The western part of Yichang is mountainous.

There are many strange beasts in the mountains and forests, which makes it inconvenient to move, and monsters gather and build nests.

All the way down the Yangtze River, even an explorer like Lu Chen who kills in seconds will be attacked by monsters almost every few minutes.

Before the dedicated railway line and the forest clearing plan in the future were opened, this entire mountain range was called"natural moat".

Lu Chen walked through this waterway in the future.

But that was a long time ago. This is the first time he has come to this undeveloped section, so when he saw the steam in the distance and a large steel city, it really shocked Lu Chen a little.

This is not actually the official urban area of Yichang. According to the map, it should still belong to the upper reaches of the Three Gorges Dam.

Logically speaking, it should be difficult to have a large safe zone here.

But Lu Chen not only saw a city, but also saw all kinds of black smoke spreading, as if a strange-shaped huge protective circle built of steel, trees, and cement appeared in the monster field of the entire mountain forest.

"The city here?"

"Should it be a safety zone that has been destroyed in the future?"

To be honest, Lu Chen really didn't know that there was a fortress-like safety zone in this place.

When he left Shu in his previous life, this place was already a ruin, and then he went directly to Yichang.

Due to the geographical environment, Yichang also did not establish a safety zone, which would extend all the way to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

But for some reason, whether it was on the map, in the records, or even in the information Lu Chen received now, there was no such fortress.............

Lu Chen continued to go down along the waterway.

Perhaps to prevent attacks from aquatic creatures, this defensive city is a little distance away from the Yangtze River.

However, a little further ahead, Lu Chen saw a small artificially excavated river and a team of special explorers in the distant mountains and forests.


A bunch of special explorers.

The reason why Lu Chen used the word"a bunch" is because he saw a lot of densely packed figures in the mountains and forests cutting down trees. At first glance, they thought they were a group of wild monkeys.

Among this group of wild monkeys, there are occasionally some people with slightly neat clothes, who seem to be the managers of this group of explorers.

Lu Chen actually knows that many"new management models" have been born after the alien world.

Especially after high-level explorers gain power, many people like to occupy the mountains as kings, hoping to establish a set of their own"kingdom" or"tribe".

But generally this special form of management rarely appears in China, and more often appears in East Asia or Africa.

This made Lu Chen frown slightly.

This kind of behavior of forcing other explorers to do slave work and even beating and killing them at will, whether in the past or in the future, is a serious violation of the convention.

Lu Chen is now a member of the special task force of the patrol bureau in Suining City and the entire Sichuan Plain.

Although it is not under his jurisdiction, Lu Chen feels that it is his duty to help, and maybe he can help Shengyue Guild get more basic members.

After thinking about it, Lu Chen did not rush forward or go forward to find trouble.

Instead, he stopped the broken ship and sneaked to see what was going on in this area.

Lu Chen quickly approached this group of"explorers".

The dark and vicissitudes of life, the tattered clothes, can show that they have been destroyed for a long time.

Even those managers are actually only about level 30.

But what surprised Lu Chen a little was that these laborers who cut down trees did not seem to be so numb, but accepted their identities with peace of mind.

Although they flattered the managers, their overall mental state did not seem as bad as imagined........

"Come on, everyone! After this small forest area is cut down, everyone can get a 200 yuan concession ticket".....

"Be careful not to get hurt. No one will care if you get hurt."......

"Don't be lazy, you are the only one who is lazy, everyone will be punished"......

"well....I really envy Lao Wang. His daughter is favored by the city lord, and he has so many special vouchers that he can't spend them all."......

Lu Chen lurked in the forest for a few minutes. With his level 70+ identity and Holy Light stealth, no one noticed his presence.

In the chats of these"wild monkeys", Lu Chen also had a general understanding of this special"steel city".

This steel city should have been originally built by a man called"city lord", who took in many ordinary people who were from the mountains or had escaped from Yichang City.

There were many monster attacks nearby, and the city lord led the team to clean up, and finally created this special city.

It's just that all the materials here are uniformly managed and distributed, and even the spoils obtained from killing monsters and the job transfer certificates are distributed through"franchise tickets".

Of course.

Where there are privileges, there are classes.

These people belong to the"laborer" class, and now they have accepted the task of cutting down trees.

At present, this city does not communicate with the outside world, and it is even impossible to go out freely, or"there is not enough power to go out."

Lu Chen guessed that the reason why this steel city was abandoned in the future was probably because the monsters in the surrounding mountains and forests had been cleared. Everyone knew that the humans outside had recaptured the city, so they would not stay in this small city to be exploited.

When he saw this, Lu Chen was not so angry.

It was nothing more than a group of explorers gathered together because of the geographical environment and various reasons, and then spontaneously formed a rule.

This kind of thing in troubled times is hard to say whether it is good or bad. If it were not for the city lord, I am afraid that according to the resources here, many people would not be able to survive.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen did not want to care about things here for the time being.

Anyway, as long as the trading port is established by then, and the Three Gorges waterway is opened up, this city will naturally return to the normal city map.

It should be enough for me to go to Hanzhong to mention it at that time. It is not a particularly difficult thing.


Just when Lu Chen was about to leave here and move on.

He heard some words that made him frown.

"With these two hundred coupons, I have saved up 1,000 this month. Hehe, tonight I will replace the old one with a young one."

"Hahahaha, it’s really time to change it."

"But I think there is no need to use a fixed one, now everything is market-oriented"

"I know you want a son, but in this situation, even if you change, you can't be sure whether your son is your own."

Lu Chen heard some strange things intermittently.

At this time, he suddenly realized why he had always felt something strange.

Because he found that this group of wild monkeys, as well as all the administrators, were almost all male explorers, and there was no woman.

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