Now use your own altar to refine the Black Mountain altar, but it is

just right, Shen Xuan is also doing it, the refining method of the red-bearded black-eyed Lux is naturally harsh, then first refine this Black Mountain altar.

Taking the altar mouth, Shen Xuan looked at the four-legged altar mouth made of brass in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of desolation in his heart, this was the most precious thing in Old Man Cao's life.

Recalling Old Man Cao, Shen Xuan was also sad in his heart, thinking about this from afar, Old Man Cao went to Zhang's house, not wanting to go this way, it was a farewell forever, and people died like lights out.

Thinking of Old Man Cao buried on the hill, Shen Xuan remembered that since he came to this world, it has only been nearly two years, and the changes that have taken place in the past two years are really great.

Shen Xuan had just come to this world, when he was still by Old Man Cao's side, a boy of twenty-eight, now he was eighteen years old, but there was no Old Man Cao by his side.

Before he crossed over, he was only a young man in his twenties and thirties, but the excessive beatings in society made him mix the twilight of middle-aged people with the vigor of young people.

Coming to this world by chance, Shen Xuan remembered that his original intention in cultivating at the beginning was to avenge the tragic death of Old Man Cao, and later, he went to Zhang's house and attacked and killed the man in black, which was regarded as a matter of his own heart.

Later, what was the purpose of my own practice?

Is it to resurrect Old Man Cao? It didn't seem to be, Shen Xuan found that his mentality had changed.

He began to want his strong strength and ability to preserve his confidence in the chaotic times, and if possible, Shen Xuan was also willing to help the people of the world to change this troubled world.

But no matter how his own cultivation can't do it, Shen Xuan can't even guarantee his own safety now, just like when he sees those few Taiping Corpse Demons in that tomb, he will run away without looking back.

When the strength is not strong, only protecting oneself is the most important.

This is also why Shen Xuan is used to sneaking up on others, instead of attacking the enemy head-on, for him, as long as he can get what he wants, then no matter what method he uses.

Placing this brass altar mouth on the table, Shen Xuan cut a small opening in the tip of the finger of his right hand, and then squeezed it on the fingertip with his left hand, and a drop of blood dripped from the wound and dripped on the incense ash inside the brass altar mouth, which was quickly absorbed by the half of the altar incense ash.

Watching this drop of blood disappear into the incense ash, Shen Xuan also felt the faint connection between the original and the Origin Altar, and at this time it became more and more powerful, this feeling was like a tiger Xuanqiao.

At this time, Shen Xuan felt that in the mouth of the altar, there seemed to be a small space that he mastered, and this space was all made of incense.

This incense space is forged by a drop of Shen Xuan's essence blood and the incense accumulated in the mouth of this altar, which exists in the illusion, and it is difficult for a living person like Shen Xuan to enter, and can only be given to ghosts such as rampant soldiers to enter.

And this space is still very thin, it is difficult to maintain the entry of rampant soldiers, and when this incense space is condensed again by incense to contain the soul, this Black Mountain altar can be regarded as successfully refined.

At that time, Shen Xuan can go to collect souls to refine the Red Beard Black-eyed Warrior.

Put the altar on the table again and light the three pillars of incense, Shen Xuan did not pay attention to it anymore, after all, this kind of thing of incense is urgent, it is impossible to rush.

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