Case File Compendium

Chapter 254: Mirror Combination (The Finale, Part 2) (1)

    Click. Everything turns from light to dark, the screen goes out, and the picture returns to darkness.

    In front of the desk, He Yu typed the words "End of the Play" in front of the computer, then stood up—

    He walked to the terrace, knocked on a Marlboro, lit it, took a breath, and slowly exhaled the green smoke of those memories.

    It has been two years.

    It has been two years since Xie Qingcheng left.

    He still sometimes feels very inconsistent, like having a nightmare that he has never woken up from. He would always hear Xie Qingcheng calling him a kid.

    But he's already twenty-five.

    It's not a kid anymore.

    No one will call him a kid anymore.

    Yesterday he met Team Zheng on the road. Lao Zheng has retired, and when He Yu saw him, he was skateboarding in the park with his grandson. Lao Zheng asked, "Is everything okay, now?"

    Nothing good or bad. two years.

    Xie Xue cheered up and walked out of the shadow after her grief, and Aunt Li gradually stopped seeing sadness easily.

    Chen Slow was injured and his spirit was not good. He was sent to Europe for recuperation at home. I took a photo of relaxing at the beach with a faint smile.

    Everyone can start over, but he can't.

    But he said, everything is fine, don't worry.

    What's wrong, the results of the trial have been implemented, and those researchers and criminals have been sentenced to corresponding prison sentences - just like what He Yu wrote in the story.

    He Yu has written everything they experienced into a book, more than one million words just finished.

    He was able to restore the past as truthfully as possible, thanks to the efforts of the commander-in-chief Lao Zheng.

    Before Mandela Island was blown up, Wei Er and the others seized a machine. After deciphering, the machine stored a large number of thinking files. Some have been collected very well, such as Huang Zhilong, Duan Wen, Chen slow, Anthony, and Mandela almost made a backup of their entire brain memory.

    Some are scattered data, such as people like Wei Er. Mandela should be interested in them and managed to collect some information, but not much.

    The deciphering of this machine requires the help of someone who is very familiar with Mandela. The big leader in charge of the whole case finally figured it out. For a person like He Yu, instead of locking him up, it is better to keep him Use him. The leader allowed He Yu to go.

    He Yu saw the truest heart of many people.

    Mandela organized various human brain data stored for many years, allowing him to understand the past events of many people he met along the way, and roughly know what those people were thinking at that time.

    In the story of more than one million words, he recounted everything he had experienced, known, and interviewed over the years.

    He is a scholar and editor, and there are so many first-hand materials, it is not difficult to scrutinize the psychology and restore the old things. He Yu is very professional in this regard. His descriptions strive to be truthful, and describe almost everyone objectively and calmly. The only exception is when writing Xie Qingcheng.

    When he wrote him, he could only try to be objective, but not calm. He always finds himself in tears halfway through the fight, or laughing with tears in his eyes.

    In the past two years, He Yu has been thinking about it day after day, thinking about Xie Qingcheng in this way, and thinking about the years when he was still there.

    He has been living in the past, living in the story.

    Every day he walks in a normal society, treats people and things peacefully, and treats everyone lightly, and neither joy nor anger can be seen on his face. Everyone is a little afraid of him, because he is too cold, and people can't feel the slightest breath of life in him.

    But others don't know, in fact, he comes home every night, sits in front of the computer to open the file, continues to recall the past, thinks about what Xie Qingcheng was like at that time, and writes down his and Xie When Qing Cheng's story was told, he was always alive, with infinitely vivid expressions on his face.

    He felt that at this time, Xie Qingcheng seemed to be by his side again.

    He would even see Xie Qingcheng make a cup of **** tea and walk to his desk and put the tea by his hand, as if to say to him, kid, rest your eyes, you can't rely on it Young is so exhausting.

    He took the steaming cup of **** tea. The mug was an out-of-print Nick Fox and Judy set he collected from a second-hand website. He was very obedient and drank the tea slowly.

    "I wrote the last chapter today." On the eve of the conclusion, He Yu once said to the phantom of Xie Qingcheng who was sitting at his writing desk, "Do you think I should put the future Finished? Or just write about me going to see you in front of your tomb? ... Actually, I know that the future will not be like what I wrote, and I will not live to eighty or ninety years.”

