Case File Compendium

Chapter 90: his secret

    Qin Ciyan was the director of neurosurgery at the First Affiliated Hospital of Yanzhou University.

    For a doctor, he was still very young at that time. At the age of 45, he was at the stage of accumulating and daring to fight. He can perform operations that other doctors cannot, and dare to take on cases that ordinary doctors dare not touch.

    At that time in Yanzhou, he was regarded as a well-deserved first sword by patients and doctors.

    But there is no difference from 60-year-old Qin Ciyan, 45-year-old Professor Qin has long been the "not very disciplined" person.

    Although he treated an orphan like Xie Qingcheng, the household registration and medical insurance were not in Yanzhou, and the injury was so serious, he still resolutely made a guarantee for Xie Qingcheng, just like the mother who treated Yi Beihai later. Take over this dying case.

      Doctors from other departments in the hospital said that even if you, Professor Qin, have the ability to reach the sky, it is impossible to treat this patient successfully.

    Xie Qingcheng was unable to move, lying on the bed in the intensive care unit with tubes inserted all over his body and incisions everywhere. When he woke up from the dream, he heard the family members who came to visit the patient in another bed say—

    "What a pity..."

    "Too bad, there is still a piece of good meat all over the body."

    "I heard that his parents have passed away, and there are no other adult relatives in the family who can be contacted. The medical expenses are still paid by Professor Qin."

    "Professor Qin is such a good person."

    "Who says it's not, but I say, this child is suffering in life, even if he is rescued, he is a paralyzed man, it might be better to take out the oxygen tube for a hundred times... Really, it's not that I have no conscience. , I was thinking of the month before our old man died of lung cancer, he couldn't lie down, and every breath took all his strength, it was too painful to live like that..."

    The swaying water bottle in front of her eyes, the sound waves of the monitor dripping beside her ears.


    And every time he fell into deep sleep, his subconscious was struggling again, trying to force his soul back from Huangquan Road by willpower.

    "I don't want to die..."

    His dry lips opened and closed again and again, and he kept mumbling.

    When he finally woke up once, he saw a middle-aged doctor beside the hospital bed—the doctors in isolation suits all looked the same, but that day, he raised his eyes, that When the figure examining his condition slammed into his eyes, he seemed to be blessed with a heart, and said sadly—

    “Doctor Qin…”

    The doctor was stunned for a moment, his face wearing a mask turned around, his compassionate eyes met his desperate eyes.

    Xie Qingcheng has never met Qin Ciyan, he only heard others talk about his attending physician when he was sober for a short time, but at this moment, the first time he saw this person, he knew Must be him.

    The mortal who is as firm as a rock, as merciful as the earth, guarding the line of death, and seeing the **** of death.

    The boy stared at him blankly, trying to reach out and move, but he couldn't.

    He looked at him, tears streaming down his scarred face.

    "Dr. Qin, please help me... Can you help me... I don't want to die..."

    "I can't die yet..."

    The boy's voice was like a milk cat dying from a serious injury, so desolate and pitiful, but in that pitiful, there seemed to be something that ordinary terminally ill patients did not have.

     Qin Ciyan's heart was hit hard by that kind of thing.

    He noticed that the boy finally said "can't" instead of "don't want to".

    But he didn't think about it for a while. He was worried that the patient's condition would worsen, so he hurriedly reassured him: "It's okay, child, it's okay. You must think about living well, and the rest Leave it to me. And me, boy, I'll protect you. I'll save you."

    He held Xie Qing's cold hand—

    Xie Qingcheng closed his eyes suddenly, and tears flowed into the pillow.

    "I will protect you."

    "And me..."

    The child's hand is held by the man's hand, like a father returning to the world from the pouring rain, holding his son who is still struggling for an answer in this world.

    How long has it been…

    Xie Qingcheng remembered in a trance that day when he was notified by Zheng Jingfeng and his party of an accident, and then followed the police car to the scene.

      Haven't had time to do this yet.

    So Xie Qingcheng saw the corpses of his parents with his own eyes, and saw their crushed bodies and broken epaulets.

    It was at that moment that he truly understood and saw shockingly—his parents really left.

    Never come back.

