Shen Xuan also knew his own state at this time, and the "Beijuku Demon Slashing Qi Technique" that had puzzled him for a long time was also running smoothly at this time, and the mighty and upright aura permeated all around him.

Between raising hands and feet, the breath on the body moves with the heart, coming and going, as if it is his own natural organ, it is completely natural.

Shen Xuan's heart moved, and the wisps of cyan aura instantly surrounded Shen Xuan, and the aura that originally permeated more than three meters around his body instantly shrank to a centimeter around Shen Xuan's body.

The cyan aura that originally looked a little thin surrounded Shen Xuan's body at this time, surrounding Shen Xuan tightly, and the cyan color also became more and more intense.

At this time, Shen Xuan seemed to be wearing a cyan armor, from the outside, Shen Xuan's whole person was cyan, but Shen Xuan's perspective still did not change.

When the Taiping rider saw Shen Xuan fall in the stone pile, he wanted to step forward and end Shen Xuan's life, but he didn't want to, his big knife had already cut in front of Shen Xuan, but it was bounced off in an instant by a mighty cyan aura.

At this time, Shen Xuan's ears were still ringing the Beidou Divine Spell, and suddenly, the cyan aura changed again, and a series of talismans shining with silver light floated out from Shen Xuan's body.

Although Shen Xuan couldn't understand the talisman, he still knew the origin of the talisman in an instant, and this talisman was the Beidou Divine Spell formed by his own qi sense.

As soon as this talisman appeared, it merged with its own cyan aura, and the cyan aura that was clinging to Shen Xuan also accepted that talisman at this time.

The silver talisman also fused into the cyan aura in an instant, and the original cyan aura emitted a silver light in an instant.

It turned out that this was what the "Beijuku Demon Slashing Qi Technique" said that by fusing the sense of qi with your own breath, you can cultivate your own Beijuku Demon Slashing Qi.

The cyan aura and the silver talisman were integrated at this time, and the silver and cyan color shone on the entire tomb, and the taiping horse was also flashed to the eyes by the light.

Times change, change rapidly, and a perfect momentum pervades.

"Beijuku beheading demon, Beijuku beheading demon, hahaha, the Tao is complete, the Dao is accomplished, today this seat will sacrifice your dog's life to this great method."

Shen Xuan was unforgiving at this time, his heart moved, wearing silver and blue armor, directly towards the Taiping Horse to attack and kill, not even taking the Tiger Xuan Gong on the side, and rushed up with his bare hands.

That Taiping Rider saw that Shen Xuan's whole body was exuding a silver and blue color at this time, and he didn't take the weapon in his hand, so he attacked, and with one force, the Spring and Autumn Great Knife cut towards Shen Xuan, who was rushing.

Seeing the big knife coming, Shen Xuan raised his hand and greeted it with a punch, "ping", the fist flashing silver and blue and the big knife were fought together, making a sound of fine iron colliding.

However, at this time, Shen Xuan did not feel the huge force coming from the big knife before, but instead fought with the big knife and was evenly matched.

Both sides took a few steps back, and the Taiping Rider was also stunned at this time, and he was a little shocked by Shen Xuan's sudden strength, Shen Xuan saw this scene, and he also smiled, he was unforgiving, and it was you who hit.

Jumped over, retrieved his tiger fire Xuan gong, recalled the black tiger, turned into tiger qi and wrapped it around Xuan Gong, and Lao Huang also returned to Xuan Gong at this time.

Looking at the taiping ride, Shen Xuan rushed up again, and the sound of "ping pong" surrounded the tomb.

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