Case File Compendium

Chapter 57: just a tattoo

    "What are you looking at?" Xie Qingcheng finished washing his hands, wiped off two pieces of tissue paper, and gave He Yu a light glance.

    Young He Yu asked, "Doctor Xie, on your wrist..."


    But the second half of He Yu's words have already been asked: "What is the text?"

    "..." Xie Qingcheng paused for a few seconds, then loosened the cufflinks with a stern face, flattened the cuffs, and said indifferently, "The long sleepers here are famous for writing on the water."

    "Why this? You like graves?"

    Xie Qingcheng rolled his eyes and raised his wrist to straighten the cufflinks: "I like Keats."

    He Yu didn't talk back much with Xie Qingcheng at that time, although he thought "you don't need to put his epitaph on the arm if you like Keats", but seeing Xie Qingcheng face He was worried, obviously too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he didn't ask any more questions.

    Probably Xie Xue likes his brother's weird taste with an epitaph on his body.

    Thinking like this, the teenager went to a tattoo parlor near the school that night.

    The smiling shopkeeper came up to greet him, holding several thick picture books to show him. Broke the shopkeeper's eloquent recommendation.

    "Any epitaph?"

    "The most popular is this flying dragon tattoo, look at this finger claw, this—ah? Epitaph?"

    There is no sample of such a strange thing, of course, the tattoo shop has no samples, but the owner has seen many ghosts and snakes from all over the world, and the guests who come to tattoo have made all kinds of strange requests, so only after a brief surprise, they enthusiastically Recommend him: "There is no epitaph. If the handsome guy likes cool words, the six-character motto is very popular."

    He Yu smiled politely: "Then I'll find it myself."

    He finally gave the owner a three-line poem—




    "It may hurt for a long time, and it will take a few more lines, or find a shorter one?"

    He Yu said: "It's okay, just this."

    In fact, there is a shorter Latin epitaph on the poet's tomb, but what he wanted was exactly the same as Xie Qingcheng, a long sentence held on his wrist like a bracelet, so he chose This poem is engraved on the tombstone.

     Nothing about him is gone,

    Just sunk in the unpredictable ocean,

    It turned into a splendid treasure.

    The owner rolled up He Yu's sleeves and was taken aback: "Ah, you have so many scars here! How did you do it, handsome guy, did someone bully you in school? It seems that they are all knives. scar?"

    He Yu frowned: "Can't you write with a scar?"

    "Yes, of course, or I will give you the most obvious scar on this text, and I can cover it..."

     "Don't cover it, I want the text to be on the upper part of the wrist." He Yu gestured, "This is it, please."


    He Yu looked at it, felt very satisfied, paid the money and left the store.

    But he never thought that he would be allergic to the tattoo medicine.

    When I woke up, I was groggy. Not only was the handwriting on my wrist red and swollen, I couldn't read it clearly, but my head was burning because of an allergic reaction.

    It was his unfortunate younger brother's entrance celebration day, He Jiwei and Lu Zhishu were both in Yanzhou to accompany their second son, that's okay, Lu Zhishu also made seven or eight phone calls to He Yu Remember to turn on the computer and video of my brother—

    "You're a big brother, and you've always been a role model for everyone. You always want to wish your younger brother a smooth study, right?"

    He Yu's character is withdrawn and dignified, and he is reluctant to say anything soft and weak. In addition, his attitude towards his parents is very alienated, so it is naturally impossible to tell Lu Zhishu that he is ill . So I propped myself up and hugged a notebook, curled up on the sofa, turned on the camera at the appointed time, covered up a flawless mask, sent congratulations to the person on the opposite side of the video very decently, and then…

    A snap.

    Before the communication screen was over, a hand with a handsome face stuck out from behind him, and closed the notebook on his knee involuntarily.

    He Yu was taken aback, turned his head and looked up, seeing Xie Qingcheng standing behind the sofa.

    Xie Qing had a wide-shouldered, long-legged poker face, with drooping peach blossom eyes, and looked at him condescendingly: "If you are sick, take a good rest."

    He Yu: "I just talked to them halfway."

    Xie Qingcheng stood behind the sofa, reached out and touched the forehead of He Yu who was looking at him on the sofa.

    His hands were slightly cold, and it was indescribably refreshing when they touched He Yu's hot skin. He Yu instinctively took a breath, squinted his eyes subconsciously, and moved forward, his head lightened Lightly arched Xie Qingcheng's hand, so comfortable that he couldn't say the next words for a while.

    "Little devil, you have a fever."

    Xie Qingcheng touched his forehead, leaned over and picked up the thin notebook from He Yu's knee, who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa.

    He Yu came back to his senses: "My computer..."

    Xie Qingcheng didn't plan to return the computer to him, but said: "This is just an entrance celebration, but you yourself, why did you suddenly have such a high fever, and you didn't say a word to others? ."

    "It's okay, you don't need to worry about this little thing." He Yu wanted to get enough of the notebook in Xie Qingcheng's hand.