    He lost control and went mad. Although he was prevented by his parents and colleagues from being able to rush over, he collapsed and burst into tears in front of others.

    That was the last time he had the weakness of a child in front of the broken remains of his parents.

    Afterwards, Xie Qingcheng never cried like this again.

    Even when he was cremated, even when he said goodbye to the remains of his parents at a tragic funeral, he never shed a single tear.

    Because he knows that there are no elders in their family.

    From then on, in the face of all the suffering, torture, danger...even death in the world, the first person to stand up and face is him, he is the biggest one in the family, he has to protect the people behind him .

    Until this moment, Xie Qingcheng seemed to have finally received the mercy of God for a moment, and he seemed to be that thirteen-year-old child again, and his tears kept streaming down his face.

    —It’s been half a year. After my father left, someone finally held his hand like this, and said something to him, who was only thirteen years old—

    "I will protect you."

    Between pain and helplessness, Xie Qing choked and called softly, "Dad..."

    "Are you back..."

    "Can you please not go...don't go's raining outside..."

    "It's raining hard, and mom don't don't go..."


    "Go home..."

    After hearing these words, Qin Ciyan's body suddenly stiffened for some reason, Xie Qingcheng muttered vaguely, and gradually fell into a coma - he did not see At that moment, Qin Ciyan's eyes were wet.

    On New Year's Eve that year, after miraculously struggling for more than ten days, Xie Qingcheng's condition suddenly deteriorated sharply.

    He was pushed to the front of the emergency room, staring blankly at the night scene that flashed past the corridor.

    It snowed in Yanzhou.

    The snow the size of goose feathers flutters, and he has never seen such snow in Jiangnan before.

    "My sister's name is Xie Xue..." He murmured, "She is only five years old, a little older..."

    After this operation, Xie Qingcheng's life was temporarily saved, but Yan Dafuyi thought that the child should not be allowed to continue treatment here.

    This is a patient who will die at any time.

    He should go home, dying in a foreign land is not a happy ending.

    Of course—there are other reasons, but they are not as grand as this one.

    Although Qin Ciyan was famous, at that time he was not at the point where he could defy the public opinion. In the end, the leader of the hospital talked to him, saying that it was a discussion, but in fact it was already a dead end.

    Xie Qingcheng was forced to turn away from the First Affiliated Hospital of Yan University. Qin Ciyan contacted a local acquaintance in Huzhou and asked him to live in a private hospital.

    On the day of admission, Qin Ciyan accompanied him the whole time.

    I don't know what made him pay so much attention to this child. Perhaps the child's willpower was too strong, so strong that Qin Ciyan admired it, or perhaps his experience was too pitiful, which made Professor Qin feel more compassionate than before, or perhaps it was Xie Qingcheng. The grieving father who shouted before he passed out reminded him that he was a father himself.

    If one day, he leaves, and his daughter stays in this world, and encounters such a thing, then how much heartache will he look in the sky?


    He didn't think about it, because the boy suddenly called him—

    "Professor Qin."

    "Can I still live..." In a private hospital in Shanghai, Xie Qingcheng was lying on a hospital bed with such a thick quilt covering his body so thin that the quilt covers The waves are invisible.

    The boy was so thin that he was almost out of shape, and his whole body was gray and haggard.

    Only those black eyes, still so bright, stared straight at him—

    "I don't want my sister to be orphaned."


    "I don't want her to live in an orphanage..."


    "You save me...whatever it takes..."


    After struggling for many days, Qin Ciyan finally made up his mind that he would take a risk to do something.

    In addition to him and Xie Qingcheng, almost no one knew about it, even Qin Ciyan's wife and daughter were kept in the dark.

    —When Qin Ciyan was in the United States, he met many geeks in the field of medicine and science.

    One of them is an old classmate who is close to him. He is a researcher of a life sciences institute in the United States, responsible for the scientific research work of the cell regeneration project.

    Cell regeneration is a lofty mountain that human beings must overcome in overcoming disease and death. And when that old classmate was walking with Qin Ciyan on the streets of Brooklyn, he once said something meaningful—

    "We have explored farther than any institution in any country on that road."

