


Although the damage was reduced due to the level suppression,

Lu Chen's multiple casting and cooldown reduction made up for these shortcomings.

After Lu Chen had predicted, in just a few seconds when the tentacle fell, Lu Chen's output was instantly hit!!

The damage caused by the corrosion spell to the tentacle was not high, but the output of Lu Chen's other skills was very terrifying. Even though his health was displayed as a question mark, Lu Chen saw that his health bar lost more than half in an instant!

When the tentacle wanted to leave, its health had reached the bottom, and the subsequent continuous damage directly cleared the tentacle's health bar!!

"No kill information?"

After killing the tentacle, Lu Chen's system panel did not display the kill information, nor did the trophy light ball appear.

This made Lu Chen more alert.

Millions of tentacles, but there was only one branch, which meant that there must be a lord BOSS in this canyon, and it was a relatively strong large lord monster.

With the line of sight blocked, Lu Chen was in great danger at this time.

"" Oung!!!!"

After the tentacles collapsed, the next moment, the entire rift began to shake. It was obvious that some special large monster was activated by Lu Chen!

Lu Chen accelerated his retreat. The terrain of the valley was very unfavorable for explorers, but the size of the monster still exceeded his expectations. Lu Chen only felt that the entire purple space began to slowly turn black. This monster was even bigger than he had imagined!

"!!!! What the hell is that?"

Outside the rift valley, the rescue team had also felt the tremors of the rift valley.

Their vision was much better here, so they saw a huge flesh monster slowly leaping up from the rift valley, and suddenly biting down the entire area where the rift valley was located.


"Could this be the giant monster we saw last time? ? ?"

During the Beast Tide, a very terrifying and huge figure was seen in the distant sky of the Abyss, which left a deep impression on many explorers.

They originally thought that this monster existed in the depths of the Abyss, which was a bit far away from them, but now in the rift, the size of this monster is at least ten times taller than an ordinary lord monster!!!

What's more important is that this monster actually swallowed the God of Death directly!!!............

Lu Chen, who was under the rift, had actually realized something. This huge monster was sleeping at the bottom of the valley, and his attack might have awakened it.

However, Lu Chen was not panicked. It was just a monster in the primary abyss. No matter how strong it was, it had its limits.

But being big was not an advantage. In fact, to some extent, big monsters were easier to be killed.

After being swallowed by the monster, Lu Chen's vision had become dark, but he had never stopped releasing his skills. The effect of the holy light formed a huge beam of light in the monster's body.

"Found the source!"

After entering the monster's body, the surrounding purple aura had become thinner, and the further cleansing of the holy light also gave Lu Chen a better vision.

At this time, Lu Chen saw at least forty or fifty special tentacles like the previous ones on the"mountain wall" in the distance. The tentacles were somewhat similar to the one Lu Chen had just dealt with, but also a little different. Some purple energy was smashed directly towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen did not retreat but advanced, and rushed towards these tentacles with his summons.

If it were any other ordinary team, they might have panicked at this time.

But Lu Chen hit the tentacles, and kicking him was like kicking a steel plate!!!

""Hua La!"

After approaching, Lu Chen opened fire at full power.

He wielded various holy light skills and various elemental skills at will.

Lu Chen had no shortage of mana or cooldown.

When he was in the outside world, Lu Chen had never had a good output environment, and the monsters died in a few hits.

Now that so many tentacles appeared at once, Lu Chen could finally feel happy!!


Lu Chen attacked for only 10 to 20 seconds, and three tentacles close to Lu Chen were blown up.

Then the little skeleton, the lich, the water elemental, and the summoning skills of other professions such as the elemental spirit also began to madly damage these tentacles.

The tentacles that were originally very crowded were blown up at an astonishing speed under Lu Chen's attack.

When there were only a dozen tentacles left, the huge monster finally felt the pain, let out a sharp cry, and even opened its mouth again, with a huge thrust that seemed to want to send Lu Chen out.

"Now that you are here, there is no need to leave."

Lu Chen still has not seen the whole picture of the monster, but in fact all the damage he caused was effective.

The place where he was standing now might be a rock of some environment, but the position of the tentacles around him was already connected to the body of the monster.

Lu Chen outputted frantically towards one or two focal points. Before the monster opened its mouth completely, Lu Chen directly punched through the mouth of the giant beast from this side!!

He must let this lord monster know that not everything can be eaten randomly!!

After cleaning up these tentacles, Lu Chen continued to move forward along the inside of the monster's body. Although he occasionally encountered some obstacles, Lu Chen's attack and output never stopped, almost tearing a big hole from the monster's tentacles.

Until Lu Chen finally saw a purple core area, Lu Chen saw hundreds of crystals with a weird perspective, of which twenty or thirty crystals were lit. In the two latest lit crystals, Lu Chen found Qi Kexiu and a thief, fighting with his nightmare in a room!

"It is indeed"

""The Lord of Nightmares!"

Lu Chen was a little uncertain when he first arrived.

But now he has basically confirmed the identity of this monster.

In the previous life, there were two"Lords of the Abyss" in the Bazhong Cave Abyss, one of which was called"Demon God Apophis" and the other was called"Demon God Tigris".

Demon God Apophis had appeared once during the abyss beast tide and returned to the underground. Even if Lu Chen had such high attributes, he might not be his opponent.

And this"Lord of Nightmares" in front of him.

According to the records of the previous life, it should be considered one of the very powerful"Lord" monsters. It was solved before Lu Chen officially entered the abyss in the previous life, so Lu Chen did not have a deep impression.

But according to legend, the casualties it caused can definitely rank among the top three in the damage caused to humans by the Bazhong Cave Abyss!

"Now that we are here, let's give it a try."

Although Lu Chen had not participated in the crusade against this monster in his previous life, it didn't seem very difficult now.

If he could get rid of it here, perhaps a lot of casualties could be reduced.

The most important thing was that Lu Chen saw that these special crystals seemed to store a lot of special elements.

This monster seemed to be able to provide him with some good materials. Maybe after killing it, his first forbidden spell could be awakened in advance!

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