    He took another sip of hot tea and looked at Xie Qingcheng's figure.

    No one can see Xie Qingcheng, only he can see it.

    "Because I'm going to find you after I finish writing this book. Don't look at me with such a reproachful look." He Yu laughed, "It's really too lonely to live alone. already."

    "In the past two years, I recalled every past event and thought about your heart at that time, I felt that you were still alive and I could still see you. Although sometimes I don't know what you are thinking What, I'll just leave it blank, but as long as I'm still writing, I feel like I can still touch you."

    "But after writing, I don't know where to look for you." He Yu looked at Xie Qingcheng, who was sitting silently in another armchair in the study.

    He looked at the man's clear face.

    "Brother, I'm going to finish this story tonight. Tomorrow...will you come?"

    Xie Qingcheng didn't say anything, just looked at him with worried and blamed eyes.

    "It's fine if you don't come, I'll find you soon." He Yu said softly, "As for this book, I'll keep the archives... You can rest assured, the contents of the two of us …I will delete it, I won’t show it to others. It’s a private post that only I can read.”

    "I just think that many things can't be said at the moment, because all kinds of secrets will be involved and many people will be involved. But I believe in time. One day, everything can be decrypted, you Don't worry anymore, because of you, Mr. Qin will be slandered in an unexplainable way... You don't have to be famous anymore'. I keep it, and I hope that at that time, they can rectify your name. "

    "There is no reason why you have sacrificed everything and even your own life, but you can't get a good ending. There is not even a fair evaluation that belongs to you." He Yu said.

    But Xie Qingcheng didn't seem to care about this, he sat on He Yu's chair, lowered his eyes, and rummaged through the documents on his desk.

    "Oh..." Seeing his actions, He Yu added, "Those are the follow-up business strategies of the Aesthetic Education Hospital. After President Lu passed away last year, I was helping his granddaughter take care of the hospital. The little girl is not very experienced. I am worried that what she needs to do in the next few years after her detour, and some suggestions for her, are all in these materials. "

     "Don't worry, I know it's something you value very much, and I've made a plan."

    But Xie Qingcheng still looked down at the files.

    He Yu sat over and said to him very gently: "What I wrote is very simple, you can't understand it like this, let me explain it to you...

    He sat beside Xie Qingcheng's phantom, pointing out the abbreviations word by word, explaining their meaning.

    He finished.

    Look up—

    Xie Qingcheng has disappeared.

    There was no one around him, no second person in the study, nor that steaming cup of **** tea.

    Only the cursor jumping on the screen.

    The cursor stayed on the word "End of the play".

    He Yu lowered his head, and after a while, he raised his hand and put his palm on the chair he reserved for Xie Qingcheng. When he was writing about their past, he could see Xie Qingcheng every night.

    But he always felt that tomorrow night, Xie Qingcheng would not come again.

    He clicked off the computer screen, walked to the terrace, lit a cigarette, and looked at the vast night sky - there are hardly any stars at night in Shanghai, the light on the ground is too bright, and sometimes technology is too A developed society will forget nature, and gradually take this forgetting as a habit.

    He took a breath.

    At this time, he actually knew very well that Zoya, when a person loses the most important bond in the world, he will do whatever it takes to get it back.

    I can, just because there are other options.

    He didn't.

     a threat. After Duan Cuizhen's death, some of the agents who had been in charge of the case would be left to stare at him.

     But fortunately, those days are coming to an end.

    He Yu got up early the day after he wrote the whole story.

    He went to Moyu Lane, Xie Xue gave him the key, he would come to clean the house for Xie Qingcheng every two years, as if the man would come back at any time.

    In the house, he ordered two bowls of chicken soup dumplings that were not successful, one bowl was eaten by himself, and the other bowl was left across the table.

    After eating, he read a book for a long time in front of Xie Qingcheng's desk, then got up to make tea, sweep the floor...

    He was at his house, spending an unusual day alone.