    The old classmate at that time wanted to keep Qin Ciyan in the United States to work with them. There was originally a very powerful medical worker in their team, but there was an experimental accident a few years ago, and the researcher died .

    Although his position was replaced by other people, it is a pity that those people's abilities are slightly inferior. Therefore, the old classmate wanted to extend an olive branch to Qin Ciyan, but Qin Ciyan was not very interested in this kind of scientific research that was too extreme and risky, and declined the invitation of the other party many times. The old classmate felt sorry, but he still applied to his superiors before Qin Ciyan left, and took Qin Ciyan to visit one of the company's laboratories.

    In that laboratory, there were some patients suffering from serious diseases who volunteered for drug trials. Qin Ciyan did see the amazing healing power of the special agent called RN-13.

    When he leaned over to carefully check the effect of skin regeneration after using RN-13 in a severely burned patient, the old classmate asked him with a smile: "How about it, change your mind? Maybe this medicine can change The history of human medicine, Lao Qin, an excellent person like you will never want to be a doctor in his whole life."

    Qin Ciyan pushed up his glasses and straightened up. He looked at the subject, who was obviously a homeless man, and said, "...I don't really like your way of... This kind of testing is legal in your state. But you know me."

    He also smiled politely with his old classmate: "I'm just a coward, an ordinary person. I prefer to be honest and follow the rules to develop drugs, it is difficult for me to be like you do you say, Innovator?"

    "Sorry, but this is my last resort."


    He Yu's face changed when he heard RN-13.

    That was the drug Lu Zhishu also took to survive when she was pregnant. He Jiwei told him that this drug was indeed developed for cell regeneration. To a certain extent, it could be regarded as a magic drug for the flesh and bones of the dead. However, modern medicine has not yet developed to this point. RN-13 has serious instability and danger. It has not been ethically verified, has not undergone a large number of animal experiments, and there is no case of human use.

    After taking RN-13, Lu Zhi began to look out of shape, her temperament changed greatly, and the child in her stomach was seriously affected. , was diagnosed with a rare form of psychiatric Ebola. These are the consequences of RN-13.

    He Yu couldn't help but ask Xie Qingcheng: "You... do you also..."

    "No normal person can stand up again after a car accident like that, heal scars, restore appearance, and regenerate cells." Xie Qingcheng said, "—Yes, Qin Ciyan, in order to save me, Breaking his own rules - he asked the Americans for enough RN-13s..."

    In the cold light, he slowly closed his eyes.

    "And I took all the medicine."

    "You took RN-13—?! Then you...then you..." He Yu's voice trembled, "Are you..."

    What He Jiwei once said came to He Yu's ears again:

    "RN13 is destined to be an immature drug, its ambition is too great, the proposition of cell regeneration is the ultimate challenge to human diseases, with current medical technology, it is impossible to achieve "It does have a strong repairing effect, even reversing a failing organ, saving the patient. But its side effects are showing up in you and your mother as well."

    "It all happened inexorably despite the very small and cautious doses the pharmacists gave you at the time."

    "Your illness is caused by RN-13."


    One step away from death.

    Before this step, Xie Qingcheng was finally willing to tell him the truth.

    He Yu felt that his bone marrow was frozen, but it was not because of the imminent death, his pupils contracted tightly—


    Xie Qingcheng still closed his eyes, he did not look at He Yu's face, there were crystal drops of water on his forehead hair, and a drop of water fell from the end of his eyes.

    Into the wet sideburns.

    Xie Qingcheng said: "I am the person who used the maximum dose of RN-13. In the domestic medical records, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and you... No. 4, all have I have been affected by this drug to some extent and become mentally distorted... But He Yu, have you ever thought that there is one less case in it. All disease cases are not numbered from No. 1, there will be a No. 0 Medical records. Although I was not the first to use RN-13, I was the first to give the full course of treatment as they asked.”


    He Yu's pupils shrank tightly, Xie Qingcheng's words seemed to come from a very distant place—

    "Like you, I am a patient with mental Ebola disease. I am the only person in the country who is still alive and who can completely control his mental state and has overcome the disease mentally. My The number is, Chu."

    He Yu suddenly turned pale: "You are the first emperor?!"

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