In fact, Tong He didn't need to report the battle situation.

When such a large-scale battle occurred in the Bazhong Cave Abyss, the news spread quickly.

Besides, Lu Chen had actually left a way out.

Lu Chen didn't really kill the killers of those explorers who gave up the sneak attack, but gave Zheng Tian some face.

Those who survived would also pass on information to their own guilds.

Mianyang City.

Youlong Guild Headquarters.

The wise man Yu Can has been busy these days.

The reason why he sent people to Suining City must be to make more profits from it.

Although the Xinghe Guild is average, it has accumulated a lot of foundation in Suining City over the years. If it can cooperate with it in depth in the name of Youlong Guild, Yu Can can make a lot of money from the chambers of commerce and materials alone.

So although Yu Can didn't go there himself, he sent Clay there.

At the beginning, Clay was not very well received in Mianyang City because of his mixed blood. It was Yu Can who gave him the opportunity to become the current Five Tigers. Until now, Clay has been one of Yu Can's confidants, and he can also report more accurate intelligence to himself.

However, what Yu Can never expected was that less than two days after Clay went there, the news came back directly.

But it was not good news, but bad news for the entire Youlong Guild team!!


"Clay is dead too?"

"The other side directly clashed with the team, and one person killed 24 of our top professionals? ?"

Even though Yu Can had many thoughts in his mind, he still couldn't believe it when the news came to him.

But the news came from multiple channels, including the Holy Light Ranger, one of the other Five Tigers. Yu Can's head was a little confused now.

Even when he retreated from Rongcheng, he had never encountered such an outrageous thing. After being shocked in the room for more than ten minutes, Yu Can finally came to his senses.

It seems that there really is an incredible thing in Suining City, and this thing really doesn't follow any rules!

"Are all priests so strong nowadays?...?"

Yu Can once again took all of Lu Chen's information in front of him.

In fact, he originally planned to go there by himself this time.

But in the end, he felt something was not right, so he asked Clay and the others to go first to check out the situation. This made Yu Can feel a little relieved.

Because Clay's strength was not much worse than his.

If he had gone there, I'm afraid it would be him who appeared in the battle report now!

After thinking about it, Yu Can decided to meet someone.

There is definitely no way to suppress this matter. It is no longer something he can solve alone.

But if Lu Chen is really that strong, Yu Can will have to think about his own plans later.

No matter when, his life and interests are the first priority. As for revenge, it's not him who will die anyway.

If the other party is really a monster, Yu Can doesn't want to make the relationship with him too extreme.........

"You mean? There was a special professional in Suining City who killed Clay at around level 50?"

In Mianyang City, in another division of the Youlong Guild, Yu Can met a general manager here.

The general manager here did not have an accurate name.

Like Yu Can, he only had a code name, which was"Hongzhong", who was called the Eight War Gods!

Yu Can and Hongzhong were in the same team a long time ago, and their relationship was pretty good, but Yu Can was an intellectual player, and he did not put himself in a high-risk state after entering Mianyang.

But as for Hongzhong, his fame was not only in the retreat from Rongcheng, but also in the current Dujiangyan Cave Abyss!

In the Dujiangyan Cave Abyss, the exploration progress was much higher than that in Suining City, and a large part of it was that Hongzhong and the other war gods had cleared the way in the past.

Now everyone is discussing how to recapture Rongcheng and solve the world tree, so Hongzhong has been staying in the city recently to reorganize the team.

Hongzhong actually knew some things about Yucan.

But the huge Youlong Guild is also divided into many departments and factions. Hongzhong and Yucan belong to two different factions, so he did not ask much.

But he did not expect that Yucan would bring him such fantastic news.

"His level information is from a few days ago, not sure what his current level is"

"But there is news that he had entered the 10th level secret realm half a month ago. His public identity is that he just turned 16 and graduated from a martial arts school."

Yu Can told Hong Zhong all the news he knew.

Hong Zhong was a burly man. After receiving the documents from Yu Can, he flipped through them and fell into deep thought.

"How do you want to do it?"

Hongzhong knew Yu Can too well. This former teammate came to him, most likely he already had his own plan.

"If it is really as you said, he has such incredible strength, I can't help you deal with him."

Hongzhong gave a direct result.

Hongzhong is actually more of an idealist like Zheng Tian.

But Hongzhong doesn't like to manage people, but to lead the team to charge.

Yu Can:"This time I sent Clay and the others in the name of the Youlong Guild. Now they are directly fighting on both sides. The armed team may gather a team to attack."

"There will definitely be a meeting later. I can keep some of this information to myself, or release some false information. I need you to work with me to get Li Chengguang and his group to go. Although this matter was organized by Yu Can, he actually has a good grasp of emotions. Not many people in the Youlong Guild know that he is working with Xinghe. He certainly doesn't want to be alone.

���The people and the evildoers like Lu Chen have a big conflict.

We still have to drag the Youlong Guild into it.

Li Chengguang is also one of the eight"war gods" and has always been on the opposite side of Yu Can.

Now not many people know that Lu Chen is an evildoer.

He hopes to let his two"enemies" reap the benefits.

If Suining City cannot be controlled, he will not lose out if Mianyang City can reap more benefits.

"......."After listening to Yu Can's words, Hong Zhong quickly understood his intention.

He also knew why Yu Can came to him first. He and Li Chengguang were sworn enemies, and Li Chengguang was a member of the armed group. There was no reason not to take advantage of this.

However, there was something else in Hong Zhong's eyes. He was afraid that before Clay and the others went to Suining, Yu Can had already made similar preparations.........

Just as Yu Can expected.

When Lu Chen and Youlong Guild clashed, the emotions that had been brewing for a long time suddenly exploded.

No one expected that Suining City would not only dare to attack top professionals in private, but now they have actually taken the lead to kill their big group!

Soon, Youlong Guild held an emergency meeting to counterattack Suining City's actions.

However, at the meeting, the development of things seemed to be very different from what Yu Can expected, which directly disrupted all his plans!

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