearing all the time. It was Duan Cuizhen who was in severe pain and needed him to go.

    Duan Wen frowned slightly, Duan Cuizhen's condition is already very bad, this is something he is very worried about in recent days, if Duan Cuizhen is really dead, then In an emergency, they may only use Vivian's body and perform a third brain transplant on her, but Vivian's body is really not a good choice...

    His expression darkened, and he was going to check on his wife's condition immediately.

    Li Yun's perfect replica has just been made... He waited so long, he didn't want any accident at this time.

    Therefore, the energy supply on the island cannot be stopped, and he must do his best to protect Duan Cuizhen's safety.

    "Xie Qingcheng, you are different from Li Yun, and you still have options. Think about it carefully, you don't have to make a secret vote, I will ask again after the Dreambreaker is defeated. You, see if you are willing to join our camp."

    Here, what I wanted to say was almost done, Duan Wen got up, called the clone of Lu Yuzhu in, and told her to be more optimistic about Xie Qingcheng.

    But before he left, he suddenly thought of something, so he stopped: "That's right."

    He took something out of his trench coat pocket and gently placed it on the desk next to Xie Qingcheng.


    It was an intact little fire dragon!

    Xie Qingcheng looked up at Duan Wen suddenly.

    Duan Wendao: "This is the last thing He Yu wants to give you. The day before your plan was executed, he went to the laboratory and used the special materials on the island to restore it to its original state. .I think he's been looking for an opportunity to give it to you."

    He looked at the little dragon who could hardly see any signs of shattering, and put his hand back into the pocket of the trench coat.

    "Xie Qingcheng, you once said to He Yu that if he chooses darkness, you will definitely stand on his opposite...I wonder if you have changed your mind after these three years. idea, willing to stand on the side of him."

    "Wait a minute..." Xie Qingcheng's heart was still aching for this lost fire dragon, but he suddenly realized something in the next second, his face slowly paled, and it was difficult to breathe, he lifted up With red eyes, he looked at Duan Wen—

    "How do you know I said this to him?!"

    "It's like Anthony knows the past of the two of you." Duan Wen said, "Don't you know? When he was giving treatment to He, Anthony hypnotized him again and again, So he said a lot of your private affairs."


    "Unfortunately, you really thought that he hated you too deeply, so you volunteered to tell Anthony."


      He couldn't get it out of his mouth. Even when he was the most disappointed with you and hated you the most, he never thought of betraying you. So I think highly of him and respect him. "

     Duan Wen's words seemed like a sharp weapon to capture the soul, Xie Qingcheng felt that his limbs were stiff and his bones were frozen.

    He remembered He Yu's seemingly indifferent face when he reunited with He Yu.

    Under that face, there is actually the tenderness of yesterday lingering and unwilling to let go, even if he died once, the tenderness is still deep in the body, like a brand.

    But I couldn't see it at that time.

    "I hope you can pity him once." Duan Wen looked down at this man who was in a state of embarrassment, but still in police uniform. For some reason, his eyes slowly became a little dazed, and finally He whispered, "Put down your position and stand by his side."

    "If you are missing among the righteous people, there will naturally be others to make up for it. But some people lose you, and there is nothing to fill the gap in their hearts."

    Duan Wen said, and finally bent his knuckles and pushed the little fire dragon to the edge of the table, closer to Xie Qingcheng. His voice was even, even gentle.

    "Think about it, I'll give you time. I hope you, don't let us down in the end. Lark."

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