After this period of sorting, Lu Chen's magic power increased at an average rate of 20,000 per day. By August 2, with the blessing of equipment and level, his magic power had reached a terrifying 300,000.

Today's mana is no longer a problem that limits Lu Chen's spellcasting.

In addition to rest time, Lu Chen has developed the habit of buffing himself to stack magic power.

Shengyue Chamber of Commerce actually doesn't have much to prepare.

Especially with the support of Cheng Nan and Zheng Tian, the entire Shengyue Group absorbs the legacy left by the Galaxy Guild at an astonishing speed.

This also teaches all explorers a lesson.

That is, the kingship is not eternal, only real strength is everything.

The huge Galaxy Guild fell apart in just one month.

Just because they had a conflict with a demon-like priest.

This matter has spread to the streets and alleys, and it has become more and more mysterious. Almost everyone knows that there is a legendary"priest killer god" in Suining City. There are even some Lu Chen's fan rallies that specifically challenge the authority of some large guilds.............

Shengyue Guild practice ground.

Due to the expansion of the guild, various resident facilities have also received a new round of supplements.

Vera's level has also increased very rapidly in this month. With the support of the large guild's supplies, equipment and potions, her level has increased to level 23 in January. Although it cannot be compared with a monster like Lu Chen, it is much faster than ordinary people.

"Vera...Is that Lu Chen really the Lu Chen we met in the burial ground before?"

At this moment, Shen Xiaomai was a little nervous.

Because of the beast tide in the past month, she has also experienced a lot of things. The reason why she came here today is because Vera told her that Lu Chen would give them some career and skill guidance.

This was discussed by Lu Chen and Cheng Nan before. It happened that Lu Chen had time these few days, so he agreed on this day with Vera.

Vera was actually a little dazed.

There have been many legends in the entire Sichuan Plain.

But Lu Chen is definitely unique among these legends.

And she watched him grow up with her own eyes!

Hearing Shen Xiaomai's question at this time, Vera could only answer:

"It is indeed him. His level should be raised faster than ours."

"If we meet later, Wan Ce, you should put away your little thoughts. I am afraid that Lu Chen must have noticed your little actions when you were in the Lich King."

Vera reminded Wan Ce.

She was the mage who first met Lu Chen.

"No! Definitely not!" The young man at the side looked embarrassed.

Wan Ce had the idea of pursuing Vera at that time, and he also embarrassed Lu Chen.

Now thinking about it, with Lu Chen's deeds during this period, Wan Ce felt that he was lucky to be alive.

The so-called training team.

In fact, it is not just Vera's original team.

After Lu Chen left, the priest in Vera's original team returned to the team.

In addition, two talented students from Sichuan Heavy Industry who were in the martial arts school, and the nephew of a vice president of Shengyue Guild joined this"study class" together. There were a total of eight people.

Although they didn't know what they needed to learn, they were very excited about Lu Chen's current reputation in Suining City.

They wanted to learn something from this legendary"God of Killing" and become a hero like Lu Chen in the future.............

"How long will it take for the boss to come!"

In the study group, besides Vera who is quite conspicuous, there is another more conspicuous girl named Yu Ling.

Yu Ling's father is the daughter of a core leader of Sichuan Heavy Industry. Two years ago, her father died while guarding the abyss, and she has been living in Sichuan Heavy Industry since then.

However, Yu Ling is not the kind of person with a dull personality, but is among the best in the entire Suining City Martial Arts School.

She is four or five years older than Vera, and is now at level 42, which is the highest level in the study team.

Not only that, Yu Ling is more outstanding not only in her level, because she is older, so her development is much better than Vera.

In Suining City Martial Arts School, she is considered to be an old-fashioned"stunning school beauty".

Now appearing in the study group, in terms of confidence and temperament alone, she is not even inferior to Vera

"I heard that the big guy is about the same age as us, I hope I can learn more from him this time."

Yu Ling started to chat and laugh with another friend from Sichuan Heavy Industry and the members of Shengyue Guild.

Her tone was a bit gossipy, but it was really popular with boys.

After a few words, even Wan Ce would look at her from time to time.

Obviously Vera was the core of this study, and it was an activity organized by Cheng Nan, but unknowingly, Yu Ling became the focus.

Shen Xiaomai was a little unhappy.

She must be more on the side of her bestie.

Although she didn't think there was any possibility between Lu Chen and Vera, at least Lu Chen was once their teammate, and now Yu Ling was more familiar with them than them.

"He should be here, maybe he's busy."

Vera explained:

"Everyone can wait for a while."

In fact, Vera had sensed Lu Chen's presence more than ten minutes ago.

Her wedding rings were always in the equipment column, and she reminded him when Lu Chen entered the 500-meter range.

Although Lu Chen had basically not communicated with Vera during this period, Vera was still curious about this boy.

When she talked to Lu Chen before, she always thought that Lu Chen was a very gentle boy.

But later she learned that Lu Chen dared to take action without saying a word in such a big scene, and coupled with the rumors in the city during this period, Vera felt a very big contrast in her heart.

"Sister Vera, are you familiar with Lu Chen? Does he have anything he likes?"

Yu Ling saw Vera talking to her and took the initiative to come over.

According to the information Yu Ling learned, Lu Chen must be young, maybe the same age as them.

In these years of life in the martial arts school, Yu Ling has long known a truth, that is, in this world, strength is respected. Her father looks like a former head of the group, but in fact, after her father's death, the help given by those old subordinates is very limited, and some people even set their sights on her!

Yu Ling knows that she is not doing well in the martial arts school now, and the core is that the circle of the martial arts school is too small.

If she wants to have greater development, she must find a more stable support.

Lu Chen is the legendary priest killer god in the eyes of others.

But Yu Ling has long been keenly aware that Lu Chen's rise is unstoppable.

If she can have a certain relationship with Lu Chen, she will have the confidence in Suining City and even the entire Sichuan Plain in the future!!

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