    In the evening, he watched TV for a while, and accidentally saw He Li on a show, his half-brother participated in a thirteen-rate TV show with no ratings , talk about your past experiences. The young man was ignorant since he was a child, and now he has no choice but to use his parents and brother to make money. On the show, he accompany him to add fuel and jealousy to say a lot of bad things about He Yu, and he really has nothing to say.

    I just made it up, but I didn't mention who it was. The purpose was to please some voyeurs and the show team. Before the change, He Yu's temper would definitely make him pay the price.

    But now He Yu doesn't want to care anymore.

    He looked at the boy whose facial features were very similar to Weirong, and only felt that the other party was very sad. He didn't want to waste time messing with people like that.

    Life is precious, every minute and every second should be lived for the one you love.

    He Yu turned off the TV and slept on Xie Qingcheng's bed. The quilt still seemed to have a faint smell of disinfectant. He hugged Xie Qingcheng's quilt, as if he was in This bed holds the man.

    He buried his face in the soft quilt and called softly: "Brother..."

     Curled up so lonely all night.

    He is satisfied.

    This is his farewell to Xie Qingcheng.

    He can't live to be eighty years old as his story says. His heart is dead, and his body can't last long. Waking up from Xie Qingcheng's bed the next morning, he groomed himself carefully and put on neat clothes. He planned to go to the beach and end everything there.

    He spent half a day making other arrangements, and then got on a train in the afternoon. He didn't bring any luggage, the only thing he carried was a paper rose , is the paper rose with his name written on it, stained red by Xie Qingcheng's blood.

    He put his red rose close to his heart, and let it accompany him to the end of everything.

    His heart was calm, he put on his headphones and listened to old songs he had heard in a jazz bar, those songs were even cheerful, like the crisp golden sunshine dancing outside the train window That way.

    "Long summer blooms on the branches... roses roses, I love you..."

    He laughed.

    He remembered that Xie Qingcheng once stepped on his feet while dancing,

    The train arrived at the station, and he got off the train. It was a small fishing village near the sea. He booked a homestay. The house was painted in Greek-style high-brightness light blue. There are snow-white oars, life buoys, and nautical signs hanging at the door as decorations, but what finally made him decide to choose it as a place to spend his last night is the endless summer hydrangea planted by the owner in the small courtyard facing the sea. .

    The pink-blue-pink-purple hydrangeas are more brilliant than the glow of the sun, and are adorned with a gentle blue ocean in early summer.

    He decided to watch the last sunset and the sunrise again in this garden full of endless summer.

    Then he would leave early in the morning to the steep sea cliffs below…

    Everything was well arranged, he opened the door with the key given by the master and walked into the yard.

    "Here you are."

    He Yu was stunned for a moment, and the reservation online showed that this is an independent homestay that does not live with the owner. This is.…

    When he looked up, He Yu was even more surprised by the person he saw, and his face sank.

    "How are you."

    Standing in front of him was a man wearing sunglasses and a floral shirt, with a vacation-style upper body, but he did not forget to wear field training pants and military boots on the lower body.

    One of the former members of Dreambreaker, Wei Dongheng's second brother.

    He Yu has a thorn in every word: "Are you following me?"

    "I arrived earlier than you, so it can't be considered tracking." Wei Er nodded at him and pulled out two chairs at the dining table in the open-air garden, "sitting for almost three hours car, drink some water? Sit down and talk.”

    He Yu didn't sit down, his eyes became extremely cold, and his hand seemed to be about to move.

    Eduardo is an officer, very keen, he glanced out of the corner, poured two glasses of lemonade on the light blue wrought iron garden table covered with a white tablecloth, and said: "Mander After the fall of Ra, we signed a pact with you and some sub-psychic Ebola patients who showed signs of mutation, requiring you not to use your own special abilities except in extreme situations such as threats to personal safety. Otherwise, you will accept Special secret trial."

    The lemonade was poured, he sat down on a garden chair himself, and invited He Yu again.


    As he said, his eyes fell on He Yu's hand: "I suggest that you still don't use blood poison on me."

    "I don't care about judgment." He Yu said coldly.

    "I know." The second said, "but I still suggest you sit down and have a cup of tea with me, and then consider whether to continue to abide by the secret pact. Also, I think you give up your life The decision can also be made at that time.”