    Xie Qingcheng took the things in his hand higher: "You are my patient, I don't care about you, who can I expect to care about you."


    He Yu held Xie Qingcheng's arm across the back of the sofa, stared at him, tried to refute something several times, but couldn't find the right words.

    The two were like this, one sitting and the other standing, he stretched out his hand and pulled him, and he looked back at him. The evening wind blew the snow-white gauze curtain, and the heavy light like an oil painting streamed in from the slightly open window sill.

    Maybe at that time, the sick and lonely boy was so pitiful, Xie Qingcheng's always cold and ruthless eyes had a somewhat soft illusion.

    "He Yu." He said, "You live too tight, you can't be perfect."

    He Yu: "Dr. Xie, you are just a doctor, you don't need to think about these things for me, please return the notebook to me, I have to finish things."

    The two faced each other, and finally Xie Qingcheng raised the laptop and tapped He Yu's forehead lightly: "Follow the doctor's advice."

    Then Xie Qingcheng's eyes drooped, and inadvertently swept to a small piece of skin that was faintly exposed under the corner of his sleeve.

    He frowned: "What happened to your hand?"

    He Yu was electrocuted, and immediately pulled Xie Qingcheng's hand away, trying to pull his sleeves.

    But Xie Qingcheng had already grabbed He Yu's arm with his backhand one step ahead of him, and then lifted He Yu's long sleeves—

    Xie Qingcheng: "…"

    He Yu: "…"

    Xie Qingcheng: "Did you get a tattoo?"

    He Yu: "No."

    "Isn't that tattoo potion on your wrist?"


    "Are you busy? How old are you? Does the school allow you to do this?"

    "..." He Yu was silent, but the invisible dragon's tail flapped violently and anxiously behind him.

    Xie Qingcheng's eyes wandered back and forth between his wrist and his face. After a while, he seemed to understand: "...He Yu, are you...learning from me?"

    This really hurt the little dragon cub.

    The boy immediately turned pale, but he couldn't say a word, so he could only goug out Xie Qingcheng with his eyes, his face was ugly as if he had eaten a poisonous mushroom.

    "Are you learning from me?"

    "..." He Yu jumped up from the sofa and was about to leave, "This is designed by the tattoo artist, who wants to learn from you, you are not handsome or good-looking at all, I am not at all I don't like your taste either..."

    But he may have overestimated his physical condition. He took only two steps, and his feet swayed for a while, as if stepping on cotton, and then the world revolved in front of him. When he reacted, he was already like a child. In that way, Xie Qingcheng hugged him by the waist, and carried it on his shoulders like a sack.

    The problem is, He Yu was really very young at that time, not even Xie Qingcheng's waist.

    And now…

    He Yu turned his head almost angrily, and stopped pretending to be good, pinched the back of Xie Qingcheng's neck: "You let me down! It's a shame..."

    "If you don't want me to give you an over-the-shoulder throw, take your little broken paw off my neck."

    He Yu: "...let me go first! I'm twelve years old!"

    "The other way around, I'm not as old as I am. No matter how tall I am, I'm still a kid in junior high school."

    "Xie Qingcheng!"

    Xie Qingcheng paused for a while, still indifferent, but his voice seemed to have a smile that crossed the line: "He Yu. I didn't expect you to worship me so much."

    "Who adores you!"

    "Do you like Shelley?"

    "No! I love graves!"

    Walking all the way.

    Until now, He Yu didn't know, that was obviously not the slight smile between doctors and patients at that time, was it an illusion that he had burned too much at that time.

    What's more, it's been so long, many details He Yu can no longer remember so vividly.

    But what he can still clearly recall is that that night, Xie Qingcheng carried him back to the bedroom, gave him an anti-allergy shot, and then went to the bedroom terrace to talk to Lu Zhishutong Long phone call.

    He Yu was lying on the bed, across the floor-to-ceiling glass door, he could not hear what Xie Qingcheng was saying to Lu Zhishu, but he could see that Xie Qingcheng kept raising his hand and rubbing his brow bone, as if What emotions were suppressed during the conversation. At the end, Xie Qingcheng's words were obviously fierce. That night, he was angry.

    Xie Qingcheng was standing on the balcony, holding his mobile phone, and said serious words to Lu Zhishu, his eyebrows were full of anger—

    It's really not necessary.

    He Yu looked at him and his mother trying to communicate between the pillows and quilt, thinking like this.

    Not really necessary.

    What's the point of asking for care and mercy?

    Later Xie Qingcheng pushed the door and came in. In order not to make himself more upset, He Yu hurriedly turned around and closed his eyes before he came in, pretending to fall asleep.

    He smelled the faint and icy smell of disinfectant on Xie Qingcheng's body, but for some reason, perhaps it was the cold moonlight enveloping the tomorrow night, which was not as unpleasant as before.

    Xie Qingcheng sat down beside him and looked at him for a while. At that time, Xie Qingcheng also thought that He Yu had fallen asleep, so his voice was very soft, but when he opened his mouth, He Yu still listened His voice was a little hoarse, the kind of tired hoarse that had been arguing with Lu Zhishu for a long time, but it was still useless.

