"The World Tree has changed!"

"Emergency evasion!! Everyone, stay safe and exit the ninth zone!!"

"Many monsters are running out of Rongcheng, be careful!! The World Tree seems to have changed!!"

Outskirts of Rongcheng.

Most of the explorers are still immersed in the harvest of the special secret realm. This secret realm is generally safe and sound, and most people's gains are still greater than the losses.

However, just when Pei Xian was preparing to finish the work on this secret realm, he unexpectedly discovered that the World Tree had a new change!

Because the secret realm just ended, everyone was not sure whether this special change was related to this secret realm!!

In fact, there is no need for official notification. As long as the explorers near Rongcheng can observe the changes in the World Tree.

Such a huge thing has been divided into two layers under the afterglow of the setting sun.

The World Tree seems to be infected by some special light. The lower half is all bright, and the upper half is the main body.

And And because the distance was too far, the black had been hidden in the sunset, and the aura of corrosion of the holy light and shadow could only be seen from afar by the holy light.

Therefore, in the eyes of the explorers outside the city, it was as if the lower half of the world tree was wrapped in a special light!!

This kind of abnormality occurred.

Pei Xian and the others naturally had to send people to investigate.

Zheng Tian and others were originally planning to return to Mianyang City to rest, but after encountering this situation, they quickly changed their minds and came to support.

The secret realm is three layers.

No one knows whether this mutation of the world tree is related to the third layer of the secret realm.

Whether this change is in a good direction or a bad direction, they, the top professionals, need to rush to the front line.

However, as the information was slowly reported back.

Many explorers were once again in shock........

"The monster didn't just rush out of Rongcheng, it escaped from Rongcheng!!"

"It was discovered that in the fourth area, there was a special smell of corrosion, and a large area of plants withered."

"I don't know what it is, but it's spreading very fast, so we don't dare to get close to it easily."

"There is a suspected lord monster, but the lord monster is also contaminated by this breath, and then it is corroded to death by this breath! It is a low-level lord monster. In the depths, there are more powerful lord monsters that are also infected, and even the world tree may have problems."

More and more information came back.

Pei Xian and others quickly opened an emergency meeting.

This large-scale mutation made everyone's heart tighten. After the arrival of the alien world, many things are unfamiliar to everyone, and in most cases, this kind of unfamiliar things is not a good thing for humans!!

Although the world tree has troubled Rongcheng for a long time.

But this does not mean that Pei Xian and others hope that a more terrible thing will win over the world tree and occupy Rongcheng.

Because the world tree is gentle, after everyone's efforts, there is a chance to solve it in the future.

But if a new thing comes in, it means that everyone needs to spend more energy, material resources and manpower to explore again.

Facing a definite world tree is better than facing a strange and weird corrosion!!!

"The damage is too high"

"A warrior in his eighties is infected with this aura and needs someone to add blood to recover. This kind of damage also has a certain real damage effect."、

Because it has seriously affected the safety of the city.

Some people actually risked their lives to conduct the test.

Whether it was the eight war gods or the representatives from other cities, their faces were very solemn at this time.

This kind of unknown enemy is the most terrifying.

Now that such a force may appear in Rongcheng, it means that they may also encounter the formation of such a monster in the future.

Therefore, all the top professionals have mobilized and must find out what kind of thing this is...............

"Where is Lu Chen? Did Lu Chen go back to Mianyang? Or what?"

Zheng Tian didn't want to ask about Lu Chen, but he vaguely remembered that after the conversation, Lu Chen said he wanted to walk around and look around. He felt that he might have entered Rongcheng, so he asked Cheng Nan to confirm.

Cheng Nan said awkwardly,"He should have gone to Rongcheng and was trapped in this corruption."

"It is not clear how long this will last, but fortunately the information is connected, but he has not replied to my message yet."

Zheng Tian nodded, thought about it and comforted himself:"It should be fine, he is a priest, and he has a shield, even if he is hard to heal, he can still heal."

Cheng Nan and Zheng Tian discussed.

But suddenly, Feng Bai, the main fighter, suddenly said something out of the blue

"Do you think it is possible that Lu Chen also created this thing?"

Feng Bai is the main soldier in Zheng Tian's team. He was also one of the main tanks in the Bazhong Cave Abyss. However, he usually doesn't talk much. He has a rather dull personality and doesn't like to talk much.

But people who don't like to talk usually see more things.

For some reason, when he heard that Lu Chen was in Rongcheng, he felt that this outrageous thing would be related to Lu Chen.


Hearing Feng Bai's reminder, Zheng Tian and Cheng Nan suddenly realized

"No way? Isn't he a priest? This kind of shadow skill shouldn't be used by a priest, right?"Zheng Tian said a little uncertainly.

"......"Cheng Nan paused for a moment and said,"It's hard to say. Lu Chen's skills may be all-professional skills. It's unclear what his profession is."

"But his previous tide, and the nuclear explosion, maybe Lu Chen has other cards that we don't know about."Cheng Nan said.

Before Feng Bai said it, he didn't think in this direction, or rather, he didn't dare to think in this direction.

But after Feng Bai said it, Cheng Nan inexplicably felt that this might even be the truth!!

"Should I tell Pei Xian and the others?" Cheng Nan continued to ask, a little unsure.

The explorers in the entire Mianyang City were in a panic. If he guessed that this was Lu Chen's action and then guessed wrong, he was worried that he would mislead them."

"Let's not talk about it for now." Zheng Tian knew that Lu Chen was in the spotlight:"In the absence of evidence, it is better to be cautious. If Lu Chen has this kind of corrosion skill, then he is not only powerful, but also dangerous."

Zheng Tian still considered Lu Chen and explained.


However, at this moment, Cheng Nan suddenly received a message and was stunned again.

He smiled bitterly and said,"It seems...."

"The evidence is there"

"The evidence sent me a message."

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