    He Yu's expression became more ugly.

    He knew that the Dreambreakers were still monitoring his abnormal behavior day and night, but he didn't expect them to even peep out.

    “Are you bored enough to hire a psychologist to analyze my behavior.”

    "Yeah." Wei Er admitted it generously, with Erlang's legs on his back and one hand on the back of the chair behind him, his expression was a little ruffian, and he even smiled, "He Do you always want to reimburse us for expenses?"

    "Dreambreaker should not be short of this money."

     Wei Er lit a cigarette and pushed the lighter and cigarette case to He Yu across the table "Dream breakers are not bad money, but the salary of suicide prevention psychologists is taken by our Wei Er. The family's personal expenses. If you want to reimburse me, I have no opinion at all." After that, he grinned again.

    "..." He Yu's brows furrowed slightly at this time, "Who is hired by your family?"

    "A little interested." Wei Er licked his lower lip, brushed off the ash, and took two sips of water.

    He Yu stared at him without blinking: "What do you mean. Why should the Wei family care about this?"

    "Why don't we eat candy first."

     Wei Er did not answer, but suddenly took out a small square box from his pocket. The box was sealed with metal, and when opened, there was a pill the size of a white marble.

    He Yu: "...what is this?"

    "Good thing, it was just developed two days ago. It was almost too late." Wei Er said meaningfully, and even tutted.

    His manner of speaking intriguingly annoyed He Yu.

    He Yu stood up expressionlessly and was about to leave.

    "Hey, don't go." Wei Er was a little anxious at the moment, "Why did you leave without saying a word, you were not so bad-tempered before, you just pretended Come out politely."

    "I don't want to pretend for a long time." He Yusen said, "If you want to say it, just say it, if you don't say it, don't block my way to see him."

    "..." Wei Er felt that He Yu was really not joking now. So he straightened his face: "I can't tell you first. If you take this medicine, it will be used as a sedative, okay? I will tell you after you take it. I will tell you immediately."

    Meeting his cold eyes, Wei Er said: "You are not afraid of death, so you are not afraid of eating a piece of my candy, right?"

    He Yu finally walked up and stared at the pill for a while.

    Although I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in Wei'er gourd, but he is right in one sentence, he is not afraid of death - it is true, a person who is not afraid of death, and What else to be afraid of.

    He Yu raised his head and swallowed the medicine.

    Then he looked back at Wei Er: "You can speak now."

    In the dazzling afternoon sun, he watched Wei Er's mouth move, and suddenly he couldn't hear anything, he felt a piercing pain, and the eyes began to appear colorful Mirage, Wei Er's face became more and more blurred. He wanted to stand up, but his body swayed a bit, but he fell straight down.


    He Yu's eyes darkened, the last impression was a severe colic in his chest, and then his consciousness was interrupted.

    "Hey." Wei Er went around the table, checked He Yu's condition, and dialed a number, "Well, yes, it works. Come over and have a blood test to check. If there is no problem with the blood, I can tell him the truth. I'm **** exhausted. What's wrong with this? I have to fly back to work overtime after a **** vacation in Hainan..."

    When He Yu woke up, he found that he was still in this garden cottage, but he had been moved to the bedroom on the second floor. The voyagers shone brightly to guide the way.

    The pointer on the wall has turned to past eleven o'clock at night.

    There was a circle of white coats around him. What made him very uncomfortable was that he was **** by these people with a therapeutic belt.

    The doctor headed by He Yu actually knew He Yu, the distant cousin of He Yu. Because my cousin received a lot of related medical cases in the emergency department, he was invited by Dreambreaker three years ago to join the healing work for those mentally ill Ebola patients in the society. He was a little embarrassed to face He Yu in this situation. He coughed and said to He Yu, "Well, after we explain it to you, we will release it."

    He Yu's face was completely dark: "What the **** are you trying to do?!"

    Several doctors affiliated with Dreambreaker, including Wei Er who stood next to each other, looked at each other, and finally everyone's eyes fell on the only one who had such a meager blood relationship with He Yu Probably not on the cousin who was beaten to death.

