The Sichuan Plain was already in shock because of the collapse of the World Tree and the recovery of Rongcheng. At the same time

, although many places in China have not been recovered, some large cities have exchanges and communication, and have also received news about the recovery of Rongcheng!......

Central China.


Hanyang is considered the central region of China. It is a place where nine roads lead to government offices. The Yangtze River passes through it. It has both the prosperity of the south of the Yangtze River and the endless plains.

When the end of the world came, the disasters suffered by the Hanyang area were no less than those of the Sichuan-Shu plains, and almost all cities were severely attacked.

But fortunately, it is more convenient to move around in the plains. In more than ten years, Hanyang has completed more than ten urban safety rings with Seoul as the center.

Although it has not been very stable recently, it is also one of the core safety zones of human civilization.

At this time.

Liu Yunlong, the"city lord" of Seoul, the leader of the Seoul Explorers Alliance, and the"head of the independent regiment", received information about the recovery of Rongcheng, and soon held a meeting to announce the news.

Although Sichuan and Hanzhong are still quite far apart, senior explorers still know the reputation of the world tree in Rongcheng. When the news spread, many people were also surprised.

"Sichuan and Shu have recovered Chengdu this time, which is a great success! In this way, the entire Sichuan and Shu basin can be directly connected."

"Now that China has entered a period of recovery, we should be able to make faster progress than them. However, once Chengdu is recovered, Sichuan and Shu may catch up with us."

"It seems that good news has also come from Yuhang. A genius has appeared and announced that Shanghai must be taken within a year."

"This is a good thing! Last year, I said that there were fewer and fewer talented newcomers. I didn't expect such a big surprise this year. China is really full of talented people."

"What's good?....They are all from other people. We in Seoul are still fighting among ourselves..."

"The monsters in other people's abysses are level 80 or 90 at most, but in our abyss, monsters over level 100 appear at any time and we have to hide and fight them.....I hope everyone will still work hard."

At present, the whole of China is divided into five major battle areas.

Needless to say, the northern region has stabilized its defense circle mainly composed of Beijing and Tianjin, and is now developing"explorer technology" at its core."

In addition, there are the central China region, the southern coastal region, the Yuhang region, and the Sichuan region.

Although Seoul is in the middle, the resources here are actually a bit embarrassing.

Because it is located in a plain and the space is very stable, the distribution of the plane gates is very scattered, and it takes a lot of energy to commute.

In addition, the abyss division here is also small and fine!

For example, in the Sichuan Basin, there are four abysses in the southeast, northwest, and northeast.

However, in the entire Sichuan Riverside area, there are only two abysses in total.

The abyss in the west is in Qianjiang and Jingzhou areas in the west, and in the east. , is closer to Seoul, and is a"large abyss", with the highest level even speculated to have more than 150 levels of terrifying monsters!

So far, no one dared to explore it in depth, and the main explorers are still the Qianjiang Abyss in our Qianjiang area.

Fortunately, there are still enough small plane gates here, so the resources of Seoul are richer than those of the Sichuan Plain.

After Rongcheng was recaptured this time, Seoul must have been stimulated. If Rongcheng is allowed to develop while Seoul continues to decline, it is very likely that all the top explorers in Seoul will be siphoned over!!............

Yuhang safe zone.

In the protective circle near Hucheng.

A magician was reading a bar, and countless shadows emerged from his body, directly washing the monsters like a tide.

Ten seconds later, more than a dozen monsters over level 80 were all killed!!

This magician was a woman in black clothes, and her moves were very clever.

She received information about Rongcheng on her communicator.


A video!

It was a video of Lu Chen entering Rongcheng and fighting. Although the distance was far away, Lu Chen's attack method and strength could be seen.

"In Rongcheng, a Chosen Explorer has also appeared?"

The woman murmured to herself.

The so-called Chosen Explorer is not a name defined by the data panel, but during the exploration, everyone discovered that there is another Chosen BOSS above the Lord BOSS. For example, the World Tree in Rongcheng is a Chosen BOSS.

So everyone calls those who are far superior to ordinary explorers"Genius Explorers" or"Chosen Explorers."

For example, Xiao Enling himself is a newcomer called"Chosen Explorer" by Yuhang City. After obtaining the special profession"Spirit God", his basic attributes alone have surpassed ordinary professionals by far.

"Lu Chen."

Xiao Enling remembered this name. Although he had never seen this person before, Xiao Enling felt that the two of them would have a lot of intersections in the future.

"Chengdu has been recaptured, and I hope Shanghai can be recaptured as soon as possible."

Xiao Enling said with a resolute look.......

Beijing-Tianjin Safety Zone.

After the advent of the alien world, the whole of China fell into chaos, and even the Beijing-Tianjin area was not immune.

But fortunately, the entrances and defenses of Beijing-Tianjin were sufficient, and they responded immediately, so Beijing-Tianjin was considered to be the city that survived the first wave of impact from the alien world! Even now, there are places in the core area that have never been contaminated by alien beasts.

Although each city’s safety zone is autonomous now, everyone is trying their best to restore the city.

However, the control of the Beijing-Tianjin area has begun to recover. For example, large cities such as Seoul and Mianyang City will have special contact points.

Regarding the news about Lu Chen, some people had already heard about it when the secret realm of the ninth district of Rongcheng ended.���

The core management agency of the Beijing-Tianjin area is not the Inspection Bureau. It is the"Unification Bureau", the full name of which is

"Huaxia Statistics and Investigation Bureau". The largest one here is not a guild, but a formal official one.

"Before the age of 18, he broke through 50 or 60 levels in a short period of time, and then defeated the chosen BOSS above level 90 within a month....."

Dai Dong, the chief commander of the Central Coordination Bureau, was shocked when he saw Lu Chen's information.

In his position, he actually had a lot of information about new people, and even used some"God-making Plans" to train new people.

But the information Lu Chen passed on was really too outrageous.

Whether it was about quickly reaching level 50 or 60 in two or three months, or fighting the abyss alone, or solving the world tree.

Any of these events seemed a bit far-fetched.

"Go and confirm if this is true."

Dai Dong did not dare to neglect the news about this kind of talent, and he immediately confirmed it and reported it.

If what Lu Chen did was true, then China would probably have a real rebirth in the future!!

There is even hope of regaining the entire territory!!

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