The secret realm had just ended.

Legends about Lu Chen were spreading in various regions.

But the person involved in this legend was not living so comfortably at this time.............

"I still hate magic immunity..."


In the subway of the fourth district.

After the secret realm of the ninth district ended, Lu Chen did not return with Zheng Tian and the others.

Instead, he wanted to test the level of the real BOSS world tree alone. According to Lu Chen's estimation, the real world tree of this world might mean the last layer of the triple emerald space!

"How can a branch of a world tree have magic immunity?"

Lu Chen held a bow and arrow in his hand, using the ranger skill to shoot quickly. Occasionally, some special red flowers would come close, and Lu Chen would need to switch to a long sword for close combat.

Monsters in the real world are much stronger than those in the secret realm. Even if the roots are branches, they almost occupy the entire subway.

Most of the monsters were cleared slowly by Lu Chen, but sometimes he encountered some red roots and special plants, which unexpectedly had the effect of magic immunity.

Although Lu Chen had the addition of real damage, due to the level suppression, the real damage could not be covered well.

On the contrary, after Lu Chen switched to melee, he could play a good output with his current attributes.

After clearing the last red plant, Lu Chen sighed, and it really turned it into a melee priest.

Lu Chen took out the map from his bag.

The scope of the fourth area is not large, But the deeper you go, the more difficult it will be to clean up, and some monsters need to be cleaned up on the ground.

The deeper you go into Rongcheng, the smaller the explored area is. These undeveloped places are almost full of dangers and restrictions.

It is so difficult for Lu Chen, a cheater, to clean up. No wonder everyone's development of Rongcheng has been stagnant so far. Fortunately,

Lu Chen came here mainly to test the waters and wait for the forbidden spells to cool down. If you want to deal with such a large city and monsters, it will definitely be more convenient to use forbidden spells.

The two forbidden spells that Lu Chen can still use are the forbidden spells of the life system and the forbidden spells of the shadow system. The forbidden spells of the life system have no output ability, but the forbidden spells of the shadow system are very suitable for the current situation.

Lu Chen plans to find a location with more monsters or complex root systems to use, and test the true strength of the world tree hundreds of meters high in the distance.

However, just when Lu Chen had a good rest and found a botanical garden and a monster's nest, he heard some strange sounds.

"Hmm? There are explorers here too?"

Lu Chen was a little surprised.

At a street corner, he found a woman in black, who was sorting out the spoils of defeating monsters.

Now the special secret realm in District 9 has just ended, and most of the top explorers should be there. Lu Chen came here alone, more on a whim, and took advantage of the deserted area to release indiscriminate forbidden spells.

I didn't expect that there would be other explorers here.

The level of the explorer who can appear here must be not low, but this person did not participate in the secret realm. Anyway, it would be a bit strange to be alone in the depths of Rongcheng.

The first time Lu Chen appeared, the woman in black quickly noticed Lu Chen.

She seemed a little alert, just glanced at Lu Chen, and prepared to leave.

The woman has a good figure. Although she was wearing black clothes, her figure can be clearly seen.

Her profession should be a stealth or something similar, and she quickly disappeared from Lu Chen's sight.


A name flashed through Lu Chen's mind.

He was not very familiar with the eight war gods in Mianyang City, but he still knew some general things.

Most of the war gods were very famous in Mianyang City and Rongcheng, but there was a female war god named Rose who had always been very low-key.

The reason why she was named a war god was that when she first withdrew from Rongcheng, she fought a very powerful lord BOSS alone and became famous.

Not everyone is Lu Chen.

At that time, everyone was still cautious about dealing with elite monsters. A girl with a good figure and could fight the lord alone.

Coupled with some legends, Rose became one of the eight war gods, or the last one, a lone walker.

In the previous life, after the liberation of Rongcheng, several of the so-called eight war gods died, and no one mentioned this, and Rose disappeared in history.

Meeting this woman here now made Lu Chen feel a little surprised, but he could understand it.

Maybe this lone walker The hero gave up the secret realm and continued to level up in this high-level area alone.

Others had no intention of communicating with him, and Lu Chen had no intention of getting to know this Rose.

But in order to avoid accidentally hurting her, Lu Chen continued to clear the monsters and prepared to change to a position closer to the World Tree to release the forbidden spell.

Lu Chen cleared the monsters very quickly. As long as they were not magic-immune monsters, Lu Chen could still clean them up easily.

After about ten minutes of approaching the core, Lu Chen finally found another very rare plant nest. There were more than a hundred monsters nearby, and they could spread out very well.

However, just as Lu Chen was preparing to take action, a black knife handle quickly approached Lu Chen.

Lu Chen's reaction was also fast. He directly put on a shield and added range output.

The person approaching him was most likely Rose, but Lu Chen was a little confused. He was not interested in contacting this inexplicable woman. He didn't know why she would do such a dangerous thing.

��If he wasn't one of the Eight Great War Gods, Lu Chen might have killed him directly.

"Why are you following me?"

However, just as Lu Chen was about to make a move, the figure on the other side appeared in Lu Chen's field of vision.

In front of him was indeed a woman wearing a black tight-fitting dress and a mask.

Although the mask obscured some mystery, her figure was indeed too good and particularly outstanding.

This outfit was even tailor-made for her.

There was a short sword and a long sword hanging around her waist, and the blades had a faint glow, which was obviously not ordinary.

If this guy was not a stalker, I'm afraid many men would be willing to be moved by her.


"I didn't follow you, and I seem to have killed monsters all the way here." Lu Chen felt that this woman was a bit strange.

He used skills one by one to kill monsters, so how could he say that he was following her?

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