    "..." Under the trust of the public, my cousin had to speak slowly,... Do you still remember Xie Lishen? "

    "Isn't he the death penalty with a reprieve." He Yu's eyes could almost be called terrifying, "Don't tell me he was released."

    "No, no, don't worry." My cousin hesitated for a while, then stretched out his hand first, as if he wanted to sign with He Yu, but when he raised his eyes, he met He Yu's eyes, He put his hand down again, "Cough, that, that's it. ... Then you still remember that you fell into the sea and was rescued by Mandela, and then this Xie Lishen performed a rescue operation on you, and then ... "

    Cousin seemed to make a big detour and told He Yu a very obscure and difficult story. He Yu was already irritable, and his eyes seemed to be on fire.

    "His surgery wasn't just to treat you, you know they weren't so kind, mainly..."

    "Okay." Wei Er couldn't take it anymore, instead of leaning against the wall with his arms folded, he stood up straight and walked to He Yu's bed.

    Cousin is not very happy: "Then you say?"

    Wei Er glanced at his cousin, and seemed to be rolling his eyes, and finally he really said it, especially neatly: "Xie Qingcheng is still alive."

    Everyone didn't expect him to showdown with such a direct stab to the heart, and the room suddenly fell silent.

    He Yu's eyes widened, staring at Wei Er in amazement, his face was gone.

     Wei Er quickly began to detonate before he lost control of his emotions: "You must calm down, and then I can tell you the cause and effect of this matter, we are not deliberately trying to deceive you, it is true There is no way. The sooner you cooperate, the sooner you will be able to see him, understand? Although there are indeed some people in the leadership of the Dreambreaker who are full of vigilance against you, but you have to trust the political commissar Wang and the commander-in-chief... And all of us, we've been protecting you and speaking for you all these years."


    "Restrain yourself." Wei Er seemed calm, but he stared at He Yu, who could go berserk anytime, anywhere, but there was actually a cold sweat behind him "In order to see him earlier, you Just listen to me, okay?"

    Seeing that the scarlet in He Yu's eyes finally slowly descended, Wei Er was unconsciously relieved.

    He sat down beside He Yu's bed: "It's like this, it really has to start with the operation Xie Lishen performed on you three years ago...

    Three days later.

    JFK International Airport.

    With the help of the former Dream Breaker commander, He Yu's visa has been processed as quickly as possible, and he got off the plane and boarded the shuttle bus sent by the hospital. Along the way, He Yu had to do what the "Dreambreaker Pact" required, not to use blood poison to force this innocent bearded uncle to speed up the car.

    He couldn't wait, he looked out the window at the exotic scenery that had been blurred into phantoms, his palms were full of sweat, from the moment he got off the plane his heartbeat accelerated It has made him feel dizzy now, and he is about to go to bed

    It was only at this time that he understood why within the past two years, as long as he collected supplementary perspectives and came into contact with the former Dream Breakers, even Xie Xue, the Wei family, they would all be there Do your best to cooperate with him in telling the story completely, and at the same time tell him, intentionally or unintentionally, that life will go on no matter what.

    The number of times he became very angry, he didn't know why everyone was persuading him to live well, as if there was any hope in life, especially Xie Xue, didn't she understand that losing thank you Does Qingcheng mean to him that he has lost something?

    It wasn't until Wei Er told him the whole truth in the seaside hut that day that he realized that he actually misunderstood everyone's good intentions—

    Three years ago, he fell into the sea and was rescued by Mandela.

    When Anthony was treating him, he injected a potent targeted poison into his body.

    After they caught a glimpse of He Yu's heart through hypnosis, they believed that even if He Yu was finally willing to join the Mandela organization, there was still a great hidden danger of double agents. And what Duan Wen meant at the time was that if the blood Gu was thrown back to the Dream Breaker without any scruples, then he would rather not have this weapon, and he would have to kill He Yu directly.

    Anthony then targeted this emotion and marked it as "integrity of the heart".

    Mandela's people are very pure, when He Yu's heart is complete, it means that he has obtained all the things he desires, and will have a happy and peaceful rest of the year

    This must be obtained when he betrayed Mandela, stood with the Dreambreaker, and had a heart-to-heart with Xie Qing.

