I saw that in the smoke, a figure slowly appeared, except for the armor on his body was a little dark, there seemed to be no change, a pair of pupils flashing red light stared at Shen Xuan again.

"You are Wang Bacheng Jingda!"

Shen Xuan also exclaimed, more than a hundred paper talismans on his body were smashed out, even a hill had to be smashed flat, and now it was just burning a little ash on this Taiping Rider.

Shen Xuan now understood the phrase "White horses retreat everywhere the enemy army, everywhere is peaceful", there is really no vain warrior under this reputation.

It is really worthy of being the trump card army of the previous dynasty, even at the end of the former dynasty, this army was still invincible, which caused great difficulties to the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty.

At that time, the last battle established by the Zhou Dynasty was to fight against the Taiping White Horse Horse, using more than ten times the strength of the Taiping White Horse Horse to pile up, and it took two months to consume the last Taiping White Horse Horse.

At that time, the Taiping White Horse Riding had been passed down for more than three hundred years, and its combat power was far less fierce than that of the first generation of Taiping White Horse Riding, and it would take the Zhou Dynasty to pay most of its troops.

If the first generation of Taiping white horse riding, just relying on the Zhou Dynasty at that time, it was far from being an opponent, or in other words, it was not an opponent at all.

In the future, I don't know how many elite soldiers and strong generals want to try it with the Taiping White Horse, but they have no chance.

Now Shen Xuan is fortunate to be able to ride against the first generation of Taiping White Horse, I don't know if it is luck or misfortune.

Before the smoke and dust cleared, the Taiping Rider was already rushing towards Shen Xuan again, and the Spring and Autumn Great Knife dragged behind him borrowed its strength and slashed at Shen Xuan.

How dare Shen Xuan fight head-on at this time, and hurriedly hid sideways behind the coffin.

"Bang" sound, Shen Xuan saw that the coffin was directly split by a knife, and the two halves of the sarcophagus collapsed towards both sides, this is a stone coffin, and it was opened with a knife?

"You even cut your own coffin, you are really not a thing!"

Where did Shen Xuan dare to continue to hide behind, and he dried up his coffin without seeing someone stab.

Seeing that there was no place to pull, but there were still rows of soldiers around, Shen Xuan quickly dodged and hid in the soldiers.

That Taiping rode split the coffin, saw Shen Xuan hiding in the soldiers, turned around, the big knife in his hand rotated with his body, cut a deadly arc in the air, and slashed at the soldier where Shen Xuan was hiding.

Although Shen Xuan was behind this soldier, he could still see the movement of the Taiping Horse through the gap, and saw the big knife slashing towards him, giving up the soldier hiding in front of him, and hiding sideways behind other soldiers.

The soldier where "Bang" originally hid was directly cut off half of its body, and the upper body was already missing, leaving only half of its body crumbling in place.

Seeing that he missed a blow, Taiping rode back the big knife and continued to slash towards Shen Xuan, it chopped, he hid, in the tomb, from time to time a soldier was cut over.

Seeing the soldiers being cut down behind him, where did Shen Xuan dare to stop, he could only constantly change his hiding place and pull with it.

But after a while, in the tomb, all forty or fifty soldiers, large and small, were cut down at this time, either turned into a pile of rubble, or only half of the body remained, and there was no good one.

Shen Xuan looked at the rubble full of tombs at this time, and there was nowhere to hide.

Looking at that peaceful ride, Shen Xuan was also ruthless in his heart, either waiting for death, or, breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat.

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