    "Forget it." The man said lightly.


    "Little have a good rest, I'm fine these days, I can accompany you."


    The moment—

    It seemed that at that moment, He Yu suddenly felt an indescribable pain in his heart.

      Awakened and started writhing in his chest trying to pull it out.

    He couldn't breathe because of the pain, but he still wanted to be quiet so that Xie Qingcheng would not find that he was still awake.

    He knew that Xie Qingcheng failed to negotiate, but he was not surprised by the result, but he suddenly realized that before Xie Qingcheng, there was not even a single person who would do it for his sake Lonely, and tried so hard.



      The ground dripped between the goose down pillows.

    He was in such unfamiliar dull heart pain, kept silent and pretended, until finally the fake became real, and he really gradually fell asleep.

    The next morning, He Yu's fever subsided and he woke up early.

    The morning light came in through the gauze curtain fluttering in the wind, the birds were chirping outside the window, and his mind was as clear as being washed—

    He blinked his eyes, adjusted his mood, turned over, and just remembered, he saw Xie Qingcheng with his arms resting on the side of the bed, with a few strands of hair hanging from his forehead.

    That was the first time he saw Xie Qingcheng asleep.


    His eyes moved down unconsciously and landed on Xie Qingcheng's wrist.

    Xie Qingcheng fell asleep with his left arm on the pillow, because when he was sleeping, one of the buttons was loosened, and the cuff was open, and the thin wrist with clear skin and bones was exposed like this, pale Gotta be a little dazzling.

    He Yuwang glanced at the line on his wrist before, but never read the words carefully—


    Here sleeps forever, famous for water books…

    He Yu left the clubhouse, confused and walked aimlessly.

     On the way, he was thinking about these messy things, but—why did he remember these past events?

    No matter what happened in the past, no matter what mood Xie Qingcheng was in at the time, telling him, kid, it doesn't matter, I can accompany you, it is all fake.


    In fact, over the years, He Yu had not thought about why Xie Qingcheng had to leave in the quiet night.

    Is he not good enough?

    Is he not a normal person as he wishes?

    On the third day of junior high school, the fourteen-year-old stood in front of Xie Qingcheng, stomping hard, and didn't even have the courage to ask the man - Xie Qingcheng, tell me, that day you What you said to me, the temperature you gave me, did I think wrong?

    Am I misunderstanding?

    All that is a simple and straightforward doctor-patient relationship, isn't it?

    Seven years.

    Xie Qingcheng, you should see a little emotion when you treat a homeless dog with ease?

    Then why you can distinguish so clearly, why can you walk so simply...Why can you talk about employment, contracts, rules with big words - and seem to forget that you have occasionally revealed to me The past, that little bit, perhaps should not belong to the mercy and warmth of the doctor.

    It was a shame he was left behind.

    His self-esteem was severely hurt, and he felt that Xie Qingcheng slapped him on the cheek.

    So much that He Yu never wanted to recall this past event - no matter how he thought about it, it was just his self-indulgent love.


    How embarrassing.

    He Yu's arrogance made him strangle the little touches of the past, and then mercilessly sealed the coffin.

    Until now—

    He Yu closed his eyes, the coffin of his memories was opened, and he recalled the scene of Xie Qingcheng arguing with his mother on the terrace without being arrogant or humble, thinking of him tiredly pushing the door When he came in, there was a sigh that fell on his pillow.

    Never mind.

    Little devil.

    I'm fine these days, I can accompany you.


    Xie Qing presented him with his faith and accompanied him, but Xie Qingcheng went so thoroughly and ruthlessly later, he could always be calm and clear, and weigh the pros and cons clearly. He would be willing to study psychiatry, but he would also leave the hospital because he didn’t want to be the next Qin Ciyan. He would say nice things about treating mentally ill patients equally, but on the other hand, he would say that people’s lives are valuable and that doctors’ lives are more valuable than those of mentally ill patients. much more.

    Xie Qingcheng is too complicated and contradictory.

    He Yu felt that apart from the man who was really tortured to the point of powerlessness under him last night, none of Xie Qingcheng's side was unreal.

    It's all fake.

    It was a kaleidoscope of people, and he was too young to see through him.

    The teenager walked irritably for a long time without any destination. When he came back to his senses, he found that he had unknowingly walked near Xie Qingcheng's house.


    "Get out of the way! I have something to do at home, I have to go home!"

    The words that Xie Qingcheng left when arguing with him just now echoed in his ears.

    He Yu stood on Malujizi's side, with his hands in his trouser pockets, with a blank expression, watching from a distance the chaotic scene at the entrance of Moyu Lane on the other side of Malujizi, where there were even many policemen.

    He probably knew what happened to Xie Qingcheng's family.

    The author has something to say:  Nothingofhimthatdothfade,



     Shelley Tomb Inscription. There are many translation versions, especially the second sentence. Many versions will be translated as suffering a shipwreck, but I chose to carry out this expression in the text~

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