    After Anthony was arrested, I don’t know if it was because the Dreambreakers didn’t leave him on the island to fend for themselves, making him want to turn his death penalty into a life-long death sentence: or because he Vivian's brain had been invaded by Vivian, and Vivian had brought him some influence. All in all, after he woke up and was tortured, he chose to tell the secret.

    He told the dream breakers that if Xie Qingcheng was saved in the end and he was willing to be with He Yu, when all He Yu's wishes were fulfilled and his heart was full of great satisfaction, That dormant targeted poison will strike.

    He Yu will die at the moment when happiness comes.

    —This is the last chip Anthony left on He Yu.

    This trick is too vicious and cruel.

    Xie Qingcheng's feelings for He Yu were seen by Zheng Jingfeng and the others. After knowing the secret, they had to immediately make a decision to delay He Yu's poisoning.

    After several deliberation and discussion, they thought that they couldn't lie to He Yu to say that Xie Qingcheng didn't like him, that would directly cut off He Yu's hope of living, and things like love couldn't be hidden. At the same time, they can't say that Xie Qingcheng has amnesia or is in a vegetative state. None of these will work. As long as Xie Qingcheng is still alive, He Yu will not be able to let him go. In that case, He Yu may not only seriously interfere with the patient's treatment. Things are also easy to get through, and once they get through the gang, the poison will directly trigger He Yu's death, and they can't afford to gamble.

    So helpless, after repeated weighing, they could only choose the lesser of the two evils, and told He Yu that Xie Qingcheng was dead.

    Xie Qingcheng was really dying at that time, his life was hanging by a thread, the leader was ready to bury him as a martyr, and the tomb was also being built.

    The leader was indeed planning to keep He Yu cruelly locked up until Xie Qingcheng died and was buried. But Xie Qing's symptoms were repeated, and he actually got better. In the end, it seemed that he would not be able to die for a while. Under such circumstances, Wei Er thought about it for a while, but still resolutely completed the construction of the tomb, making it appear that Xie Qingcheng was indeed buried.

    He Yu was imprisoned by his superiors and could not attend the "funeral", they could hide it.

      Now, it's time for them to tell the truth.

    Although this plan is very, very cruel, He Yu and Xie Qingcheng will be tortured, but for both of them, it is already the least harmful way, the only variable is that He Yu will get out of control and will I can't think of it, but this kind of situation usually doesn't happen when He Yu still has a thought, so Lao Zheng tried his best to apply for a visit and handed over a letter from Xie Qingcheng, which inspired his desire to go out. Afterwards, Dean Lu gave him the notes of Xie Qingcheng and Qin Ciyan, and gave him the task and reason to live. To prevent accidents, Wei Er has been sending psychologists to stare at He Yu.

    In the end, maybe it was destined, He Yu after all the mental Ebola patients recovered, after he wrote the story, after he did all the preparations and planned to present it with Xie Qing Two days ago, the targeted antidote was finally developed.

    "He made me have to watch you. He made me tell him your news every day."

    He Yu looked at Wei Er with red eyes, who is "he", needless to say his name. He Yu knew it. It's just that he still can't believe it. After suffering for six hundred days and nights, he suddenly told him that there was still hope for him in this world. He was timid and could not believe it.

     Wei Er continued: "He is now secretly living in a hospital in the United States, receiving rehabilitation treatment. He originally refused to accept organ donation and transplantation, because his internal organs were failing, save him a Human organs may be able to save

    Several others, even a few lives. But we told him about you when he woke up. We told him that if you died, He Yu would definitely not be able to live. We say you can only last for a few years, for his 'last wish' for a few years. "

    "He loves you very much." In the hut at that time, Wei Er finally said to He Yu, who could not calm down for a long time, "I showed him a video of you standing alone in front of his tomb in a daze , he couldn't take it anymore. He said he chose to live. He wanted to be with you."

    "Only selfish for the only time in his life."

    Xie Qingcheng was in a coma all the time when he was in China. In addition to his serious injuries, he also suffered from multiple organ failures throughout his body, although he finally said that his adaptability was acceptable to him. Any organ transplantation, but this operation is very difficult, and it must be performed by a medical team with sufficient experience in rn-13 research, not even aesthetic education.

