Perhaps they valued Lu Chen’s identity enough.

When Lu Chen made the request, they immediately conducted a thorough investigation.

And the things that can attract the attention of the"Water God" must be no trivial matters, so Yu Hua led the team personally and was not affected by any"off-field factors". You don’t know until you check, and you will be shocked when you check.

Although this so-called Rose Mercenary Group is just an ordinary small guild team, this morning, the entire team went out to explore outside the secret realm, and there was no news at all!

Originally, they were supposed to go to a secret realm area of about level 50 near the plane gate.

But after the investigation, some businessmen and explorers in the secret realm said that they had never seen this team appear at all!

Investigate more deeply.

The members of the entire team basically gathered together in a hurry in the morning, and then disappeared.

Fortunately, because the time was too short, the family members have not reported the disappearance yet. They just think that they encountered some trouble outside and came back late in a short time.

But���Hua indeed searched everywhere, but could not find any trace.

It was as if these forty-seven people had completely disappeared somewhere after leaving the city!!

"As soon as the matter was clarified, I also sent people to Jiuchong Cave to investigate."

"The person who caused trouble before was called Fu Fang. He was a rising second-generation here. He did cause a lot of trouble in the past, but was suppressed by his father. We only found out about it this time.

"This Fu Fang is obviously not right. He hesitated when we asked him. His father is called Fu Youde. Rumor has it that he got a good special job recently, but he has been nowhere to be found in the past two days."

Yu Hua told Lu Chen all the information and doubts he had collected.

Lu Chen was also a little surprised.

He originally thought it was a very small matter, but he didn't expect it to involve these strange things.

"Well, OK, let's wait and see tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. More than 40 people should not disappear quietly."

Because the time is really short, although Yu Hua did not find their whereabouts, he could not ensure that these people were really in trouble.

So Lu Chen did not pay much attention to it, and could only wait for the exact situation later.

Lu Chen and Vera stayed in the hotel for a night and took a short rest. Then the people from Shengyue Guild arrived at the southwest defense zone of Shancheng and began to negotiate with the commander-in-chief here, as well as to deal with the subsequent matters of the mine.

He took Vera with him to meet him.

They talked about the things in Shancheng.

Now, most of the lord monsters in Shancheng have been cleared by Lu Chen. When he has time to go in and clear them again, it is estimated that Shancheng will have a chance to recover faster.

However, just when Lu Chen thought that everything should be resolved.

Lu Chen received a message from Yu Hua again.

"Mr. Lu, it seems that something is wrong."

"The group of people from the Rose Mercenary Group have not returned yet. Not only that, other people have disappeared in the same way as before. They can't be found after leaving the city."

"Fu Fang has been controlled by us, but he didn't say anything. Then there is a girl named Amy. She went to the inspection bureau today and said she was attacked. She is from the Rose Mercenary Group."

More than 30 hours have passed since the night I met Amy. Lu Chen really didn't expect that the matter was not only not resolved, but became even more strange.............

"When that person attacked you, he looked like a member of your own mercenary group."

"But after you fought with him for a while, you turned into black water and disappeared?"

Shancheng Southwest Defense Zone.

Patrol Bureau.

Lu Chen finally came here with Vera and met Amy again.

Today's Amy was not as optimistic as she was two days ago. She looked a little vicissitudes. After asking, she found out that not only was she attacked, but also the hot pot restaurant that Lu Chen and his friends had visited before was attacked. The proprietress was also missing, and the hot pot restaurant was temporarily closed.

Amy told Lu Chen that she was ambushed by someone not long after she left with Lu Chen and his friends yesterday.

Fortunately, Amy learned several new skills from fighting with Vera, and she was more cautious and escaped.

Otherwise, she might have problems herself.

And the person she fought with was very strange, like a shadow, and had no emotions.

She had never seen such a strange thing before, and using the reconnaissance technique to check, it was all a string of question marks.

Vera felt some pity for Amy. Vera had just become an explorer and had been under the protection of her parents. Such a young lady's character would always be sentimental.

"Will the other party use magic? Shadow magic, or has it disappeared?"

Lu Chen was also thinking about Amy's words.

Through Amy's description, Lu Chen thought of many possibilities, but they all felt wrong.

Because many special skills and mechanisms only appeared decades later or even after the Starry Sky, the mechanisms on Blue Star would not be particularly complicated.

"Not sure....After a few moves, he disappeared...."

""It doesn't feel like a human." Amy answered weakly.

Almost everyone in the patrol bureau respected Lu Chen. Amy could tell at a glance that Lu Chen's status was not low.

The only person she knew a little about was Yu Hua. Yu Hua was also quite famous in the Southwest Defense Zone. Knowing that it was a mission from a large guild, Amy also told him everything.

Unfortunately, after asking for a long time, Lu Chen still didn't get any useful information.

Fortunately, in addition to Amy,

Fu Fang from"Jiu Chong Dong" was also controlled.

Fu Fang was not young, about thirty years old.

The level was over fifty. Although he was a second-generation, he was doing well.

Unfortunately, Yu Hua's status was much higher than theirs.

So Fu Fang was also very nervous to see Lu Chen.

"I really don't know anything..."

Fu Fang was slightly relieved when he saw Lu Chen was so young. He didn't expect that the person interrogating him would be a young man, which made him feel much more relaxed.

But when Lu Chen saw Fu Fang, his brows furrowed.

Obviously, there was no negative BUFF status on Fu Fang's body, but for some reason, the power in Lu Chen's body definitely had some hostility towards him!!

Although it was not clearly shown.

But Lu Chen could feel that this hostility actually came from his own"holy light" power!

""Shield of Holy Light"

Lu Chen tried to put a shield on Fu Fang, using his own holy light power.

The next moment, a very strange black aura appeared from Fu Fang, and Fu Fang trembled and lost consciousness!

Whether it was Vera or Yu Hua, after seeing this scene, they all immediately became alert.

They all felt threatened by this black aura!

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