    After the fall of Mandela, the only one with this level was the hospital in the United States where Xie Qingcheng lived.

    It is also destined by God, Xie Qingcheng's original bodily functions have been seriously damaged, even if he accepts a transplant, it can only be delayed for three years or two years at most, and those organs will quickly fail again. However, after He Yu's blood guinea factor was converted into Xie Qingcheng's body by an enzyme, it had an unexpected impact on Xie Qingcheng's function.

    Blood Gu cells and First Emperor cells belong to the same kind of branch, but Blood Gu is an extremely powerful and domineering existence. As for the decaying First Emperor flesh and blood, while it invades the blood of the first emperor, it is also constantly Assimilation and combination, mutation and recombination... Medical matters are very complicated, but all in all, He Yu's cells affected Xie Qingcheng's cells. As long as r-13 is no longer used indiscriminately, Xie Qingcheng will slowly recover.

    For the first time, He Yu thanked himself for the pain and disease he suffered for 25 years, because it finally became the antidote to save the people he loved.

    He alone can do it.

    So in fact, in the past two years, Xie Qingcheng really accompanied He Yu silently every day. Although for the safety of He Yu's life, he couldn't contact him no matter how uncomfortable he was, but in the ward, he watched news and videos of He Yu from China every day.

    He looked at He Yu's pained appearance alone, he looked tormented at the way He Yu couldn't let go of him, in order to end this cruelty as soon as possible, he was more than any other

    He had to actively cooperate with the treatment at all times, and the fire of life rekindled in his heart. Step by step, he was extremely determined to let himself out of the brink of death.

    In China, He Yu also relied on the thoughts that Xie Qing presented to him, and lasted day after day, until two years later, he felt that everything had an explanation. Just decided to give up life to accompany each other.

    "Although Xie Qingcheng didn't say it." Wei Er said, "but I know very well that if there is one day in the past two years, you have an accident. I can't send him your news in time. , then he won't be able to hold on."

    "His treatment is a thousand times more painful than chemotherapy, but as long as he sees you persisting in the country, he will say he is fine, he does not feel pain. He said he will treat the disease well, Waiting to meet you."

    "He has been supporting the inhuman torture, not bowing to death and difficulties, just for this day. The day he can meet you again."

     Sitting in the car driving to the hospital in New York, He Yu recalled what Wei Er said at that time, and before she knew it, tears filled her face again.

    He was holding his mobile phone tightly, and there were records of calls and messages Xie Qingcheng had with him in the past few days—yes, on the night he took the antidote, he was in that seaside hut Received a video from Xie Qingcheng.

    When he saw that person on his mobile phone, it was as if he saw a dream.

    But Xie Qingcheng looked at him so truthfully, Xie Qingcheng couldn't say anything when he looked at him, the two were speechless, He Yu looked at him His eyes were red.

    He said almost timidly: "Is"

    The voice is soft and well behaved.

    Like a real, twentysomething. There is infinite hope in life.

    Dreambreakers know that He Yu is a dragon in chains, and he will no longer

    hurt anyone, so they untied his restraints and retreated quietly, leaving room for them.

    Xie Qingcheng did not answer his words. The first sentence Xie Qingcheng said to He Yu in the video was filled with infinite shock and reproach, but the reproach sounded very sad and frustrating. Gentle: "Are you really going to jump into the sea? Why are you so stupid...

    It's not funny at all, but He Yu burst into laughter in an instant, he choked, he stroked the screen, the screen was warm, he seemed to really touch thousands of miles The face of the person outside.

    His fingers touched the cheeks, ears, lips of the man on the screen,

    The bridge of the nose finally fell on those beautiful peach eyes. His fingertips were shaking.

    He said to Xie Qingcheng in the video: "Brother... Your eyes... Are your eyes real?"

    "It is an implantable bionic prosthetic eye, which has just been developed here. It is different from ordinary prosthetic eyes. It can really see... Twenty hours of ocular nerve biomimetic reconstruction surgery ."

    He Yu smiled again, his face was full of tears, he murmured: "Technology is really

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